*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu: Come in!


The circular opening to the void opens up, and Rei comes up the ladder.


Reuisu: Ah, love, what can I do for you?


Rei: I just came by to see how you were doing.


Reuisu: What do you mean?


Rei: Well, I mean, with the whole thing with you being responsible for the destruction of Alpha Centauri...


Reuisu smiles and stands up.


Reuisu: Rei, I am having a great day.  I got over what happened in the past because the Sailor Wars and the Technis were the good kick in the butt I needed.  I went to a homeless shelter, gave food, money, clothing, anything I could spare to them!  You know, we may fight the war on evil to prevent those people's lives from being lost, but we never actually get to see the overjoyed look of happiness when you do something out of the goodness of your heart.


Rei: Well, I'm happy you're happy.  And, I think I know something to cheer you up even more.


Reuisu: Oh?


Rei: You have the honor to take me out on another date.


Reuisu: Is now okay?


Rei: More than.  Let's get-


The phone next to Reuisu suddenly rang.  Reuisu rolls his eyes.


Reuisu: Never a moment's peace.


He reaches over and picks up the phone.


Reuisu: Hello?  Yes, this is him.


Reuisu's smile faded entirely.


Reuisu: Excuse me?  No, no, I just wanted to make sure this wasn't some kind of a joke.  I see.


Reuisu's face began to tense up.


Reuisu: I'll catch the first flight.  Thank you.


Reuisu hung up the phone.


Rei: Is everything alright?


Reuisu: Yes.  Everything's fine.  Could you excuse me for a moment?


Reuisu got up out of his chair and walked over to the nearby bathroom, the only room in his void that had walls.  He entered the door, and locked it from the inside.  Rei walked over and put her ear next to the door.  She could hear crying noises, and sobbing and cursing.  She felt it best to go now, and let him be alone.







Lucy: All Rei told us was that he was crying.


Miya: It's not like Reuisu at all to cry.  Do you think he's still getting over the whole thing with Alpha Centauri?


Chris: Rei said he had gotten over it.


Michelle: All that happened was that he had gotten a phone call and that he was extremely disheartened by it.


Lucy: Reuisu, can we come in?


There was no reply at first, and then the portal into the void opened, and the ladder shot down.  The Titans climbed up, one at a time.  Reuisu was sitting in his chair, looking at images on the computer screen.  They were of a woman, the age between forty-five and sixty years old, with black hair that was starting to gray in certain areas.  Reuisu's eyes were bloodshot from the tears, but he continued to just stare at the pictures.


Miya: Is something wrong?


Reuisu didn't reply at first, but then he blinked and turned to the others.


Reuisu: Do any of you have family outside the country?


The question had come out of nowhere.  The Titans didn't know what to make of it.  But then, Chris answered.


Chris: Well, for me, not really.  I moved out on my own a little while back, but didn't make much money, and I haven't spoken to my parents since.


Lucy: My family's in London, Reuisu, you know that.


Reuisu giggled a little.


Reuisu: London.  I love that city.  It's always been good to me...


Reuisu then started to hold back tears, which the Titans could easily see.


Michelle: Reuisu, what's wrong?


Reuisu turned back to his photos.


Reuisu: I got a call from England.  My Mother burned to death in a fire.


Astra: Oh my God...


Miya: Are you alright?


Reuisu: My mother was just killed by a terrorist fire, do you think I'm alright?  I'm going back to England to attend the funeral.


Lucy: Should we come?


Reuisu: This is personal.  I'd prefer to go alone.


Reuisu shut off the images with a sad look on his face.  Suddenly, his alarms flared on.


Michelle: What's happening?


Reuisu: A Beryl plague!  At 3rd and Main, it's in physical form, and the inner soldiers are fighting it!


Miya: Then let's go help!









The blue shots of energy were evaded by Beryl, who smashed her fist into Mercury, knocking her away.  She looked behind her to see the Titans approaching.  She fired an energy blast at an attacking Sailor Moon, and then ran at the Titans.




Panels, compartments, etc. opened up all over Sailor Centauri's armor.  The two missile ports on his wrists opened, and his two cannons came out of the back plate and onto his shoulders.  Then, all the weapons fired constantly at Beryl, who deflected or took each blast easily.  She then lept at Centauri, slashing at his armor, creating three deep gashes within the armor.




Five identical pink hearts shot out at Beryl, who lept away from Centauri, and the hearts collided into Centauri, instead.  The armor gave him some protection from the pain inflicted on him, but not enough as he collapsed onto the ground.  Beryl shot at Sailors Love and Asteroid.  Before Asteroid could throw up a rock crumble, Beryl had punched both Love and Asteroid into the ground.


Moonshine: Where are the outer soldiers?!


Mars: Ug...  They're on their way, they were on a trip up north.


Beryl shot out green lightning at both Sailor Mars and Sailor Moonshine, pushing them into the ground.  Centauri finally used his giga blades on the hearts, slicing a hole through them.  However, as he jumped out, Sailor Cephiros was slammed into him, courtesy of Beryl throwing her at him.




The green energy balls shot out of a twirling Jupiter, but Beryl used her hands to deflect them back at her, knocking her into a nearby wall.  Sailor Venus was about to send a love and beauty shock, but Beryl ran at her and kicked her in the stomach, sending her rocketing into Sailor Moonshine as she tried to get up.  Sailor Moon got up, and readied her staff.  However, Beryl lept at her and grabbed the staff right out of her hands.  She then grabbed Sailor Moon by the neck and held her up.


Beryl: And then there was one.  And there truly is only one, only one Sailor Moon.  The spawn of Queen Serenity, and my mortal enemy.  Today, I end that!


Centauri ran at Beryl, only to have Beryl send Sailor Moon's staff into him.  The staff pierced the first layer of armor, and sent Centauri flying back.  Moon grabbed Beryl's arm in an attempt to pull herself away, and she kicked at Beryl's stomach, trying to have her be released.  Beryl ignored it and walked over the to the side of the road, next to a tree.  Sailor Cephiros launched two Valiant charges, but each one exploded harmlessly on Beryl.  Beryl slammed her hand inside the tree and pulled.  She grabbed a splinter of wood off of the tree, the end of it pointed like a stake.  Sailor Jupiter ran at Beryl and tried to hit her, but Beryl elbowed her in the stomach, knocking her away.  The sap from the tree ran down the stake like blood, and it reached Beryl's hand, but turned to ash as it did.  Beryl aimed the stake carefully as she turned Sailor Moon around, who shouted profanities as she demanded to be released.  The other Sailors got back up, trying to get at her.


Beryl: All of you should stay where you are, unless you want your dear little friend here to play Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


The Sailors did as they were told, and merely stood there, their eyes getting wider.


Beryl: Stupid, stupid children.


Centauri was about to shout and run at Beryl, but Beryl moved faster, and, with one movement, shoved the stake straight into Sailor Moon's back.  The stake drove out the other end, and Sailor Moon coughed up blood.  Everyone stood there, not fully understanding what had just transpired as Beryl dropped the now limp body onto the ground.  Everyone's faces were filled with shock as the blood drained from their faces and their pupils dilated.  All faces except one.  Beryl turned around to see Sailor Centauri standing ten feet away from her.  Centauri's hands were in fists, and inside the helmet, rage and hatred coursed through his blood.  And then, all of a sudden, his eyes began to glow.  They glowed golden, and Beryl could see this through the visor.  Golden light was flowing out of the visor, and Centauri's body began to glow with a golden aura.  The armor disappeared, fading into long, large pink threads.  A white Sailor outfit suddenly appeared over Reuisu's torso, but it was different from the females'.  The ribbon was smaller, and was colored gray.  The upper part of his shirt was not open, but was covered up to the neck with a black ring.  His arms were engulfed with white sleeves, but all the way colored unlike a female Sailor outfit.  The gloves were black, and a golden wrist armoring appeared on both arms.  His legs were the same that way, with no skirt like a girl's outfit.  Black army boots appeared over his feet.  His head suddenly had a golden halo with a silver, shining jewel in the center instead of a tiara like the girls's.


Super Sailor Centauri's eyes were still glowing, but now their color was changing.


Centauri: Murderer.


The eyes changed into a horrible blood red, and the aura changed as well.  Without any kind of technological equipment, Centauri began to float up.  Blue energy charged up around his hands.


Centauri: MURDERER.


Beryl suddenly became very frightened.  Thinking that killing her mortal enemy was enough, she ran in the opposite direction.


Centauri: MURDERER!


Centauri launched two Giga Forces out of his hands as they continued to glow.  Each one struck near Beryl, but not on her.  They exploded a street lamp and a parked car, blowing both into oblivion.  Centauri flew after Beryl.  Beryl ran as fast as her legs could take her, and she got rid of the black high heels she had been wearing, thinking they were inhabilitiating her ability to run.  Centauri was flying after her, still glowing with red energy.  He suddenly clapped his hands in front of him, and began to spin in a tornado.


Centauri: MURDERER!!!


The Nova Force he was launching spun in a deep red instead of gray, like usual.  The tornado launched through entire stores, blasting away walls as Beryl lept onto rooftops in an attempt to evade Centauri.  Glass exploded around them as Centauri flew through them, ignoring it when broken glass stabbed into him.




Centauri stopped the Nova Force, and hovered just behind Beryl.  The blue energy stopped collecting around his hands, and it suddenly changed into red energy.  He held his arms up, and instead of red, yellow, and orange energy collecting around his arms like a usual Terra Force, only red and black energy flowed together.


Centauri: TERROR FORCE!!!


The giant energy ball collided into Beryl's back, burning away the back of the outfit and the back of her skin.  She had been hit by it while in the air, so the attack slammed her into an alleyway below.  She turned around, despite the pain eminating from her back, and looked up to see Centauri charging up another one.


Centauri: TERROR FORCE!!!


The other energy ball slammed down, but Beryl just barely managed to roll out of the way.  The ball exploded the pavement around her, sending chunks of brick and cement onto her body.  She lay on her back, and Centauri floated down on top of her, and put his hands around her throat.


Centauri: MURDERER!!!  MURDERER!!!


Centauri squeezed with all his might as Beryl wrapped her hands around Centauri's wrists, digging her long nails into them and drawing blood.  And even as Beryl loosened her grip, and Centauri could feel the life being sucked away from her, he continued until he could no longer feel a pulse in her neck.  Instead of just releasing her, however, Centauri let go of her throat, but balled up his fists and slammed them into her face.  Ignoring any kind of pain that came into him, he kept hitting his fists into Beryl's face, seeing the damage caused by them.  He just kept hitting over and over again even as tears flowed out of his eyes, and all Centauri could think of was his mother, and the agent of love and justice, Sailor Moon.





To Be Continued...