*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Mars: Sailor Moon was, without a doubt, a hero.  She was the best of us, and she will be missed.  I never could have asked for a better friend.


Mars looked down and walked off the podium.  Even in their sailor fukus, everyone wore some type of black, signifying the funeral for Sailor Moon.  Super Sailor Centauri looked around him at all the other people who were there.  Some people he had not seen in years were there.  On the right of him, the four sisters, Birdie, Avery, Catzy, and Prisma hung their heads down.  To his left, Centauri saw the Amazon Quartet, two of them crying.  And over by a tree near a cemetary, he could've sworn that he saw Nephlite standing there, and then disappearing.  Centauri looked forward again, seeing the coffin containing Sailor Moon's body being brought down into the grave.  This was his part now.  He walked over to the grave and picked up a clump of dirt.  He dropped it onto the coffin.


Centauri: Ashes to ashes.  Dust to dust.


And with that, he walked away from the crowd.  After the funeral, everyone gathered in the local church.


Mercury: Did you send your message to the Starlights?


Venus: Yeah, but there's no way of knowing if they got it or not.


Voice: We did.


The two turned around to see Taichi and Yaten walk towards them.


Taichi: It's good to see you again, although under the worst circumstances.


Yaten: The Princess sends her regards.  She was involved with affairs of state and couldn't come.


Venus: And Seiya?


Yaten: Refused to come.  He wouldn't believe it when you sent the message.  Who are some of these people?


Mercury: Old friends.  Galaxia wasn't the first enemy we fought, there were dozens of others.  Some of those enemies were helped by Sailor Moon, and turned good.  We haven't heard much from them until now.


Taichi: And that guy with the gray hair?


Mars: My boyfriend.  He's the first full male senshi, known as Sailor Centauri.


Yaten: He came to earth?


Mars: You know him?


Taichi: We met briefly during the Sailor Wars, we couldn't understand his language, but he said his name was Sailor Centauri.


Mars: He's been through a lot.  He just got word his mother's been killed in a fire, and he was helpless to stop Serena's death.  But he did avenge her.


Yaten: How?


Venus: Chased her killer half-way across the city and strangled her to death.


Taichi narrowed his eyes and looked at Centauri.


Taichi: Good.





Reuisu got up and left for his car.  Michelle walked up to him before he got in, though.


Michelle: Reuisu, are you okay?


Reuisu: My Mother died a horrible, painful death.  Serena had a wooden stake driven into her back, and my in-human powers have begun to manifest again.  No, I am not okay.


Michelle: In-human powers?


Reuisu: I'd rather not talk about it.


Michelle: Crap.  You just mentioned it.


Reuisu: And I'm not going to mention it again.


Michelle: Reuisu, several times over the course of us being Titans, you've given slight hints that you don't consider yourself human.


Reuisu got into the car.


Reuisu: That's because I'm not.


Reuisu changed gears into drive, and left a bewildered Michelle on the side.  Reuisu pulled out his cell phone and dialed the airport.


Reuisu: Hello?  Yes, confirming one-person flight to Heathrow airport in England?  Yes.  Return tickets for two days.






Yaten: So where's Lita and the outers?


Mars: They also refused to come to the funeral.  Said they needed to vent their anger and remorse.


Venus: Hey, they're starting individual uligies for Serena.  Let's watch.






Lita slammed her foot into the punching bag again.  Amara was having a hard time holding it still as Lita continually slammed her fists into it.  Michelle and Hotaru were already tired out from all of the workout they had just done.  Amara could feel the pressure increasing each time Lita hit the punching bag.


Lita: It's not fair!


Amara: What?


Lita slammed her fist into the bag.


Lita: Serena!  She's dead, and I couldn't help her!


Amara: Blaming ourselves it not going to help anything.


Lita: Don't worry, I'm not gonna blame myself, I'm going to blame you!


Amara: Excuse me?


Lita slammed her other fist with even more intensity into the bag.


Lita: Where were you when we needed you?!


Michelle: We were on our way.


Hotaru: We couldn't have-




Lita, with one more strike onto the punching bag, slammed her fists straight through it, hitting the sand inside of it.






Catzy of the four sisters walked up to the podium.  The Starlights and the Sailors whispered to one another.


Taichi: Who is she?


Mars: A few years before you guys showed up, she and three others were four sisters working for our enemies of the Black Moon.  Serena and the rest of us cleansed them of evil, and they joined our side.


Catzy: For those of you who don't know, my name is Catzy.  A few years ago, and a thousand years into the future, I worked for the Black Moon.  I worked with my three sisters to try to conquer Crystal Tokyo, and then we went back in time to try to conquer it from the past.  We were vile, cruel, and wicked.  But thanks to Sailor Moon, we've been given a second chance.  We've been doing good things ever since she freed us, and I can only hope she forgives everything we did while we were evil.  Thank you.


Catzy stepped down.  The Starlights and the inners looked around to see who would step up next.  They saw Hawk's Eye getting out of his chair and up to the podium.


Hawk's Eye: Um, hello.  Many of you do not know me.  My name is Hawk's Eye.  Like Catzy and her sisters, I too was an enemy of Sailor Moon.  I worked with two others, Fish's Eye and Tiger's Eye to become the Amazon Trio.  We fought with Sailor Moon for awhile until she finally showed us the light of being human, and what it meant to be human.  And now, we exist as real human beings and not some evil pawn in a game for our former masters.  All thanks to Sailor Moon.


Hawk's Eye stepped down.  The inner soldiers looked around to see if the Amazon Quartet was going to step up, but they remained still, but crying.  Then, they saw Taichi and Yaten walking up.  However, before they could reach the podium, someone had already moved from behind a curtain to the podium.  It was Seiya.  Taichi and Yaten's eyes got wide in surprise.


Seiya: My name is Seiya.  I have never met any of you before, but I believe a few of you may know of me.  I am Sailor Star Fighter.  About a year or two ago, I came to earth along with two other Sailor Starlights.  We formed a music group to hide ourselves so that we could find our Princess.  At first, we were very resistant to the Sailors here today.  We didn't want them involved in our affairs, but I fell in love with Serena.  Later we found out that Serena and her friends were the Sailor soldiers.  She was still in love with her boyfriend Darien.  She helped us find our Princess.  And although she is gone now, and her heart stayed with Darien, my heart will always go to her.


Seiya stepped back into the shadows.  Taichi and Yaten sat back down again.  The inners thought that it was their turn, but then, the doors slammed open in the church with a harsh wind.  Everyone turned to look who it was.  The Mars and Mercury's eyes dilated as they recognized him.  His hair was a bit long, and a dark brown.  He wore white clothing, and had white wings behind him, bent back as if he were a bird sitting on a branch.  He stepped down the passage and up onto the podium.


Man: My name...


Everyone listened intently to what he had to say.


Man: Is Nephlite.  I was once a servant of Queen Beryl and Queen Mettallia.  And unlike many of you, I was never a true ally to Sailor Moon.  I devoted my time to finding a way to destroy her, purge her existence from this realm.  But slowly, my heart finally spoke to me.  My heart fell in love, but not with Sailor Moon, but a friend of hers.  And because of that girl that I loved, I joined the side of light, even though briefly for my life withered away.  I owe my love and my redemption to Sailor Moon.  All of you speak of how she was a kind person, and that goes without question.  She taught us all to care for one another, to love each other.  She taught us the way of being a friend, and how to be kind, and how to appreciate life.  Although she has not arrived there yet, I look forward to the day when Serena will join us for the journey ahead.


And with that, Nephlite faded away.






Luna: You really saw Nephlite?


The Titans, inner soldiers, and outer soldiers were all assembled in the Parlor Crown.


Lucy: Who was he?


Ami: When it was just Serena, Reuisu, Rei, and I, the minion of Queen Beryl was a person named Nephlite.  He fell in love with Molly, but was killed by Beryl's minions for it.  He died in Molly's arms.  Reuisu's last words to him were, "Good night, sweet prince."  Ironic.  Speaking Shakespeare at a time like that.  Reuisu wasn't around as much as we were, but he trusted that Nephlite could always be turned good.  Heck, he actually theorized that Molly was the next sailor, and not Lita.


Amara: I bet Serena trusted him, too.


Everyone placed their heads down.  Finally, Chris rose his glass up in toast.


Chris: To an absent friend.  To Sailor Moon.  To Serena Tsukino.


Everyone nodded, and complied in the toast.


Mina: So what are you going to tell Serena's parents?


Miya: We don't know.  I guess we'll tell them the truth.  That she was an agent of love and justice, and died preserving the freedoms and goodness that will live on afterwards.


All of a sudden, Rini walked into the Parlor Crown.  Ami and Michelle(Moonshine) kept their gazes on her.  She walked up to all of the depressed Sailors.


Rini: Hey, what's going on?  I mean, you guys keep shrugging me off, and it's getting lonely at Serena's house without Serena.  Where is she, anyway?


Ami and Michelle hit the epiphany immediately.


Ami/Michelle: SHE'S ALIVE!!!





To Be Continued...