I'd like to note that this episode crosses over with the Sailor Moon N series on http://www.geocities.com/kamamcco/index2.html .  The beginning of this fic was written by one Nekonezume-chan, and now noted that this series is concurrent with the N series on the link above.







Valentina Aino and her little sister Alisha were walking down the street one

day and enjoying their last few days of summer vacation. They hadn't seen an enemy for a long time, so they were safe, or so they thought. Alisha giggled as she skipped down the street beside her big sister, whose mind was someplace else.

"Vally, Vally, watch me!" Alisha stifled another giggle as she made an

attempt to skip. But instead of skipping, she fell down and skinned her knee.

"Oh, Ally!" Valentina cried, dropping down beside her young sister, who was

crying loudly. "I'm so sorry! I should've been watching you!" Alisha stopped crying, and looked up. "Something wrong, Alisha?" Alisha nodded.

"People are upset, they're getting hurt!" She cried, standing. Valentina's

eyes widened. Alisha may have only been six years of age, but she was very strong in the power of the mind.

"Which way?" Valentina demanded. Alisha closed her eyes, then pointed in the direction of a

shoe factory. Valentina nodded. "Cupid Venus Power!" She cried as she transformed into Sailor Cupid.

"Magellan Venus Power!" Alisha yelled, transforming into Sailor Magellan.  They ran into the

factory to find workers running for their lives. They looked around, and

then saw a monster. A big ugly one, with green horns that stood about seven feet tall.  One that was wrecking the plant. Sailors Cupid and Magellan looked around, only

to see Kyle Anderson (Sailor Mercury's son and Valentina's boyfriend) running toward them.

"Girls! Call the others! I'll hold it off!" He said as he quickly changed into Crimson Blade.  His little sister Ariel ran out as well.

"Marina Mercury Power!" She transformed into Sailor Marina. "Let me help

you, big bro!" The boy and girl ran to the monster, and Sailor Cupid called everyone else on

her communicator.  "You guys! Trouble! At the Mimmin Shoe Factory! Hurry!" She yelled into the pocket videophone.

"No time to explain!" By the time Sailor Cupid had called all the Neo Scouts, Sailor Magellan had gone to help out Sailor Marina and Crimson Blade. They were all getting pretty exhausted.

"Hey, onion breath!" Called out two similar voices. "We're the twin birds of

fire, we can't let you do this! In the name of the two moons revolving around Mars, we

punish you! We're Sailor Phobos and Sailor Deimos!" The twin girls hopped down to where the

others were, by the monster. Crimson Blade, Sailor Marina, Sailor Magellan and Sailor Cupid were dodging attacks left and right, but it was tiring them. Sailor Phobos and Deimos decided to try their attack.

"Phobos and Deimos Twin Crow Wing Blade!" They shouted, sending two razors of wind toward the monster, who easily dodged. The other twins, Sailors Io and Europa, as well as

Cupid and Magellan's brother, Golden Cape, ran onto the scene.

"Sorry I'm late!" He shouted, running in, as did Io and Europa. As time went

by, Sailor Miranda, Sailor Triton, Sailor Neo Moon, Sailor Charon, Black Belt, and Sailor Titan arrived, but the monster was too powerful. They all sighed.

"There's no use," Sailor Charon, Pluto's daughter muttered. "There's nothing

we can do!" Just then, a familiar silhouette appeared on a window ledge. A male silhouette

and another female silhouette appeared beside the first. The first silhouette hurled a tornado of razor-sharp flower petals at the enemy.

"That attack..." Sailor Neo Moon whispered. A silver rose then hit the monster.

"That rose..." Sailor Cupid moaned weakly. A black ball of energy then hit the monster.

"That's...!" Sailors Phobos and Deimos trailed off in unison.

"Run, now!" Cried the first sihouette.

"You can't beat it!" The male one shouted.

"Go downtown!" The first yelled. Sailor Neo Moon stood forward in protest.

"But Sailor Abernan... Tuxedo Shadow...!" She exclaimed, but the two were

gone. Sailor Cupid stepped forward cautiously.

"What do you wish for us to do, princess?" She asked. Sailor Neo Moon turned around and nodded.

"We go downtown."

All the Scouts went downtown while the monster was in shock. They stopped by a deserted looking old house that was by the road. Magellan gasped.

"It's... coming this way!" She whispered. "It just destroyed the shoe factory! It's looking for us!" Everyone else gasped.

"Come in! You'll be safe here!" Came a voice from inside the house.

The group of Neo senshi ran into the front door as teh creature looked around and couldn't find them.





Ariel: Whew, that was close.  Hey, who's that guy?


Sitting before them in the dusty, cob-webbed room was a man wearing a heavy cloak.  He slowly unveiled his cowel.


Man: Are you alright, Neo senshi?


Valley: How do you know who we are?


Man: I know many things.  It's my business to keep up with the Sailors.


Kyle: And you are...?


Man: Throughout the years I have had many names.  But here, I am known as Reuisu Lovhaug.


Suddenly, Nekonezume ran past all of them and right in front of Reuisu.


Neko: Wait a second, THE Reuisu?  The former Sailor Titan leader Reuisu?!!?


Reuisu: Why, yes.


Neko's eyes turned to stars as Reuisu replied.


Erica: Um...  Who is he again?


Neko jumped her, and began to violently shake her around.




Chabert: And how do you know this?


Neko: He's still spoken of at Crystal Tower!  Especially by Sailor Mars...


Reuisu winced at the sound of the name Sailor Mars.


Phavin: So how come he's not a Sailor anymore?  What happened?


Reuisu narrowed his eyes and said, "Things change."


Neko: I'll say!  You were one of the best!  The first officially full male Sailor!


Aurora: What does that mean?


Reuisu: It means when I transform, I don't become female.  I and one another were the only two ever to accomplish this.  Why, I don't know.


Angelica: Was he a Sailor Titan, too?


Reuisu: Yes.  You there, Victoria, come forward.


Victoria stepped forward.


Reuisu: What is your senshi name.


Victoria: Sailor Titan.


Reuisu: How could I have ever guessed.  It's a good name.  For a good team...  Now, if you don't mind, I'd really not like to talk about the Titans at this moment.


Rini: What I would like to know is what happened between you and them.


Reuisu: Why don't you ask her majesty, Queen Serenity?


Rini: I did.  She said, "Things change."


Reuisu sighed.


Reuisu: Well, it all began around the year 2002...







It was never building up.  We were never cruel to one another, we never had arguments, we were like a family.  We always laughed when we met and talked about the old times.  The whole thing started at Lucy's, AKA Sailor Cephiros's, coffee shop she had started about a year before that time...




The five humans sitting in the booth next to the window suddenly burst out laughing.


Miya: So there Chris is, holding and shaking this corpse-eating demon, shouting, "Where's the ring?!?!  Where's the ring?!!?"  And the demon says, "It was in that corpse I ate!"


Chris: Oh you weren't much help!  After Reuisu threatened to shoot his giga cannons at him, the thing threw up all over my Sailor outfit!  All you could do was sit there and laugh!


Miya: I oughtta throw some hot chocolate on you for that comment!


Lucy: Erika, get the hot chocolate!



We sat and laughed for an eternity.  The ring that they mentioned was Chris's engagement ring to Miya.  They had been dating for well over a year at the time, and things were beginning to settle down.  I had even bought a ring to finally propose to Rei, or Sailor Mars as you know her.






Neko: Wait a second, you're saying you used to DATE Sailor Mars?!!?  What happened?!?!


Reuisu: Just listen to the story, Nekonezume-san!






Michelle: Have you told Rei yet about your engagement plans to her?


I winced for a moment, but responded quickly.


Reuisu: I'm still considering how to do it.


Lucy: Oh, give me a break, Reuisu!  You've wanted this for awhile now!  Heck, as I hear it, Usagi and Mamoru are planning to get married, too!


Reuisu: Well, we already know they're destined to get married!  Their future's already been written!


Miya: I say you should just go to her.


Michelle: Yeah!  Marriage is a sweet and wonderful thing, you shouldn't waste your time trying to think over it, just do it!


Reuisu: Well, Michelle, have you married Tyrael yet?


Michelle winced and blushed at that.  Tyrael is an archangel of heaven who joined our forces when we first went up against the three prime evils.  He turned himself partially human after the war.


Chris: Listen, Reuisu, you need this!  Rei needs this!  Just stop thinking about it and do it!


I stood up right after that.


Reuisu: You're right, I'll go propose to her right now!


And with that, I ran off in search of my love.  What I had not known at the time, was that some evils never die.  Has the Queen ever told you of Queen Beryl of the Negaverse and Queen Metallia?  Well, Beryl and Metallia were the ones who originally destroyed the first Moon Kingdom.  I had been brought into a coma when I went off to fight them alone-but that's a different story.  Anyway, years after the two had supposedly died, I uncovered evidence that Beryl had survived the final battle when Beryl had merged with Metallia!  When we confronted her and finally destroyed Metallia's legacy, Beryl became a gaseous hate virus, a hate plague, if you will.  Several times she invaded us and tried to kill all the senshi by making us wage war upon one another.  We thought we had finally stopped her once and for all, but we would soon discover, some things never end...





Rei swept up the last leaves into the garbage bag and began to walk off.


Usagi: Rei, why must you always work and work while we're around?  You should really take a break!


Rei: At least I actually DO work!


Usagi: ERG, come on, relax a little!  It's not like there's anything else to do!


Ami: You could try studying.


Minako: You're kidding, right?


Reuisu suddenly came running up as fast as he could up the steps.




Rei turned around to see Reuisu running up the steps, finally reaching the top, and finally seeing him stop and pant desperately.


Rei: Hey, love of my life!  What's up?


Reuisu reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around the wedding ring case.


Reuisu: Well, Rei...  Um, I...


Suddenly, a beeping from his other pocket interrupted Reuisu.  He grabbed the device from his pocket and read the readings.


Reuisu: Dear God!  Something's invading my void!  We have to get there immediately!


Everyone jumped up and ran in the direction of Reuisu's void.


Rei: Hey, Reuisu!


Reuisu: Yeah?


Rei: What was it you were going to ask me?


Reuisu: It can wait!






Arriving upon my void home, which floated on a different dimensional plane just above Darien's apartment, I found the opening circle already there, and the ladder down.  Everyone went up ahead of me.  Inside the black void itself, the computer console was going on the fritz, and electrical sparks were flying out of it.


Ami pulled out her mini-computer.


Ami: Something's invading the circuitry!


I rushed past them and onto the computer.


Reuisu: The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots.


At the time, I thought it was just a glitch in the ciruitry.  It was saying there was an intruder, and that we were being attacked, even though nothing was happening.


Reuisu: There, everything's fixed.  Sorry about that.


What I hadn't noticed at the time, was that Rei's shoe was stepped into a small puddle of a green goo.  The goo slowly made it's way onto her foot, and absorbed itself into her.


Reuisu: Geez!  I don't get it, it was working just fine when I left-


Rei suddenly burst out screaming!  Everyone turned their heads around to face her, as she suddenly ran out the void entrance, closing it behind her.


Usagi: What...  Was that?


Reuisu: Probably in a state of shock because I was about to get all technical and stuff.







Chris: Well, we'll have the wedding here in the coffee shop.


Miya: Should we have it as a double wedding for Rei and Reuisu?


Lucy: Heck, it may be a triple with Mamoru and Usagi.


Michelle: Nah.  Those two plan to get married at Rei's shrine.


Chris: Will they be on the same day?


Suddenly, a ball of fire shot past through the window they were sitting next to, blasting past them all and blasting the third cash register.  People inside the shop began to scream and panic, running all over the place.


Miya: *sigh* Never a dull moment, huh?


Chris: We'd better transform.




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.




Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.




A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.





Reuisu: What do you mean, it's Rei attacking?


I was speaking through my wrist communicator to the other Titans.


Moonshine: I mean it's Rei as Sailor Mars attacking everything that moves!


That's Sailor Moonshine.  She was the first Titan I discovered when I was searching, and she was almost as smart as Ami.


Reuisu: But that's impossible!


Cephiros: I'm sorry to say this, but she's right!


That's Sailor Cephiros.  She's Sailor Pluto niece.  She's the second Titan, and she's the most cheery person I know.


Makoto: That means we have to go there and check it out ourselves!












The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.






While on the way there, we had an argument.  What about?  Well...


Centauri: I am perfectly capable of admitting when I'm wrong!


Moon: Oh, really.


Only this time, I wasn't.


Centauri: Yes!  Only this time, I wasn't.  The software said we were all being attacked, and it was only Rei!  What's important is that we get whatever's inside of her, out!


Jupiter: Could it be Beryl?


Centauri: Well, I think we've killed her enough times to say she's evaporated.


Voice: True.


The six snapped their heads around to see Sailor Mars standing atop a building.  But there was something different about her.  Something...  Evil...


Centauri: Rei, what the bloody hell is going on?!!?


Mars: You tell me.


Centauri's anti-gravity jets activated, floating him up in front of Mars.  He gasped as he saw the unconscious, bleeding Sailor Titans lying at her feet.


Centauri: Oh dear God.


Mars: If you mess with fire, you're gonna get burned.


Centauri's giga cannons came out of his back plating and rested on his shoulders.


Centauri: Whatever you are, get out of Rei right now or I'll blast you so hard you'll think you're in the Silver Millenium!


Mars: You won't hurt your dearly beloved Rei, would you?


Centauri flinched for a moment.


Mars: Yes, that's right, Reuisu.


Sailor Centauri landed on the rooftop.


Mars: Well, my dearest love, I'd like to give you a little offer.


Centauri: Really?


Mars: Yes.  I know how much you love me.  So I'm willing to give you this choice: You can join me as my king under the new world, or be obliterated with the rest of them.  You would have me, of course.


Centauri gasped and looked back down at the Sailors on the ground.


Centauri: you know...


The Sailors on the ground smiled, thinking he wasn't going to join up.


Centauri: I never liked the hero business, that much.


The expressions on their faces changed to extremely shocked, gaping looks.






Susan: Oh my God.


Reuisu: So now you know.  You all know why I am no longer trusted, and why the Titans split up.


Angelica: Mom never told us about this...


Reuisu: Your mother?


Angela: Yeah, Sailor Mars.


Reuisu crushed his hand into his tea cup, smashing it in his bare hands.  The hot contents poured all over his hand and the floor.


Angela: Whoops.


Reuisu: I can't believe it.


Valentina: What?


Reuisu: He won.


Darren: Who?


Reuisu: Chad.  He beat me.  I swore to him I'd never let him get her, and he beat me.


Neko: Next question: WHY did you do it?


Reuisu: What?


Neko: Why did you turn on them all?


Reuisu: I was young.  I was stupid.  Lust for Rei was all I truly had.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize what I was doing at the time.


Alisha: So go on.


Reuisu: What?


Kyle: Tell us what happened next!


Reuisu: I'd rather not.


Neko: Come on!


Reuisu: Oh very well.  I attacked them all.  My armor and my skill protected me from most of their blows.  After they retreated, Rei and I began killing innocent lives in Tokyo...







The inner and outer senshi were gathered within Reuisu's void.


Haruka: And he said WE were traitors.


Michiru: He has to be taken down.


Ami: Let's not get too hasty.  Sailor Centauri will back down if Rei backs down.


Setsuna: So what do we do?


Ami: I've checked with the readings I took, and it's confirmed: Beryl has taken control of Rei.


Hotaru: So what do we do now?


Ami: Reuisu has perfected a counter-virus that should eliminate Beryl once and for all.  We shoot it at Rei using Sailor Moon's attack, then Rei will return to normal.


Usagi: And for Reuisu?


Minako: He's crossed the line.  He's killed innocent lives just to be with Rei.  He can't be forgiven.


Usagi: Are you sure?


Makoto: Positive.


Suddenly, Astra lept into the void.


Astra is Sailor Moonshine's guardian cat.  She is tannish gold, with a yellow crescent moon on her head, and is Luna's rival.


Astra: I've just gotten word: Centauri and Mars are attacking down town.






Centauri: GIGA MISSILE!!!


Centauri's wrist armor opened and shot out a missile at the law building, exploding half the brick wall into smoldering ruin.


Moon: Stop right there!


Centauri and Mars turned around and saw the Sailors approach them.


Mars: You infidels again?  Sailor Centauri, des-




Eternal Sailor Moon's attack fired out at Mars, containing in it a mutagen that immediately latched into Sailor Mars' skin.  She screamed for a moment, then a black smoke rose out of her, disippating as it came into contact with air.






The next day, I bought flowers and brought the ring with me to propose to Rei.  As I made my way up the temple steps, however, I was greeted by the inner and outer senshi, excluding Rei.


Reuisu: Hello everyone, I-


Usagi: She doesn't want to see you.


Haruka: And neither do we.


Reuisu: What???


Ami: You betrayed us, Reuisu.  You betrayed everything a Sailor Soldier, or Titan, stands for.


Reuisu: But I-


Michiru: Leave.  Leave now and never return.


Reuisu: You'd have to get all the Titans to tell me to leave, first!


Suddenly, the group seperated, and there, standing before me, were the other four Titans.


Michelle: Reuisu, leave.  We're leaving, too.


Reuisu: With me?


Miya: No.  What you've done, we can't forgive.  However...


Chris: We might, if you apologize for what you did.


Reuisu: Apologize for what?!!?  For being in love?!?!  For having someone I care about more than this entire universe!


Lucy: That's the point, Reuisu.  You're willing to sacrifice it all for her.  You're too dangerous to have around anymore.


Reuisu: I thought the Titans were a family.  I thought we had the same goals.


Michelle: Things change.  YOU changed.  Sometimes families must split apart.  Goodbye, Reuisu.  Goodbye, forever.








Reuisu: I never transformed into Sailor Centauri again.  I did the one thing I never thought I'd do: I closed the void.  It no longer exists.  All the knowledge there is gone.  I also checked the next day at Lucy's coffee shop.  It had been bought out by Starbucks.


Neko: And they still haven't forgiven you?


Reuisu: Why should they?  I never said I was sorry.  I never apologized.  What really griped me is that I never figured it out.


Alisha: Figured out what?


Reuisu: In one of my many adventures as a Titan, I travelled into the future, discovering something had happened to me that somehow made the entire royal family that is Serenity not trust me.  I vowed to figure out what had happened, but I never did.  Now please, I'd like to be alone.


They nodded, and began to walk off.  Neko stopped them for a moment.


Neko: For what it's worth,


Reuisu rose his head.


Neko: we forgive you.


Reuisu smiled, and began to say thank you, when suddenly, the door to the house exploded open!


The youma that attacked the shoe factory walked through the hole in the door and grinned.


Youma: I've been looking for you sailor misfits all over town.  Glad I finally found you.  NOW I CAN TEAR YOU APART!


Neko: Reuisu, get out of here!  We'll take care of him!


Reuisu nodded and ran off.






Reuisu ran into the backroom and pulled out the metal black box.  Undoing the lock, he opened the box to find his transformation stick.


Reuisu: I'm going to regret this.


He held it high.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.






The youma punched Sailor Io in the stomach, blasting her back into the other wrecked Neo senshi.


Youma: Impertinent whelps!  You cannot destroy me!


Voice: But I can!


Everyone gasped and turned around.  Standing at the top of a staircase, with a glittering armor that shined with angelic light, stood Sailor Centauri.


Centauri: How dare you attack the innocence of the Neo senshi whose kindness has forgiven me!  In the name of Alpha Centauri, I shall punish you!


Youma: Ah, something new has been added!  I'll be delighted to see how I can-


Centauri: GIGA CANNON!!!


Centauri's back plating opened up, and the two giga cannons came out onto his shoulders.  They fired out two blasts of yellow energy at the youma, blasting him back into a nearby wall.  He leaped back up at Sailor Centauri, punching him right in the helmet and throwing him down the stairs.


He slowly got back up and felt his aching sides.


Centauri: Ugh...  I haven't done this in a while.


Suddenly, the youma fired a blast of red energy straight into Sailor Centauri, blasting off his helmet and shocking him to the ground.  The youma leaped down in front of Reuisu.


Youma: Goodbye, Sailor nothing.


The youma prepared to fire again...








Everyone said 'huh?', and turned to see a firey silhouette of a running woman that blasted into the youma, burning it's stomach and knocking it away from Sailor Centauri.  Everyone then saw, in the doorway, four blackened silhouettes of Sailor soldiers.


Voice: How dare you attack our friend who has finally paid up for his tragic deeds!


Voice: We are Agents of love and justice,


Voice: Pretty sailor soldiers,


The four silhouettes became the four people Reuisu never expected to see: the SAILOR TITANS!!!










Sailor Centauri lept over to them, standing in front of them.


Centauri: And in the name of forgiveness,




*Sailor Moon T theme song, the Touch by Stan Bush, begins playing*


Youma: HA!  More infidels to CRUSH!


The youma jumped at the Titans, but Sailor Centauri lept into the air and jump kicked him right in his horned face, hitting him back to the ground.




Five identical pink hearts flew out of nowhere and surrounded the youma, and they began to crush him!




Moonshine's staff became a mirror, and the light of the moon reflected off it, firing a beam at the youma, blasting him back through a wall.  He broke out of the heart crush, and charged at the Titans.


Asteroid: ROCK CRUMBLE!!!


The ground around the youma began to crack and crumble.  The youma looked down, only to see the ground around him rise up quickly and smash him into the roof.  The youma lept down one last time, breathing heavily.


Centauri: Now everyone!  Let's do it!  ALPHA CENTAURI POWER!!!


The five Titans joined hands with one another.




The youma put a confused look on his face as he saw the five Titans begin to glow and a wind begin to form around them.




A bewildered look was also placed on the Neo senshi's faces.




Suddenly, the youma became terrified, and began to crawl away.




The youma gulped as the five Titans rose from the ground and faced the youma.  An energy ball was in front of each of them.


Centauri: Sailor Titan-




All five beams immediately shot out at the youma, who immediately felt himself fade away into dust as the Titan Attack vaporized him.







Reuisu: So please explain to me how and why you are back here?


Michelle: We never left.


Reuisu: Huh?


Chris: Like you said, Reuisu, we're a family.


Reuisu: I thought you said families sometimes split apart.


Lucy: Families never split apart, Reuisu.  We were just angry, like some families get.  We've always been watching you.  We were waiting for the right time to come out and talk to you.  And since you told the story, and admitted everything, we've decided you're forgiven.  Heck, we've been sending you food every day!


Reuisu: Wait a second, that was you who was sending that food?


Miya: Who'd you expect, the Queen?


Reuisu: Well, yes, actually.


The four Titans face-fell.


Rini: Well, we'd better be off, my mom's probably worried about me.


Reuisu: Good, we'll come with you!


Devin: Excuse me?


Reuisu: I still need to apologize to the others!


Chabert: Are you sure that's wise?  They don't exactly just let people into Crystal Tower.


Reuisu: It'll be a peice of cake!








Reuisu: But I AM Sailor Centauri!


Guard: Listen, I don't care if you're freaking GOD.  You're not coming in.


Reuisu sighed at the two guards.  Reuisu reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of spectacles.  He placed them over his eyes and looked at the guards.


Reuisu: You WILL believe me!  You WILL let us go!  You WILL not move!


Reuisu then pointed to everyone else and said, "You will move."  As they began running in, Neko asked a question.


Neko: How did you do that?


Reuisu: It's easy when you know how.  You have to make a spectacle of yourself.


Guard 2: HEY!


Reuisu: Only trouble is, it doesn't last long!






Neo Queen Serenity sighed and looked out the window of the main hall out onto Crystal Tokyo.




She gasped as she heard those words.  She recognized the voice all-too well.  She turned around and saw Reuisu standing in front of the Titans and the Neo senshi.


NQ-Serenity: Reu...  Reuisu?


Reuisu: In the flesh.


Suddenly, she ran into his arms, hugging him.


NQ-Serenity: Oh God, I never knew if you were still alive or not!  Oh, this is wonderful!  This is-


Suddenly, she remembered everything.  She pulled back.


Reuisu: I know.  That's why I'm here.  Gather everyone.  It's time I did something I should've done a millenia ago: apologize.






Reuisu:...And in conclusion, I am sorry.


All the senshi smiled and clapped at Reuisu's speech, including Uranus, Neptune, and Mars.


NQ-Serenity: Better late than never, old friend.  All is forgiven.


Reuisu: Whew!  And now that we're friends again...


Reuisu suddenly looked around Crystal Tower for a moment.


Reuisu: Hey, you've had this place redecorated, haven't you?  Hmm, don't like it.


Everyone suddenly burst out laughing hysterically.


Reuisu: And Rei, my former beloved, I still love you, but you have Chad now, and two wonderful daughters.  To you Chad, I salute you!


Chad nodded and laughed.


Uranus: So what are you going to do now?  Recreate the Titans?


Reuisu looked around at all the smiling faces and replied, "No."


Everyone suddenly shouted, "Huh?!?!  Why not?!?!"


Reuisu: This world has it's Titans.  They came after me, and they've done a good job so far, but frankly, here's the second I reason I came back here.


Reuisu pulled out the Transformation stick and handed it to a confused Neo Queen Serenity.


Reuisu: Take it.  Use it as a door stop.  Use it as a paperweight.  Hell, make a new Sailor Centauri.  Just don't let me use it again.  It brought me only misery and pain.  The only good thing it brought me, however...


Reuisu faced the Titans.


Reuisu:...was a family.


King Endymion: So what are you going to do?


Lucy: Re-buy my coffee shop!  I don't even remember even selling it to Starbucks!  And you are all welcome to come!


Neko: Well, come on, everybody!  Let's get a group photo!  Never before have all of us been together in one place!


Reuisu: Oh very well!  Chad, would you do the honors?  Now everyone line up!  Smallest in the front, tallest in the back!


Everyone lined up, forming four lines of every one of the Sailors in their history, excluding the Star Lights.


Chad: Everyone say, "Planet Power!"


Everyone: "Planet Power!"


And with that, Chad flashed the camera.