All of a sudden, a white beam of light burst through the ceiling of the Durance of Hate, and the light immediately touched Mephisto.  Mephisto screamed in pain as the holy light burned his bones and he began to slowly evaporate.


Love: You feel that, Mephisto?  That's heaven's love.  It is what I needed.  Love always conquers of hate.  See ya later, lord of nothing.


Mephisto gaped at Sailor Love as he suddenly was engulfed with fire, and evaporated into nothingness.


Miya(Voice over): Mephisto is no more.  Now, we must defeat the others...




*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Reuisu: So you're saying that before we can assault Diablo directly, we have to take out his support demons?


Michelle: Undoubtedly.  We've met two of them, Andariel and Duriel.  No doubt Diablo has personal minions that he uses to take care of problems he doesn't want to deal with.


Chris: Tyrael, do you have any ideas?


Tyrael looked at the Titans who were now looking at him, then began to walk around them.


Tyrael: There is a dark, tortured soul who was trapped within this foresaken realm long ago.  He was called Izual by mortal men, and in ages past, he was the most trusted of my lieutenants.  He was the one forged Azurewrath.


Miya: And...?


Tyrael: Yet, against my wishes, he led an ill-fated assault upon the fiery hellforge itself.  Despite his valor and strength, Izual was captured by the Prime Evils and tiwsted by their perverse power.  They forced him to betray and give up Heaven's most guarded secrets.  He became a corrupt shadow of his former self; a fallen angel, trusted by neither Heaven or Hell.  For his transgressions, Izual's spirit was trapped within the form of a terrible creature, which was summoned from the abyss to aid Diablo.  His maddened spirit has resided within that tortured husk for many ages now.  It seems to me that he has suffered long enough.  I implore you, heroes, find izual and release him from his cruel imprisonment.  Put an end to his guilt and suffering.


The other Titans considered for a moment.


Astra: Where can we find him?


Tyrael smiled, yet didn't smile, under his coweled head.


Tyrael: Somewhere in the Plains of Despair, down below the Pandemonium Fortress.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.






The Titans were all running down through the black ground in the forest of black trees and black leaves.  To make things worse, the Plains of Despair was always at night.


Asteroid: This is impossible!  We are never going to find Izual at this time of night!


Love: It's ten AM.


Asteroid: Then why is it dark out?!?!


Centauri: The light of the sun does not reach down into the depths of hell.  We will find Izual, we can be sure of that.


Cephiros: How do you know?


Centauri: I have a sixth sense for these sort of things.  Besides, for some odd reason, Sailor Soldiers always seem to stumble upon these situations quite accidentally. For example, if say, we had just met an artist or something, soon, his or her energy would be drained, or their heart crystals taken, or their dream mirror examined, or their star seed checked.  Then, we'd be nearby, see the situation, transform, and kick some ass against a youma, a phage, a cardian, etc.!


Moonshine: So you've done this sort of thing often?


Centauri: Oh, millions of times!  Why, there was this one time when we met this guy Greg who could predict the future.  He got involved with Ami, and he was then targeted by Beryl as the holder of some sort of crystal.


Cephiros: So you have quite a history before meeting up with the Titans.


Centauri: history is part of the job.  Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys had secrets of your past you didn't want to talk about.


Asteroid: Actually, I've got a pretty clean slate.


Love: Me, too.


Cephiros: The only bad thing I can remember is how the planet Cephiros was destroyed.


Moonshine: Nope.  My history is actually pretty boring.


Centauri sweatdropped from within his armor.


Centauri: Well...  Some time I'll give you all an in-depth look at my own history.  In the meantime, let's go kick some fallen angel ass.


The Titans stopped as they heard a massive animal roar, and the ground began to tremble in a rythmic pattern, as though something large and massive was shaking the ground by walking on it.


Centauri: I believe the term is, speak of the devil and he shall appear.


True to that, trees began to smashed aside a being wrapped in blue skin plowed through them.  It had two sets of demonic wings coming out of it's back, and golden horns on its head.  It was ten feet tall, and had four clawed arms and blue tentacles coming out of its chest.  It stood on four legs, two in its front and two on its waist facing the back.  The feet were clawed like bird talons.  The Titans gasped as it approached.


Cephiros: Reuisu, maybe it would be time for one of those super transformations of yours.


Moonshine: I totally agree with that!


Asteroid: I don't know what you're talking about, but I agree!




Nothing happened.  Centauri just held his fist up into the air, waiting for something to happen.




Still nothing.  Izual began to roar with more fury as he tore up more trees to get to the Titans.


Centauri: Pretty please, ALPHA CENTAURI CRISIS POWER!!!


And nothing happened.  Centauri gulped, then looked at the other Titans.


Centauri: Suggestion: I believe we should just attack with what we have.


Love: Good idea.  CRESCENT HEART CRUSH!!!


Five pink hearts appeared out of nowhere and smashed into Izual.  However, they were too small, and Izual easily broke free of them.




Panels, compartments, etc. opened all over Centauri's armor.  His giga cannons came out of his back plate and rested onto his shoulders.  His two missile ports on his wrists opened up and readed missiles.  Every single gun, blaster, missile, etc. fired out of the armor at Izual.  Each explosion and shot that hit Izual's skin sparked a cloud of dust coming from minor fires that had erupted from missile impacts.  The smoke encompasses Izual's body, and the surrounding area around him.


Love: Did you get him?


Moonshine: He must've!  That Giga Destroyer is more powerful than any of our attacks.


Love: Excuse me, but last time I checked, my attack took out Mephisto.


Moonshine: And have you ever used that attack again?


Love: Well...


Centauri: He's not dead.


Everyone turned to look at Centauri, still in the Giga Destroyer pose.  Smoke was coming out of all his weapon systems on his armor.  Inside the helmet, two things were being displayed: a warning that his ammo had run out on all of his weapon systems, which was very difficult for Centauri to accept, and that there were still full life signs coming from the cloud of smoke.


Centauri: I think we have a problem, Titans.


The smoke slowly cleared and Izual calmly walked out, still growling.






Out of Moonshine's time staff fired out a ball of energy which wrapped around Izual, and formed into a glass orb.  Inside the orb, five identical pink hearts appeared, and crushed Izual on all sides.


Cephiros: We've bought ourselves a few seconds.  Now what do we do?


Centauri: I believe we should attempt a Sailor Titan attack.


Asteroid: Of course, a Titan attack!  Why didn't I think of that?  By the way, what's a Titan attack?


Centauri: The Sailor Soldiers have a Sailor Planet attack when all five of the inner soldiers combine their power into a beam which can annihilate a foe.  I believe we should have something similar.


Cephiros: How can you be so sure?


Centari: We have a Titans teleport and the Soldiers have a Sailor teleport.  We might as well get all the added features of having all five of us.


The Titans exchanged glances, then joined hands.


Moonshine: What do we do exactly?


Centauri: Shout out your transformational phrases one at a time.  It's basically a similar process that we went through with the Teleport.  ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!!!


Everyone looked at one another, then shrugged.




An aura of colors began to surrounds everyone slowly, growing brigher with each phrase spoken.






The crescent heart crush was broken by Izual, who now started to punch at the glass orb attack.




Centauri: Sailor Titan-


With one last fist, Izual punched through the glass, shattering it into millions of glass shards.


All: ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!


Energy swirled around the Sailor Titans as the power of Alpha Centauri, the planet Cephiros, the shine of the moon, the strength of love, and the power of asteroids combined into one large energy beam, which fired with enough intensity that could've scorched the sky as the beam pummeled into Izual's stomach.  Izual screamed in pain as the beam sliced through his stomach, and then slowy got bigger as it vaporized the horrid beast.  As the form of an angel came from the remains of the horrid beast.  As the smoke cleared, the figures of the Titans without their Sailor outfits on were seen.  They looked around themselves, in a vain attempt to discover why their transformations had been reversed.


Reuisu: We must've put a lot into that attack...


The Titans then faced the angelic Izual, and walked over to him.


Reuisu: It's alright, Izual.  You are free to return to Heaven.


Izual gasped, then shook his head in disbelief.


Izual: No, you don't understand!  It was I who told the Prime Evils of the soul stones, and how to corrupt them!  They've perversed the power of the soulstones to be a form of eternal life for them!  As long as the soul stones exist, the three Prime Evils will NEVER BE TRULY DEAD!





To Be Continued...