*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Intercom: Vol 1012, s'il vous plait sortie avion en une calmer et ordonné maniére.


The French words were stuck for a moment in Reuisu's mind, but a translation came through rather quickly.


Reuisu: Flight 1012, please exit plane in a calm and orderly fashion.  Typical.  Any place I go in the world, they think I should be calm and in an orderly fashion.  If only they knew I was trying to save the world...


Reuisu placed down in the in-flight magazine and got his luggage off the overhead compartment.




Reuisu was on a video phone in his void.


Reuisu: Oracle, did you get the information I requested?


Oracle: Yes.  Rumor has it there's a woman fighting crime and evil in Paris.  That'd be the first place to start for your Titans.


Reuisu: Thanks, Babs.


Oracle: Don't mention it.




Reuisu: I hope to God her information is right.  I need to find those Titans before-


In his talking to himself, Reuisu suddenly ran into a seventeen year-old girl walking into the airport.  The two fell onto the ground.


Girl: What's the idea?!?!


Reuisu: Sorry.  I didn't see you there-  Hey, you're speaking English!


Girl: Yeah, I took a course on it.  I recognized it by the way you were talking to yourself.  Could you help me up, please?


Reuisu stood up and helped her up.


Girl: My name's Michelle.  Please look where you're going.


Reuisu: My apologies.  My name's Reuisu.


She had hair flowing down to just above her knees, and it was colored a golden brown.  She was about 5'7, and was wearing a triangular bandana in her hair.


Reuisu: I'll see ya later.


Reuisu ran off.  Suddenly, a tannish-gold cat came out from behind Michelle.  She had a crescent moon on her head.


Cat: I've got a strange feeling about that boy.


Michelle: You have a strange feeling about every guy I meet.


Cat: True, but I'd like you to keep an eye on him.  He may be trouble.


Michelle: Right.  I hope you're just overreacting this time.





Mephisto: HE FOUND WHAT?!!?


A woman demon with tarantula like legs coming out of her back was in front of him.


Woman: The Titan scroll.  He intends to use it to find the Sailor Titans, and use them against you.


Mephisto: This cannot be tolerated!  He must be destroyed!


Baal: I would not worry, my brother.  I have read the prophecy about the Sailor Titans.  "the group of Titans fought destruction into their darkest hour.  Sadly, neither Titan or Soldier could stop destruction."  Even if he finds the Titans, they will not stop us.


Diablo: We shouldn't take that chance.  The prophecy might be incorrect.


Mephisto: You are both right, brothers.  But still, one less Sailor Soldier to deal with makes out job easier.  Andariel, prepare a squadron of Fallen Ones to attack Sailor Centauri and kill him.


Woman: At once, my Lords.





Reuisu: RAIN!!!  I HATE RAIN!!!


Once again, it was a downpour of rain, with flashes of thunder and lightning.


Reuisu: Just once, just ONCE, I would like to go someplace where it didn't rain!!!


Reuisu sighed and entered into the hotel.  He booked a room for a week, believing that would be sufficient time to begin searching for the Sailor Titan.


He then set up a portable computer system inside his room, and immediately connected via internet and video connection to Oracle.


Oracle: Oracle here, come in.


Reuisu: This is Reuisu.  I've arrived in Paris and rented a hotel room for a week.  Did you receive the printout of the silhoutte of the Titans?


Oracle: Affirmative.  I've run through the shapes in my computer, and I believe I've managed to differentiate four different shapes in it.  I'll send each one to you.  Do you have an access port for accessing records and entries with people in the database?


Reuisu: And then some.  Of course I do, Oracle.  I had to shut off my void before I left, it was necessary to bring any computers I had with me.


Oracle: Good.  Anything else?


Reuisu: Nothing yet.  Good night, Babs.


The screen faded off.  Reuisu sighed and shut down the computer.  He jumped into bed and merely sat and stared at the ceiling.  His thoughts were vibrant and always returned him to the same thing: his fight against Diablo.




Eight feet tall, from horn to foot claw.  His body was bulky, like Arnold Schwartzenager times sixteen.  His skin was dark red, and black horns were all over his body.  He opened his mouth and revealed his horrible, glistening fangs.


Centauri: Diablo, I presume?




Centauri: I'm really scared, I've been threatened by the ruler of-


Centauri never finished that sentence, because Diablo suddenly lifted him into the air and threw him into a nearby wall.  He jumped back up, despite two broken ribs, and readied his fists.


Centauri: Alright, 'King of Evil' let's see what you got!  NOVA FORCE!!!


Centauri clasped his hands together, and once again twirled into a gray tornado, and went at a shocking speed into Diablo, only to be deflected away by Diablo's massive claws.  Centauri landed again and breathed deeply.


<This ain't going to be no Chimeramon.  He's obviously got some deep dark magic going on here.  But nothing is impossible, just highly improbable.  He'll get weak eventually.> Centauri thought.


He raised his arms and red, orange, and yellow energy began to flow into a ball in between his arms.


Centauri: TERRA FORCE!!!


He let loose the massive ball of energy at Diablo, who was shot back about thirty feet.  Centauri breathed deeply, still in pain from his ribs and bleeding shoulder.  Sweat trickled down his face as Diablo got back up, scorched from the Terra Force attack and readied to tackle Centauri.  Centauri stood tall and the symbol for Spirit appeared on his heart.  He held out his arms in front of him and electrical bolts began to form around his arms.


Centauri: FORCE


Diablo held his fists high.


Centauri: OF


Diablo roared with impassioned fury.


Centauri: THE


Diablo took to his feet and began to run towards Centauri.


Centauri: PLANETS!!!!!!!!


Centauri: EARTH


A ball of energy looking like earth shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: MERCURY


A ball of energy looking like planet Mercury shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: MARS


A ball of energy looking like planet Mars shot out and hit Diablo, knocking him back.


Centauri: JUPITER


A ball of-  well, you know.


Centuari: VENUS


Getting kind of old, huh?


Centauri: URANUS


You know what happens.


Centauri: NEPTUNE


Big ball of energy like Neptune, yeah, yeah.


Centauri: PLUTO


Can we get on with it?


Centauri: SATURN


With the final ball of energy, Diablo fell onto the ground, hard.  Centauri collapsed and reverted back to Sailor Centauri.  He walked over to Diablo's limp body and looked at his forehead.  There was a red, glowing crystal in it.  He shot out his Giga blade and cut it out of his forehead.


Centauri: At last...  My debt to the powers that be for my sacrifice is repayed.  I have made a difference.  Now, it's time to go home.  To Sailor Mars...  To Rei...




Reuisu: It was the only time I ever used Force of the Planets.  But that was when I could transform into Super Sailor Centauri, and when I was supercharged.  I don't get it!  Not only can I no longer turn into Super Sailor Centauri, I killed Diablo!  Now I see him again...  And...  He's stronger than ever with his brothers!  I just don't get it.


Slowly, Reuisu began to fade into unconsciousness.


-Dream Sequence-


Reuisu was in the same dream that had haunted him for years.  He was standing on a crane as Sailor Centauri, and the Negaverse rebels were standing away from him.  They held a control switch button.  There were two ropes attached to cranes, one held an innocent young boy, the other held Sailor Mars.


Rebel: Make the choice, Sailor Centauri.  The boy, or your Sailor Mars.


Centauri never made the right choice in this.  All he did was struggle and say, "I...  I..."


Rebel: Oops, too late.


Suddenly, both cables snapped sending both two screaming as they fell to oblivion.  Sailor Centauri yelped and immediately dropped down towards Sailor Mars and grabbed her.  They were still falling fast, so Centauri grabbed his flute, and shot down a yellow rope which shot out and tied itself around a beam.  He then gave the flute to Mars and began to fall again, trying to reach the boy.  The boy was screaming for his mommy, and Centauri was reaching with his arm, trying to grab the boy, but remained three feet from his reach, until suddenly, Centauri was hit by a falling beam, hit on the head, and he lost focus again.  He then looked for the boy again, and saw a bloody mess on the pavement thirty feet below him.  Centauri's anti-gravity jets suddenly activated, stopping him in mid air.  He just floated there, looking at the dead body on the pavement.


-End Dream Sequence-


Reuisu woke up screaming.


Reuisu: Is that why the dream is still coming?  Because I never really repayed my debt to the powers that be when I couldn't make that coice?


Reuisu got out of bed and looked out at the window at the moon.


Reuisu: It's wonderful moonshine tonight.


He sighed and suddenly, without warning, three small, red goblins jumped into the window!  Reuisu fell backwards onto his back, seeing the three creatures.  He quickly ran backwards into a nearby wall.  The three creatures held either pikes or a sword and shield, not that it mattered to Reuisu at the moment.


Creature 1: He's the one!  Kill him!


The other two creatures came at him with weapons ready.  Reuisu jumped up and kicked one.  The other one struck with his pike, which missed, and was grabbed by Reuisu's hand.  He hurled the pike which was still attached to the goblin into another wall.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


Creature 2: Him stronger than thought!  Call in others!


Suddenly, ten more of the goblins shot into the room, all with menacing faces.


Centauri: I've seen you before.  You're fallen ones, goblins who were taken by Diablo.  I killed several of you when I fought Diablo for the first time.


Creature 1: KILL HIM!


Centauri: GIGA CANNON!!!


Two cannons came out of his back armor and rested on his shoulders.  Blasts of yellow energy shot out, knocking the fallen ones back.  He then ran through the path he had made and through the open window onto a shorter building's roof.  The fallen ones persued, jumping over to the roof, and surrounding him.  Centauri looked around, trying to find a viable strategy, but he could find none.


Creature 1: Attack!!!


Voice: Wait!


Everyone turned around, and saw Michelle standing at the base of the stairway on the roof, and she had a rather angry look on her face.


Centauri: Michelle, get out of here!


Michelle: I'd suggest YOU step aside!


Centauri: No ordinary human can take on these demons, run!


Michelle: Ordinary human?


Michelle suddenly revealed a necklace with a heart shaped crystal on it.




*Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R transformation music*


A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.


Moonshine: Welcome to my city, demons!  I am Sailor Moonshine, the secondary keeper of time!  I am the pretty soldier who will turn you into moon dust!


Centauri: ANOTHER MOON?!!?  Great balls of fire, I've got to get Serena to get copyright laws...


Creature 2: She's serious, isn't she?




Her staff suddenly turned into a mirror, and it reflected the light of the moon off of it onto one of the fallen ones!  The fallen one screamed in pain as he felt his energy being drained away and transfered into Sailor Moonshine.  The other fallen ones jumped at this chance and jumped up to ram Moonshine.




Sailor Moonshine suddenly disappeared, and the fallen ones fell on top of each other where Moonshine had just stood.  Moonshine now stood behind them.  The fallen ones jumped again at Moonshine, but she held her staff right in front of her.




All of the jumping fallen ones suddenly froze in mid-air, doing nothing.




Compartments and other assorted places opened up all over Centauri's armor, his missile ports opened, and his two cannons came on his back.  Suddenly, every peice of weapon on him fired at once!  Laser beams, bullets, energy blasters, and missiles all fired at the frozen fall ones, obliterating them utterly.


Moonshine: Good teamwork.  Now, care to tell me what you're doing in my city?


Centauri: First things first: I need you to touch this paper.


Moonshine: Why?


Centauri: Just do it.


Centauri held out the Titan silhoutte paper, and Moonshine touched it.  Suddenly, a silhoutte next to Centauri's lit up, and formed into Moonshine.


Moonshine: What was that?


Centauri: A truth.  What if I were to tell you that you actually belonged to a team of Sailor Soldiers known as the Sailor Titans?


Moonshine: Really?


Centauri: Yep.  The creatures who sent those demons want to destroy our world, and it's up to us stop them.  I'm looking all over the globe for the five Sailor Titans.  You and I are two of them.


Moonshine: Cool.  I'll come with you.  Oh, by the way, this is my cat, Astra.


The tannish-gold cat jumped onto Moonshine's shoulder.


Astra: Pleased to meet you.


Centauri: As am I.  Now, let's get going!




To Be Continued