*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*








Sailor Angel sent the energy beam into the image of Sailor Cephiros.  One might think this was a bad thing, if they did not know that the image was being created to fool him by a hallucination demon.  The image careened back from the impact, reverting back to the image of a small, imp-like demon.  The demon growled at Sailor Angel, who started flying into the sky.




Sailor Angel's fist glowed with a golden intensity as it seemed to slam into the sky.  The entire area seemed to become dark as lightning bolts came down from the sky and hit the demon, vaporizing it.  Angel flew back down and un-transformed.  He sighed and breathed heavily from the work he had just done.  He walked back into the closed coffee shop and walked into the back storage room and activated the void entrance.  He walked in, looked over at his bed ten feet away, walked over to it, and collapsed onto it.  As he drifted off into sleep, tears grew in his eyes and he muttered one word.


Reuisu: Lucy...







Reuisu's eyes slowly fluttered open.  They became wide when he realized something was wrong.  He was no longer in the void, but in the storage room where the void was kept.  He slowly got up, and touched a crate to help himself.  He pulled back from the crate after touching it briefly, suddenly realizing that the crate was in a crystalline state.  Reuisu looked around himself, confused by the fact that all the items, and the walls and floor, were crystalized.


Reuisu: My God...  What's happened?!


Reuisu ran out of the storage room into the main room of the coffee shop.  Everything there was crystal, as well.  No one was around.  He looked out the windows and saw that no one was on the street.


Reuisu: Alright, Reuisu, calm down.  Let's see, last night you faced some time of hallunication demon and defeated it, then went to sleep.  Something must've happened to Crystal Tokyo that disabled the void, but protected you from the crystalization of the place.


Reuisu winced and once again looked around the area.


Reuisu: And maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions until you find a living person.  Perhaps an airial view will help.


Reuisu reached around for his transformation stick, and realized he did not have it on him.


Reuisu: I must've dropped it when I fell asleep in the void...  Well, a good old ground search'll be good excercise.


Reuisu calmly walked to the door of the coffee shop, and discovered the crystal had frozen it in place.  Reuisu rolled his eyes and kicked the door with his right foot, and the door collapsed down.  He walked out and began to walk around, trying to find anyone.  He searched his pockets for some kind of item that could help him discover what had happened.  Much to his surprise, he found Ami's computer in them.  He thought about it for a moment, then snapped his fingers in realization.


Reuisu: She asked me to fix it for her after she accidentally dropped it during the first battle with Doomsday.


Reuisu activated the scanners on it, tapping into global satellites.  He began scanning for life signs.  He found only one: Himself.


Reuisu: This is impossible!  No one on earth except me?!


Reuisu leaned against a wall and looked around himself.  His eyes began to water with tears.


Reuisu: Why does this keep happening to me?!


Reuisu got on all fours and cried onto the ground.




He slowly began to stop crying when he thought of something.


Reuisu: I could find a way to call for a transport ship...  Return to Alpha Centauri...  I could start it all up again!


And just as soon as he had said it, he gritted his teeth and closed eyes, making a fist.


Reuisu: No.  That would be cowardly.  I lost the Titans once before, I will not lose them again!


When Reuisu's eyes reopened, he was shocked to find a glowing silhouette in front of him.  The image was distorting, and Reuisu believed he could see the outline of a girl, but he could not tell, considering it was only a blue image, and the blue crystal around him did not help to make out the full shape of the person in front of him.  The silhouette raised it's right arm up to Reuisu, holding it out to him.  And Reuisu, having just lost all that was known to him and now facing a being that did not seem to be human, he did the only thing his logical mind could do.


He yelped out loud and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction.







Reuisu finally ran out of breath in front of Crystal Tower.  He bent over and rested himself on his knees, breathing deeply.  He looked up ahead of him and saw that Crystal Tower had another layer of Crystal over it.  He blinked several times, trying to think of a strategy.


Reuisu: If I go inside, I can use the technology there to do a more detailed scan of the planet.


Reuisu walked up the steps to the main door, finding the door crystallized over, with no means of moving the door.  He gulped hard, and then balled up his fist.  With as much strength as he could, he slammed his fist into the door, breaking through it and putting a hole big enough for him to walk through through the door.  He pulled his fist back, and gritted his teeth, but then he realized that there was no pain.  He opened his eyes and examined his fist.  There was no pain from the impact.  Reuisu raised an eyebrow, then aimed his fist at the second door, and with more intensity, he punched the door, making a bigger hole in it.


Reuisu: That's odd, that's very odd.  If Michelle were here she'd say that was very odd.


Suddenly, Reuisu snapped his fingers as he figured it all out.


Reuisu: Aaaahh!  That's your strategy, is it?  Keep me in this hallucination, move me while it's taking place so I die of starvation, slowly, or just go insane with the thought of losing the Titans!  Well too bad, demon.  I won't fall for it!


Voice: Very intuitive, Sailor Angel.


The hallucination demon Reuisu had fought earlier walked out of the shadows.


Demon: However, you are no longer in your Sailor form, which puts me at a certain advantage when it comes to fighting.


Reuisu: And where is my Angel staff?


Demon: Back where we fought, in front of that coffee shop.  It took me some time to remove it.  It seems that only those who fight on the side of light can possess it safely.  Now, prepare for battle, human!


Reuisu readied himself for physical combat, hoping his inhuman strength would give him an advantage, however he realized in a moment that he didn't have to.




The demon turned to the side in confusion to see a white and blue energy ball slam into it.  The ball immediately began to encase the demon in a crystal similar to that all around the hallucination Crystal Tokyo.  Reuisu looked around to see where the attack had come from.  He saw the same figure as before, standing out and holding it's arm out to him.


Reuisu: Oh, what the hell.


Reuisu reached out and took the figure's arm.  The crystal hallucination all around him shattered like glass, and standing before him was a Sailor.  She was just as tall as Reuisu, and her skin was slightly darker for someone who was Japanese.  Her hair was in two colors, the bottom portions blue and the upper portions gold.  Her mini-skirt was gold and her bows were blue.


Reuisu: Greetings.


Crystal: Hello, Reuisu.  My name is Christine Finethy.  However, in this form I am known as Sailor Crystal.  You know, I didn't think you were serious the other day about saving the world.






To Be Continued...