Reuisu(Voice over): My name is Reuisu Lovhaug.  Im 17, a bit cocky, and now very, VERY afraid...





*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Previously on Sailor Moon T...




All of a sudden, a white beam of light burst through the ceiling of the Durance of Hate, and the light immediately touched Mephisto.  Mephisto screamed in pain as the holy light burned his bones and he began to slowly evaporate.


Love: You feel that, Mephisto?  That's heaven's love.  It is what I needed.  Love always conquers over hate.  See ya later, lord of nothing.


Mephisto gaped at Sailor Love as he suddenly was engulfed with fire, and evaporated into nothingness.





Tyrael handed the hammer over to Centauri, who walked over to the rectangular anvil that sat on a small plateau.  He placed the soulstone down onto it, which seemed to glow with an even larger intensity than before.  Centauri rose the hammer up, then slammed down on the stone.  The stone didn't budge.  It just sat there.  Centauri rose it up again, and slammed it down once more.  This time, on impact, the soulstone cracked and crumbled, exploding into a type of nova which blasted Centauri away and onto the ground.  Centauri slowly got up and ran back over to it.  The soulstone was evaporating.





Diablo: No more, Sailor Centauri!  Grant me mercy, I beg of you!!!


Centauri arched an eyebrow.


Centauri: You, who are without mercy, now plead for it?  I thought you were made of sterner stuff.


Diablo's eyes widened as the energy began to form into the shape of Saturn.




The final energy ball struck into Diablo, peircing into his skin.  He screamed with enough pain and anguish to shatter all the glass in the world.  A light blue image of Diablo seemed to fade out of Diablo, which circled around him as he still screamed.  The silhouette suddenly shot into Diablo's forehead, where the soulstone was.  Diablo fell to the ground, one last time.  His body burst into flames, and Centauri walked over to body.  Centauri used his giga blade to slice into the forehead, and pulled out the soulstone shard.  He held it in both hands, and began to snap it apart with his own hands.  As it remained hard as stone, he continued, the sweat and blood on his face intensifying as the pain on his body increased with every passing moment.  He continued to pull it apart, as the Titans just gaped and looked.  Centauri suddenly screamed as he finally began to bend the soulstone, and it cracked once.


All of a sudden, the soulstone snapped in half!  A blue dust faded out, and evaporated into the air.  Centauri fell onto the ground in exhaustion.





Centauri: End game!  Illegal move, that's CHECKMATE!


Centauri raised the stone above his head, and slammed down the sharp, pointed end right into Baal's forehead.  For what seemed like a long time, nothing happened.  All of a sudden, bright lights began to flash from the spot that Centauri had struck.  Green blood trickled down as Baal's entire body began to sudden explode!  Everyone shielded their eyes as Baal exploded in an array of gas, blood, and body parts.



And now the continuation...


It is now January of the year of our lord 2001.  The setting is Tokyo, Japan.  It has been a few months since the destruction of the three Prime Evils, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal.  A lot has happened since that time.  Here's a brief synopsis:


-Lucy opened her coffee shop, "Titans Coffee," where the Sailor senshi group, "The Titans" now assembles for meetings.

-Tyrael has temporarily been brought back to heaven to discuss his full transference to earth.  Michelle eagerly awaits his return.

-Charsi, the blacksmith from episode 12 of Sailor Moon T, made Akara of the Rogue Encampment make duplicates of the Headless Horseman, which were vanquished by the Titans.  Charsi is now in custody.

-Reuisu is now in the first year of college.


The scene is a window seat at Titans coffee.  Four people and a cat sit at this table, there names are Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, more commonly known as Sailor Moonshine, Lucy Yubiwa, more commonly known as Sailor Cephiros, Miya, more commonly known as Sailor Love, and Chris Allot, more commonly known as Sailor Asteroid, and the cat was Astra, their guardian.


Chris: Where is Reuisu?!


Miya: Lost, probably.  He keeps saying he knows exactly where the coffee shop is, but always gets here late!


Michelle: Maybe he's doing something else.  College isn't exactly a picnic, you know.


The door to the coffee shop swung open, and the Titans checked to see if it was Reuisu.  Instead, they saw Rei entering.  She walked over to the Titans.


Rei: Have you guys seen Reuisu?  We were supposed to have a date an hour ago, but he never showed up.


Lucy: He's been like this recently.  I don't know what's gotten into him.


Miya: It's possible he's at his void.


Rei: Yeah, but you guys seem to forget noone knows how to open the void except Reuisu.


Michelle: Actually...


Michelle pulled up her backpack and placed it on the table.  she unzipped it and pulled out her time staff.


Michelle: My time staff's been modified to be able to open the void.  Just press the red button on it, and it'll open.


Michelle handed it to Rei.


Rei: Thanks, Michelle.


Michelle: No problem.  Just tell him, when you get there, to come and see us.  He's late for our meeting, too.






Rei opened the door of the roof of Darien's apartment.  There was nothing to see really on the roof, but Rei pulled out the time staff and pointed it towards the air in front of her.  She tapped the red button once, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the air.  A metal ladder slid down out of the hole.  Rei walked over to it and climbed up into Reuisu's void.


Reuisu's void is, literally, a void.  The blackness of it all is infinite in all directions, and the only visible things would be the common objects of a home that are stored inside.  Of course, the bathroom is covered by walls.  Rei saw Reuisu at his computer, looking at books and accessing files using both a Macintosh system and Windows 2000 on two seperate computers.


Rei: We had a date.


Reuisu was brought out of his train of thought, and turned around to see who had done it.  He thought for a moment, then replied.


Reuisu: Oh yeah!  I'm really, really sorry!  I'll tell you what, I'm gonna make it up to you, provided we're not dead in the next few days.


Rei raised an eyebrow.


Rei: What do you mean?


Reuisu told her to come over to the computers.


Reuisu: Recently, Oracle managed to hack into the Webmaster's ship, and got me a ton of video clips of things that happened while I was in a coma.  One file is intruiging me above all others, one I am attempting to decrypt.  It's the final battle between Moon face and Queen Beryl.


Rei: Really?  Cool!


Reuisu: It gets better.  I've been looking deeper into the information gathered, and it turns out that Beryl was serving someone known as Queen Metallia.  Apparently, she was sealed in some type of chrysalis or something, and during the final battle, merged with Beryl to destroy Sailor Moon.


Rei: But she failed.  With our help, we managed to defeat Beryl and Metallia.


Reuisu: That's what I'm looking into right now.  Ah!  It's done decrypting!






The scene is a region in the north pole.  Outside a type of crater in the ground, a large, black flower opens, revealing a transformed Queen Beryl.  She laughs slightly.


Beryl: At last, the dark energy is in me.  This world is mine to rule!


Beryl then begins to laugh maniacally.  From the distance, a figure walks towards her.  Beryl stops laughing and turns to see who it is.  Walking with pride is Sailor Moon, the first Sailor Moon appearance.


Beryl: You've come, princess?  This time you will die!


Moon stops in front of the giant before her.  Beryl starts to form black energy around her hands, and she aims it at Moon.


Beryl: Princess, DIE!!!!


Sailor Moon merely stands there as the blast hits her, but encompasses her in a crystal-like substance.  The top of the crystal splits, forming a small platform.  Now standing there is Serena in her princess outfit.  For what seemed like an eternity, neither of them did anything.  Serena still had her eyes closed, and was holding the wand that held the silver crystal within it.  All of a sudden, Serena's eyes opened.


*Moonlight Densetsu plays*


Serena holds the wand up as it begins to sparkle with energy.  Beryl begins to fire another blast of black energy at her, but Serena fires a white beam at that blast, shouting, "MOON HEALING ESCALATION!"


The white beam forms a barrier around Serena as the black energy collides into it, trying to shatter.  Beryl roars in fury and hatred, but Serena is still standing tall.


Beryl: WHY?!  Why continue to struggle against me!?  Even though you envision a beautiful future, you will soon know the truth!  This world is foul and corrupt!


Serena: No.  I still believe.


Beryl: In love?  In friendship?  In trust??


Beryl laughs once again.


Serena: I believe in them!  I believe in the world everyone tried to protect!


Beryl: You fool!  In this unrighteous world, there is nothing to believe in!


The black energy increases in intensity.  Serena suddenly feels the weight of the energy knocking away the energy of the silver crystal, but stands tall.


Serena: Please...  I beg you, silver crystal...  The world that we all believed in...  Strengthen my belief in it even more!


Beryl: The dark energy is stronger!  The silver crystal cannot seal me away!


Beryl fires even more energy out, and the polar region around them begins to blow away and explode.


Serena: Everyone...  Lend me...


Serena turns her face back to Beryl.


Serena: Your strength!


The wand suddenly has ghostly arms grab onto it.  Four of them in all, and next to Serena appear the inner soldiers.


Mercury: Mercury power!


Mars: Mars power!


Jupiter: Jupiter power!


Venus: Venus power!


Serena: Moon Prism Power!


Five energies swirl into the silver crystal, aiming right at Beryl.  Lights around the area suddenly swirl into the five, as well.


Beryl: Wha- What's this?!


The Silver Crystal suddenly shoots out a ball of energy.  It's colored pink, but negating black.  It enlarges and begins to encompass Beryl.  But just as she's half-way encompassed, Reuisu shouts, "PAUSE!"






Rei: What are you doing?!  It was just getting good!


Reuisu: I see something.  Computer, enhance grid 9x16x41!


The computer enhanced the image of a purple cloud of dust just behind Beryl's head.


Reuisu: Overlap image of Queen Beryl in a leaping position onto the gas.


An image of Queen Beryl leaping away from her own head overlaps the gas.  The computer says, "100% match."


Rei: What does it mean?


Reuisu: It means that Beryl escaped her own body during the fight.  It means Beryl is still alive!





To Be Continued...