*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Rebel: Make the choice, Sailor Centauri.  The boy, or your Sailor Mars.


She saw the sight she hoped she would never see again: There she was, tied up on a crane to Reuisu's far right.  To Reuisu's far left, was the innocent boy, crying away as the Rebel from Beryl's former empire stood on a crane in the center.


Centauri: I...  I...


Rebel: Oops, too late.


Suddenly, both cables snapped sending both two screaming as they fell to oblivion.  Sailor Centauri yelped and immediately dropped down towards Sailor Mars and grabbed her.  They were still falling fast, so Centauri grabbed his flute, and shot down a yellow rope which shot out and tied itself around a beam.  He then gave the flute to Mars and began to fall again, trying to reach the boy.  The boy was screaming for his mommy, and Centauri was reaching with his arm, trying to grab the boy, but remained three feet from his reach, until suddenly, Centauri was hit by a falling beam, hit on the head, and he lost focus again.  He then looked for the boy again, and saw a bloody mess on the pavement thirty feet below him.  Centauri's anti-gravity jets suddenly activated, stopping him in mid air.  He just floated there, looking at the dead body on the pavement.




Reuisu woke up in a deep gasp.  Michelle and Astra looked at him for a moment.


Michelle: Nightmare?


Reuisu: You could say that.


Astra: Where are we going, anyway?


Reuisu: Keep your voice down, Astra.  Do you want people to hear a talking cat?


Astra: When it's this late at night at Russia, people are usually sleeping, as you were.


Michelle: What are we doing here?


Reuisu: Oracle tells me that there've been reports of something "heavenly" and "God-like" in the area.  Since neither you or I has been there before, I can only assume it's another Sailor Titan.


The two giggled softly.


Astra: Have you made sure we had a place to stay while we're in Russia?


Reuisu: Of course.  It took me awhile to understand the Russian, but I finally got the gist of it.


Michelle: How do you think the Sailor Soldiers are handling?


Reuisu: They're the most efficient people I've ever worked with, they can take care of everything!






Mars: RUN AWAY!!!


Fallen ones were throwing spears like mad, trying to peirce and kill the Sailor soldiers.




The lightning hit a few fallen ones, frying and obliterating them.


Tuxedo Mask bashed another Fallen one with his cane.


Tuxedo Mask: I REALLY hope Reuisu is having a worse time than we are, right now!





Beneath the desert sands, beneath the Pandemonium fortress and past the river of flame, Mephisto, Baal, and Diablo met once again in council.


Diablo: He has found one of the Titans.


Mephisto: I know.


Baal: And I assume you plan to annihalate both of them?


Mephisto: Of course!  They are a potential threat to all of us, and they must be terminated.


Diablo: Just like the fallen ones you sent?


Mephisto: I underestimated them.  Centauri fought and won against you, Diablo, you should know better than to question his abilities.


Diablo: If his abilities were all that strong, he would've beaten us already.


Baal: Prophecy is what is being followed here.


Mephisto: What is it with you and this prophecy mumbo jumbo?  We don't need a prophecy to tell us we're going to win!


Baal: And how do you expect to win when those two Sailor Titans are still out and about?


Mephisto: I will handle it.  Andariel!


The tarantula woman steps out of the shadows.


Mephisto: Prepare two squadrons of Quill Rats and prepare them to be released in St. Petersburg, Russia.


Andariel: As you command, my Lord.






Reuisu: Oracle, are the main phone lines down in Tokyo?


Oracle: Yes.  There have been more and more demon attacks focusing there.


Reuisu: Would it be possible for me to get a clear channel to it?


Oracle: Your wish is my command-dot-com.


Suddenly, the view screen changed from Oracle to Luna.


Luna: Reuisu, is that you?


Reuisu: Indeed it is, I have good news!  I've found another Sailor Titan and a Guardian cat, Astra.


Luna: Another cat?  Wait a minute, Astra?  Tannish-gold cat with the symbol of the moon on her head?


Reuisu: You know her?


Luna: Only in an unpleasant way.  We're rivals.


Reuisu: You had a rival and you never told us?


Luna: What was the point?


Suddenly, Luna was shoved aside and replaced by Serena.


Reuisu: Hey Moon face.


Serena: PLEASE tell me you've found the Titans by now!


Reuisu: Only one.  Sailor Moonshine.


Serena: Eerr...  How come so many people are taking my name?!!?


Reuisu: Because you haven't put any copywrite laws on it.


Serena: Copy what?


Serena was again shoved aside, this time by Rei.


Reuisu: Rei!


Rei: Reuisu, it's so good to see you!  How are-


Rei was being shoved aside by Serena again.


Serena: I was talking to him, Rei!  Don't shove me!


Rei: He's my boyfriend, I can talk to him if I want!


Serena: That doesn't give you the right to shove me around and stuff!


Rei: Oh yeah?!?!


Reuisu: Well, I'm gonna go look for the next Titan, see ya later everyone.


The screen flashed off.


Reuisu: I love them, but they give me a headache.


All of a sudden, Reuisu's communicator beeped.  Someone was calling him.  He picked it up and opened it.


Reuisu: Talk to me.


Michelle: Reuisu, we've got a situation downtown!  Some sorta weird porcupine demons!


Reuisu: Sounds like Quill rats.  I'll meet you there!







The quill rats fired another spray of needles out, hitting one person in the back, and bouncing and sticking into and off of walls.  Reuisu and Michelle ran in front of them.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Centauri: You picked the wrong day to mess with innocent civilians, Quill rats!


Moonshine: We're Sailor Titans!


Centauri: We stand for love and justice!


Moonshine: We stand for Truth and heaven!


Centauri: And in the name of Alpha Centauri,


Moonshine: And in the name of the moon,




The Quill rats shrugged it off and continued to shoot darts at anything that moved.


Moonshine and Centauri sweat-dropped.


Moonshine: They're not listening to us.


Centauri: Get used to it.




Moonshine's staff turned into a mirror, and reflected the shine of the moon into a quill rat, vaporizing it.  Seeing this, the other Quill rats turned and surrounded the two Sailor Titans.


Centauri: This is pathetic.  They think they can stop us by merely surrounding us.


Moonshine: Quite puny.


Centauri: GIGA MISSILE!!!


The missile shot out of Centauri's arm and went straight for a group of quill rats.  Suddenly, all the quill rats leaped from the spot!  The explosion rocked under them, but nothing happened to the rats themselves.


Centauri: Huh?  Wanna play it rough, huh?  GIGA BLADE!!!


The two red blades shoot out of Centauri's wrist armor.  Centauri ran at full speed into a quill rat, who jumped and bit into the wrist armor, disabling the Giga blade.  As Centauri was shocked, ten Quill rats jumped him and brought him down onto the ground.  Moonshine gulped as the other quill rats prepared to jump Moonshine.


Suddenly, they all jumped into the air, and were just about to bite into her...






...when a flaming white sword shot down from the sky and sliced each quill rat in half!  Moonshine stared unbelievingly at the sword for a moment, then looked up.  The man had no visible face, as it was shadowed by a white cowel.  Three white feathers were on his shoulders with golden armor.  Long, white strips of some material strew out from his back.  His gloves were of white, as were his pants and boots.  A heavenly aura surrounded him.


Centauri finally beat enough quill rats off him to look up.


Centauri: Mother of God...  Is that an angel?!?


Moonshine: He's a hunk, that's what he is.


Figure: You are both wrong.  I am the Archangel Tyrael.  I am here to help you.


Centauri: Are you a Sailor Titan?


Tyrael: No.  I know of them, but I am not one of them.  Quickly, Sailor Centauri, while the quill rats are distracted, destroy them!


Moonshine: What a hunk.




Compartments and other assorted places opened up all over Centauri's armor, his missile ports opened, and his two cannons came on his back.  Suddenly, every peice of weapon on him fired at once!  Laser beams, bullets, energy blasters, and missiles all fired at the Quill Rats, obliterating them utterly.


Centauri: Thanks for the help Ty-


Centauri looked up as did Moonshine, Tyrael was gone.


Centauri: That was strange.


Moonshine: What a hunk.




To Be Continued