Astra: Okay, a little recap of the last few hours or so: Reuisu decided that they had waited long enough, and they should go on the offensive.  He called the Sailors back in Tokyo and said he would need help.  Meanwhile, Mephisto learned of Reuisu's plans and decided to attack us without help!  Sailor Pluto arrived to help, and Michelle was actually a big fan of hers!  Suddenly, Mephisto rose up from the ground and attacked all of us.  Even combined, we were not able to stop Mephisto's onslaught.  Sailor Moonshine was determined to win, because she wanted to prove herself to Pluto.  Tyrael arrived and managed to distract Mephisto long enough for all of us to escape with him...


*Theme Song: Stan Bush's, the Touch*


The four humans and humanoid and cat were running like the wind.  They had lost Mephisto for the moment, but they knew he had surveillance techniques.


Astra: I...  Need...  To...  Rest...  My...  Paws...


Reuisu: Soon enough, Astra.


Michelle: Where are we going, anyway?


Reuisu: The Rogue Encampment I mentioned.  Odds are they'll have some type of Doctor and resting place.  Tyrael was injured while we were escaping.


Tyrael: I am fine.  Keep going.


Reuisu: With all due repsect to the big guy and yourself, Tyrael, Bullshit.


Suddenly, as they were coming across a clearing, a woman, about 16 with little freckles on her face, stood in front of them, walking across.  She had shoulder-length brown hair and bangs.  She was 5'6, and had icy-blue eyes.


Reuisu: What the-


Reuisu suddenly plowed right into her, causing both to fall to the ground in pain and surprise.


Woman: Agh, get off me!


Reuisu: How come I'm always the one who falls for women?


Tyrael: Amusing, now get up.


Reuisu held his stomach as he helped the woman up.


Reuisu: I apologize, but we're sort of in a hurry-


Woman: Dear God, that angel is wounded!


The woman shoved Reuisu onto the ground and ran over to Tyrael, who was sitting on the ground, holding his bleeding side.


Tyrael: I am fine.  Do not concern yourself with me.


Michelle: Um...  Aren't you surprised he's an angel?


Woman: With demons running around destroying entire cities, what isn't surprising?


Trista: And what is your name?


Woman: Me?  I'm Lucy.  I run a travelling medical shack, here, come with me.


The two Titans and Trista dragged Tyrael by his shoulders as Lucy led them to a shack about ten feet wide.  There was a horse and a small buggy attached to it as well.  Lucy went inside and grabbed a standard first-aid kit.  She placed some wet cotton on the wound, and started to notice it was healing on its own!


Lucy: How are you-


Tyrael: I'm an Archangel.


Lucy: Yes, you are.  Now the funny thing is-  Excuse me, what are you three doing?


Reuisu had noticed a glowing coming from one his bags, and he saw it was the Titans silhouette paper.


Michell: Um, Lucy, could you touch this paper for us?


Lucy: What?  Why?


Reuisu: Humor us.  Just touch it.


Lucy slowly walked over, and grabbed the paper for a moment.  Reuisu looked at the paper.  Nothing was happening.


Reuisu: Dang it!  If Lucy isn't a Sailor Titan, then why is the paper reacting?!!?


Michelle: Maybe there's someone else here.


Lucy: No.  No one's around for miles.


Trista: We'll worry about the Titan later, we need to keep moving and get away from Mephisto before he catches up with us.


Reuisu: Right.  Argh!


Reuisu collapsed as he began to run.


Michelle: What's wrong?


Reuisu: It's nothing, I just bruised my side on the way over from the blast.


Lucy: here, let me take a look at it.


Reuisu: I'm fine-argh!


Lucy looked under the side of Reuisu's shirt, seeing a bleeding wound.


Lucy: Get him into the shack, I'll get some bandages and some disinfectant.







Rebel: Make the choice, Sailor Centauri.  The boy, or your Sailor Mars.


Centauri never made the right choice in this.  All he did was struggle and say, "I...  I..."


Rebel: Oops, too late.


Suddenly, both cables snapped sending both two screaming as they fell to oblivion.  Sailor Centauri yelped and immediately dropped down towards Sailor Mars and grabbed her.  They were still falling fast, so Centauri grabbed his flute, and shot down a yellow rope which shot out and tied itself around a beam.  He then gave the flute to Mars and began to fall again, trying to reach the boy.  The boy was screaming for his mommy, and Centauri was reaching with his arm, trying to grab the boy, but remained three feet from his reach, until suddenly, Centauri was hit by a falling beam, hit on the head, and he lost focus again.  He then looked for the boy again, and saw a bloody mess on the pavement thirty feet below him.  Centauri's anti-gravity jets suddenly activated, stopping him in mid air.  He just floated there, looking at the dead body on the pavement.







Reuisu woke up in a heavy sweat.


Lucy: Good, you're awake.  I was hoping you would make it.


Reuisu: What...  What happened?


Lucy: You passed out on the way to my shack.  I bandaged you up, and you're going to be alright.  Were you dreaming?


Reuisu: Nightmaring.


Lucy: I could give you some herbs to stop them...


Reuisu: No.  The dreams are a message.  Unfortunately, it's already been made clear.  That's an interesting ring you have there.


Reuisu pointed to Lucy's ring which had a symbol of the Zodiac on it.


Lucy: This old thing?  I've had it for years, nothing special about it.


Reuisu: Ah.


Lucy: What are those Titans you keep talking about?


Reuisu: Oh, nothing.  You shouldn't concern yourself with it.  By the way, how far are we from Lut Gholein?


Lucy: That desert/port city?  A long way.  The fastest you'll get there from here is by caravan.


Reuisu: Are there no cars or airplanes or trains?


Lucy: This area is not the most technologically sound.  Everyone has to depend on themselves or the people around them for assistance.  There's a Rogue Encampment about a few miles from here, you could get there if you started now.


Reuisu: And it is a good idea, indeed.  I'll go tell the others that-






Reuisu: Oh bloody hell.






Mephisto fired a beam of lightning at Sailor Moonshine, shocking her back into a tree.




The purple ball of energy hit Mephisto, exploding on impact, but Mephisto floated through it like nothing.


Lucy: My God, is that Mephisto?!!?


Reuisu: Yep, Lord of Hate himself!  I highly recommend you get out of here, Lucy!


Lucy complied and ran back to her shack.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


Centauri: Mephisto, time to meet your marker!  GIGA CANNON!!!






Lucy was back in her shack.


Lucy: Good, now that they're not looking, I'd better transform.


Lucy suddenly placed her hand on the Titans paper without thinking about it.  The paper glowed for a moment, and one of the silhouettes began to take shape...  Lucy suddenly held her ring up in the air.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.






Mephisto laughed and pushed the Giga cannon blast away from him as easily as breathing.




A fiery silhouette of a woman suddenly ran into Mephisto, blasting him back.  Lucy suddenly jumped in front of the others, of course, she wasn't Lucy anymore.


Cephiros: Time to die, lord of hate!  I am Sailor Cephiros, former princess of the planet Cephiros!  I will right your wrongs and triumph over evil!  Time to be punished!


Centauri: Hey, I was right!  Lucy is a Sailor Soldier!  Though, not a Titan...


Cephiros: Titan?  You mean this paper?


Cephiros held up the paper of the Titans silhouettes, now showing Sailor Cephiros as one of them.


Moonshine: But how-


Mephisto: DIE!!!


Mephisto shot out a green ball of energy at Sailor Cephiros.




Cephiros pointed her ring at the energy ball, and it fired out a ring of energy which wrapped around the green ball of energy, and engulfed it into nothing.


Centauri: All together now!  GIGA MISSILE!!!








A missile came out of Centauri's wrist armor, a reflection of the shine of the moon shot out of Moonshine's mirror staff, a purple ball of energy came from Pluto's staff, and Cephiros's ring shot out a silhouette of a fiery woman running at Mephisto.  All four blasts hit Mephisto, knocking him back into some trees, exploding each one into bark and splinters.


Mephisto: Such power...  I shall return!!!


Mephisto teleported away.


Centauri: Whew.  We won!  Now, as for you, Lucy...


Cephiros: What about me?


Pluto: Cephiros?


Sailor Cephiros suddenly looked at Pluto.


Cephiros: AUNTY PLUTO!!!


Cephiros ran into Pluto's arms and the two hugged.


Moonshine: Am I missing something here?


Astra: Queen Amaya of the planet Cephiros was the cousin of Queen Pluto.  Tradition of the planet had cousins between two planets made them Aunts to their children, as did make the two children of the planets cousins.


Centauri: Okay, besides that: how come she's a Titan if when she touched it earlier the Titan sheet didn't react?


Cephiros: Oh, that?  I was wearing rubber gloves at the time so I could heal Tyrael.  Where is he, anyway?


Centauri: He comes and goes as he pleases.


Moonshine: Yeah, what a hunk...


Centauri: What is it with girls and angels?





To Be Continued...