*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





"Dear Journal, today is August 14th, 2000.  Enough is enough."




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.






Tyrael floated down onto the docks as the rain poured around the Titans.  They all walked inside the hut, where Cain and Ormus were waiting.


Centauri: Ormus, you are going to have all the assasins in this area attack any demonic fort within the area.  It'll begin to distract Mephisto from sending legions to attack us.  We have to stop Mephisto once and for all.


Ormus nodded and walked off.


Astra: And what am I to do?


Centauri: Astra, even though you be a being with immense spirit and determination, you're still just a cat.  I mean, no offense, but what do you expect to do, bite and scratch Mephisto?


Astra: All right, I understand.


Cain: Are you sure this is wise, Sailor Centauri?  You've never tried anything like this.


Moonshine: When we attacked Andariel and Duriel, it was always through heading towards their main base while they were expecting it.  We need to get into Mephisto's Durance of Hate.


Cephiros: If Reuisu is right, than we'll catch him completely by surprise.


Love: Well, let's just get this over with.


The group joined hands in a circle.  Tyrael stood in the middle of them all.  Different colored auras began to surround them.












The auras glowed with more intensity, and the reality around them began to phase and distort.




The six suddenly disappeared from sight, and Cain looked around him.


Cain: Good luck, my friends.





The Titans reappeared in an apaulling dungeon-like area.  They were on a bridge, and steaming lava was underneath the bridge and over the edge.


Centauri: Not the most hospitable of environments...




The Titans turned around and saw Mephisto charge down at them, knocking them backwards, sprawling on the ground.


The Titans lept back up.




Panels, compartments, and other assorted places opened up on Centauri's armor.  The two giga cannons came onto his shoulder, and the missile ports on his wrists came up.  Every single weapon on his armor fired at once, launching lasers, bullets, missiles, and other assorted weapons at Mephisto, who easily used each of his tentacles and arms to knock each blast away from him.  He laughed and launched a ball of electrical energy at Centauri, blasting him away into a nearby wall.  Mephisto fired several more hate beams at each of the Titans, constantly.  They screamed in pain as the hate coursed through them.


Mephisto: You feel that?  That's my hatred.  My hatred THAT I HAVE FOR EACH OF YOU.  DIE, SAILOR TITANS.  DIE!




Azurewrath plowed into Mephisto, burning the bones that made up his chest.  Mephisto grasped his chest in pain as Tyrael stood up and retrieved Azurewrath.


Tyrael: You, demon scum, have outlived your time.  Time for YOU to die.


Mephisto roared with a fury and fired a green blast of energy at Tyrael, who blocked with Azurewrath.  The bolt continually hit Azurewrath, as Tyrael stood, fighting the beam.  Unfortunately, the beam finally pushed Tyrael out of his resistance and into a nearby wall.  Tyrael collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.  Mephisto turned around and looked at the Titans.  His eyes travelled among them until finally reaching Sailor Love.


Mephisto: You're that stupid little child who thought love could destroy hate, aren't you?


Love glared at Mephisto, and balled up her fists.


Mephisto: I'm going to kill you first.


Mephisto fired a green bolt of energy at Sailor Love, and closed her eyes and waited for the blast to hit her.  She heard a slight scream, than opened her eyes.  Sailor Asteroid was in front of her, and he had taken the blow for her.  He collapsed, grasping his heart and chest in pain.  Sailor Love gaped and looked at the collapsed Sailor Asteroid.


<He was right...  Love was only half the factor...  My love wasn't enough to fight Mephisto...  I need everyone's love!  I need my own, my friends', my world's, my...  My Sailor Asteroid...>


Mephisto: Why did he just do that?


Sailor Love stood up.


Love: Because he felt love.  And you know what, Mephisto?  So do I.


*Sailor Stars theme begins to play*


Sailor Love's heart brooch glowed with a massive intensity.  Winds began to swarm around Sailor Love, and electrical bolts as well.


Mephisto: What are you doing?!!?  Another pathetic attack?!?!


Love: No.  The power of love, Mephisto.  The love of this world, and of the HEART OF HEAVEN!!!


All of a sudden, a white beam of light burst through the ceiling of the Durance of Hate, and the light immediately touched Mephisto.  Mephisto screamed in pain as the holy light burned his bones and he began to slowly evaporate.


Love: You feel that, Mephisto?  That's heaven's love.  It is what I needed.  Love always conquers over hate.  See ya later, lord of nothing.


Mephisto gaped at Sailor Love as he suddenly was engulfed with fire, and evaporated into nothingness.  Sailor Love collapsed.  Asteroid, still in pain, ran over to her and held her up.


Asteroid: Are...  You all right?


Sailor Love smiled.


Love: Just a little tired...


Cephiros: LOOK!


They snapped their heads upwards to look at what Cephiros was pointing at.  It was a doorway entrance, but it seemed to be draining liquid from it's top, and the liquid formed into faces that yelled out, but no sound came from them as they continually flowed down to the ground and reanimated themselves at the top.


Moonshine: What in God's name is it?!!?


Centauri scanned it quickly with his helmet.


Centauri: I believe it to be a gateway into hell itself.  It seems the other two Prime Evils have fled already.


Sailor Love slowly stood up.


Love: Then we have to follow them!  This isn't over until it's over!


Asteroid: She's right.


The Titans exchanged glances.


Centauri: Let's go kick some demonic ass.


And with that, the five Titans stepped through the Infernal Gate.





To Be Continued...