*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu: There is no time to waste!  We must find a way to control the chaos out there!


Christine: But how?!  It's not like we can individually teleport everywhere and help everything!


Reuisu: No, but something similar might be in order.


Lucy: What?


Reuisu: Michelle, your time staff allows you to move in both space AND time, right?


Michelle: Yeah.  What about it?


Reuisu: I suggest we travel one second into the future, opening a portal with random destinations and sending everyone to assigned designations to help out and try to stop or control the chaos that's besieging our world because of the disappearances.


Anna: All of us?


Reuisu: No, I shall stay behind and coordinate our efforts.  Moon face, your staff?


Michelle handed Reuisu her time staff.  Reuisu placed the staff in an opening on the main console and pressed some controls.  The time staff quickly shot out an energy beam into a section of the void, and a red portal opened.


Reuisu: Once you arrive at your destinations, transform and locate the nearest problem you can solve.


The group nodded and all ran into the portal.







Location: Paris, France.


A red car spun out of control and slammed into a nearby Internet café.  It started a small fire and people quickly ran out of the café in search of rescue.  A six year-old child tripped onto the pavement.  Another out of control car was about to hit her.  The child screamed.




The car suddenly stopped, and the child opened it's eyes to see Sailor Moonshine hit the breaks within the car and also punch out all four tires, immobilizing it.






Location: Lut Gholein.


Two men in turbans and garments usually worn in Egypt smash through the windows of a shop, carrying out jewels and gems.  They quickly run down the street.




Five identical pink hearts come out of nowhere and form a box around the men.  Local Lut Gholein police soon run up, and Sailor Love deactivates the Crescent Heart Crush, allowing the men to be arrested.








Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA.


A construction crane was gradually getting faster as it spun out of control, sending small parts of itself flying as the speed tore off mechanical bits.  Sailor Asteroid came running at it, but the debris was flying everywhere, inhibiting his movement.


Asteroid: ROCKET BLAST!!!


Asteroid glowed for a moment, and then at extremely high speeds ran through the flying debris and to the control switches of the crane, bringing it to a stop.







Location: Melbourne, Australia.


Elephants roamed the streets, smashing anything in their path in a panic as rhinos charged behind them.  Someone had briefly opened their cages but disappeared directly after he had opened it, and an electrical worker had disappeared and the charged cable he had been working on fell to the ground, lighting several trees, grass, and bushes on fire, scaring the animals.  And now, in front of the rampaging animals, was Sailor Crystal.




Crystal clapped her hands together, and slowly brought them apart.  While bringing them apart, an energy ball formed between her hands, and she threw it to the ground in front of the animals.  It formed a small sheet of crystal on the ground.  Immediately, Crystal's hands glowed blue and red, and from the sheet of crystal came a large, thick wall of crystal that blocked the animals' rampage.







Location: London, England.




Nihilistic terrorists ran through the streets, brandishing machine guns and other automatic weapons.  They fired them into the air and continued screaming as the populace of London ran in fear of getting shot.  The police were already dealing with a similar crisis happening on the other side of town, and could not handle both at once.  However, they did not have to.




The silhouettes of three running flaming women came down from a rooftop at the terrorists.  They shot in panic at them, but it did not stop them.  Each one collided into a terrorist, sending them to the ground with minor burns and a lot of pain.






Location: Kyoto, Japan.


Six men walked threw the dark streets.  They had evil grins on their faces as they found unconscious women.  They had fallen unconscious when debris of some form or another had fallen on them, or if swarms of panicky people had run over them.  These men were definitely not here to help them.  They began to tear at the women's clothing, preparing to gang rape them.  However, they heard intense winds beginning to form up, and a bright light was shining upon them.  They thought police were shining flashlights on them, but then saw Sailor Life looking at them only with glowing eyes, and electrical streaks forming around her and winds forming like a tornado around her.


Life: SOUL LIFE!!!


The men ran away in fear as the small spirit zoomed at them.  Knowing that a standard Soul Life would revert the men into puddles of blood and internal organs, Life had used it at quarter power as it had been powering up.  The spirit flew in a straight line, passing straight through each one.  Immediately after it did, the men all fell down, unconscious and in a lot of pain.







Reuisu: Okay, nice work, Cephiros.  Now, head over to the other side of town and assist the police forces there.  Crystal, Australia's under control now.  I'm opening a portal for you over to St. Petersburg, Russia.  We've got mass rioting, try to contain it.


Reuisu heard a beeping sound come from his console after he opened the portal to Russia.  He checked what the beeping was for, and it indicated detecting an earthquake.  He activated the camera over Jerusalem, where the earthquake occurred.  He gasped as he looked at what was there.  It looked as though the ground had been cut open, like a knife wound on a person.  There seemed to be light coming from it, emanating from fire.  Reuisu recognized it from when he had been in Tristram.


Reuisu: A Hell mouth...







Reuisu tugged on the table in front of him, having attached it to a firmly put tree.  He wore climbing equipment as he slowly made his way down the Hell mouth.  He looked around as he continued going deeper.  The light from fires seemed to disappear as he got farther down, and the cave walls become darker and blacker.  He switched on the light on his helmet and looked around.  There still seemed to be nothing around him, but he continued hope that whatever had caused the disappearances was down here.  All of a sudden, he realized he could go no further.  He knew he had miles of rope, so he figured he must've snagged the rope on something.  He tugged at it, trying to break it free.  However, each tug he made ate away at the rope, and all of a sudden, the rope snapped in half!  Reuisu screamed out loud as he fell down into the abyss.







Reuisu slowly opened his eyes to see two feet before him.  He looked around and saw that he was on a rather small cliff, and that fire on torches was lighting up the area.  He suddenly was forced up by two youmas and he faced the person before him.  He gritted his teeth as he recognized him.


Reuisu: Davros.


The former Emperor of Omega Centauri smiled at Reuisu.  He wore black clothing, and the demon wings he had had the last time Reuisu had encountered him were gone.  A black cape draped behind him.  His hands were covered in black gauntlets.


Reuisu: I'm assuming you're responsible for all of this.


Davros: Yes, Reuisu.  I am behind this so-called 'rapture.'  Your detective skills have homed once again!  Using a teleportation demon and a psychic demon, I located every single human being on this planet that was of pure Christian faith.  I teleported them to a holding chamber within this cavern, and used a spell to make scientific readings of holy energy to increase, making it appear as though the Rapture had taken place.  They're alive, unconscious, but that may change at a moment's notice.  The false Rapture is causing the chaos I desire, yes, but it's not enough!  This planet's core shall be harnessed and reformed into a new form of energy, capable of recreating my Kingdom!  My Kingdom shall ravage your world, enslaving the population, and then, when that is all done, I shall conquer your universe!  And all I need to do that with, is your Angel staff.


Davros snapped his fingers, and the youmas grabbed Reuisu's transformation stick from him.  It burned their hands when they touched it, but they threw it over to Davros, whose gauntlets protected him.  Reuisu struggled to break free, and the youmas finally released him and threw him to the ground.


Davros: Seal him with the other prisoners.  Let him know the full defeat that is his!


Reuisu scooted back and got up, preparing to make a fight.  He looked behind him and saw the abyss and darkness below him.


Voice: Jump.


Reuisu looked around, trying to discern where the voice had come from.  It seemed only he had heard it, as the youmas continued to advance on him.


Voice: Jump!  NOW!


Reuisu gulped, and then jumped off the cliff down into the Hell mouth.







To Be Continued...