*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Amara signalled the lift to bring up the coffin slowly.  Hotaru was shivering, not wanting to see the dead carcus of Sailor Moon in the coffin.  Ami and Lita went over to the coffin and pushed open the opening to it.  Much to everyone's surprise, there was nothing but dirt in the coffin.  Ami pulled out her computer.


Ami: I'm reading no kind of remains, degredation, or decaying bits inside of this coffin.  And according to my readings, the ground in this area's been disturbed.  Probably during the night.


Michelle: I told you we should've acted quicker.


Ami: How were we to know that someone would turn into a grave robber.


Michelle(Neptune): And you still haven't told us how you came to the conclusion that Serena's alive.


Michelle(Moonshine): Once Reuisu returns from England, THEN we'll explain.


Chris: Is it in any way possible that she might've dug herself out?


Rei: Serena could barely lift up a broom to sweep, much less dig herself out of her own grave.  Besides, lack of air would've caught her first.


Lucy: Come on, Reuisu's plane lands in an hour.  Let's get over to the airport.






Reuisu walked off the plane with little smugness, but was happy to see the Titans and all the Soldiers waiting to meet him.


Reuisu: Serena's alive.


Mina: So we've heard.


Reuisu: How do you know?


Ami: I think the better question is how do YOU know?  Michelle and I haven't contacted you on our theory yet.  Did you come up with the same conclusion we did?


Reuisu: No.


Michelle: Then how did you know?


Reuisu: Let's just say a little stranger told me.  So, spill.






Reuisu didn't unpack when he entered the void.  He threw his suitcase over to his bed and walked over to his computer chair.


Reuisu: Like I said, spill.


Ami and Michelle took deep breathes, then looked at everyone.


Ami: Serena was destined to rule the world in the 30th century as Neo Queen Serenity.


Michelle: We know this thanks to several trips in the future.


Trista: The timelines are not a stable thing.  They can change at any moment by the actions we take.


Ami: Yes, exactly.


Trista: Excuse me?


Michelle: Rini.


Miya: What about her?


Ami: She's Serena's future daughter.


Reuisu: Yes, we all know that!


Michelle: So why didn't she blink out of existence when Serena died?


Reuisu was about to raise his voice, the but the epiphany fell on him, as well.


Reuisu: SHE'S ALIVE!


Ami: Exactly.


Hotaru: But what to we do about it?  Her body's gone, and even then, everything told us she was dead.


Reuisu: We have a chance of finding her.


Lucy: How?


Reuisu: The scanners in my void can't detect her life signs, but the metallergic scanners can focus on the DNA structure of her bone marrow, and we could locate her!


Michelle: Then get started!


Reuisu swiveled in his chair and onto the computer.  He typed in commands, and a map of the world suddenly showed.  Five seconds later, the region organized around a polar region.  It then circled in around Beryl's former hideout.  Everyone glared at the location.


Reuisu: Great.  She's probably mutilating the body just to meet her own sick ends.


Luna: We don't have time anymore!  Transform and get our agent of love and justice back!






After finishing the very painful Titans teleport that required the Titans to use all their strength to bring everyone, the group collapsed within Beryl's hideout underneath the snows.


Voice: Dammit!


Everyone turned around, despite being tired, and saw Queen Beryl at a computer scanner.  Next to the scanner was a risen metal slab with Serena's body on it.  Beryl slammed her hand on a nearby table in rage.


Centauri: Um...  Excuse me?


Beryl: I'll be with you in a moment!  Computer, increase, electro-chemical output by...  Six percent!


Serena's body flashed for a moment, but nothing happened.


Beryl: ERG!  Why won't it work?!  Oh, hello Sailors.  Look, I'm rather busy trying to revive your friend here, so if you could forgoe attacking me, Sailor Uranus...


The Titans looked to see Sailor Uranus preparing to attack with her talisman sword.  She slowly put it down.


Uranus: What are you doing?


Beryl: I told you, I'm trying to revive Sailor Moon.


Centauri: Bull.


Beryl: I'm serious.


Mars: Yeah, right.  And I'm really Sailor Galaxia.


Beryl: Look, I know you may not believe me, but I am trying to help!  Just listen.  Please?


They all exchanged glances, and Centauri shrugged.


Centauri: What the hell.  Talk.


Beryl looked at them all.


Beryl: When I was released from the Beryl stone, like the others, my first thoughts were of revenge.  However, as I wandered, I witnessed several things.  Some good, some bad, but the bad things stuck out in my mind.  A woman being raped, a child being abused by their own family, a person stuck in the cross fire of a fight between drug dealers and police.  My heart rejected the blackness in it, and I slowly began to realize the horrible things I had done.  When I heard another one of myself had slain Sailor Moon, I knew I had to do something.  I took her body in the night, and I've been trying to revive her.


Mercury: How?  Shouldn't cell degredation and decay on her body have made all hopes of resucitation impossible?


Beryl: I've injected a formula into her cell structure, it's spreading like a virus.  It's keeping all her cell structures intact and away from degredation, but it'll only last another twelve hours.  I've been trying to use electro-chemicals to reactivate her cardiovascular system.  I managed to repair the area that my predessesor destroyed when she killed her, but it's not enough.  I've tried everything, but it's not gotten me anywhere.


Centauri walked over to her, took off his helmet, and placed his hand on her shoulder.


Centauri: We'll help you.


Beryl: You will?  Why?


Centauri: Because Serena was one to forgive those who wanted redemption.  She would trust you, and I do, too.


Beryl: You will gamble your safety by helping an enemy?  Is this that human emotional trait you call, 'friendship'?


Centauri rolled his eyes and then rubbed them.


Centauri: It's eight AM, I haven't eaten breakfast or had any tea or coffee.  Don't give me any of that Star Trek crap, it's too early in the morning!


And with that, they began.  Transferring materials from Reuisu's lab, they began to try several things to revive their fallen leader.  Love and Asteroid worked with Moonshine on reactivating Serena's conscious and subconscious thoughts in an attempt for her system to jump start.  Beryl, Uranus, and Pluto worked on Beryl's original plan of reactivating her cardiovascular system, but now with time-maipulation techniques.  Centauri, Cephiros, Jupiter, and Mars were working on a plan for using artificial techniques known only to the former Alliance Alpha Centauri to reactivate motor functions.  Mercury was doing a search for answers on the internet.  All the others were looking through Reuisu's prophecy books for clues as to how they might revive Serena.  Hours and hours passed.  And finally, everyone met at the long table to discuss anything they've found.


Centauri: We have three hours before the deadline.  Please tell me we've found something.


Asteroid: Nothing.


Moonshine: Every time I try to reverse the DNA sequences I extracted from Serena's body to a point before her death, it hits a sudden acceleration I can't keep up with until the cell structures collapse.


Centauri: Anyone else?


Everyone shook their head.


Centauri: Mercury, what about the internet search?


Mercury walked away from the computer with some prinouts.


Mercury: You'd be surprised what a comprehensive internet search of the word 'Death' will bring up.  It says here that people once believed that when a person dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead.  But sometimes, a terrible sadness is brought with the soul, and it cannot rest.  And sometimes, the crow can bring the soul back to make the wrong things right.  Here, there's a picture.


Sailor Mercury showed them a picture of a man in black, his face painted white and a black line coming down the top of his eye and through the bottom, and his lips painted black and lines coming out the sides.


Centauri: Great, all we have to do is wait for Serena to show up looking like a mime from hell, and we'll be fine.  Is there anything else?


Mercury turned the page away and flipped to another one.


Mercury: There are some theories and formulas for possible rejuvenation, but most of them are either incorrect or incomplete.


Centauri raised an eyebrow.


Centauri: Show me some.


Mercury took out the paper and handed it to Centauri.  He looked it over, looking at every detail of the hypotheses.


Centauri: Beryl, Moon-face, come take a look at these.


The two of them got out of their chairs and walked over to Centauri, who showed them the papers.  They, too, looked over each detail.


Centauri: Do you think we have a chance of completing or repairing these hypothesis and formulas?


Beryl: In three hours, no.


Moonshine: I think I could maybe buy us more time by using my time staff.


Centauri: But you said the cell reperations you made went too quickly, and made her cells revert back to nothingness.


Moonshine: Only when it hits the point of her death.  We can slow the degredation down by going back to a point just after she died, buying us enough time to finish these things.


Centauri: Do it.


Mercury: The only problem is the application.  Even if these theories do work, how do we get them into Serena?


Centauri: Nanites.


Beryl: I thought you humans hadn't developed nano-technology yet.


Centauri: Humans haven't.  I'm not human.  The repairs on my armor are done by fifty nanites within them, repairing any system that's disconnected, and any damage to the plating of the armor.


Uranus: Why only fifty?


Centauri: Ever watch that episode of the Outer Limits where the cancer patient gets injected with nanites to stop his cancer?


Neptune: No.


Centauri: He got more than he bargained for.  The nanites began to grow in numbers, and they didn't just cure his cancer.  They saw imperfections in the human body and decided to repair them.  He got gills, eyes on the back of his head, and eventually it changed him into a creature with mostly jellyfish-like abilities.  So these nanites are not programmed to reproduce, and to only repair the armor when it is damaged.  And we'll do the same with Serena.  I'll create a few nanites, send them into her system with the formulas, and tell them to disintegrate themselves when they've finished making her alive again.  Let's start working on this, people.


And again, they were hard at work.  Moonshine used her time staff under Pluto's guidance to manipulate her cells to revert back to a state two minutes after she died.  It bought them another two days.  And so, they all decided to get some sleep.  All except one.


Centauri walked over to the body of Serena.  All he could do was look at it in it's limp and dead form.


Centauri: To die, to sleep.  To sleep, perchance to dream.  Shakespeare.  You would've loved Shakespeare, Serena.  Brilliant fellow, telling tales of love and tragedy.  Much like your life.  You know what I'm going to do when all evil is finally vanquished, and I'm retired?


The body made no indications that it heard him.


Centauri: I'm going to write a book.  This book will have everything in it.  I mean everything, from the earliest beginnings of the Moon Kingdom, Alliance Alpha Centauri, Cephiros Star Kingdom, etc., etc.  And then to the Prime Evils, and of your courageous battles against the demons while I searched for the Titans.


Centauri smiled and went to sleep.  In the morning, everyone gathered around the body as the nanites were injected into her system.  It went slowly.  Slowly, parts of her body began to change from a white color to a more of a light tan.  The cardiograph to the side of the bed began to emit a beat.  It started slowly, having one beat every five seconds, but then increased to once per two seconds, and then to a standard heart rate.  Everyone's eyes began to wide as her cold body began to slowly warm up as the blood flowed through her veins.  Air began to flow into her nostrils as she breathed for the first time in three days.  Her eyes fluttered and slowly opened.


Centauri: How do you feel?


Moon: Cold...




Beryl dashed over to a nearby table and grabbed a blanket, and rushed back over and put it on Sailor Moon.


Centauri: Welcome back, Moon face.


Tears began to come down Centauri's face from within the helmet as he smiled, overjoyed.






Beryl: How is she?


Centauri: A little shaken up to learn she was dead, but I think she'll be okay.  So, what are you going to do now?


Beryl: Well, there are many out in the universe who I've harmed in the past.  I'm going to seek them out and try to make amens.


Centauri: Well, Beryl, if it's any consolation for all that you did in the past, we do consider you a true friend, and hoep to see you again someday.






To Be Continued...