*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Centauri carefully lifted the large peice of debris off of his back.  He could feel that his backplate armor had been dented from the explosion, and had protected him from the blast.  Within his armor, sensors told him of massive structural damage to the suit, and internal sensors for Reuisu's life signs were off-line.  Centauri stood up slowly, looked around, and took off the helmet.  With better clarity with his own eyes, he could see the dark eclipse that had consumed Crystal Tokyo now gone.  Looking around, he saw most of the Sailors also regaining consciousness, and an arm sticking out of a pile of debris!  Centauri ran over to the debris and pushed it all off.  Sailors Uranus and Saturn were underneath the rubble, scaped and bruised.  Uranus slowly woke up.


Uranus: Did we win?


Centauri: I would believe so.  Is everyone all right?


Centauri looked around, and saw that everyone except Sailor Saturn were getting up.  Centauri checked her pulse.


Centauri: She's all right, just took more of a beating.  I'll get her to a hospital.  Titans, you did make reservations at the hotel, I presume.


Sailor Moonshine groggily confirmed that.


Centauri: Good.  Get some rest.  Mercury, go back to my void and check the scanners, I don't want to find any unexpected prophecies winding up in my lab.  Like something that says we still haven't killed that smeg-headed git.  Rei, if you see any peices of Baal...


Mars: Yeah?


Centauri: Burn them thuroughly.






The annoying sound of the alarm awoke Reuisu sharply.  He was still wearing his armor while on his bed, and promptly activated a giga blade and sliced his alarm clock in half.  However, just before it was destroyed, the time said, '10:32 AM.'


Reuisu: Morning.  Is it true?  Did we win?  Or was it all just a sad dream, and the end of world is still at hand?


Cain: Well, it must've been one hell of a dream, then.


Reuisu turned around around in his bed to see Deckard Cain standing before him.


Reuisu: Oh, Cain.  Where's Tal Rasha?


Cain: Well, after you collapsed into your bed when you finally got here, Tal Rasha said he was heading back to Kurast to get the Zakarum council back up.


Reuisu: Well then.  Summon the Titans, inform them we are to meet at Rei's temple in two hours.


Cain: May I ask, what for?


Reuisu: We need to discuss the future.






Rei: They're late.


Reuisu: They'll get here when they get here.  This IS their first time to Tokyo, you know.


Rei: Are you sure gave them the right directions?


Reuisu: Of course I did.  And by the way, where's lover boy and your Grandfather?


Rei: How many times do I have to tell you that there's nothing going on between me and Chad!  Geez, Reuisu, you are the most jealous of all my boyfriends I ever had...


Reuisu: I thought you've only been with Darien, and he's seeing Serena now.  Speaking of which, where is the moon face?


Rei: She and the others are celebrating the victory at the Crown Parlor.  You should be too!  We won!


Reuisu: Indeed, but now is not the time to celebrate, but to lick our wounds, and think of what the future holds.


Rei: What do you mean?


Reuisu: The Titans did have lives before I met them, you know.  We need to discuss which of us will be going back to those lives, or stay here.  And where are Chad and your grandfather?


Rei: On a business trip to Okinawa.  They'll be back in another two days.  How's Hotaru?


Reuisu: She's got a broken arm that'll be in a cast for another month.  She had a mild concussion, but beyond that there's nothing else.


Rei: Well, I have to get out of here and meet the others.  They want me there to celebrate.  You can stay here and wait for the Titans, but I still have a life, and we're going to be having a party!


Reuisu: And perhaps when we are done with our long conversation, we shall join you, love.


The two kissed, and Rei waved goodbye as she walked off.  The Titans, however, were also walking up the steps.


Lucy: You gave us the wrong directions.


Reuisu: Sue me.  We need to talk.


Miya: Yes, we do...


Reuisu: Before I found you all, you were all living lives of your own.  I realize this, and you most likely will wish to return to them for-


Michelle: Well, actually, I only fought a couple of youmas here and there back in Paris and made some money off of charity from the people I saved.


Miya: As did I, but I only used that money for food and transporation between Lut Gholein and the Rogue Encampment.


Chris: I was abducted from a low-grade apartment by Mephisto.  And that apartment was going to be demolished in a week to make way for a bypass.


Lucy: I barely met anyone while travelling around the area of the Rogue Encampment.  It was good to have the company.


Reuisu: Oh...  Well then, that means that you'll all stay?


Miya: Well...  Yes.  Chris and I have an announcement to make.


Chris: We're dating.


This news shocked everyone, as they put bewildered expressions on their faces.


Reuisu: And um...  How long has this relationship of yours been going on?


Chris: Since the Pandemonium Fortress.  Although we were attracted to each other before hand...


The two embraced and kissed, while everyone else sweatdropped.


Reuisu: Lucy?  How about you?


Lucy thought for a moment as Miya and Chris seperated.


Lucy: Well, my medical business hasn't gotten very far.  I've decided to settle down here and open up a coffee shop.


Reuisu: That's a great idea!  Wait a moment, where did you get the money to buy a coffee shop.


Lucy: No worries, Reuisu.


Reuisu: Alright.


Lucy: I borrowed a few of your credit cards.


Reuisu face-fell.


Miya: Michelle, what about you?


Michelle looked at all of the Titans.  She winced and looked down at the ground as Reuisu got up.


Reuisu: Don't tell me you're gonna leave, Michelle!


Michelle: Well, there's only one real way that I'll stay here with all of you...


Reuisu: How?


Michelle: I want to be with Tyrael...


And to that, everyone face-fell.


Reuisu: Michelle, the guy's an Archangel!  He's dead!  He's composed entirely of light!


Michelle: I know, that just adds to his hunkiness!


Reuisu felt like face-falling again, but realized to do that again would make his nose bleed or something.


Voice: So apparently I am a 'hunk.'


Everyone turned to the side to see Tyrael floating down.  His angel wings seemed to retract into his back like they were cloth, leaving him with an almost human appearance.


Michelle: Yep!  And if you stay here, Tyrael, I'll stay here, too!


Tyrael looked at the Titans, and then to Michelle.  He slowly grabbed his hood, and uncovered his face.  It was still glowing somewhat from his angelic appearance, but he now had straight brown hair on his face.  His eyes were as green as grass, and had a smile that seemed to penetrate one's soul.  Michelle's eyes immediately turned into hearts as she stared at the new appearance of Tyrael.


Michelle: DEAR GOD YOU'RE A HUNK!!!!


Tyrael: If we're going to be together, we need to talk about you using the lord's name in-


Michelle ran over and kissed Tyrael.  He just stood there for a moment, trying to contemplate what had just happened.


Tyrael: I...  Could get used to that.


Michelle sighed and fainted in lust.


Reuisu: We have the wackiest little group of people I've ever known.


Lucy: Well, at least you people all have dates.  I'm stuck on my own.  Say, Reuisu...


Reuisu: Uh uh, lady.  I have Rei, and as a British gentleman, I shall not betray her!


Lucy snapped her fingers in disappointment.


Lucy: And as a British lady myself, I am left without a man to be with!  Hey, Astra-


Astra: Don't you even say it, young lady!  There are two things you seem to forget about met: One, I am a CAT, and two, I'M NOT A LESBIAN!


Lucy: Um, actually, I was going to ask if you could find a personal ad for me...


Astra: Oh.  Well is my face red...


Reuisu: Actually, it isn't.


Astra: Well, obviously!  I'm a cat!


Reuisu: Well, it looks like Titans together for us.


Chris: 'Titans Together.'  It has a nice ring to it.


Miya: What?  Do you plan to use it as a battle cry or something?


Reuisu: Well, it does have a nice ring to it...


Michelle regained consciousness and said, "It actually sounds pretty lame to me.  We need something like, 'Death to you!' or 'Prepare to die!'"


Reuisu: How gruesome do you have to be, Michelle?


Michelle: As gruesome as I want!  I got Tyrael now!


Reuisu: I swear, I'm not going to be able to live past 18 years old...


Everyone began to laugh hysterically, and the camera upon the scene slowly backed up.  It showed the temple, and then parts of Tokyo.  And as it backed up, Reuisu spoke in a voice over.


Reuisu: My name is Reuisu Lovhaug.  I'm 17 years old, a bit cocky, and a bit of a git when it comes to my new partnership with the Titans.  But in reality, I'm a Titan of love and justice, the amazingly British Sailor Centauri!



*Moonlight Densetsu plays, showing photographs of the Titans with the other Sailors, mimicking the end of Sailor Stars*