*Theme song: Dare, by Stan Bush*







Reporter: Sailor Centauri managed to use some kind of auto-destruct system within his armor to create a powerful enough explosion to destroy the demon that has been identified as Baelrog.  The events, that have been called "Kingdom Come" because of Baelrog's attempt to freeze over the earth and make a Kingdom for himself, have come to a close.  Shortly after the battle, the Sailor Army left the Earth to return to their native home planets.  In other news, charges were brought up against-


Reuisu: Off.


The TV within his Apartment with Astra shut off.  They had just finished moving into it, and had watched what was on the news.


Astra: What happened to Tyrael?  And the people who were taken with the false rapture?


Reuisu: When Baelrog was destroyed, he was thrown clear, completely devoid of activity from the demon.  As for the people, a search party found them all unconscious in the caverns where I had found Davros.  They're being treated at several hospitals right now.  It's been a good week, Astra.  Three abominations gone in one day.


Astra: Three?


Reuisu: Baelrog, the Sailor Centauri transformation stick, which is missing, and Davros.


Astra: ERG!


Astra stood up and looked out the window angrily.


Reuisu: What's the matter?


Astra: I'm really getting sick of how you keep bad-mouthing Davros!  He saved our entire world by making the ultimate sacrifice: His own life!


Reuisu narrowed his eyes and stood up.


Reuisu: The man was delusional the second we took him out of the Hellmouth!  He was only attacking Baelrog because he had gone completely insane with rage!


Astra sighed.


Astra: Well, at least we can rest easy to know that our friends can continue living out happy lives, as do Michelle and-


The two's eyes lit up as they suddenly realized it.









Reuisu brought his car to a hard stop, and he and Astra ran out of it and into the Church, Reuisu still straightening his tie.  When they opened the doors, they saw people busily preparing the Church for the Wedding of Michelle and Tyrael in three hours from now.  They saw Sailor Hyperion nearby, arguing with the pianist about something.  They looked around, and saw Michelle nearby in her Wedding dress.  She was sitting on a chair, smiling.  She appeared to have spaced out and was thinking of something.  Astra and Reuisu walked over to her, and Reuisu snapped his fingers, bringing her out of her dazed state.


Michelle: Reuisu!  You're finally here!


Reuisu: Sorry for the lateness, we um...  Forgot.


Michelle: Well, that's all right.  As long as you're here.


Reuisu: And I'll be perfectly happy giving you away, and Astra is ready to be your Maid of Honor.


Michelle: Um...  Actually, Reuisu...  Tyrael and I had a talk, and we decided there's someone more fitted to give me away than you.


Reuisu: Who?  Your real father is dead; I don't think he's going to be here for this.


Voice: Me.


The two turned around, and standing in a brilliant tuxedo with light wings behind is back, was Jason Novus.  AKA Izual, the fallen angel.  The Titans had first encountered Izual in the depths of Hell where he had been tainted with evil.  They encountered him again when he had erased Michelle from the memories and records of all those in the world, and had been revealed to be Jason Novus, a Knight formerly serving under Prince Darien of Earth in the original Moon Kingdom.


Jason: Surprised to see me?


Reuisu: Quite, actually.  I'd think you wouldn't want to be here, considering your past with Michelle.


Michelle: Tyrael and I thought it was more appropriate for Jason to give me away because he was my former love.  I hope you don't object...


Reuisu: Not at all!  I think this is most suiting.  This gives me the chance to sit down, too.






Tyrael gulped, looking at himself in the mirror.  He wore a lavishing tuxedo, picked out for him by Nephlite, who stood nearby.


Tyrael: It is a good purchase, Nephlite.  Thank you.


Nephlite: No problem, my friend.  How are you feeling?


Tyrael: Rather nervous.  I've never done anything like this before.


Nephlite: Trust me, you'll do fine.  You love this girl, and this is the ultimate form of expression of love.


Tyrael: I thought sex was the ultimate expression of love.


Nephlite: Depends who you ask.  Still, you'll get plenty of that, too, on your honeymoon. 


Tyrael: You never achieved either when you were in love.


Nephlite gritted his teeth and looked away.


Nephlite: There is another ultimate expression of love: Dying for the one you love.


Tyrael: Well, you successfully pulled that one off.  However, that girl, Molly, is now happily married to that Melvin fellow.


Nephlite: Yes, Melvin.  The current CEO of Microsoft...


There was a knock on the door.


Tyrael: Unless you're Michelle, come in!


Chris walked in wearing a tuxedo as well.  He closed the door behind him.


Chris: The Dark Titans want to know when they can start eating the cake.


Nephlite: Do they not understand that it is rude to eat the cake before the wedding?


Chris: Remember, the concept of eating is still relatively new to the Dark Titans.


Tyrael: Indeed.  I did not tell them of ALL the benefits and downsides of leaving Baal's side and joining our side.  And by the way, I apologize once again for not choosing either of you as my 'Best Man.'


Chris: Ah, don't mention it.


Nephlite: You've known Zauriel longer, anyway.


Chris: Oh, and you're going to want to get really ready, now.  One more hour until the wedding!






Lucy: So you've created a name for yourselves in San Francisco?


Enceladus: Yeah.  We call ourselves "Titans West."


Prometheus: We've named it that because we're now living in the western world, and on the west coast of the USA.


Mimas: Come by whenever you want.  There's plenty of crime to be preventing there.


Lucy: I'll consider it.  Hey, Prometheus, you ever been on a date?


All of a sudden, the music changed, indicating for everyone to get quiet and sit down.


The wedding had begun.







Michelle slowly walked down the hallway, carrying a bouquet in her arms.  She was almost impatient at the slow speed she was walking, exhilarated beyond her wildest dreams that she was getting married in a matter of minutes.  She finally turned to the aisle and began walking down it, all the heads in the room looking at her and Jason arm in arm.  Jason felt like he had to keep back the perky girl from running down the aisle and just telling the Queen to marry them right then and there.  Michelle also noticed that the pianist who has originally signed up for the job was gone, and Ami was in her place.  And, per request, "Here comes the Bride" did not play.  Instead, it was a piano version of "Moonlight Densetsu."  Finally, she reached the end of the aisle and stood next to Tyrael.


Serenity: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two soul mates.


Michelle smiled, having written out what Serenity would say to them.


Serenity: They have been servants to this Kingdom and myself for a very long time, and I could not ask for more loyal subjects.  It brings great pleasure to me and this Kingdom to see these two happily, and FINALLY joining in the bonds of holy matrimony.


Tyrael rolled his eyes at the 'Finally.'


Serenity: We are gathered here to show that true love prevails over all else.  Against youmas and demons and magic and hatred, love prevails over it all.  Tyrael, do you take this woman to be your bride, to love and to cherish, to hold and to warm?


Tyrael: I do.


Serenity: And do you, Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku, take this man to be your husband, to- uh...uh...


Serenity tried to think of what she was supposed to say next.  All the Sailors in the room thought the same thing: "What a klutz."


Serenity: To do all that stuff I just said to Tyrael?


Michelle giggled.


Michelle: I do.


Serenity: The ring?


Anna held a pillow with the rings on it.  Both Tyrael and Michelle put a ring on each other's fingers.


Serenity: If there be any who would oppose these two marrying, which I cannot really see happening, speak now, or forever hold your peace.


Jason slowly opened his mouth, ready to speak out against the marriage, to try to get Michelle to love him again, but then he saw the smile on her face.  He quickly shut his mouth.


Serenity: Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you two Man and Wife.  You may kiss the bride.


Tyrael lifted up her veil and leaned in, kissing her on the lips.  The entire room exploded into applause, and instead of heading down the aisle, Tyrael and Michelle ran down a back room, throwing the bouquet behind them.  Astra quickly caught it in the air.  Reuisu stood up and activated his communicator.


Reuisu: They've done exactly what we thought they'd do.  Initiate Operation No Escape.







Tyrael: Was this wise?


Michelle: Of course it was!  They'll probably throw some big-


Michelle and Tyrael opened the door to the back entrance to the Church, where they thought a car was waiting for them.  Instead was the limousine and most of the guests of the wedding.  Reuisu stood in front of them all, a grin upon his face.


Michelle: How-


Reuisu: We figured you'd want to have some quiet, inconspicuous exit to your honeymoon.  You didn't think that a big shindig or something would be worth the time and expense.  However, because of that, it was all the reason we needed to throw ONE HELL OF A PARTY!  Ladies and Gentlemen, while the bride and groom take their limousine to my place for the party, we shall all follow in our cars.  Now, let's go!






Reuisu: May I have this dance?


Reuisu held his hand out to Michelle, who sat at a table in the dance hall.  Michelle smiled and took his hand, and the two began a slow-moving dance on the floor to the Sailor Stars theme, which a band was playing.


Michelle: So explain to me again how you installed an entire dance floor into your apartment?


Reuisu: Long story short, manipulation of the void.  It makes things much more interesting.


Michelle: Oh, Reuisu, I'm the happiest person on Earth right now!


Reuisu: Just make sure you don't screw it up, moon face.


Michelle stuck her tongue out at him, but the doorbell suddenly rang.  Reuisu sighed and let her return to Tyrael.  Reuisu walked over to the main door of his apartment, the doorbell ringing once more.


Reuisu: Yes, yes, I'm coming!


Reuisu slowly opened the door.


Reuisu: Look; I know it's a bit loud, but-


Reuisu froze.


The person in front of him was his mother, Erika.


Erika: Hello, Reuisu.  I'm back.






Revelations 9:12-One woe is past.  Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things.


To Be Continued...