*Theme Song: Dare, by Stan Bush*






Centauri made one high kick into the air and knocked the Angel staff out of Baelrog's hand.  However, that did not stop his exponential growth.  The being that had been formed out of both Tyrael and Baelrog was growing at an incredible speed, and there looked as though there was going to be a lot less room in the cavern very quickly.


Mars: I really think we should be getting out of here!


Centauri: I really think you're right!


And with that, Sailor Mars hugged Sailor Centauri to hold onto him, and Centauri grabbed the unconscious Davros by his shoulder armor and picked him up, too.  Centauri's anti-gravity jets kicked in immediately, and they flew straight up out of the Hell mouth.  They landed on the ground beside it, and Centauri set Davros down next to them.  Mars let go of Centauri and got off of him.


Centauri: You all right?


Mars: After seeing all that, NO.  Does this sort of thing happen to you a lot in the Titans?


Centauri: Every week, it seems.


Mars: I wonder how I ever survived those days...


Centauri: You survived by using the knowledge that your enemies didn't have exact knowledge of what they were after, or they didn't know how to find it.  The kind of stuff the Titans face knows what they're doing every step of the way.


All of a sudden, Davros' bloodshot eyes sprang open.  His pupils dilated, and he got up on his knees, held his head in pain and screamed into the air.  He then collapsed down, holding his head in his lap and crying.  Centauri walked over to him and raises his arm above his head.


Centauri: GIGA BLADE!!!


The wrist emitter shot out a small, red, triangular energy blade that extended past Centauri's hand.  Centauri raised his arm up in preparation to strike down upon Davros, but Sailor Mars ran over to him and grabbed his arm.


Mars: Are you out of your mind?!  What are you doing?!


Centauri: I'm going to put this inhuman monster out of MY misery once and for all.


Mars: You can't do that!  The atrocities he committed weren't his fault!  It was a Chaos shard!


Centauri: LIES!  This creature has done nothing but cause death and pain wherever he treads!


Mars: You don't know that!  Stop it now, Reuisu!


Voice: Reuisu!


Mars and Centauri turned their heads to see Astra and the other six Titans running towards them.  They came to a stop and breathed heavily when they reached him.


Moonshine: We got your note.


Asteroid: Have you gone into the Hellmouth yet?


Centauri: Yes, and things have gone from bad to worse.







Moonshine: You mean to tell me that Tyrael deliberately placed a Chaos shard within Davros?


Centauri: Yes, moon face.  It's true.


Sailor Moonshine sighed and looked away.  Astra put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her.


Moonshine: It's all right...  It just doesn't seem like something he'd do.


Love: There's a lot about Tyrael we don't know.


Cephiros: What matters now is what we're going to do?


Centauri: We must prevent Baelrog from exiting the Hell mouth!  If we cave it in, he can never-


All of a sudden, the ground around the Hell mouth began to shake and slightly crumble.


Centauri: RUN!


The group all ran in the opposite direction back to the town of Jerusalem.  Centauri dragged a sobbing Davros along with him.  The small Hell mouth hole began to grow larger as a gigantic, 100 ft. tall Baelrog came out of the Hell mouth, roaring in fury and walking onto the Earth.  He grinned evilly and looked around.  He knew automatically the direction of Crystal Tokyo, and began running.  The group blinked and stared at the running Baelrog.  Mars finally spoke.


Mars: I am not letting that thing destroy my world!


Centauri winced.


Centauri: Really?  And how do you propose stopping it?!?!


Centauri got into Mars' face.


Centauri: Perhaps a big red and white sign with the word 'Stop' on it?!


Mars glared at Centauri.


Centauri: Oh, I know!  I'll put a bucket on my head and pretend to be the Ancient Sailor God Boojee!


Sailor Mars snapped her fingers and smiled.


Mars: That's it!


Sailor Centauri stared at her and blinked.


Centauri: Fine, I'll get a bucket.


Mars: No, not that!  A Sailor God, or a very powerful Sailor!  Reuisu, I need access to the communications system in your Void, I think I know how we can stop Baelrog, but we'll need to hold him off.


Centauri pulled out the flute device last seen in T and pressed a button on it, and a portable entranceway to the Void appeared.  Mars nodded and walked into it, the entrance shutting behind her.  He pressed another button on it, and a portal into Crystal Tokyo appeared.  The Titans walked through it, dragging a crying Davros.






The Titans stood on a rooftop one hour later.  They saw Baelrog approaching from the sky, flying towards Crystal Tokyo in preparation for an attack against it.


Cephiros: The military's tried to stop it, but none of their weapons have any effect.


Centauri nodded.  He looked over at Davros, who was still crying.  He sat in a fetal position, barely moving at all.


Centauri: It's time.  The time for the battle has come.


Crystal: What battle?


Centauri: The battle where we need all the Sailors of the Universe.  This hour in our history is the reason why I called all those Sailors here in the first place.  Titans, return to Crystal Tower and inform the Sailor army of the situation.


Life: Will do.  Any word from Sailor Mars or Astra yet?


Centauri: Astra went to the Void to check on Mars.  Whatever she's doing, I hope it'll help us.  Now go.


Asteroid: What'll you be doing?


Centauri: I must engage Baelrog in combat.  It may give us some time.


Moonshine: You can't be serious!


Crystal: He'll crush you like a bug!


Centauri: This is my choice.  I am the Leader of the Titans, and I please tell you to go and warn the army!  GO!


The Titans sighed and ran off of the rooftop and down the stairs of it.  Centauri sighed and looked at the Angel staff in his hands.


Centauri: Here goes everything.


He held the staff into the air.




At first, nothing happened.  Then, all of a sudden, the Angel staff glowed with a silver radiance, and the Sailor Centauri helmet disappeared and reformed into a circlet around Reuisu's head.  The armor twisted and changed a little, forming new patterns into itself.  All of a sudden, out of the back plate of the armor sprouted the wings of Sailor Angel.  However, after they got out, a thick black metal covered over them with a silver edge, forming triangular wings.  He stood in a pose of preparing to fly into the air.


Reuisu blinked at his new transformation and smiled, as the voice of Nephlite seemed to arrive...


Nephlite: Arise, Sailor Archangel. 


Sailor Archangel raised an eyebrow.


Archangel: Archangel, eh?  I could get used to that.







Sailor Moon tightened the gloves on her and smiled.  Even after one thousand years, her Sailor fuku still fit her.  She wondered if the technology behind it somehow automatically adjusted for her age.


Uranus: Your majesty, I must formally protest to this activity.  We should get you and the King below ground to ensure your protection.


Moon: My place is on the battlefield, Amara.  This fight is going to require as many Sailors as we can muster, regardless of their position in this world we live in.  This army has been split into four main forces, one being led by Sailor Moonshine, one led by myself, Darien, and yourself, one led by Sailor Star Fighter, and one led by a Sailor Dreginon.  I may be a bit rusty after not fighting a battle in so long, but if this world that we all love so much is to survive, we must all do our part.


Sailor Moonshine walked into the room.


Moonshine: Our forces are ready.  They await your command, your highness.


Sailor Moon gulped and took her staff into her hands.


Moon: Let's move out!







Sailor Archangel roared with fury as he flew towards Baelrog.  Baelrog saw the coming mosquito in comparison to himself, and with one quick backhand, swatted Sailor Archangel to the side, making him lose control of his equilibrium.  Immediately, the thrusters on his wings and armor restored his balance.  He glared at Baelrog, who glared back.  He put his hands a foot away from each other, and green energy began collecting together, forming into a gigantic ball of green energy half the size of Baelrog.




Archangel threw the giant energy ball at Baelrog, who roared in pain as the ball collided into him and actually forced him back several feet.  Not wanting to give him the chance to recover, Sailor Archangel moved in for another attack.




Out of the Giga blade emitters on his wrist armor came two silver blades.  They were not energy, but they looked daunting, nevertheless.  Archangel flew down; blades aimed at Baelrog and stabbed him, causing a minor energy explosion from the blades.  A small compartment opened up from his back plate, and he pulled out a small cylinder from it.  He extended it away from him, and the two ends of the cylinder extended, forming into a staff.




The staff's upward side glowed a bright white and gold, and shot out a beam of concentrated energy into Baelrog.  Baelrog roared with fury, brought his giant hand up, and slammed it down into Sailor Archangel.  Archangel fought against the pressure of the hit and gravity, and managed to stay in the air.  However, he noticed Baelrog stepping through a building, collapsing it and debris falling everywhere.  Mostly everyone near it was running away, but Archangel saw one old man staring at both him and Baelrog.  With immense speed, Sailor Archangel swooped down and picked up the man, setting him down a block away as a piece of debris hit the spot where the man had been standing only a moment ago.


Archangel: Are you all right?


The man stared at him for a moment, gaping.


Man: Yes...  I'm fine...


And with that, Sailor Archangel flew back up, intent on slamming into Baelrog.  However, Baelrog saw him coming once again, and with one more swipe of his hand, slapped Archangel with enough force and speed so he couldn't stay airborne.  He slammed back down into the ground hard.  Davros, who was nearby where Archangel had crashed, stopped crying and stared at him.






Baelrog: You humans walk day to day, believing you are safe from the denizens of Hell.  Well, you are safe no longer, for it is I who has come to conquer you!


Civilians screamed and ran for their lives through the streets as Baelrog stood overlooking the beautiful city.


Baelrog: My will be done, my Kingdom Come.  Those shall be the words inscribed on this world!


Voice: Not if we can help it!


Baelrog turned around to face whoever had spoken to him.  Standing on rooftops, in the streets, or flying through the air, were Sailors.  Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of Sailor Soldiers awaiting the command to attack Baelrog.  Baelrog glared at them.


Baelrog: And just who are you to stand up against me?


Moonshine: We are the Sailor Titans!


Moon: The inner-


Uranus: and outer-


Both: Senshi!


Fighter: The Sailor Starlights!


Ykrillig: Sailor Soldiers!


Cephiros: We are Agents of Love!


Mercury: Agents of Justice!


Healer: We shall right wrongs,


Sinahue: And triumph over evil!


Love: We are the right hand of Vengeance!


Neptune: We are the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to hell!


Specter: We are Death incarnate. 


Maker: And the last living thing you are EVER going to see.


Moon: And in the name of the moon,


Moonshine: The planet,


Fighter: The Universe,


Crystal: And Heaven itself,


And with that, every Sailor pointed at Baelrog with one finger, and they all said the same thing with one unified voice.




*Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries begins to play*


The Sailor army did not give Baelrog the chance to reply.  They knew exactly what he would say, and they didn't care.  It was time to finally take the initiative in the fight against evil each and every one of them had fought for the better part of their lives.


Getryal: ORINOC WING!!!




Qwekifan: URIAL JETS!!!






Quelin: FLASH STORM!!!








Attacks like those shout out like mad as every single Sailor attacked Baelrog in a combined attack.


Teturnik: SEVEN CIRCLES!!!


Cuwetiso: TERRA FIRMA!!!






Praxist: EYE OF THE STORM!!!


Life: SOUL LIFE!!!




Sintral: WAR SPIKES!!!




The appearance was spectacular, millions of Sailors all using their attacks, whether they be energy, magical, physical, metaphysical, or geomorphic.  However, Baelrog barely felt it as a burden, although he did feel slight pain from it.


Moon: This isn't working!  We're nothing more than maybe one bee sting!


Darien: One bee sting might not hurt something that much, but a million'll get him!


Moon: We're hitting him with a million bee stings and it's not flinching him!  We need something more!  Like...  Like...


And all of a sudden, a light came down from the sky.  The light was so bright that the sky turned black, the light being absorbed into the beam.  The energy beam that had come from the sky struck Baelrog, and sent him careening into the ground.  Down from the sky came a gigantic Sailor Soldier.  She wore gold armoring for the shirt, and a metallic miniskirt, like a Roman soldier.  She had a crown of gold, and her hair an orange-brown.  All of the Sailors stood in awe of her.  Only the inner and outer soldiers, along with the Starlights and a few others, knew who this woman was.


Moon: Sailor Galaxia!


Mars: Yep.


Sailor Moon turned around to see Sailor Mars and Astra standing behind them.


Astra: We knew that there was going to be one Sailor more powerful than even the army: Galaxia.  She should be able to take out Baelrog.


Baelrog got back up and tackled into Galaxia, sending her down to the ground.


Mars: Or not.







And down on the ground, Sailor Archangel reverted to Sailor Angel when Davros took the Sailor Centauri transformation stick from him.  He looked up at Baelrog, and growled silently.






Sailor Centauri flew up to Baelrog, who stood over Sailor Galaxia, preparing to attack her.  Centauri got in his way.  Inside the armor was Davros, who gritted his teeth and set all the weapons on the armor to self-destruct.




And with that, Sailor Centauri flew straight into Baelrog, detonating the weaponry on him, as his body became a living torpedo.  He collided into Baelrog and exploded, the explosion rocking into Baelrog, exploding him, too.





To Be Continued...