*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*






The crowd stared with wide eyes and gawking mouths as they witnessed a glowing Sailor Angel float down from the sky and land on the platform where the Reverend stood.  Angel glared at the Reverend, who had just attempted to kill Astra with a revolver, which was now a puddle of goo in his hands thanks to a Hand of Destiny attack.


Reverend: Sailor Angel...  We thought you were dead.


Angel blinked.


Angel: No, I wasn't.


Angel turned to the crowd, who awaited him to speak.  Angel saw Astra in the crowd with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.  Moonshine was smirking as well.  Angel looked at the crowd, and finally spoke.


Angel: This man is correct; I went into the Hellmouth.  I've seen the face of the enemy.


Angel began to pace a short distance on the platform.


Angel: They're not Gods, and they're not indestructible.  I've fought them and I've killed many of them.  And I've survived.


Angel stopped and leaned on the railing of the platform.


Angel: There is a way out of this.  A way to stop this insanity once and for all.  Astra's Sailor army is a start.  Now, we have to build on it.


Angel stood up and looked at the crowd once more.


Angel: Together, we will form the largest army in history, not just for a battle, but to change the shape of our world!  And not just for ourselves, but for our children, and our children's children!


The crowd began to talk amongst themselves, wondering if they should go along with him.


Angel: Now you go tell your leaders, or your families that the only man to survive the Hellmouth sends this message: We can end this!  Not just for now, not just for the next 1,000 years, but forever!  I stand before you as proof that it can be done!  We can fight, and we can win, but only if we do it together!  Can I count on you?


The crowd began to lightly show signs of agreement.


Angel: CAN I COUNT ON YOU?  Will you stand together?!


And with that, the entire crowd was in an uproar of cheering; ready to do whatever Angel commanded them to do.  Astra and Sailor Moonshine smiled.






Reuisu: So the cable snapped, and I fell.  Somehow, I lost consciousness.


Anna: Everyone thought you were dead because they saw your rope snap.


The Titans were assembled within the Void, Reuisu explaining what happened to him.


Reuisu: No.  I woke up on a cliff, and guess who was standing in front of me?


The Titans waited for him to finish.


Reuisu: Our good old pal Davros.  We all remember him, don't we?


The Titans nodded, and Astra hissed like a cat.  The last time they had encountered Davros, it was when Reuisu discovered Astra's feelings about him.  Davros used Astra's depression as energy, and he rewarded her by turning her human and bringing her and Reuisu to Elusion, the homeland of Helios and the nexus point for dreams.  Davros used the area to gain more strength, and when the Titans rescued Reuisu and Astra, Davros uncovered the power behind Reuisu's angel staff.  He attempted to take it from Reuisu, but failed.  He ran away from the Titans, promising to return and exact revenge.


Reuisu: He took my Angel staff away from me, and attempted to imprison me.  I then heard a voice call out to me to jump off of the cliff, and knowing it would've been better than being Davros' prisoner, I jumped.  It turns out that Tyrael was waiting for me down there, and caught me.  He brought me back at incredible speeds, faster than what the cameras could see.  And we then started devising a strategy to fight Davros.


Michelle: But when you appeared in the town square, you were Sailor Angel.  How did you transform without your staff?


Reuisu: Tyrael charged me up with some holy energy, enough for a single burst of a Hand of Destiny attack, and used his angelic abilities to make it look like I was Sailor Angel.  Now, what we must do-


All of a sudden, his console began to beep.


Reuisu: The bleedin' thing never lets me finish a sentence...


Reuisu waked over to the console and checked what it was indicating.


Miya: What is it?


Reuisu blinked as he looked at the readings.


Reuisu: It's the results of a scan I started 1,000 years ago.  I did it when Rei was taken over by the Beryl plague.  I wanted to be sure it was Beryl, so I did the most intense, deep scan as I could.  It just finished it.


Lucy: So?  We already know it was Beryl that did it.


Reuisu: No, it wasn't.


The other Titans stared at him.


Chris: Excuse me?


Reuisu: According to these readings, it wasn't Beryl that possessed her at all.


Reuisu gritted his teeth at the results.


Miya: Then what did?


Reuisu looked down to the ground.


Reuisu: According to these readings, it was Davros.


A silence fell across the Void.  Finally, Miya spoke up.


Miya: Reuisu, do you want to-


Reuisu: Get out.


Christine: What?


Astra: Reuisu, we're here for you if-


Reuisu turned his head towards them.  The look in his eyes was cold and hateful.


Reuisu: Please, I said get out.


And with that, the Titans exited the Void and the entrance sealed up.  Reuisu giggled a little and began crumpling the piece of paper that had the readings on them.


Reuisu: He played me.


Reuisu stopped giggling and tore the paper apart.




Reuisu slammed his fist into a monitor, smashing it apart.  He roared with fury and began tearing up or destroying anything he could find.  He cried and collapsed onto the floor.  After a few minutes of crying, he got up and walked over to the communications system of the Void.


Reuisu: Computer, open a channel to Rei Hino of Crystal Tower.  Say it's urgent.







The Titans slowly walked back into the void an hour later.  Papers and electronic bits were scattered about it.  They walked around carefully, looking for Reuisu.  They saw a note left on the control console of the Void.  They picked it up and read it.


"Dear Titans, with the knowledge of what he's done, I've decided to make a preemptive strike against Davros.  Rei, Tyrael, and I are going to enter the Hellmouth and attack him.  Signed-Reuisu."







The wind blew around Rei and Reuisu as they stood at the Hell mouth, waiting for Tyrael to arrive.


Rei: You're not going to be able to fight Davros without a Sailor ability.


Reuisu: I'll fight him with my bare hands if I have to.


Rei: That won't be necessary.


Rei revealed what she was carrying her pocket.  Reuisu winced as he saw what it was: The Sailor Centauri transformation stick.  Reuisu narrowed his eyes at it; he made no movement to take the stick.


Reuisu: I made a promise to never use that thing ever again.


Rei: Face it, Reuisu.  You can't defeat Davros without at least having some weapon at your disposal.  Use it.


Reuisu gulped and took the stick from her.  He examined it closely.


Reuisu: This damn thing is what caused the wedge between us.


Rei turned away from him.


Rei: Do you ever imagine what it would be like if Davros hadn't infected me?  If we would've ended up together?


Reuisu sighed.


Reuisu: A lot.  I sometimes wonder if I should use Michelle's time staff, travel back and slap myself a couple times so he understands that you were under the control of someone else.


Rei: What stops you?


Reuisu: The knowledge of the fact that I have Astra, and you have an entire family with you.  Twin daughters and a husband, that's an accomplishment I'd destroy if I screwed everything over just for my own personal reasons.


Rei: I'm glad we're still friends.


Reuisu: As am I.


Tyrael suddenly appeared from the sky and landed next to the two.


Tyrael: Are we ready?


Reuisu: Yes.


Reuisu gulped and looked at the stick.


Reuisu: I hate this thing.


Rei: Ah, just transform and let's get going.




The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different pieces of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was separated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.







The three floated down the Hellmouth, Sailor Centauri carrying Sailor Mars.  Tyrael's sword provided the illumination as the group slowly proceeded to the small cliff where Reuisu had initially encountered Davros.


Centauri: There, I see it!


Centauri pointed to a cliff slightly illuminated by Azurewrath.  Tyrael moved the sword towards it, shining a light down upon it.  Much to their surprise, Davros was lying on the ground, and appeared to be unconscious.  Cautiously, the three landed on the cliff.  Centauri went over to him and pulled him around so they could see his face.  He was still breathing, but slowly.  He appeared to have a wound on his head.  However, that was not what sparked Centauri's interest.  The armor was performing a scan of Davros, and was finding something most peculiar.


Centauri: This is odd...


Mars: Yeah, why is he unconscious like-


Centauri: No, not that.  I'm detecting something within his body, like another presence, or another life form.


Tyrael: A parasite?


Centauri: No, it's not organic.  It's energy!  I'm doing a more detailed scan...  Oh my God.


Centauri stood up and backed away from Davros.  Tyrael narrowed his eyes at Centauri.


Mars: What?  What is it?


Centauri: There is a shard of Chaos within him.


Mars: Chaos?  THE Chaos?  As in the Chaos who originally infected Sailor Galaxia and turned her evil?


Centauri: The very same.  The readings are identical, except smaller in power level.  This chaos shard only advanced his power a little.


Mars: Could Chimeramon have planted it in him during the Clone Wars?


Centauri: No, this thing is pretty heavily imbedded within him.  It's been in here awhile.


Tyrael was slowly readying Azurewrath.


Centauri: You know, there was a time when Alpha Centauri and Omega Centauri were at peace!  We just always assumed jealousy got the better of Davros.  But it turns out it was the Chaos shard that turned him evil!


Mars: So when Galaxia was originally infected with Chaos, Chaos sent out shards of itself to make itself more powerful?  And how come we never knew about this before?


Centauri: I've never done a detailed scan of Davros before with my armor.  No, not even Chaos has the kind of power to just turn something evil!  When she was combined with Galaxia, she used the bracelets to control other Sailors.  The only kind of power that could've removed a piece of Chaos and put it into another entity is-


Tyrael put Azurewrath in front of Centauri's neck.


Centauri: -Angelic.


Mars: Tyrael!


For what seemed like an eternity, no one did anything.  Finally, Centauri spoke.


Centauri: Why, Tyrael?  Why did you put a Chaos shard inside of Davros?


Tyrael: Bait.  The Chaos shard has incredible power, and an evil force might be willing to try to get that power.


Mars: Tyrael, what kind of evil would you be trying to flush out that would justify doing this?!


Tyrael: My demonic counterpart.


Mars: Demonic counterpart?!


Centauri: Interesting.  It makes perfect sense, actually.  Baal and the Prime Evils had a Super-soldier of their own, a being who fought for their ideals, while you fought for Heaven.


Tyrael: Its name is Baelrog.  For thousands of years, we have been fighting one another, always coming to a standstill.  I thought I could lure him out using the Chaos Shard, but I failed.  He is here, now, in this chamber.  He's been pulling Davros' strings for a very long time.  But now, I know how I can stop him.


Tyrael walked over to Davros and placed Azurewrath over him.  A small, black, triangular shard of glass seemed to come out of his back, and then vaporize.


Tyrael: Now, with the Chaos shard removed, I can transform this planet's core into an energy source capable of vaporizing-


All of a sudden, a squat, fat, impish demon leapt out from behind the rocks and latched onto Tyrael's back.


Tyrael: BAELROG!


Baelrog: Surprised to see me, Angel boy?!


Baelrog bit down on Tyrael's neck, and he screamed in pain.  All of a sudden, Baelrog melted into Tyrael.  His white wings turned black, and he began to glow a black aura.  Tyrael, or now Baelrog, turned around and was now holding Reuisu's Angel Staff.  He smiled devilishly, and he began to grow in size.


Centauri: Oh bloody hell.






To Be Continued...