*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*






Michelle: Ugh...


Astra: We go through this every time, Michelle.


Michelle: I know, I know...


Michelle was experiencing a severe hangover from the alcohol she had consumed last night at the party in honor of the planet Cephiros.  She also felt immense nostalgia to over 1000 years ago when Izual, the fallen Angel, had erased her from the memories of everyone on Earth.  It had only been due to an accident on Reuisu's part and to Tyrael's arrival that they had discovered the truth.  Her nostalgia was about to get even bigger as her doorbell rang.  She clumsily got up and staggered over to the door and opened it.  There, standing in his human form with his wings retracted, was Tyrael.


Tyrael: Hello, my love.  I-


Tyrael got no farther than that as Michelle leapt onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist, holding him tightly and kissing him.  After she finally let go, he spoke again.


Tyrael: That was...  Unexpected.


Michelle: Get used to it, handsome.  What are you doing here, anyway?


Tyrael: I cannot see my fiancé?


The two walked into Michelle's apartment.


Astra: Hello, Tyrael.


Tyrael: Hello, Astra.


Michelle: What I mean is what are you doing here when you're supposed to be doing your whole Archangel thing back in Heaven?


Tyrael: Given our coming marriage in the next year, Heaven has decided to reassign me to Earth once again.  I'll receive the same income-


Astra: Income?  Angels are paid?


Tyrael: Yes.  We choose if we wish for money, and considering that Michelle doesn't exactly have a job, I supply the money in our life.


Michelle: Ah, the perfect working husband.


Tyrael: Yes, and I'm afraid there is another reason they have sent me to Earth...


Michelle: Why?


Tyrael: It concerns Reuisu...







Reuisu: All right, let me put this scenario to you: The rest of the Titans are on vacation.  You are left all alone, and after hours you are alone in the coffee shop.  Wouldn't you feel better knowing there is a guy waiting for you to call them and you just postpone it just to drive him insane?


The Titans were in Lucy's cafe, called "Titans Coffee."  They were discussing a subject that had become second nature to them: Lucy's dating, or lack thereof.


Lucy: Big deal, I'll rent a horror movie and I'll forget all about it.


Chris: Lucy...


Lucy: I don't need to date any guys!  I'm fine on my own!


Reuisu: You're a lesbian, aren't you?


A hush fell across the booth they were in.


Reuisu: I'm sorry, but it's the only conclusion I can come to after you NOT DATING A GUY IN 1000 YEARS.


Lucy: I am NOT a lesbian!


Reuisu: Then why won't you date anyone I recommend?


Lucy: Oh for God's sakes...


Voice: His sakes hardly have anything to do with your love life, Ms. Yubiwa.


The Titans turned their heads to see Tyrael, Michelle, and Astra walking towards them.


Reuisu: Tyrael!  Nice to see you again!  What's it been, 1000 years?


Miya: Do you want to quit reminding us that you've been in seclusion for a thousand years?


Reuisu: Nope!


Lucy: Listen, I have to go to my office, I still have to run this place once in a while.


Lucy got up and walked off from the group.  Tyrael sat down in her place.


Tyrael: Reuisu, we need to talk.


Reuisu: Do we now?  What ever for?


Tyrael: You know what for.


Reuisu: Do I?  Oh yes!  Those remarkable Angel powers.  What of them?


Tyrael: Heaven has given me orders to retrieve the transformation stick or staff you use to transform into Sailor Angel.


Reuisu: Really?  And why would they want them?


Tyrael: Mere mortals are not supposed to have angelic abilities.


Reuisu: Is that so.  Well, maybe you should've informed Nephlite of that little regulation, because he's the one who gave me those abilities.


A hush fell across the table when Reuisu revealed that Nephlite had given him the angel powers.


Reuisu: Yeah, that's right: Nephlite.  Charming fellow.  I was there when he died in Molly's arms.  He gave me these powers, and showed me visions of horrible things to come if I did not accept those powers.


Tyrael narrowed his eyes and looked at the table.


Tyrael: We should never have taken him out of Purgatory.  He's a loose cannon.


Reuisu: A loose cannon that has granted me a gift.  You and Heaven can deal with the fact that I have the Angel powers.


Much to everyone's surprise, Tyrael suddenly pulled out Azurewrath from its sheath and placed it against Reuisu's thought.  However, Reuisu continued to smile and did not flinch one bit.


Tyrael: Give me the powers, Reuisu.  I will not hesitate to protect Heaven's interests.


Reuisu closed his eyes and continued to smile.


Reuisu: To die is to end the cycle of pain.  Go ahead.


Michelle: Tyrael, STAND DOWN.


Tyrael complied with Michelle's command.


Tyrael: Reuisu, I cannot rest until you give the powers back.  I will stop at nothing.


The other Titans noticed that everyone else in the coffee shop had fled in fear of Tyrael's sword.  Lucy stood behind the counter and began to put the cash registers behind it in anticipation for what was to happen.


Reuisu: Oh yeah, Tyrael?  HEAVENLY ANGEL POWER!!!


A silhouette of Reuisu appeared, he was holding out his transformation stick, which immediately turned into a long yellow staff.  Angel wings came out of his back, with a wingspan of eight feet.  The wings had feathers fly out, and the feathers merged into his torso, forming the shirt and gray bow of the outfit.  More feathers flew out and wrapped around his arms, forming the sleeves and gloves.  Yet again, more feathers flew out and wrapped around his legs and feet, forming white pants and boots.  A golden belt with an engraved cross in the center formed around his waste.  A coronet of gold formed around his head, which formed two sides on the sides of his head.  A jewel formed into a cross on the forehead of the coronet.  He stood in a pose of his angel wings extended outwards from his sides, and him aiming his staff outwards.







The glass window that seemed to be destroyed every two months once again shattered as Sailor Angel was slammed through it.  His wings immediately began to flap and brought him into the air.




The flaming sword rocketed out the window at Angel.  Angel responded with lightning speed, slamming his staff against the sword like a bat, hurtling it away from him and down to the ground.  Tyrael flew out the window and reached for his sword.




Angel's hand glowed a bright gold, and then fired a gold beam of energy down at Tyrael.  It hit him, but it didn't affect him in the slightest.


Tyrael: Fool, I cannot be effected by angelic power!  I am a true Archangel!


Angel: Tyrael, you talk too much!


Tyrael flew up into the sky and tried to slam his sword into Angel, but Angel countered with his staff, blocking the blow.  Angel pulled back and then tried to club Tyrael's head with the staff, but he evaded by flying down.  The other Titans had transformed and ran out of the coffee shop.


Cephiros: This is bad!


Asteroid: We've got to stop them before they kill each other!


Love: Michelle, can you use your staff to stop time around them?


Moonshine: I can try.  MOONSHINE TIME-


A furious roar that came from the direction down the street interrupted sailor Moonshine.  Three demon knights were running towards the Titans, swords raised.


Asteroid: ROCK CRUMBLE!!!


The ground in front of the nights cracked and crumbled, but then raised up in a hill of rock and earth.  However, with a few quick slashes with their swords, the knights cut through the hill and continued running at the Titans.




A flaming woman shot out of Cephiros' ring and hit the leading knight, but it merely ran through it.


Astra: Quickly, we have to get Reuisu and Tyrael to help us!




Tyrael and Angel were holding their weapons against one another, and then the two looked down at the Titans.


Tyrael: Excuse me?


Astra: There are demons approaching!


Angel looked at the approaching knights.


Angel: Doom knights!  I've encountered some before; they're very weak against holy attacks!


Tyrael: Then I recommend we stop them with the powers we have!


Angel: Way ahead of you, Tyrael!  HAND OF DESTINY!!!


Another beam shot out of Angel's hand, and it slammed into the first knight, vaporizing it.




Tyrael's flaming sword shot down at the remaining knights, slamming through the first one and killing it, but the second one jumped out of the way and continued to run at the Titans.  Sailor Angel flapped his wings and flew up higher into the sky.  His fist began to glow, and then the rest of his body with him.




Sailor Angel's fist touched the sky, briefly, and a second later, electrical blasts and white energy shot down from the sky and blasted into the Doom Knight, who screamed and vaporized.  Angel floated down along with Tyrael.


Tyrael: Impressive, Reuisu.


Angel: I know.


Tyrael: Perhaps you handle these powers better than a mere mortal would.  However, I will have to have a talk with Nephlite about giving Angelic abilities without consent from his superiors.


Angel: Oh, I wouldn't be so hard on the poor bloke.  After all, he's only...  Whatever the hell he is.






To Be Continued...