*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Falling.  Ever Falling.


That was the reaction felt to the Sailor Soldiers and Titans as the time corridor they travelled through to return to their home timeline collapsed.  The mission had seemed like such a simple one-travel into the future, prevent Neo-Queen Serenity from dying from a poisonous gas.  It had all seemed so simple.


But even when they discovered it was a Beryl plague, they knew it would go downhill from there.  They had actually defeated it quite easily, but Reuisu had left the future in an unsettling feeling.  King Darien and Neo-Queen Serenity had seemed very, very distant from Reuisu, even downright frightened of him.  He could not imagine what could've happened to cause their fear and mistrust of him.


But things were getting much more downhill.  They had agreed to meet the Outer Soldiers in the time corridor, but when they met, something attacked Pluto's time staff, sending them off course.  Into the past, or into the future, no one could tell until they got there...






The first thing that Reuisu realized was that he had a pounding headache.  He had not yet opened his eyes.  He was trying to remember the last thing that had happened to him, but he figured opening his eyes would be a smart choice.  He was wrong.


When he opened his eyes, his face turned bright red, and he stopped breathing.  He was looking straight ahead of him, and his head was facing the bottom part of one of the girls' dresses.  He was staring at someone's panties.


Immediately, in utter shock and surprise, he lept up, knocking Miya who was laying on top of him off, and covered his eyes and continued to blush in utter horror.


Reuisu: Oh God, please let me be the only one to have woken up...  Please let me be the only one to have woken up...


Slowly, Reuisu removed his hands and saw that he had been looking at Michelle.


Reuisu: If Tyrael finds out about this, I'M going to end up as an angel...


Reuisu looked around and saw he was the only one up.


Reuisu: Thanks, God.  Hey, where are we?


Reuisu looked around.  The group was apparently inside a local park, but it was deserted.  He then went over to Pluto to try to wake her up.  She groggilly awakened.


Pluto: Reuisu, why are you blushing?


Reuisu realized the blood in his face had yet to drain from it.


Reuisu: You don't want to know.  Let's just wake everyone up.


Within minutes, everyone was woken up, and Reuisu's face returned to normal.


Ami: Where are we?  WHEN are we?


Pluto: Give me a moment.


Pluto closed her eyes, then looked down at her time staff.


Pluto: March 7th...  Year...  1996!


Everyone's expression turned grim.


Serena: The day I became Sailor Moon.  How did we get here?


Reuisu: I believe my hunch was right.  Another Beryl plague was in the time field.  Instead of going to the future to kill you, however, this one seemed to think that killing you before you became Sailor Moon was a more logical way of doing things.


Rei: Unfortunately, they're quite right.  Serena may be strong as Serena, but she doesn't stand a chance against Beryl here and then!


Everyone shot a confused look at her.


Rei: Only trying to be accurate in my time stuff.  This has already happened, hasn't it?  So technically it would be then.


Reuisu: Let's not go into trivial matters right now.  We have one priority right now: Key events led to Serena becoming Sailor Moon.  I suggest we split into three groups, two to search for Beryl, and one to watch over the past Serena.  ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!


The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.















The green gas cloud gained form behind a fence.  Her skin was pale, her hair a dark crimson red, her eyes green, and her nails black as death.  It was Beryl.  She looked just over the fence to see three kids surround the past Luna, and she thought of the fact that if Luna had never met Serena, there would be no Sailor Moon...


Beryl slowly began to get up and ready a blast of energy to kill the children and Luna.




Beryl snaps her head to the side to see two yellow balls of energy collide into her, blasting her away from the fence.  The Titans leap down in front of her.


Beryl: YOU AGAIN?!!?


Moonshine: Should've thought that when you were travelling through time that we wouldn't follow you, nega witch.  MOONSHINE MIRROR!!!


Moonshine's time staff forms into a mirror, and reflects the light of the moon off of it into a concentrated beam of energy at Beryl, burning a hole in her chest.  She yelps in pain and teleports away.


Asteroid: We lost her!






A green gas cloud formed behind a building, quickly taking the shape of Beryl.  She slowly turned her head around a corner.  Serena had just thrown the test she had gotten a 35/100 behind her, and it landed on Darien's head and fell off.


Darien: That hurt, odango atama!


Serena turned around and said, "I'm sorry."  Darien merely looked at the test, shocked.


Darien: A 35?!


Serena looked shocked that this person she didn't even know was looking at her test.  Darien lowered the test.


Darien: You should study more, odango atama.


Serena: What business is it of yours!?


Beryl was about ready to strike, so she turned her head in front of her again.  However, her face was met with Sailor Saturn's glaive in front of it.  She panicked and rolled off to the side, more behind the building.  The outer soldiers lept down in an attempt to stop her.






The two energy balls shot down at Beryl, who lept into the air and teleported away as the balls collided into the ground and exploded.


Saturn: Dang!  We lost her.






It was a few hours later.  The inner soldiers observed Luna give Serena the brooch that would transform her into Sailor Moon.  The Titans and the Outer Soldiers continued their search for Beryl, who, in turn, went to Molly's Mother's jewel shop.  All the people within the shop had been drained of energy by the fake jewels they had been trying thanks to the youma Jedite had released.  The youma had suddenly stopped it's illusion of being Molly's mother, and readied it's hands to strangle Molly.


Beryl: MORGUE!


The youma, Morgue, turned around.


Morgue: My queen!  What are you doing here?


Beryl: I shall be finishing this task myself.  Take the energy and leave.


Morgue: At once, my queen.


The youma bowed before her, and walked into the shadows.  Beryl turned to Molly, who was frozen in fear.


Beryl: If you value your life, human, you will leave immediately.


Molly nodded and ran out the doors, screaming.  Beryl looked around her at the unconscious humans around her.


Voice: Stop right there!


Beryl smiled.  The voice she recognized and hated so much was behind her.  The voice was that of the original Sailor Moon.


Beryl: I was wondering when you would finally show up, princess.


Beryl slowly turned around to see a very bewildered Sailor Moon and Luna.


Moon: Princess?


Beryl: Oh, that's right, you don't know yet, do you?  Well, you won't have to worry about it.  In about ten seconds, you won't have to worry much about anything else for that matter.


Beryl began to absorb green energy around her hands, and the blood in Sailor Moon's face drained.  She raised her arms up into the air and prepared to fire.






Beryl shot out the green ball of energy at Sailor Moon, who blocked herself pathetically with her arms, but the blast collided instead into Sailor Saturn's wall.  A red fire arrow shot down from the rafters and into Beryl, knocking her onto her face.  She slowly got up.


Asteroid: ROCKET BLAST!!!


Asteroid shimmered for a moment, then, looking very much like his entire body was fazing out of reality, ran straight into Beryl, tackling her into a wall.  The inner soldiers, Titans, and Outer Soldiers jumped down.


Moon(Present): Where's Reuisu?


Moonshine: Went to check out some anomolous readings on the roof.  He'll be back.


Moon(Past): Who are you people?!


Mercury: No time for pleasantries!  Use your tiara!


The Sailor Moon of the past nodded confusingly, but pulled the tiara off her head, anyway.




The tiara glowed a bright yellow, forming into a discus, and collided into Beryl, annihilating her.


Luna: Would someone PLEASE explain what is going on?!


Centauri came staggering into the room, his armor scorched.


Love: Centauri!  What happened?


Centauri: Don't remember...  And Luna, to explain, we're from the future.  HER future.


Centauri pointed to the past Sailor Moon.


Moon(Past): You mean...  You're from my future?  What happens?


Pluto: Eh, eh.


Pluto touched Luna and the Past Sailor Moon's forehead with a square computer chip.  The two fell unconscious.


Pluto: They'll wake up with no recollection of what happened.  I suggest we return to our own timeline and make sure Beryl hasn't done anything else.


Moon(Present): Agreed.





To Be Continued...