Reuisu(Voice over): And the die is cast.  It is the beginning of the end.  Baal has arrived, and brang with him the title of the Lord of Destruction.  He destroyed the airport the Titans and I arrived in, and despite using all our attacks combined, a Sailor Planet Attack, and a Sailor Titan attack, he still survived.  We then found the last peice of the prophecy, "In the heart of the enemy, there will be salvation.  And in their darkest hour, there will be a light."  Doesn't make much sense, but we attacked Baal anyway.  But then, looking into that demonic force, I saw our light-his soulstone.





*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Centauri: All forces, TACTICAL RETREAT!


Jupiter: What?  What are you talking about, Reuisu!?


Centauri: We need to retreat back to my void immediately!


Uranus: And you would call us traitors, I call you a coward, Reuisu!


Moon: If Reuisu is calling us back, he must have a good reason!


Neptune: But we are succeeding!  Little by little, we are defeating-


Baal: You do nothing, Titans!  My power is infinite!  Buy my patience with you prattling idiots is not!


Baal's tentacles regenerated as quickly as they had been disintegrated or torn off, and lashed and whipped at the sailors.


Uranus: You had better be right about this, Reuisu!


And with that, they retreated.






Reuisu pressed the blue button on the control pad, and the entrance to the void opened and the ladder shot down from it.  He held the soulstone in his pocket and began to climb upwards.  Everyone else followed behind.


Rei: Reuisu, why did we retreat?  We WERE doing alright!


Reuisu: I beg to differ.  We were not doing as the prophecy spoke of.


Hotaru: But we don't know what the prophecy says!  It's too cryptic!


Cain: But I do!  I've managed to decipher-


Reuisu: As have I, Cain.  Everyone, gather around.


Slowly, the group of Titans and Soldiers gathered around the large table in Reuisu's small kitchen area.  Reuisu put the soulstone on the table, and it still glowed with a golden intensity, but shadowed out by black lines in it.


Reuisu: You all know how Baal was freed from his tomb, correct?


Serena: No...  Should we?


Everyone face-fell at her foolishness.


Reuisu: Moon face, Baal was imprisoned within the mage known as Tal Rasha.  When the Wanderer came and freed Baal, Tal Rasha was still wrestling with the demon in the inner sanctums of his own soul.  What do you think happened to Tal Rasha when Baal was freed?


Michelle: Well...  I thought he had evaporated.


Reuisu: Wrong, other moon face.  This soulstone was imbedded within Baal's heart.  'In the heart of the enemy, there will be salvation.'  It's not referring to his spiritual heart, but the soulstone WITHIN his heart!  I think Tal Rasha is within the soulstone!


Ami: I hate to break the mood of happiness on your face, Reuisu, but how do you propose we use this information to our advantage?  It's not like we can just ask Tal Rasha in this crystalized form for his help.


Reuisu: Quite correct, Ami.


Reuisu turned around, and Cain handed Reuisu a large, gun-like object.


Reuisu: Titans, this is a temporal reorganizer.  It sends a beam into an object, reverting it back to a state at a certain point in time of it's history.  Cain has modified the device to resurrect Tal Rasha.  This is the key to winning against Baal!


Chris: Um, I hate to sound pessimistic, but have you ever tried the device before?


Reuisu: Once.


Miya: And did it work?


Reuisu: Yes.  And now, let's see if it'll work again.


Reuisu told everyone to stand back, and they all complied.  Reuisu carefully aimed the device at the soulstone, and fired.  There was no big tremendously wonderful energy blast, it was a single white beam, that fired into the soulstone, and a peice of the soulstone fell off and grew.  It's color changed into a tanned human skin, and a loin cloth accompanied it.  Soon, a full grown human male was on the table.  He was bald, and held a long, brittle beard.


Man: What...  Where...  Am I?


Reuisu: Tal Rasha, I presume?


Tal Rasha: Yes...  So thirsty...  Wait a moment...  Where is the demon?!?


Reuisu: He took over your body.  You were imprisoned within the soulstone.


Tal Rasha: He did?  TELL ME EVERYTHING.








Tal Rasha: I was imprisoned for centuries?!


Mina: Yes.  If what Reuisu says is true, the imprisonment with Baal extended your life span several thousand more years.


Tal Rasha: Dearest Lord...  I never expected it to be like this!  And you say you are all some sort of senshi, fighting in a never-ending war against evil?


Serena: The ones and only.


Reuisu: Look, Tal, we need you on this one.  You know Baal better than he knows himself.  The military is keeping Baal confined to the area of Tokyo airport, but it's not going to hold forever, eventually Baal's going to laugh and crush everything in his path.


Tal Rasha looked at everyone around him, who all looked pleading and wanting for his assistance.  Well, except for Amara and Michelle, who seemed indifferent to Tal Rasha.


Tal Rasha: What the hell.  I might as well go down a hero.


Reuisu: Thanks, Tal.  All right everyone: we are about to face the biggest, baddest demon we've ever encountered.  The odds are against us, we it's more than likely we'll all be killed.


Everyone winced at the prospect and the somewhat pessimistic tone in Reuisu's voice.


Reuisu: But dammit, we- you people are human beings, and as human beings dammit, we will not go down easy, and we'll go down with one hell of a fight.  SO ARE YOU READY?!!?


Everyone just stared at him.


Reuisu: Well, speeches usually lighten the mood at a time like this at the very edge of our annihilation.  Criticism accepted.  ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!!!


The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhouette of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and earrings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.




















Tal Rasha: This is going to take some getting used to...





Baal and Tal Rasha merely glared at one another as the Sailors walked into the remains of the airport.  They stood twenty feet in front of Baal.


Baal: So, they have brought you back, Tal Rasha.


Tal Rasha: Indeed they have, blasphemous demon.


Baal: You could've had absolute power, you know.  Domination of this earthly plane.  Instead, you had to be like these Sailor misfits.  All devoted to goodness and all that crap.


Centauri smiled.


Centauri: I believe the good mage here will agree with me, when I say that I have travelled to the far corners of the universe, born witness to stars dying, planets being born, civilizations thriving or being exterminated, and the one lesson learned through all that is that absolute power, is absolutely boring.


Baal: And what are you to do about it?  'Neither Titan nor soldier could stop the destruction.'  Do you really think this worn-out old mage can stop me?


Centauri: He doesn't have to.  I will.


Baal: you?  But you are a Titan!  And neither Titan nor-


Centauri: I am not a full Titan.


Baal: I beg your pardon?


Centauri: Before I learned of the Titans' existence, I was a Sailor Soldier.  So in some aspects, I am both, but I am neither.  I am neither Titan, nor Soldier.


Baal: What you are is dead!  You CANNOT DESTROY ME!


Centauri: But I can!  WITH THIS!


Centauri whipped around and pulled out the soulstone.  It was still glowing with it's intensity.


Baal: MY SOULSTONE!  Return it to me at once!


Baal lept at Centauri, who stepped aside and gave the soulstone to Tal Rasha.


Centauri: King Centauri gives soulstone to bishop Rasha!




Baal sent out a tentacle at Tal Rasha, who used his magic to send a rock wall up from the ground in front of him, stopping the tentacle.  Baal used more tentacles to break apart the wall, but Tal Rasha no longer held the soulstone!


Mars: Queen Mars spins and evades attack with possession of the soulstone!


Sailor Mars held out the soulstone in front of her.  Baal snapped his head around, and ran at Mars.




Mars lept away, passing the soulstone to Mercury.


Mercury: Knight Mercury attacks Pawn Baal with soulstone!




Baal turned around and flew down at Mercury, who side-stepped away.  Baal hit the ground hard, landing on his face.  He slowly got up, but only to face Centauri with the soulstone in hand.


Centauri: End game!  Illegal move, that's CHECKMATE!


Centauri raised the stone above his head, and slammed down the sharp, pointed end right into Baal's forehead.  For what seemed like a long time, nothing happened.  All of a sudden, bright lights began to flash from the spot that Centauri had struck.  Green blood trickled down as Baal's entire body began to sudden explode!  Everyone shielded their eyes as Baal exploded in an array of gas, blood, and body parts.