*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





"He deserved heaven, not prison."


That was how Rei began her diary entry.  She thought of Reuisu, standing atop a building, reaching his arms towards the skies, trying to break an invisible wall like a mime, but unlike a mime, he could not escape from his personal prison.


"He is Reuisu Lovhaug, son of Yujinia Kizoku and John Lovhaug.  He is the Titan who fights on the side of love and justice, Sailor Centauri.  He is-...  WAS the prince of a powerful kingdom.  A kingdom which was devoted to peace and a great alliance known as the Alliance Alpha Centauri.  He forged a great peace, and saw his entire kingdom crumble and die around him.  He once said something to me, 'The moment we're born we start dying.'  I had merely thought of him as a pessimist at the time, but as I thought about it, he was right.  And as the days go by, and Reuisu knows of what he's done, the cruel being known as Queen Beryl that he has accidentally let loose once more upon the world, I can't help but think what would've happened if we had not been so lucky as to have him with us.  I probably would've ended up with CHAD."


Rei giggled a little but then paused and thought for a moment.


"He deserved heaven, not prison.  The prison of his own mortality.  The prison of his own guilt."


And with that, Rei shut the book and continued to try to read the flames.






A green cloud travelled through the ventilation ducts of the college main building.  The cloud was filled with a rage and hatred beyond description.


A hatred and rage for the one known as Serenity.  And for the one known as Reuisu.


What it came down to was total and utter jealousy.  Jealousy of the moon kingdom, jealous of the Princess of that Kingdom, and jealousy of their great peace with the Alliance Alpha Centauri.


She hated it all.  And that hatred is what led her here, to Reuisu's college.  She would wait for him in the air ducts, wait for him to enter into his class, and then, she would strike, strangle the Centaurian before he knew what was happening.  Then he would do the same to each Sailor, until finally killing Sailor Moon, Serena, Neo-Queen Serenity, whatever the hell she called herself.


Beryl: How can they be protected when the danger is the very air they need to live?  How ironic, I will kill them by using their source of life.  Hey, what the-


Beryl couldn't stay in one place.  She was suddenly being pulled away from the airduct that she was in back towards a fan spinning at the bottom of an air shaft.  All she could hear was the voices of the college students...


Student: ...And so with the use of this air recycling device I've attached to the fan, all the carbon dioxide in which we exhale with every breath is then reprocessed into breathable air.  Just think of the possibilities!  Gas masks with an ultimited amount of air, no need to conserve trees with no wildlife just because we need the oxygen!  No fraga jaklo passiga-  grat yin rewquest?


Beryl wasn't quite understanding what was happening.  The fan had pulled her into the machine, and she was still fully aware of what was happening, even as she began to dissipate, but she could sense her hearing was still working, so why did she hear this human speaking absolute gibberish?  Well, that didn't last long as Beryl was placed into the machine and dissipated into normal, breathable air.






Reuisu: No, no, I'm serious!  She loves me!


College kid: Come on, Reuisu, stop dreaming!


Reuisu: Listen, do you want me to call Rei right now and confirm my story?


College kid: Alright, big shot, gragh jakilo stynim.


Reuisu: I beg your pardon?


College kid: Yuraquen miji viga?


Reuisu: I am really in no mood for games.


College kid: Gahamek compinu!


Reuisu grabbed a peice of paper and wrote down, "I can't understand a word you're saying."  The college kid grabbed the paper and wrote, "Me?  You're the one who's speaking gibberish!"

Reuisu wrote, "I'm speaking normally.  YOU'RE the one who's speaking gibberish."


All of a sudden, the door to the college library opened, and a girl ran in.


Girl: Ghoroy togjikiya!


Both Reuisu and the kid gave a blank expression at the girl.  She ran over and wrote on the piece of paper, "Something weird's going on.  No one can understand what anyone else is saying!  And it's not just here, it's starting to spread throughout the city!"  Reuisu and kid raised an eyebrow, and jumped up.  The kid went in the opposite direction from Reuisu, who activated his wrist communicator.


Reuisu: Titans!  Soldiers!  Can you hear me?  Can you understand me?


Lucy: Gruger nan kiki do?  Toyo werta quet!


Amara: Yes, I can understand you, but noone else around me seems to be able to understand each other.


Reuisu: Something's happening here.  Get the others and meet me at my void and we'll-


Amara: Jolan Pobvis?


Reuisu rolled his eyes as he continued to run out the college to his car.  He got in, started driving, and began to type into the communicator, "Meet me at my void.  Something weird's going on all over the city, some kind of tower of babel thing."






Reuisu set up his projector, and readied slides he that he was writing currently.  He had chalkboards and chalk ready as the Sailor Titans and inner and outer soldiers came into the void.  Reuisu ran over and hugged Rei, who hugged back.  He then walked over to the projector.


Serena: Hoyou tiya gesso?!


Reuisu pointed to the chalkboards in the chairs.  They all went over and took one.  Serena wrote down, "What's going on?"


Reuisu took out a TV remote, and switched on the TV nearby.


Anchorman: A complete quarantine of Tokyo has been officially declared.  Some type of airborn virus has infected Tokyo, somehow affecting the hearing centers of the brain.  Anyone with the plague can speak normally, to the best of their abilities, but both speach and hearing are limited to gibberish.  Scientists are trying hard to find a cure, but are still not allowed into the quarantine-


Reuisu switched it off.  He took out a slide which wrote, "I used my equipment to track the cause of some type of experimental air recycling system.  Apparently, Beryl, in a gaseous form, was sucked into the device, and it mutated the Beryl plague into some type of new virus."


Ami wrote, "What can we do to help?"


Reuisu quickly writes, "There really isn't anything we can do.  None of my equipment can create a suitable anti-virus, and it doesn't look like this is going to let up soon.  I think we should just continue life as normal."


Rei writes, "Well, then could you help me, Reuisu?  The karaoke machine at the temple has broken down, and I need some help fixing it."


Michelle(Moonshine) writes, "We're having our entire way of communication destroyed, and you're worried about your karaoke machine?!"


Lita writes, "Yeah, who's going to listen to you sing?"


Rei, "I still need to practice.  Keeping a voice like mine isn't easy."


Serena, "A voice like a banshee?"


Rei, "I saw that, odango atama!"


Serena, "Well duh, I wrote it!"


Reuisu, "Ladies, please!  This is serious!"


Rei, "Look, just help me fix it, please?"


Reuisu, "Alright, alright, I'll swing by and help after getting some things from the store."






Reuisu got out of his car and walked up the stairs of the shrine.  Chad was on the steps as well, shoveling up snow.  He stopped when he saw Reuisu approaching.


Chad: Megal.  Youri Taho Gakina.


Reuisu: I know you don't understand me, but I'm going to say it anyway: Rei is MY love, and no matter how hard you try, I will never let you have her.


Chad: Jalpag.


Chad raised his arm up, and gave Reuisu the finger.


Reuisu: Impudent vermin.


Reuisu walked up the steps and into the temple.  Rei was waiting near the karaoke machine.  The speaker had been opened.  Rei took out her chalkboard and wrote, "Well, here it is.  I hope you can do something with it."


Reuisu sat down and examined it.  He then opened the speaker fully, and began to meddle with some wires.


Reuisu: Hmmm... Looks like some transistors got knocked out of place.  Also, the connection to the speaker itself seems to have been pulled out accidentally.


Reuisu reattached the transistors, but when he plugged the speaker back in, a high-pitched howl lept out the machine, and Rei and Reuisu put their hands over their ears.  The howl dissipated quickly.


Reuisu: Ow!


Rei: Yeah, I mean, that really hurt!


Reuisu: Geez, how can you work with-  Oh my God, Rei, I can understand you!  Say something!


Rei opened her eyes wide.


Rei: I can hear you, too!


Reuisu: The high-pitched sound, it must've eliminated the plague!


Rei: But how do we use this to our advantage?


Reuisu: I can use my computer to hack into every stereo and speaker in Tokyo, that's how!  Get the Sailors, and meet me at my void!






Reuisu made one last internet connection, and then pulled up a microphone.  Everyone was nearby, waiting.  He plugged in the microphone, and then handed it to Serena.


Reuisu: Oh wonderful singing talent that is you, Serena, please enlighten us with a nice shriek.


Serena took a deep breath, and then screamed to the top of her lungs into the microphone.  All over Tokyo, people suddenly latched onto their ears, trying to stop the sound that reverberated.  a few objects made of glass shattered.  And then, after eight seconds, stopped.


Serena: Did it work?


Reuisu: Well, I can hear you.  Although I think I may have gone deaf...






To Be Continued...