*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*







The Titans scowled at Baal, who merely glared at them.  For the longest time, neither spoke.  Finally, Baal took up the first words.


Baal: So, Sailor CENTAURI, how long are we going to STARE at each other down here?!


Angel: I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart, Baal.


Baal: I think not.


Baal held in his hand the Silver Crystal.  The other Titans noticed the adverse effect the crystal was having on Baal.  Skin and muscle were rapidly forming over his bones.  Not fast enough to be done within hours, but relatively fast.


Moonshine: What are you trying to do, Baal?


Astra: I can field that question.


Angel: You uncovered the meaning of the prophecies?


Astra: No.  Nephlite came to me and gave me the answers.  Baal is attempting to gain access to an object known as the World Stone.  The World Stone is the balancing force that keeps Earth and Hell separated.  If it is broken, it will literally be Hell on Earth.


Baal: You are powerless to stop me.  I have easily defeated you before, and I shall do so again.


Angel: We think not!


The Titans stood up.


Angel: There have been too many sacrifices, too many deaths already.  No more falling back, no more giving up when things get too hard.  No surrender, no retreat.


Moonshine: We are the Agents of Love!


Cephiros: The Agents of Justice!


Love: We represent all that is good!


Asteroid: All that is decent!


Crystal: We are here on behalf of the world we love!


Life: On behalf of all lives in the universe!


Angel: I am Sailor Angel!


Moonshine: Sailor Moonshine!


Cephiros: Sailor Cephiros!


Love: Sailor Love!


Asteroid: Sailor Asteroid!


Crystal: Sailor Crystal!


Life: Sailor Life!


Angel: And on behalf of Heaven and Earth,


The Titans pointed at Baal.




Baal rolled his eyes.


Baal: Again with this "Punish You" crap.  When will you heroes ever learn that I am absolute!  You forget the prophecy that originally brought you together!  "The Titans and Soldiers fought Destruction into their darkest hour, but they could not stop the destruction!"


Sailor Angel twirled his staff expertly.


Angel: And once again, Baal, you forgot the last part of the prophecy, Baal!  Nor.


Moonshine: Would.


Cephiros: They.


Love: Give.


Asteroid: Up!


*Sailor Stars Theme begins to play*


And with those words, the Titans sprung to action!  Baal gritted his teeth and sent out tendrils at them.  Sailor Angel jumped into the air and his fists glowed with holy energy.  He joined the two hands together and aimed at the tendrils fast approaching him.




The massive white and gold beam cut straight through the tendrils and into Baal himself, slamming him back a little.  He grunts in pain.


Asteroid: ROCKET BLAST!!!


Asteroid's body shimmers and glows, and with speeds reaching mach 3, he runs at Baal and punches and kicks him, using the speed to his advantage.  Baal reacts with disdain to the attack, feeling minor amounts of pain.  Finally, Sailor Asteroid breaks off his attack and runs ten feet away from Baal.




Sailor Moonshine's time staff turns into a mirror and reflects the light of the moon off of it, concentrating into a focused beam that slices into the middle of Baal.  He yelps in momentary pain as some of the muscle and skin is burned away from his forehead.  Baal looked over at Sailor Life's whose eyes were glowing a bright white.  She held her baton out at Baal.  Electricity was beginning to form around her.  Seeing as it was a power-up attack, Baal shot out a green blast of energy at Sailor Life.


Crystal: NOOOO!!!


Sailor Crystal reacted instinctively and aimed her hand at Sailor Life.  Her hand glowed a bright red and blue.  A wall of crystal came from the ground and in front of Sailor Life.  The energy blast collided into the crystal wall, shattering it but stopping the attack.


Angel: I didn't know you could do that!


Crystal blinked.


Crystal: I didn't, either.


Life: SOUL LIFE!!!


Out of the baton came a small, humanoid shape.  It had no eyes, and it's torso formed into a triangular tail at the end.  It seemed to be screaming as it flew out of the baton and flew straight into Baal.  He screamed in agony as small parts of his legs and lower torso exploded into bones and blood.  Finally, the soul came out of him and dissipated.  Baal collapsed and clutched his bleeding stomach.




Out of Cephiros' ring came the silhouette of a running, flaming woman.  It came from behind Baal and slammed into his backside, vaporizing what remained of his cloak and sent him screaming in pain as his somewhat organic back burned from the fire.  He looked up to see Sailor Love's foot connect with his face, kicking him to the side.


Love: We're sick of you, Baal!


Baal hastily stood up to fight back, and both Sailor Asteroid and Sailor Angel slammed their fists into his face at the same time, punching him back onto the ground, now on his back.


Asteroid: Sick of a war with no end!


Angel: Sick of old villains who just refuse to die! 


Baal rolled to the side and got up.  He roared and fired an energy pulse at Sailor Angel.




Out of nowhere came, surprisingly enough, three hearts instead of five.  These three hearts formed a wall in front of Sailor Angel, blocking and deflecting the pulse into a cave wall.


Moonshine: We're sick of losing our friends and family!


Asteroid: ASTEROID SHOT!!!


Out of Sailor Asteroid's finger came three flaming asteroids that all hit Baal in the chest and knocked him down again.  He gasped for breath, still trying to fight.  Sailor Crystal ran over to him and picked him up by the shoulders.  He stood, trying to build up the strength to launch more tendrils at them.  Sailor Crystal held him by one shoulder.


Crystal: Why don't you just Mel-


Crystal gave him a left hook.


Crystal: -low-


Crystal gave another left hook.


Crystal: OUT!


Crystal let go of his shoulder and gave him an uppercut, sending his frail body up a foot into the air and then back onto the ground.  He quickly crawled away against the cave wall.  He roared and sent out three tendrils at Sailor Moonshine.




The Archangel's sudden coming into battle did not surprise the Titans.  The flaming sword sliced into Baal's tendrils and cut them off before they could reach Moonshine.


Tyrael: Prepare to feel the agony of a thousand dying stars, demon!


Angel: Ladies and Asteroid, I believe a Titans Attack is in order!


The others nodded, and formed a line.  They held one another's hands.






The Titans' bows, halos, tiaras, skirts, and pants all glowed a bright white intensity.






Different colored auras began to surround the Titans.






A different colored energy ball appeared in front of each Titan.




The energy balls began to pulse as they collected energy from the Titans.


Angel: Sailor Titan-


Titans: ATTACK!!!


And with that, the seven beams fired into one heavily concentrated beam of rainbow colors, and shot out into Baal!  He screamed in utter pain as his body exploded on several parts, leaving nothing but blood, ashes, and the Silver Crystal.  The Titans collapsed and reverted back to their civilian forms.


Christine: BOOYAH!


Reuisu: You ARE the Weakest Link!  G'bye!


And with that, the group celebrated, until Astra noticed something.


Astra: Um, guys, I hate to rain on your parade, but look!


The excited Titans looked over to where Astra was pointing: The remains of Baal.  They were beginning to reform his body, but in a different way.


Reuisu: Bloody Hell...  What does it take?!







To Be Continued...