*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






When did the nightmare start?


I'm not sure anymore.  As I am on this transport vessel that takes us back to Earth, and away from Kinmoku, homeworld of the Starlights, I have to ask myself, when did the nightmare that is my life begin?


Was it when I was actually born?




No, it can't be that.  I was happy for seven years of my life.  I was the Prince of Alpha Centauri, pampered to my hearts content.  But then, the King and Queen were assasinated.  Terrorists.




A word I know too well.


I fought the Lord of it.  TWICE.  I killed him both times, as well.  This time, he's gone for good.


Terrorists.  Ones who create terror.  I've been fighting them for my entire life, in one form or another.


No, the nightmare began later.  After they were assasinated, the legacy of the throne was mine.  And I did a good job, for awhile.  And then, one thing happened that I had never thought was going to happen: War.


"Know that I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."


That quote is used several times in the book of revelations.








The war between the Alpha and the Omega, the first at the last, the beginning and the end.  Alpha Centauri and Omega Centauri.


They are the same, but different.  Omega Centauri was second best.  It always was.  One day, jealousy got the better of their ruler, Davros.  He started the biggest war in Alpha Centauri's history.  And God, they fought like hell.  Over twenty million soldiers under my command died before the war was over.


My command.


My soldiers.


My Titans.


My fault.


Omega Centauri was crushed, but not by us alone.  Oh, we would've won.  Yes, they fought like hell, but they were soldiers of justice and truth.  The only problem was that propably another twenty or thirty million would've died before we had won.  We got help from the most powerful Kingdom in the Universe.


The Moon Kingdom.


An Alliance was formed.  We worked together and stopped the armageddon of war.  Davros was another case.  Something was different about him.  Something that enhanced his power beyond belief.  I had to seal him in a dark corner of my own mind, surpress him so far down so that he became my own dark side.  I was my own worst enemy.


And that dark side grew inside me.  It sent me into sporadic times of depression and brooding.  All I could see or smell or taste was the blood of all those soldiers who had died under my command.


And so, I indulged myself.  I gave into the perverted, twisted, hormone-driven dark side within me.  I became a terrible Prince.  And because of all of that, Alpha Centauri paid the price for my indulgance.


I went into the missile defense system control room.  I took over mental control and had a little fun.  It sent over thirty thousand 5 Megaton Armageddon-class missiles into the surface of Alpha Centauri.


There were no survivors.


Except for me.  I survived.


Maybe that's when the nightmare began.


I made it to another world.  It might've been Kinmoku.  I'm not exactly sure.  All I know is, I snapped out of my dark side immediately.  I was in a war again.  But this time, this was was not about jealousy, it was about right and wrong.  A holy war between Sailors.  I couldn't understand the exact details because I didn't know their language.  My life changed from that day forward, though.


After examining transformation sticks and Sailor transformational abilities, I finally managed to create a suit of armor for my needs.  I had to put it on manually, though.  I became Sailor Centauri, and fought on the side of light.


My ticket out of the Sailor War came in the form of a giant, moon-sized technological planetoid called the Technis.  It was a storage facility for all knowledge in the universe, so I came on board.  I plugged myself into it, hoping this time that I could find a way to earth and help the others who had survived the Moon Kingdom's destruction.  However, the success of this technological plug in was the same as the last time.


The Technis altered me, turned me into a technological war engine called Devastator.  I killed dozens in my rampage before I reverted back into myself.  It purged my memory of the true cause for the destruction of Alpha Centauri.


I killed dozens.


More blood on my hands.


I knew the Technis could alter me again if it ever found me again on earth at my age, so I made the Technis return me to the form of a baby, and I was born with earth parents in London, England.  When I was fifteen, my father was killed in a car crash.  And that very same day, I received the transformation stick.


I don't know where I got it from, it just appeared.  And it gave me back the armor I had designed back in the Sailor Wars.  However, it changed me.  Oh dear God, did the armor change me.


I'm not human anymore thanks to that damned suit.


I flew to Japan shortly afterwards and joined the inner soldiers.  Maybe that's really where the nightmare began.  So much more blood.  This time, my own thanks to a fool-hearted attempt to stop Beryl on my own. 


I was put in a coma for years.


Maybe the nightmare would end if I only told the Titans the truth.  The truth about my inhuman powers, the truth about the armor.




It's time for the nightmare to end.






Reuisu turned around and faced the Titans.


Reuisu: I have something to tell you.  Something I'm sure you're all wondering about ever since I killed two Beryls with rather...  Inhuman powers.


Michelle: You could say that.  In fact, when I asked you about them during Serena's funeral, you told me that you weren't human.


Reuisu: Because I'm not human.


Chris: Excuse me?


Reuisu: I'm not human.  I haven't been human since I was fifteen.


There was silence across the table.


Miya: Do you know why?


Reuisu: All too well.  The armor...  The Sailor Centauri armor is of my design.  I built it all.  Do you remember when I told you about the nanites of the suit?


Lucy: Yeah.


Reuisu: Do you remember me saying that they could be very dangerous if even one nanite with unprepared programming found it's way into a human body?


Michelle: Oh my God...


Astra: What?


Michelle: A nanite got into you, didn't it?


Reuisu: Two, actually.  They made their way into my brain.  They found it imperfect, flawed.  They increased the mental capacity and the neural peptide levels.  Synapses and impulses were enhanced.  It created the potential for psychokinetic and telekinetic abilities.  Like the ones you've seen.


Chris: How does that make you not human?


Reuisu put his head down.


Michelle: The nanites didn't stop at the brain, did they?


Reuisu: They increased my physical strength, changed my cardiovascular system like no scientist has ever seen, and changed some of the chemicals and fluids running through my veins.  If you prick me, I'll bleed more than just blood.  I was benching three-hundred pounds when I found out what the nanites had done.  I extracted them, and wore some of the things they had done down.  However, some were needed to keep me alive.  I've changed so much that the only real thing that's human about me is my appearance.  But I'm not human anymore.


Reuisu just stared at his lap.


Chris: Reuisu, you're the most human guy I know.


Reuisu slowly raised his head up.


Reuisu: What?


Miya: It doesn't matter what's running through your veins that makes you human.


Lucy put her hand over her chest.


Lucy: It's what matters in your heart that counts.


Astra: And your heart is filled with love.


Michelle: And a need for justice.


Chris: To right wrongs and triumph over evil.


Miya: Without you, none of us would've ever met.


Michelle: And we never would've become the family we are.


Michelle put her hand on his shoulder.  Reuisu smiled and closed his eyes.


Reuisu: Thank you, everyone.





The nightmare is over!


I can finally rejoice!  There's nothing else I need to worry about!  No cares about what the future might hold, only the present!


No worrying about the-




No.  The nightmare isn't over.  It's only just beginning.


When I went into the future, the Titans weren't there.


Neo-Queen Serenity and King Darien didn't trust me.


Something's wrong.


Something's horribly wrong.


"I am the Alpha and the Omega..."


Maybe the war between the Alpha And Omega isn't over.


Which means the nightmare is far from over.







To Be Continued...