*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*






Tyrael: BOW DOWN!


Tyrael had never shouted a command before to the Titans, so, they were quite surprised when this had happened.  Immediately, the Titans fell onto their knees and bowed down before the figure before them, who Tyrael had identified as God himself.  The Titans suddenly un-transformed, as well.  When the Titans finally looked up, they noticed the fact that the figure was wrapped in rags and cloaks.  The figure's face was veiled, making it impossible to see the face.  They all then stood up, and saw an Angel approaching them.  His face was straight, and his hair blonde.  He wore what appeared to be sweat pants, and he had no shirt.  He then spoke.


Angel: My name is Michael.  I am here to speak for the Lord.


Reuisu: No offense, but why can he not speak for himself?  And why does he wear the veil?


Michael: You are still mortals.  For God to truly speak to you, your mortal forms would be burned, and your minds sent into a state of permanent insanity.  And because you are still mortals, you are not allowed to look upon the face of God, almighty.


Reuisu: Very well.


Michael: You may plead your case.


Reuisu took a deep breath and gulped.


Reuisu: Your lordship, you know who I am.


God nodded his veiled head.


Reuisu: You are also aware that one-month ago, one member of my team, the Titans, died at the hands of the demon known as Baal.  Baal now has possession of the Silver Crystal, a power source capable of devastating earth.  We've managed to find the next two Titans prophesized in the Horadric scrolls and texts, but we need our full team, all seven Titans.  We need Lucy Yubiwa, Sailor Cephiros.


Michael: He says...  No.


Reuisu's eyes got wide and he slightly gaped.  The other Titans sighed in sadness.


Chris: Why not?


Michael: Bringing the dead back to life is not supposed to happen.  Some angels are still arguing over what happened with Sailor Moon 1,000 of your years ago.


Reuisu: But we need her!  We need her back!


Michael: We're sorry.  There's nothing we can do.


Michael and God began to walk back towards the gate.


Miya: Well, Reuisu, we tried.


Miya put his hand on Reuisu's shoulder to comfort him.  However, he walked out of the hand, his teeth gritting and his face a look of disdain on it.


Reuisu: Don't turn your back on me! 


Reuisu began running over to God.


Reuisu: Don't you even try to WALK AWAY FROM ME!


Reuisu grabbed onto God's shoulder and turned him around, much to the surprise of everyone there.


Reuisu: Just who the hell do you think you are?!?!


Everyone gaped at Reuisu and what he had just done.  Even Tyrael seemed shocked by Reuisu's behavior.


Reuisu: Oh wait, I know what you think you are, what you want us to believe, but I don't buy it!  For over a thousand years, you've been pulling everyone's strings, getting us to do all the work and you haven't done a damn thing except stand there and look cryptic!  Well, it's about time you started pulling your own weight around here!


Michael: Tread lightly, mortal-


Reuisu: Sod off, Michael!


Michael too was now taken aback by Reuisu.


Reuisu: I have worked my ass off for you, fighting evil and saving the world so many times it's not even funny!  But when I need something it's, 'Oops, sorry.  No can do.'?!


Michelle: Um...  Reuisu?


Reuisu: 'God has a plan.'  Ever since I've seen people die, people always tell me that God has a plan.  Well what about our plans?!


Christine: Reuisu, you probably shouldn't-


Reuisu: For a long time I wondered to myself why you let that tree with the forbidden apples into the Garden of Eden.  But then I realized it was because you wanted the human race to have free will.


Chris: Reuisu, this is not a smart-


Reuisu: But apparently this free will is easily discarded when your plan comes to mind!


Miya: Reuisu, stop it!


Reuisu: Why don't you get off your almighty, omnipotent butt and do something for a change?!


Tyrael: Reuisu, I command thee to-


Reuisu: Shut up, Tyrael!  Maybe I should just decide that your precious little earth isn't worth my time to try to save.


Michael: You wouldn't dare!


Reuisu: It's a ball of mud and rock to me!


Michael sighed.


Michael: It is not our time to start getting-


Reuisu: And who decides that time?  You?  You people put me in this position, by giving me angel powers you asked me to fight this damn war!  Well, it's about time you started letting me fight it my way!  How many people of already died fighting this war of yours, huh?  How many more will die until you get off that mountain and get involved?!  Cities, colonies, whole worlds are being destroyed out there, and you do nothing!  How many more?  How many more, God?  How many more dead UNTIL YOU'RE SATISFIED?!


And with that, Reuisu finally felt an enormous wave of pressure slam into him and knock him back over to the other Titans.


Michael: Just for touching him, you could be sent to the fiery pits of Hell.


The other Titans helped Reuisu back up.


Reuisu: Maybe.  But if I go there, I'll know forever that my God didn't do anything to help in his world's final hour.


Michelle walked up next to Reuisu.


Michelle: If Reuisu goes to Hell, I'm coming with him.


Reuisu raised an eyebrow at her.  Tyrael walked up next to the two.


Tyrael: Where my love goes, I go.


Miya and Chris walked up to the three.


Miya: We're a family.


Chris: We won't get split up again.


Christine and Anna walked up to the group.


Christine: I'm not losing these people after just meeting them.


Anna: You're being a meanie!


God looked at the group.  And then, all of a sudden, Michael smiled.


Michael: Congratulations.  You have completed your task.


Reuisu: Excuse me?


Michael: God wanted to know, before he let her back to you, if you were truly willing to get her back, or if you only wanted her back because of sinful reasons.  However, by standing together for wanting her back, and willing to face the judgment of God despite whatever you may do, you have proven yourselves to be worthy of the light, and worthy of the resurrection of Lucy Yubiwa.


All of a sudden, a body appeared before the group.  They all gasped and felt sick when they saw it.  It was the charred, burned body of Lucy Yubiwa.


Michael: Go ahead, Reuisu.  Resurrect her.


Reuisu gulped and kneeled down next to the body.  He held back tears and the urge to vomit at the sight, and held his hands over her body.  He hovered them in circles with what he said next.


Reuisu: Wax on, wax off.


All of a sudden, the look of her body being a horrible, charred and dead mess disappeared, reverting her back to a live state.  She suddenly opened her eyes, took a deep breath and sat up.  Coughing as air filled her lungs for the first time in a month.


Lucy: What...  What just-


Reuisu: We can rebuild you.


Lucy looked at Reuisu.


Reuisu: We have the technology.  Better than before.  Better, stronger, faster.


Everyone stared at Reuisu.


Reuisu: What, none of you people watched the Six Million Dollar Man or the Bionic Woman?


All of a sudden, the group awoke within Reuisu's void.  The pill that had killed them for one second had worn off, and they were all alive again.  They looked around themselves, and Lucy was with them.






To Be Continued...