All of a sudden, a white beam of light burst through the ceiling of the Durance of Hate, and the light immediately touched Mephisto.  Mephisto screamed in pain as the holy light burned his bones and he began to slowly evaporate.


Love: You feel that, Mephisto?  That's heaven's love.  It is what I needed.  Love always conquers over hate.  See ya later, lord of nothing.


Mephisto gaped at Sailor Love as he suddenly was engulfed with fire, and evaporated into nothingness.





Tyrael handed the hammer over to Centauri, who walked over to the rectangular anvil that sat on a small plateau.  He placed the soulstone down onto it, which seemed to glow with an even larger intensity than before.  Centauri rose the hammer up, then slammed down on the stone.  The stone didn't budge.  It just sat there.  Centauri rose it up again, and slammed it down once more.  This time, on impact, the soulstone cracked and crumbled, exploding into a type of nova which blasted Centauri away and onto the ground.  Centauri slowly got up and ran back over to it.  The soulstone was evaporating.





Diablo: No more, Sailor Centauri!  Grant me mercy, I beg of you!!!


Centauri arched an eyebrow.


Centauri: You, who are without mercy, now plead for it?  I thought you were made of sterner stuff.


Diablo's eyes widened as the energy began to form into the shape of Saturn.




The final energy ball struck into Diablo, peircing into his skin.  He screamed with enough pain and anguish to shatter all the glass in the world.  A light blue image of Diablo seemed to fade out of Diablo, which circled around him as he still screamed.  The silhouette suddenly shot into Diablo's forehead, where the soulstone was.  Diablo fell to the ground, one last time.  His body burst into flames, and Centauri walked over to body.  Centauri used his giga blade to slice into the forehead, and pulled out the soulstone shard.  He held it in both hands, and began to snap it apart with his own hands.  As it remained hard as stone, he continued, the sweat and blood on his face intensifying as the pain on his body increased with every passing moment.  He continued to pull it apart, as the Titans just gaped and looked.  Centauri suddenly screamed as he finally began to bend the soulstone, and it cracked once.


All of a sudden, the soulstone snapped in half!  A blue dust faded out, and evaporated into the air.  Centauri fell onto the ground in exhaustion.


Reuisu(Voice over): And it begins.  Terror and hatred are no more.





*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu looked around him.  He was in a grassy hill, overlooking a beautiful forest and mountain.  He turned around, and saw Rei running towards him.  Reuisu smiled and ran towards her.  The two met and embraced passionately.








Reuisu woke up, quite surprisingly, not in a cold sweat, but in a warm sweat on the plane they were on.


Reuisu: Dang it!  Which one of you guys woke me up?!?!


Reuisu turned his head from one side to the other, but saw all the other Titans sleeping.


Reuisu: Oh for God's sake, it's 2 PM!


Michelle: Time difference, mommy...


Reuisu: Oh God...


Reuisu rolled his eyes.


Speaker: Flight 334 to Tokyo, Japan will be descending in a moment, please fasten your safety belts.


Reuisu shoved at the Titans, attempting to wake them.


Reuisu: Wake up everyone, we're arriving!


The Titans groggily got up, grabbing the bags they had taken with them on the flight itself.  They all walked off the plane and out into the airport.  There, awaiting them, were the inner and outer soldiers.  Reuisu ran over and hugged Rei.


Reuisu: Dear God, I missed you...


Amara: Um, Reuisu, aren't you going to introduce our new little friends?


Reuisu stopped hugging Rei for a moment, then pulled back.


Reuisu: Your patience is gratifying, Amara.


Reuisu walked over to Michelle.


Reuisu: This is Michelle.  I found her in Paris, with her Guardian cat, Astra.  Astra, say hello.


Astra popped out of the bag and said hello.  Luna glared at her.


Astra: Hello to you, too, blackie.


Luna continued to glare.


Reuisu: Um...  Yes.  Michelle is the secondary keeper of time, and she's known as Sailor Moonshine.


Michelle: Hi!


The other Michelle, standing next to Amara, said, "Hello.  I'm also known as Michelle."  Reuisu walked over to Lucy, who was smiling and waving to all of them.


Reuisu: And this chipper little girl is Lucy.  I found her while retreating from a battle with Mephisto.  Lucy is also known as the former princess of the planet Cephiros, and is Sailor Cephiros.


Lucy: Hiya!


Reuisu then walked over to Miya.


Reuisu: This is Miya.  We found her on our way to Lut Gholein.  She was fighting demons while traveling from one city to another.  She is known as Sailor Love.


Miya bowed her head.  Reuisu walked over to Chris.


Reuisu: And finally, the final addition to our quintet, is Chris.  We found Chris chained to an island by Mephisto, who was trying to turn Chris evil.  Chris is also known as Sailor Asteroid.


Chris: Greetings.


Reuisu: Titans, these are the Sailor Soldiers.  Serena, Ami, the always beautiful Rei, Lita, Mina, the two traitors,-


Amara and Michelle glared at Reuisu.


Reuisu: -Who are also known as Amara and Michelle, Trista, and Hotaru.  In that order, Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Traitor-


Amara and Michelle glared with more intensity.


Reuisu: -Uranus, Neptune, Pluto-


Michelle: HI!!!


Reuisu: Michelle, please don't do that, it's embarassing.  And Sailor Saturn.  Everyone, meet everyone.


The groups exchanged hand shakes and "hi"s.


Reuisu: And thanks to us, the Sailor Titans, we have managed to defeat both Mephisto and Diablo!


The inner soliders smiled.


Serena: That's great!  And oh man, not a minute too soon.  I was eating half of what I usually eat thanks to those stupid Prime Evils.


Rei: So you were only eating half the food of America?


Serena: What are you implying, Rei?!?!


Rei: Oh nothing, nothing at all.


It didn't take long for the two to get into a tongue war while everyone else sweatdropped.


Amara: You destroyed the Prime Evils.  Really?


Miya: Yep!  I beat Mephisto!


Michelle: On your own?


Miya: Well, no, technically no.  I needed everyone else's love to help me defeat Mephisto.


Reuisu: But it was your attack which pummeled that ghastly fellow.  And I defeated Diablo!


Reuisu stood up tall, but then felt a shock of pain and grabbed the side where Diablo had inflicted so much damage.  Ami and Rei ran over to him and saw blood staining the shirt he was wearing.


Ami: Reuisu, you're bleeding!


Reuisu: It's only a mild wound from my battle with Diablo.  Nothing to worry about.


Ami: I beg to differ on that!  You need to rest!


Reuisu: I really don't care if your mother is a Doctor and how much you know about medicine.  I feel fine!


Trista walked over with her staff, and nudged the wound with it.  Reuisu collapsed and yelped in pain.


Trista: You certainly don't seem fine.


Amara and Michelle were still glaring at the Titans.


Michelle: Let me get this straight: You five managed to fight and defeat two of the three Prime Evils?


Michelle: Yeah.  What about it?


Amara: Pardon us for sounding sceptical.  We of the Sailor Soldiers, with Reuisu, took on the Prime Evils and got the floor washed with us.


Miya: Well, it's true!  It nearly killed us, but we succeeded!


Michelle: I sincerely doubt that.


Lucy: What are you implying?!


Amara: We are insinuating that maybe you haven't defeated ONE of the three Prime Evils, and now you need OUR help.


Reuisu slowly got up, still holding his side.


Reuisu: Oh for God's sake, can't you two just ever except things the way they are?


Amara: What do you mean?


Reuisu: For all this time, you two still think you're the best Sailors of us all!  Well you know what?  Does the name Galaxia bear a meaning?!!?


The two stepped forward.


Michelle: Excuse me, Reuisu, but I didn't see you fighting the phages and Sailor Galaxia!  Where were you when we needed you?!?


Reuisu grabbed Michelle's collar.


Reuisu: I was out fighting fellow Sailors in a war that nearly consumed my entire life!  I was killing people who could've been my friends!  Where were you while I needed help?!!?  Where were you when I had to bomb an entire world?!!?  You know where I think you were?  BETRAYING YOUR PRINCESS TO GALAXIA!


Amara promptly punched Reuisu in the face.  Reuisu collapsed backwards and into the hands of the Titans.  The Titans helped him back up.


Chris: Leave Reuisu alone, jerks!


Amara: Oh, really?  And what are you gonna do about it?


Michelle pulled out her time staff, and everyone readied their transformation sticks.


Serena: Um, guys, this isn't necessary!


Reuisu: I'm afraid it is, Moon face!  It's time they learned some manners!


Reuisu was about to shout Alpha Centauri Power, when suddenly he collapsed to the ground along with everyone.  For a second, no one knew what was going on.  Then they suddenly realized the airport was shaking!  At first, everyone assumed it was an earthquake, but Reuisu ran over to a window and looked out.


Reuisu: Oh dear God!


Mina: What?!  What is it?!


Reuisu: It's Baal!  He's attacking the airport!






To Be Continued...