*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*







Miya slowly opened her eyes and looked out the window.  The sunlight was shining in from outside the un-curtained window.  She got up and yawned, checking the clock.  It was 8:36, two hours before the Titans' meeting.  She got up out of bed and put on a robe.  After a quick shower, she saw the video screen on the wall flashing.  Miya was still getting adjusted to the Starlights' homeworld and their technology.  The screen was saying an audio-only transmission was coming in.


Miya: Put it through.


The screen changed to an audio meter, and a voice said, "Hello?  Miya?"


Miya: David, how did you get the transmission frequency for this planet?


David: Your friend Reuisu should really change the lock frequency on his void.


Miya: I see.  What do you need?


David: I'm going to be picked up by a freighter I contacted and meet you on that planet your on.


Miya: Where did you get the technology to contact freighters outside of the Solar System?


David: Your friend Reuisu should change the passwords on his communication grid, too.


Miya: Are you in the void right now?


David: Well...


Miya: He's gonna be pissed to know someone was in there.


David: How else was I supposed to contact you, Miss "Sailor-of-love-and-justice-who-won't-let-me-publish-manga-on-her?"


Miya: All the rights to it belong to Mina, and she doesn't want anyone to take away her glory.


David: I'll buy her lunch, maybe go out on a date with her.  It might work.


Miya: You have little ambitions, David.  When will the freighter drop you off?


David: At around one your time, in the airstrip they've opened up back in the capital city you're in.


Miya: How did you know where we were?


David: Your friend Reuisu should change the passcodes to his scanning system, too.


Miya: He's going to be royally pissed...  See you there, David.


The screen hung up.


Miya: I gotta get dressed, then tell Chris who I'm meeting 'cause he'll be insanely jealous...  I've got a full day.





Reuisu: Alright, we're done with official business.  New business is now started.  First item of new business: Lucy, we've decided to take some action about you.


Lucy: About what?


Chris: About the fact that you are still not dating anyone.


Lucy: I've made a conscious choice to not date anyone, it's as simple as that.


Miya: It's not healthy, we're going to open the floor to candidates for a date with Lucy.


Michelle: I met this one guy back when Reuisu and I were in Russia...


Lucy: How about a guy who speaks Japanese?


Miya: What about one of the Starlights?


Reuisu: Which one?


Miya: Taiki.  I think he really was getting into Miya.  He-


Lucy: Excuse me, who?


Miya: Taiki.


The other Titans gave blank expressions to her.


Miya: Sailor Star Maker?


The other Titans continued to give blank looks at her.


Reuisu: Miya, there are only two Sailor Starlights: Sailor Star Fighter and Sailor Star Healer.  Seiya and Yaten.


Miya: What are you talking about?  There are THREE Sailor Starlights!


Michelle: When we got here, there were only two.  And there were only two with Serena two years ago.


Miya: No, there were three!


Chris: Dear, I hate to disagree with you on this, but they're right.


Miya: But- but it's not true!


Miya ran out of the conference room, leaving a bewildered group of Titans.






<Erg, only two?!  Everyone I've asked so far has told me there are only two!  Well, maybe picking up David will clear my head.  Damn it, where is he?!  He was supposed to be here an hour ago...> Miya thought.


Miya picked up the transmission device she had received from a flight service for incoming freighters.  She checked the signal of the freighter David was on, but there was nothing.


<How is that possible?!  He has to have been here by now.  And I couldn't have missed him!>


Miya walked up and saw Lita walking around nearby.  Miya ran over to her.


Miya: Hey, Lita!  Do you know where Ami is?  I'd like her to see if this thing is busted.


Lita looked at her with a confused face.


Lita: Ami?  Who's Ami?


Miya: Ami Mizuno?  Sailor Mercury?


Lita: There is no Sailor Mercury.  Geez, the heat around here's really getting to you, Miya.


Lita began to walk away.  Miya raised an eyebrow and turned around.  All the people who had been at the flight strip waiting for other freighters were gone.  Miya turned around again to ask Lita what had happened, but she was gone too!  Miya activated her communicator.


Miya: Hello?  Serena?  Reuisu?  Rei?  Michelle?  Somebody answer me!


Reuisu answered.


Reuisu: Rei?  Michelle?  Miya, what are you talking about?  At the meeting today, you were only talking to me about one guy, and now there are others I don't know about?


Miya: Serena, are you there?


Serena: Yeah, but I don't know who you're talking about either.  It seems really-


Serena's voice was gone.


Miya: Hello?  Serena?


Reuisu: Who's Serena?


Miya: Reuisu, something major league is happening!  Everyone I know is disappearing!


Reuisu: Who's Serena?


Miya: Sailor Moon!  The first Sailor of our solar system, don't you remember?!


Reuisu: No, I don't know who you're talking about.


Miya: Reuisu, I'm coming over there to get some answers!  CRESCENT HEART POWER!!!


Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.







Sailor Love ran as fast as she could, looking in one direction, then looking at that one direction again and seeing people there disappear as well.  Love was panicking now, not understanding what was happening.  Finally, she reached the hall where Reuisu sat in a chair, looking over Ami's mini-computer.


Reuisu: Hey, Miya, I found this weird computer lying around...


Love: That's Ami's computer!


Reuisu: Who?


Love: Look, Reuisu, I don't know what's happening, or why, but something is definitely happening to everyone's memory but mine.  There are more Sailors, there are more Titans, don't you remember?!


Reuisu: Miya, you and I are the only Sailors and the only Titans.  However, I do trust you enough to think that this warrants investigation.


Love turned away.


Love: I knew I could count on you, Reuisu.  Let's start with a search of-


Love turned and Reuisu was gone.  She looked around, trying to understand what was happening.  She walked over to the chair and picked up Ami's computer.


Love: Computer, how many beings are on this planet?


Computer: One.


Love: Is that me?


Computer: Affirmative.


Love: What happened to everyone else?


Computer: Please elaborate on request.


Love: Where are all the other people on this planet?!


Computer: There is only one being on this planet.


Love: But that's not possible!  There are others, other Sailors, other beings in the universe!  Why doesn't anyone remember who these people are?  Why are they disappearing?!


Computer: There is noone to remember any people who have not disappeared.


Love: Alright, you stupid piece of junk, here's a question you shouldn't be able to answer: How large is the universe!?  Huh, you like that?!


Computer: The universe is 6,000 kilometers in diameter and decreasing by a rate of twenty kilometers per-ten seconds.


Love: WHAT?!  What do I do?!


Computer: Please elaborate on-


Love: Oh shut up!


Computer: Rate of deterioration of universe increasing.


Love: Oh, I'm sorry!  Make it better!


Computer: Please elaborate on-


Love: For the love of love!


Computer: Universal destruction in ten...  nine... eight...


Love: Great.  And it was starting out to be such a nice day...


Computer: three...  two...







Ami: She's stabilizing.


Miya slowly awoke to those words.  She looked around and saw the Sailors, the Starlights, and the Titans gathered around her.


Miya: What...  What happened?


Reuisu: A Beryl plague infected your subconscious mind.  It was destroying the memory centers of your brain and going outwards from there.  However, you held in there pretty well.


Chris: Nice work, my love.


Miya lept into Chris' arms and kissed him.


Reuisu: And it gets better.


Miya: It does?


Reuisu: According to my calculations, that was the last Beryl plague.





To Be Continued...