*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Reuisu was sent violently back to the ground and groaned in pain, landing on his already bruised arm.


Reuisu: Report!


Another shake within the void sent Reuisu onto his back.  Ami ran over to the computer.


Ami: Dimensional stabilizers malfunctioning!


Reuisu got back and ran over to the console.


Reuisu: Re-route power from secondary sound emitters to the DS conduits!


Ami inputed the commands.  The warning light for that circuit shut off, but all the others continued to flash and roar.


Reuisu: Michelle, Lita, how are you doing?


Lita and Michelle were at another console, working within the circuits.


Michelle: The environmental controls are fused!  We need to bypass them to repair it!


Reuisu: Burn through cables if you have to!  If we lose environmental controls, we lose the void!


Michelle nodded and used her time staff to start plowing through cables.


Serena: Reuisu, why won't you tell me what's going on?!


Reuisu: It's my systems!  The temporal fields I put up sometimes to help us against adverse temporal effects enhance degredation and entropy on my systems!  They're degrading!


All of a sudden, the alarms shut off.  Reuisu snapped his head back over to Michelle and Lita.  Michelle was taking her head out of the console.


Michelle: I think I've repaired the degredation damage.  Provided we don't have to erect another temporal barrier in another month or so, we should be fine.


All of a sudden, another warning flash comes on.


Reuisu: I can never have anything nice!


Reuisu walks over to the console and hits the alarm button, trying to find out what's happening.  The computer screen flares on, saying, "Beryl plague detected."


Reuisu: Identify source of Beryl plague!


The computer displays the numbers


Reuisu: One-one-three-point-nine-seven...  Those are star chart coordinates!  the others are temporal coordinates!  Computer, give me temporal charts and star charts, immediately!


The computer screen switched off, and the computer retracted into the desk itself.  The table then flattened out, and then a circular metal object appeared on the desk.  It shot out three green lines, and then a holographic view screen appeared.  It split off into seperate monitors, one showing star charts and another showing time stream lines.  The lines however, were going backwards.  One gray line split off from five main ones, and stayed a reasonable distance away and stopped.  At the same time, the star charts stopped at four light years from this solar system.  Reuisu ran over to see them.


Reuisu: Oh my God, it's the day the Alliance Alpha Centauri fell!  Beryl's travelled to Alpha Centauri!


Everyone got out their transformation sticks and readied to transform.


Ami: Wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense.  When Beryl destroyed the Alliance and the Moon Kingdom, we were all reborn.  Killing you any earlier is still going to get you reborn, what can she do to change all that?


Reuisu: It doesn't matter.  This is the chance of a lifetime, we can prevent both kingdoms from being destroyed, and tell them to prepare for all the other coming evils!


Serena: He's right, this is the only chance we'll ever get!


Michelle: But why do you say that?  Couldn't we travel back in time anytime to do this?


Reuisu: The temporal boundaries open only if there is a crisis to be resolved.  You should know that better than anyone.  Everyone ready?


They all nodded.


Reuisu: Let's go save our kingdoms.







Sailor Centauri slammed into the ground hard.  The other Sailors landed next to him.


Centauri: Michelle...


Moonshine: I think my staff needs work.


Centauri: One of these days, we are going to have a long talk about acceptable safety standards for time travelling.  One of them includes MAKING SURE WE LAND RIGHT FOR A CHANGE.


Moonshine: Noted.  Reuisu?


Centauri: Yes?


Moonshine: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to HIM.


Moonshine pointed at the young boy, around twelve years old, sitting on a throne.  His eyebrow was rasied, and he was staring intently at them.  Then his eyes shifted to the girls, and his eyes got wide.


Reuisu: Man, nice legs...


Jupiter: Excuse me?!


Centauri got up and put an arm in front of her to make sure she didn't do anything foolish, like kill Prince Reuisu for his remark.


Centauri: Your highness, this may be a little hard for you to accept, but we are from the future.


Reuisu: Really...  Well, if those girls are from the future, I like how the future looks.


Centauri: Listen, we're not here to talk about girls...


Reuisu: You aren't?  Then please leave.


Centauri: We're here to warn you and protect you!  There is a dark force on its way here and the Moon Kingdom, we have to warn the Moon Kingdom so they can prepare for the assault!  If we don't, both our kingdoms could be destroyed!


Reuisu listened intently to each detail, then rolled his eyes and leaned back in his throne.


Reuisu: Listen, even if I should believe you, the missile defense system that protects Alpha Centauri CAN'T be taken out.  Any attempts in the past to override or destroy the defense system ended in failure.  Nothing can stop it!


Centauri: Well Queen Beryl and Metallia say differently!


Reuisu: Look, unless those girls are here as-


Centauri: They are here to protect their kingdom and ours.


Reuisu: Then get out!


Centauri glared at Reuisu from within his helmet, and then told them to move back and out of the throne room.  Someone was waiting for them, however.  He looked around his late 30s or 40s, and hair graying in some areas.  He wore a badge on his left side.


Man: Excuse me, are you really from the future?


Moonshine: Yes, unfortunately we can't save our kingdoms because jackass in there thinks we're idiots.


Man: Well, I CAN help.  I'm the Minister of War and Defense in the Alliance.  You say there's going to be an attack here and the Moon Kingdom?


Cephiros: Led by two evils queens.  They'll destroy everything unless we can stop it.


Minister: Then we must move quickly!  We'll go to the scanner room, get proof of an attack.






Minister: Confirmed.  There is some type of energy cloud blocking the invasion force from scans.  We only detected it because we knew what we were looking for.


Centauri: Good!  What's their ETA with Alpha Centauri?


Minister: Checking lateral course...  They're going to the Moon Kingdom first!


Centauri rose his head up from the data sheet he was reading.


Centauri: What do you mean?  The Alliance is supposed to be attacked first, so the Moon Kingdom wouldn't have the necessary allies it needed to defeat them.


Minister: I know, but according to these readings, they're nowhere near Alpha Centauri, they're on a direct course for the Moon Kingdom.


Centauri could just sit there and look at the projected course of Beryl's force.  Immediately, he went over to Mercury.


Centauri: Mercury, what's the exact time Beryl's forces attack the Alliance, according to my data banks?


Mercury types some things into her computer, and an answer appears.


Mercury: Sixteen hours, thirty-one minutes, fifteen seconds.


Centauri: And the time the Moon Kingdom is destroyed?


Mercury taps some more things into her computer, and then raises an eyebrow.  She taps more into the mini computer, and then looks up at Reuisu.


Mercury: Sixteen hours, thirty-one minutes, fifteen seconds.


Everyone rose their heads up.  Even Sailor Moon understood.  The times were exact.  Centauri looked around them to see the confused, yet understanding expressions on their faces.


Centauri: How can they attack two places at the same time?


The inner soldiers began to put their heads down.


Venus: They can't...


Mars: Reuisu, I think we should-


Centauri: There's a mistake somewhere.  Mercury, check the files again!


Mercury: I checked them three times.


Centauri: Then check them four times!  Then four hundred times, because it's not possible!  That missile defense system was supposed to keep Beryl out, and she destroyed it, she-


Centauri's face went a ghastly shade of white when he finally realized it.


Centauri: Oh God...  The missiles!


Centauri bolted out of the strategy room with the Titans and the inner soldiers close behind.





The missile control room was empty, save for Prince Reuisu.  His crown was on a nearby table, and a headset was upon his head instead.  Everyone ran in, with Reuisu fiddling with the controls.




Prince Reuisu turned around and looked at them.


Reuisu: Relax, I got this under control.


Centauri: The missile defense system requires a very strong mental and physical will to handle the controls, you are neither of which!


Reuisu: Mental control?


Warning indicators flashed on, showing that all the platforms had launched.  Centauri ran over and pushed Reuisu away.


Centauri: He turned the missile platforms back at Alpha Centauri!  We have two minutes before those missiles impact!


Mercury: Can we stop them?!


Centauri: They're designed to be fool-proof and incapable of being overridden!  This is all your fault, Reuisu!  If my earth parents were here, this would never have happened!


Reuisu: Oh, your EARTH parents, a fifteen year-old Japanese prositute and a gay, drunk Englishman.


Everyoned stared in horror at Reuisu.  Centauri's eyes began to glow bright gold, and Reuisu suddenly felt strain around his neck, like someone was starting to strangle him.  The tension increased as everyone suddenly noticed a light coming from inside Reuisu's helmet.  His eyes' glow was increasing by the second.


Centauri: How dare you.  How DARE YOU?!?  You were born into paradise, and now you've destroyed it!  What have you done?!?


Reuisu: Turned a boring day into something far more exciting!  Killing people is fun!  Until now, I could only do it on small animals, but now-


Reuisu's neck was becoming more stressed, it was getting hard to breathe as Reuisu's psychic grip continued to bear down on him.  And then, suddenly, he let go and threw him into a wall.


Centauri: You can burn.  Burn with the mountains, burn with the temples, burn with your kingdom.  I'm glad I went through the Technis and the Sailor Wars.  I'm glad the person you are is going to die.  I'm glad you're going to burn.  Moonshine, get me the hell out of here.


Moonshine complied, opening a time portal and everyone walked through it, leaving Prince Reuisu lying there.  He looked outside a nearby window as missiles lit up the sky and came down on the city.


Reuisu: Dear God, what have I done?





To Be Continued