*Theme Song plays: "Stan Bush's, The Touch"*





The fire was beginning to die down, reaching only one fourth of a foot now.  It was two in the morning, and Reuisu was staring at the sky.  It was surprisingly foggy.  The stars were hardly noticeable.  Reuisu was fighting sleep at best he could, trying to avoid the dream, or nightmare as he thought, that haunted him for years.  The dream of his greatest mistake.  Worse than the Technis, worse than the soulstone, worse than taking on Queen Beryl hand-to-hand on his own.  It was the day he chose between an innocent and the one he loved, and he chose wrong.  His eyes were trying to shut, closing him into the horror that encompassed his every sleeping moment.


Michelle: Hippies...


Reuisu snapped out of his staring phase and looked at his companion who slept on the ground in her sleeping bag.


Michelle: Hippies all around me...


Reuisu could only stare confusingly at Michelle as the continued to mutter in her sleep.


Michelle: They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad...


Reuisu: Astra, are you getting freaked out like me?


Reuisu looked to see the cat sleeping in a basket.


Reuisu: I hate being alone.


Michelle: You're not alone.


Reuisu nearly jumped up in surprise as he realized that Michelle was still awake.  He turned to face her, who was sitting up.


Reuisu: I assumed you were sleeping.


Michelle: By the fact that you thought I was having a dream about hippes?  Tisk, tisk.  I expected more of you, Reuisu.


Reuisu: Don't insult me while I'm tired.  And hungry.


Michelle: Why you'd be hungry at two in the morning escapes me.


Reuisu: It's the time difference.  I travel too much, but I've still got too much England and Japan in me.


Michelle: So when are we supposed to reach that Rogue Encampment that'll bring us to Lut Gholein?


Reuisu: My maps are not too accurate, but we'll be there soon enough.  If we keep walking and stop very few times, we should reach it in a day.


Michelle: Good.


Reuisu: I've been thinking...


Michelle: I'll Call the police.


Reuisu stared at her blankly.


Michelle: A joke.


Reuisu: Ah.  Anyway, I think it's time we moved on the offensive.  We've been attacked countless times by the three Prime Evils, and I think the two of us should by logic be strong enough to stop one of them!


Michelle: Which did you have in mind?


Reuisu: Mephisto.  Being the eldest, he's probably the strongest.


Michelle: Then why do you want to take him out first?


Reuisu: Countless times before, the Sailor soldiers have had to deal with lackies before they could move onto the main leader of the evil they were facing.  I say we take out the most powerful first, which will prove we're ready for the lessers.


Michelle: And if you're wrong?


Reuisu: Then we'll die a horrible, painful death.


Michelle: Goodie.


Reuisu: We'll need backup, however...


Reuisu pulled out his laptop.


Michelle: You're calling the the Sailors at THIS HOUR?!?!


Reuisu: Time difference, remember?  It should be from about 10 to 12 o'clock by now there.


Reuisu dialed up on his laptop, and the image of Ami appeared on screen.


Ami: Ah, Reuisu!  What can I do for you?  Have you found another Sailor Titan?


Reuisu: I'm on the trail of one now.  In the meantime, I've been thinking it's time to move on the offensive.  I'm gonna need backup.  Can the Sailor Soldiers come and help?


Ami: We're pretty busy at is, here.  I'll talk to the others and see if we can't get someone there.


Reuisu: Thanks, Mercury.


The screen went blank.


Michelle: There.  Now, can you please fall asleep?


Reuisu: Sleep?  You foolish girl, I haven't slept in years.  Only dreamt.


Michelle sighed and rolled over with her sleeping bag.







Mephisto: Andariel, what news do you bring to me of the Sailor Titans?


Andariel: The Titans have decided to finally move against you, with or without the help of their compatriots.


Mephisto: They will fail.


Andariel: Obviously.  Do you wish for me to send a legion or two of your demons to deal with them?


Mephisto: No.  It is time I showed them my true power.  I will go alone and destroy them.


Andariel: Your wish is my command, lord.


Andariel walked off.


Baal and Diablo walked in and saw Andariel leave.


Baal: This is a mistake.  What if the prophecy has you die at the hands of those two Titans?


Mephisto: What is it wish you and that prophecy?


Baal: I believe in it.  You should, too.


Diablo: Prophecy is useless.  We should all just destroy the Sailor Titans and the Sailor soldiers together as a group.


Mephisto: No, Diablo.  This is my fight.  I want to show them how they should not underestimate the Lord of Hate.






Reuisu paced back and forth in the camp they made.


Michelle: We should get moving and keep going to the Rogue Encampment.


Reuisu: No.  I fed these coordinates to Ami, and told them that they can meet me here, and only here!


Michelle: You are very stubborn, you know that?


Reuisu: It's one of my better qualities, deal with it.


Astra: I always wonder why I have to deal with you humans...


Michelle: We're doomed.


Reuisu: We are not doomed.


Michelle: We're doomed.  Even with the Sailor Soldiers, we can't defeat Mephisto.  We have no idea where he is!


Reuisu: He's been watching us.


Michelle: And how do you know that?


Reuisu: Simple process of elimination of complete and utter coincidence.  Everywhere we go, he's sent demons to destroy us in our searches.  Logically, he's been watching us and knows of our plans.  He'll attack us with something, some type of demon, and we'll press the demon for information.


Suddenly, a giant breeze surrounded them as blue portal opened up in front of them.  Sailor Pluto walked out of the portal.


Reuisu: Trista!  Where are the others?


Pluto: I was the only one who could come.  Things are getting bad out there.


Reuisu: *Sigh*  I guess we could use any help we can get.  We're expecting Mephisto any time now.


Pluto: Expecting him?


Reuisu: He's been watching us.  He probably knows of my plan to attack him, so he'll come to deal with me.  Oh, Michelle, I'd like you to meet-


Michelle: SAILOR PLUTO!!!


Michelle suddenly ran over to Pluto and jumped all around her, excited and overjoyed.


Michelle: Thisisultimatelycoolit'ssailorpluto, thekeeperoftime, myrolemodelandthepersonwhoi'mgonnabeprovidedicanupmytimepowerohmygodit'sherit'sherit'sher!!!!


Pluto: Um...  Hi.


Reuisu: I'd like you to meet Sailor Moonshine, or Michelle, Trista.  I think she likes you.


Michelle turned to him and glared.




Reuisu: If only moon face were here...


Michelle: Who?


Suddenly, the ground around them began to crack open, and Reuisu flipped back as the ground exploded under them, and a ghostly figure rose up: MEPHISTO!


Michelle: Um...  Is that Mephisto?


Reuisu: Yes.


Michelle: He's scarier then you said he was.


Reuisu: I agree.


Pluto: Don't just stand there, transform!


Astra: Yes, please!




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.



Centauri: Alright, coyote ugly, time for you to feel the wrath of Sailor Titans!


Moonshine: We stand for love!


Centauri: We stand for justice!


Moonshine: And in the name of the moon,


Centauri: And in the name of Alpha Centauri,




Mephisto floated there, his bony tentacles crossed.


Mephisto: I EAGERLY anticipate your imminent demise!


Centauri: The uglier they are, the more they overestimate themselves.




Pluto swung her staff around, shooting out a purple ball of energy at Mephisto, who deflected it away and into some nearby trees.




Moonshine's staff turned into a mirror on a staff, and reflected the light of the moon into a beam from the mirror, shooting it out at Mephisto, who was hit, but no damage was delivered.  Moonshine was utterly shocked, and continued to shoot the beam, with little success.


Centauri: GIGA CANNON!!!


Centauri's cannons came onto his shoulders, and shot out two balls of energy shot out.  Mephisto's tentacles grabbed the balls, and merged them together.  He then threw it right back at them, exploding their camp, and nearly them.  They fell onto the ground, but got back up.  Moonshine was still attacking.


Pluto: I really think you made a mistake.


Centauri: I really think you're right!


Pluto: We have to get out of here!


Moonshine: NO!  We can beat him!


Suddenly, a flaming white sword shot down from the sky in front of Mephisto.  Tyrael swooped down and grabbed the sword.


Tyrael: Quickly, Sailor Moonshine!  We must escape, we have no other option!


Moonshine: Man that angel is a hunk...  Huh?  Oh, okay!  Let's get out of here!







To Be Continued