*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu sat in his void, sipping a cup of tea.  His mind was not focused on the video screens ahead of him, searching sections of Tokyo for a Beryl presence, or searching the time corridors for any other Beryl plagues that could've infected through there.  His mind was on the brief time he had spent in the future.  While he was talking to Neo-Queen Serenity and King Darien, he noted many times of their fear and mistrust of him.


Reuisu: Am I dead?  Did something happen to me during this time that killed me?  Or, could it possibly be, that I betrayed the team?  But what?  What could possibly drive me over the edge as far as to betray the people I've loved for years?  Hey, what's this?


Reuisu saw that he had e-mail from Chibi-moon@future.com.  He opened it, and it said, "Dear Reuisu, this is Rini!  To complete my training as a Sailor Soldier and become Sailor Neo Moon, my parents have decided to send me back in time to finish the training.  I'll be arriving in two days on Darien's rooftop at around 5:00 PM your time.  See ya then!"


All of a sudden, Reuisu's attention was diverted from his thoughts and onto the bleeping screen.  He saw that it was the sensor for tracking Beryl plagues through the city.  The sensor indicated a red dot inside an abandoned warehouse.


Reuisu: Why is it always the abandoned ones?  Reuisu to Titans and Soldiers-I've located a Beryl plague in an abandoned warehouse in Southern Tokyo.  I'm relaying the coordinates to everyone.


Reuisu paused as he was about to relay the coordinates.


Reuisu: And Serena, let Ami take you.








The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.




Serena's silhouette appears over the whol pink glittery thing.  Feathers fly past her and form her torso.  Feathers wrap around her arm, forming the gloves.  It then backs up with her image with two small angel wings.




While she says that, her transformation stick shines as a round, blue crystal snaps onto the stick.  She twirls the stick around her and blue energy comes out of it and forms the Sailor fuku.  She stands in front of an image of a harp.




While she says that, her transformation stick shines as a round, red crystal snaps onto the stick.  She twirls herself around as red rings shoot out of the stick and surround her, forming her outfit.  She stands in front of an image of a bow and arrow.




While she says that, her transformation stick shines as a round, green crystal snaps onto the stick.  She twirls as her transformation stick forms an eletrical charge around her, finally forming into her fuku.  She stands in front of a wreath with the Zodiac symbol for Jupiter in it.




While she says that, her transformation stick shines as a round, yellow crystal snaps onto the stick.  Yellow energy twirls around her, forming her sailor fuku.  She stands behind a wreath with the Zodiac symbol of Venus in it.










Centauri: Alright, we'll split off into three groups-Inners, Outers, and Titans.  There's an entrance on the north side, south side, and west side.  The Titans' will take the north side, and we'll meet in the center.






The Titans looked around themselves, Centauri's infrared, spectral, and meteorological sensors were at full, indicating metal fatigue, normal background radiation, and altogether nothing.


Asteroid: Still don't see anything?


Centauri: Zip, zilch, and a whole lot of nothing.


Moonshine: Beryl may be attacking the others.


Centauri: We can't break radio silence.  Some Beryls have been able to transverse time, we don't know how it'll react.  We're only supposed to break radio silence if we find Beryl.


Love: I don't like this, Centauri.  I don't like the way this looks, the way it sounds, I don't like any of it!


Cephiros: I'm with Love.  Something's wrong here.


Centauri: Nothing is wrong.  We're coming up on the center.


The Titans finally reached the center, where the inner and outer soldiers were waiting.


Centauri: I'm assuming you had no luck?


Uranus: Nothing.


Centauri: I don't get it.  Beryl is filled with rage, and must be stuck in a gaseous or physical form, we should've been able to locate her!


Mercury: Is it possible your equipment malfunctioned?


Centauri: I have been having malfunctions with certain systems.


Mercury: Well, I'll help take a look at them after I finish studying tomorrow.


Centauri: Thanks.  Let's get out of here.


The group nodded and began to walk out slowly.  Sailor Moon looked down at her boots for a moment, though.  There was a green, almost transluscent slime at the base of her boots.


Moon: Ewe.  I'm gonna have to clean that off later.







Uranus: Another fine screw-up you've gotten us into, Reuisu.


Centauri: What are you talking about?  I'm the only one who's truly searching for Beryl!


Neptune: Well you're not doing a very good job of it!  Nadda, zero, zip!  It would've attacked us, but nothing happened!  Looks like you're getting sloppy, Centauri.


Moonshine: Reuisu didn't do anything!  It was a mistake!


Saturn: Yeah right.  For all we know, he could just be doing this as his crude form of training us.


Centauri: That's a lie, Saturn!


Pluto: How do we know?  How do we know it's not?!


Cephiros: You can shut up!


Uranus: Up yours!


Jupiter: Hey, you two!  I don't see you going out manually to look for Beryl!  And as for you, Reuisu, you rely to much on that stupid machine of yours!


Centauri: Listen Michael Jordan, back off!


Venus: Wanna stop your yapping, Centauri?!


Love: Wanna stop pretending you're the best when it comes to love, Mina?


Uranus: That's it!  We're sick of working with a group of Sailors like this!  We quit!


Centauri: OH, so suddenly they're officially announcing their betrayal before they do it!


Neptune: I've had just about enough of your-


Moon: All of you shut up before-


Asteroid: Wanna stuff it up your-








The green slime slowly formed together and merge into a single, human shape.  Her red hair flowed behind her as she looked out a window at the arguing Sailor groups.  And Beryl smiled.





To Be Continued...