Previously on Sailor Moon Neo T...


Reuisu pressed every button on the elevator control, trying to get back up and rescue Lucy.  However, it did not do anything to help him accomplish that goal.  All of a sudden, he looked up at the room where they had been in as a great fire blasted out of it, shuddering the whole tower.  The power for the elevator cut off as it stopped in between floors.  Reuisu's eyes dilated as he knew the explosion had come from the room Lucy had undoubtedly been in.


Reuisu looked back down at his hand with the rings on it.  He then realized that the impact from the rings on Doomsday's face had broken the rings.  And for one brief moment, Reuisu believed that he had shattered the Princess of Rings by shattering her rings.


A Titan was dead.


Reuisu: Wax on, wax off.


All of a sudden, the look of her body being a horrible, charred and dead mess disappeared, reverting her back to a live state.  She suddenly opened her eyes, took a deep breath and sat up.  Coughing as air filled her lungs for the first time in a month.


Baal: My Dark Titans, Sailor Nothings!  Sailor Hyperion, Sailor Tethys, Sailor Prometheus, Sailor Mimas, and Sailor Enceladus. 


Sailor Angel extended his hand out, and Sailor Hyperion took it.  The two groups, Titans and Dark Titans, were now all Titans.


Angel: Welcome to the team, Titans.


"I love Reuisu..."


The angelic smile had faded away, and only a look of pure hatred was on its face.  Slowly, the entire holy look of the being melted away, revealing a being looking similar to Reuisu, but with black hair, and wearing an armor similar to that of Sailor Centauri's, but black instead of silver.  A black cape appeared behind him and demonic wings sprung from his back.

"Davros!" Mars shouted, walking back.

"Who?" Cephiros asks.

"A being totally opposite to my own."


"It worked!  I'm human again!"

She then turned and smiled at the others, who were actually all covering their faces.

"What's the matter?" Astra asked.  She then suddenly looked down at herself again, and squealed.  She grabbed the clothes she was standing on and covered the front of her naked body.

"Congrats, my little kitten." Reuisu says, still covering his eyes.


And now, the continuation...






*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*





Reuisu: No, no, NO.


Astra: What's your problem with this one, Reuisu?


Reuisu: It's too spacey.  We would never afford all the furniture we'd have to bring in!


Astra: Oh, then just get computers out of your void, then!


Reuisu: My void!?  I don't want the others trotting around my flat, dirtying up the carpets and forcing us to clean it when they could walk in a dimensional plane that for some reason or another, removes all forms of dirt and crud!


Astra: We've been through six apartments already, Reuisu.  APARTMENTS, not flats.


Reuisu: I'll call it a flat if I bloody want to call it a flat!


Astra: You know, there are some days I think you're not British.


Reuisu: Not Briti-...  Not Briti-...  Not BRITISH?!!?  There are several people, including the doctor who assisted in my mother giving birth to me who might just say differently!


Astra: Look, we need an apartment of our own.  Your void is just too dark and depressing.


Reuisu: I've lived there for the better part of my life, my dear!


Astra: BETTER part?


Astra narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend.


Reuisu: Alright, the-less-than-better-part-that-involves-you, okay?  All right, we'll buy the 'apartment' and we'll use the void for Sailor duties.  I'm doing this for you, okay?


Astra smiled and kissed Reuisu on the cheek.


Astra: Of course.






Neo-Queen Serenity put down her teacup in surprise.


Serenity: Cancel your trip to Alpha Centauri?!


Reuisu: Yes.


Serenity: But why?  Earlier in the year, all you could think about was getting ready for the chance to rebuild the Alliance Alpha Centauri.


Reuisu: Well, where would a trip to Alpha Centauri bring me, except away from Astra, the Titans, and everyone else on this planet I love?


Serenity sighed.


Serenity: All right.  The mission to reestablish the Alliance Alpha Centauri is hereby canceled.  Now, next on the list: When are you and Astra getting married?


Reuisu winced.


Reuisu: Thing is, despite three simulated years as a human, Astra thinks she needs time to adapt to it and to our new relationship before we get married.


Serenity: Ah.  And how's the clean up coming for the damage caused by Baal?


Reuisu: Very well.  The blood smell is gone, but the debris is taking a bit longer.  I think we should-ARGH!


Reuisu collapsed out of his chair and dropped his teacup.  The cup fell to the ground and smashed; it's contents now dripping away.  Reuisu wrapped his arms around himself in pain.  Flashes of light seemed to appear over him every few milliseconds, and Serenity got out of her chair to help him.


Serenity: Reuisu, what's the matter?!


Reuisu: PAIN!  Something's gouging at me!  Trying to take me away!


One flash created a brief silhouette of Sailor Angel, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.  Finally, the flashing and the pain disappeared, and Reuisu breathed deeply and blinked, trying to comprehend what had happened.


Serenity: Are you all right?


Reuisu: Something was trying to move me, but I resisted.  I don't know for sure what happened...


All of a sudden, the doors to the chamber Reuisu and Serenity were in burst open, and Serenity's main advisor walked in.


Advisor: Your highness, something rather odd has happened!


Serenity: What?  What's happened?


Advisor: We're receiving reports from all over the world!  They say that people are disappearing or have already disappeared!


Serenity: What do you mean?


Advisor: I mean, your highness, that all over the world, people have just suddenly vanished without a trace!


Serenity and Reuisu exchanged looks.  Reuisu stood up and pulled out his communicator.


Reuisu: This is Reuisu to all Titans!  Meet me at the Void immediately!  A situation is developing!







The portal that opened into the Void opened up, and Michelle walked into it.


Michelle: Sorry I'm late, traffic's gone nuts.  What's the situation?


Reuisu: It's not just the traffic here; it's all over the world.


Michelle: Huh?


Reuisu showed the other six Titans news reports on several different monitors.


Reporter: Scientists are unable to discover why the disappearances...


Reporter 2: Military is checking the possibility that alien forces have...


Reporter 3: Roadsides have erupted into chaos because of unmanned vehicles and equipment caused by the disappearances...


Reuisu: Reports are still flooding into Crystal Tower of the total number of people missing, but so far it's estimated in the millions.


Miya: So we have no theories as to what's happened here?


Reuisu: Well, actually, there is one popular theory going around.


Christine: What?


Reuisu: Have any of you ever heard of the Rapture?


Chris: The Christian bible's prophecy about the end of the world?


Reuisu: It's part of that prophecy, but not the whole thing.  The rapture is the word given to what happens in the beginning of the book of Revelations, the last book in the Bible.  Summed up it has all those of pure Christian faith ascend into Heaven, and the remaining populace stay on earth to either become Christian or reject God.  So far, it's the popular theory going on around the World.


Lucy: And none of the Sailors have "Ascended?"


Reuisu: Actually, funny thing about that.  When the disappearances were occurring, I began to disappear as well.  It felt as if something was trying to tear me away from Earth, but I resisted.


Michelle: This is all speculation!  For all we know, aliens could've abducted a large portion of Earth's populace.


Reuisu: Actually, moon face, there is some proof that corroborates the Rapture theory.  When the Disappearances began, the amount of holy energy circulating the world suddenly increased ten-fold. 


Anna: Holy energy?


Reuisu: Sort of like background radiation that already exists.  Like when I fire an attack as Sailor Angel, the level of Holy energy increases exponentially.


All of a sudden, warning lights start flashing all over the console!  Reuisu activated it and checked the readings.


Reuisu: I'm getting reports from all over the world!  Oracle's forwarding them to me...


Chris: What are they for?


Reuisu: They're reports of widespread chaos!  Cars without drivers speeding into buildings, looters attacking stores without security or personnel working there, unmanned equipment, everything!  It's pandemonium out there!






To Be Continued...