(Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush)





Diablo laughed maniaclly, standing in his Chaos Sanctuary.  The camera shot backs up from him, through the river of flame, and onto the Sailor Titans and Tyrael.


Centauri: How ironic.  The same place I killed him in years ago.


Asteroid: This guy's days are numbered!


Love: Let's show this overgrown peice of slag what the Titans are made of!


Centauri: Yeah!  So go get 'em, guys!


Everyone just stood there.


Moonshine: Um...  Reuisu, aren't you going to lead the assault?  You've wanted to fight him for so long...


Centauri: Nah, I think I'll just stay here and make some tea!


Everyone except Tyrael face-fell.




Centauri: Um, no...


Tyrael: Do not be afraid, Reuisu-


Centauri: Too late.


Diablo giggled and walked back further into the Chaos Sanctuary.


Cephiros: It's now or never, Titans!  With or without Reuisu, we have to take out Diablo!


Asteroid: It's time for Terror's End!






Diablo: Incompemtent fools.  I've given Centauri just what he needed: terror.  The terror that I instill will get his friends killed, and I will avenge you, my brother.  TROOPS, MOVE OUT!


Four demons shot out of the ground in front of Diablo.  The Four Titans ran up in front of the demons and Diablo.


Diablo: Sailor nothings allow me to introduce my four signs of the apocalypse: Hephasto of War, Lord De Seis of Pestilence, Maffer Dragonhand of Death, and Wyand Voidfinger of Famine.  Goodbye, Titans!


Diablo laughed as he ran off.


The four demons immediately jumped at a Titan each, tackling them each to the ground.




Cephiros's ring shot out a firey silhouette of a woman running at Hephasto, who immediately jumped away from the valiant charge, which ran into a wall and exploded into flames.  Hephasto came down quickly, kicking Cephiros away with a kicking blow to the stomach.




Moonshine shimmered for a moment, then disappeared.  Wyand stood for a moment, then launched a punching blow behind him, knocking Moonshine out of her attack.  She flipped back over and landed gracefully.




The blast shimmered out at Wyand, but he only froze for two seconds, and immediately kicked and punched Moonshine into a wall.




Moonshine's staff formed into a mirror, and reflected a light of the moon into a cocentrated beam at Wyand.  It shot right into his shoulder, and he yelped in slight pain.  He grabbed his smoking shoulder, and the wound immediately began to heal!  Wyand suddenly shot a red orb of energy into Moonshine, making her scream and fall to the ground in pain.


Asteroid: ASTEROID SHOT!!!


Six miniature asteroids shot out of Asteroid straight at Maffer, exploding on impact into him.  He didn't even flinch as he punched Asteroid twice in the face, the slashed at his stomach.  Asteroid barely managed to evade the slash, and jumped back.


Asteroid: ROCKET BLAST!!!


Asteroid glowed with a yellow aura for a moment, then shot at full speed towards Maffer.  Just before he made contact, however, the demon's hands reached out and grabbed Asteroid.  They immediately threw him into the ground, skidding him across the rocky ground.  Asteroid jumped back up and punched Maffer's stomach and face, but was responded by a high kick to the face by Maffer.  Asteroid breathed quickly and stepped back.


Asteroid: ROCK CRUMBLE!!!


The ground around Maffer shook and cracked, and a massive black cliff rose up from the ground with Maffer, shooting him into the roof.  Blasting through the roof, the cliff stopped.  The cliff cracked and crumbled as Maffer shot down THROUGH the cliff and out the other side, tackling Asteroid into a wall.




Five identicle pink hearts shot out from nowhere and crushed into Lord De Seis.  Crushing him for only a moment, Seis immediately jumped through the hearts and jump-kicked Sailor Love.  She got back up and did a roundhouse onto Seis.  The demon quickly recovered and tackled Sailor Love again.




The hearts shot out again, and they went for Seis, who was still on top of Love.  A second before they hit, Seis jumped away and the hearts hit Sailor Love, who was beginning to be crushed by the power of her own attack.  She began to scream in pain.






Centauri watched overhead, his face turning pale.  He remembered the dream from the Rogue Encampment when had been there.  <Where were you when we needed you?> it had asked.  Centauri's hands became fists, and he enhanced the images on his sensors of the carnage overlaying his Titans.  His horrified expression changed into a mad, vengeful look.


Centauri: Diablo must be stopped.  No matter the cost.


*Theme Song, the Touch, begins to play*


Centauri's anti gravity pack opened on his back, lifting him into the air.  His giga blades shot out at full power, and Centauri flew down at full speed towards the four demons.  The four Titans were cornered, breathing heavily as the four demons ran at them.  Centauri immediately flew into Lord de Seis, with his giga blades in front of him, slicing through the demon's arm.  He then pushed Seis to the ground, while still flying and slicing a peice out of Wyand.  Hephasto jumped out of the way, and the four demons began shooting all their projectile engery attacks at Centauri, who didn't feel anything but rage through the armor.  His giga cannons came out of his back, and they shot and annihalated Maffer.  Centauri then landed, doing a full 180, and shot his giga cannons at full strength at each of the  demons, annihalating and obliterating each one of them.  Centauri then turned around and saw a pentagram-shaped window.





Diablo stood with his back to the window, and immediately turned around at the sound of the glass of the window being shattered.  Standing, almost angelic, was Centauri.




Centauri: One shall stand.  One shall fall.


Diablo: Why throw away your life so recklessly?


Centauri: That's a question you should ask youself, Diablo.


Diablo raised his arms and began to power an attack, then he stopped.


Diablo: NO!  I'll crush you with my bare hands!


Diablo jumped at Centauri, who was tackled to the ground.  Sparks flew around him as the metal scratched at the rocky ground.  Centauri punched with his giga blade into Diablo, punching him back into a broken wall. 


Recovering from their attacks, the Sailor Titans stood up and began to run towards the two.


Asteroid: We've got to help Reuisu!


Suddenly, Azurewrath shot down in front of them, stopping them.  Tyrael floated in between them.


Tyrael: Stay out of it, kids.  That's Reuisu's fight.


Diablo fell down and grabbed a rocky stake.  He threw it at Centauri, who narrowly dodged.  The stake imbedded itself into the side of Centauri's armor, slicing just into his bare skin.  Diablo shot out a blast of red energy at Centauri, who evaded this.  Diablo began to fire again, but Centauri charged at him and kicked him back into the wall.  Centauri pulled out the stake and through it at Diablo, and it shot into his leg.  Blood began to pour out of Diablo's leg and Centauri's wound.  Diablo shot another blast out at Centauri, who was knocked back to the ground, near a cliff.  His helmet was giving electronic warning signs all around him.  Diablo charged at him and jumped into the air, with his hands burning with a fury.  As he came down, Centauri punched him right into his face, knocking him away.




*Transformation music from Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R*


A white Sailor outfit suddenly appeared over Reuisu's torso, but it was different from the females'.  The ribbon was smaller, and was colored gray.  The upper part of his shirt was not open, but was covered up to the neck with a black ring.  His arms were engulfed with white sleeves, but all the way colored unlike a female Sailor outfit.  The gloves were black, and a golden wrist armoring appeared on both arms.  His legs were the same that way, with no skirt like a girl's outfit.  Black army boots appeared over his feet.  His head suddenly had a golden halo with a silver, shining jewel in the center instead of a tiara like the girls's.  His giga blades shot out, and he kneeled down as the symbol of Alpha appeared behind him.


Super Sailor Centauri ran to hit Diablo while he was down.  Diablo low kicked with his foot, and Centauri jumped up and evaded it.  As he was in the sky, red, yellow, and orange energy began to swirl around his hands, forming into a large energy ball.


Centauri: TERRA FORCE!!!


The ball of energy shoots into Diablo, who roars with immense fury and pain as he's knocked away and through one layer of the ground.  He immediately jumped back up, but now singing and bleeding more.  He smiled an evil grin.


<No...  This can't end like this.  I can't let Diablo win!  If I don't stop him now, the world I love will be destroyed!  I may not be able to take out Baal, but I'm not losing to this THING!  I have to do it for the moon, for the Titans, for myself!  And for Rei!!!!> Reuisu's mind screamed.


Centauri stood up.  The symbol for Spirit appeared on his heart.  He held out his arms in front of him and electrical bolts began to form around his arms.


Centauri: FORCE


Diablo suddenly looked at Centauri and gaped.


Centauri: OF


Diablo: Oh no.


Centauri: THE




Centauri: PLANETS!!!!!!!!


Centauri: EARTH


A ball of energy looking like earth shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: MERCURY


A ball of energy looking like planet Mercury shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: MARS


A ball of energy looking like planet Mars shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: JUPITER


A ball of-  well, you know.


Centuari: VENUS


Getting kind of old, huh?


Centauri: URANUS


You know what happens.


Centauri: NEPTUNE


Big ball of energy like Neptune, yeah, yeah.


Centauri: PLUTO


Can we get on with it?


With that last blast, Diablo was on the ground.  His legs had been obliterated, and his body seemed to be covered with his own blood.  He was on the ground, and saw Centauri standing, preparing to fire the final shot.


Diablo: No more, Sailor Centauri!  Grant me mercy, I beg of you!!!


Centauri arched an eyebrow.


Centauri: You, who are without mercy, now plead for it?  I thought you were made of sterner stuff.


Diablo's eyes widened as the energy began to form into the shape of Saturn.




The final energy ball struck into Diablo, peircing into his skin.  He screamed with enough pain and anguish to shatter all the glass in the world.  A light blue image of Diablo seemed to fade out of Diablo, which circled around him as he still screamed.  The silhouette suddenly shot into Diablo's forehead, where the soulstone was.  Diablo fell to the ground, one last time.  His body burst into flames, and Centauri walked over to body.  Centauri used his giga blade to slice into the forehead, and pulled out the soulstone shard.  He held it in both hands, and began to snap it apart with his own hands.  As it remained hard as stone, he continued, the sweat and blood on his face intensifying as the pain on his body increased with every passing moment.  He continued to pull it apart, as the Titans just gaped and looked.  Centauri suddenly screamed as he finally began to bend the soulstone, and it cracked once.


All of a sudden, the soulstone snapped in half!  A blue dust faded out, and evaporated into the air.  Centauri fell onto the ground in exhaustion.





To Be Continued