*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu: No...  This is a dream!


Reuisu was standing on the crane.  The Nega rebels were on the other side, holding the control switch.


Nega Rebel: This is no dream.  Now, make the choice or-


Reuisu: I refuse to comply your presence!  This is a dream!  It's the same dream I've had for years!  I've finally gained up enough control to admit it!  I refuse to let this dream control me!  You're not in control any more!


Nega Rebel: And just for that...


The Nega rebel hit a switch, and the two fell down into oblivion.  Reuisu started to shake in fear.


Reuisu: REI!


Reuisu jumped off the crane down towards Rei.  He was suddenly Sailor Centauri, and still falling.  He finally caught up with Rei, and pulled out his flute device.  He shot out a yellow bolt of energy rope, and wrapped around a steel beam.  He gave the flute to Rei, then proceeded to follow the screaming child.  Remembering a vital peice of the next few seconds, he then turned around and used his Giga blade to slice the steel beam behind him that was falling towards him in half.  Turning around again, his anti-gravity thrusters kicked in and he stared in horror at the ground: the seconds he took to destroy the beam cost the child his life.  He was now in a bloody puddle on the hard, sandy ground.






Reuisu once again woke up in a cold sweat.  This time, however, he was in a horse and buggy.


Lucy: The dreams again?


Reuisu nodded.


Michelle: I swear, he has to see a Doctor or something.


Reuisu: No...  No, I don't.  Once we defeat Diablo, the dreams will end.


Astra: Didn't you tell us the dreams ended when you defeated Diablo that first time?


Reuisu: For a time.  Then the Wanderer took the Soulstone and took it opon himself to shove it in his forehead.  Ooh, where's Trista?


Michelle: She took a time portal back to Tokyo, said the others needed her.


Lucy looked ahead.


Lucy: We're approaching the Rogue Encampment!


Reuisu: Great!  Let's get ready to leave!


Michelle: Couldn't we stay here and rest?


Reuisu: No.  The Prime Evils will not wait for us to get the Titans before they attack Tokyo.  The other Soldiers can only last so long against the forces of the three.  We need to get all the Titans as soon as possible, and prepare for our biggest battle yet.









Warriv: I'm sorry, young fellow, but there's a demonic presence out in the wilderness, and we've closed all the lanes until it's gone!


Reuisu: But that won't happen unless I get through the caravan lines!


Warriv: There's nothing I can do.  Maybe when the lines reopen, I can take you to Lut Gholein.


Reuisu: This can't wait!


Voice: It will, Sailor Soldier.


Reuisu suddenly snapped his head in the direction of the voice.  A woman wearing a purple cloak was approaching him.


Woman: It will wait, and you will leave.


Reuisu: Two things: Who are you, and how do you know what I am?


Woman: I am Akara, high priestess of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye.  The stars know everything, Sailor.


Reuisu: A chap named Nephlite used to say the same thing.  He's dead, now.


Akara: That does not matter.  All I know is that you shall leave immediately and never return to my camp.


Reuisu: Why?


Akara: We have enough problems keeping the demons here at bay.  Bringing you and your compatriots here will merely bolster their forces and bring more demons that will overrun our camp!


Reuisu: Guess what, lady: We're not going anywhere.  Not until the caravan lines are reopened!








Mephisto broke apart anything he could find in his Durance.  He was enraged at how the Sailor Titans managed to defeat him and his minions.


Mephisto: I have actually fought with them, why can I not defeat a bunch of teenage do-gooders!?!?  AND WHY AREN'T MY MINIONS COMPETENT ENOUGH TO DESTROY THEM?!?!


Suddenly, Andariel, the spider-like demon, walked into the room.


Andariel: My Lord.  I heard your shouting.  I believe I can destroy the Sailor Titans.


Mephisto: Are you saying you are more powerful then me?


Andariel: Oh no, my Lord!  I just believe I may be able to find a way to destroy them, one that you did not find.


Mephisto: Hmmm...  Very well, try.  Don't come crawling back to me if you start to lose.


Andariel: I will not have to, my Lord.






Lucy: Listen, Akara, we need that caravan to get to the deserts of Lut Gholein.


Akara: I am sorry, Lucy, but it is not possible at this time.  Witht the demon infestation in and around this area, we cannot have anyone leave at the risk of being killed by them.


Reuisu: If we're on the caravan, we can protect them.


Akara: Some of the demons are like nothing your group has ever seen before.


Reuisu: I've faced and defeated Diablo, ALONE.  We can take whatever this is.


Akara: Very well, stay.  But I will not be there to help you when the dark ones come to take this place.


Michelle: Do you know of a place we can stay?


Akara: Look around you.  You sleep on the ground.


Akara walked away.


Reuisu: Well, it is pretty late, we should set up camp.


Lucy: I don't like this.  I've known Akara for awhile, she's not usually this pessimistic.


Michelle: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.  Sleep is what we need now.


Reuisu: Right.  Pleasant dreams, everyone.







Reuisu looked around.  He was back on the crane.  He decided he wouldn't jump this time, he would walk away.  Then he looked at the negaverse rebels, only they weren't the negaverse rebels this time.


Diablo: The choice is yours, Sailor soldier: Your Sailor Mars, or the child.


Reuisu was in utter shock.  Never in any of his dreams had the negaverse rebels been replaced by another form.  His constancy of the dream was beginning to play with his thoughts, he speculated.


Reuisu: This isn't real...  You're not real!  I won't let you dominate my life!


Diablo: I have already dominated your life.  Every time you kill a demon, every time one of their heads or their torsos or some other peice is sliced off or exploded with your weaponry, you think of me.  You think of how you think you're weakning my forces every time you do this.  You're going insane with rage, thinking that you never achieved your initial goal of killing me, and you never will.


Reuisu: LIES!  You are a lying peice of evil smegging smeg!


Diablo: Your British insults mean rather little to me, Centauri.  Oh by the way, look down.


Reuisu looked down and saw now both Sailor Mars and the child on the ground, dead.


Voice: We're under attack!







Reuisu awoke to the words.  He saw many women in Rogue outfits all carrying a type of bow and arrow or pike as they proceeded to the main entrance of the encampment.  Michelle and Lucy had also been awakened.


Michelle: What's going on?


Astra: The Encampment is under attack!  Titans, Transform!




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.




A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.




Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.







Andariel: Kill them!  Kill all the sisters of the Sightless Eye!


Andariel was behind a rather large group of skeleton demons, which were all attacking most of the Rogues.  The Rogues were not doing well at all, having most of them slain by attacks from Skeletal mages and skeletal archers before they could get a shot off.


Voice: You have no appreciation for siblings!


Andariel: Huh?


Andariel looked up and saw three silhouettes against the moon.  The silhouettes then faded into the shapes of the Sailor Titans.


Centauri: Your evil plot to destroy this encampment is wrong!


Moonshine: We're Sailor Titans!


Cephiros: We stand for Honor and Light!


Centauri: And in the name of Alpha Centauri,


Moonshine: In the name of the moon,


Cephiros: And in the name of the former planet Cephiros,




Andariel: What is it with you people and the weird speeches?  Skeletons, destroy them!


Moonshine held her staff before her.




A wave of blue energy shot out of the staff, freezing all the skeletons in it's path.  Andariel had jumped clear, however.


Cephiros: Now, Rogues, take out the skeletons!


The Rogues complied, attacking with all their weapons and annihalating the skeletons into a large pile of bones.


Centauri: Now for you, blasphemous demon!


The Rogues aimed their weaponry.


Andariel: You call yourselves Titans?  Urchins are what you are!


Andariel shot out a beam of green energy, hitting each of the Rogues and sending them clear back to a nearby straw shack.


Centauri: That was uncalled for!  GIGA MISSILE!!!






A missile came out of Centauri's wrist armor, a reflection of the shine of the moon shot out of Moonshine's mirror staff, and Cephiros's ring shot out a silhouette of a fiery woman running at Andariel.  The three blasts knocked themselves into Andariel, who was knocked back a foot.  She staggered for a moment, trying to keep balance.  She stayed up and shook it off.


Andariel: YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT!!!




A flaming white sword shot down and hit Andariel in the leg.  She screamed in pain and pulled it out of her, and throwing it to the ground in front of her.  She then looked at her hands, and saw they were burned with holy fire.  Tyrael floated down and picked up the sword.


Tyrael: The fires of heaven are more than a match for you, demon!  I am here to destroy you!


Andariel: An Archangel...  I never knew you brats had an angel on your side...  I shall return!


Andariel began to run as fast as she could with her pained and bleeding leg.





To Be Continued...