Centauri: The quest continues.  We've finally located the Rogue Encampment, and we've now fought with a lesser demon known as Andariel.  Her power is rather large, but Tyrael's sword is enough to chop her down, of course.  But she's retreated...


*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






Centauri: We're going after her.


Moonshine: Why?


Centauri: She's obviously been sent by Mephisto or one of the other two.  I say we take her, capture her, and get some information.


Tyrael: I must agree.  We need as much information in this war as possible.


Cephiros: Then what are we waiting for?  Let's go!


Akara: Wait!


Akara was the high priestess of the sisters of the sightless eye, the sisterhood which ran the Rogue Encampment.  She wasn't too thrilled when she learned earlier of the Sailor Titans's arrival.


Centauri: Akara, we have no time to tell of how you want us to leave.


Akara: Actually, I wished to thank you for helping earlier with the sister Rogues.  They would've been killed if not for you.


Moonshine: Your welcome.  But unfortunately, we must go after Andariel.


Akara: As repayment, I give you this information: There is a cave nearby, it is known as the Den of Evil.  Not many who go in there return.  Andariel might have retreated there.


Centauri: Thanks for the info, it's greatly appreciated.  Let's go, Titans!


The three Sailor Titans ran as fast as their legs could take them out into the forests.  Tyrael flew alongside them.  The ground seemed to waver and twist as they ran, attempting to catch up to Andariel.  They breathed heavily, except for Tyrael, of course.  It was a cold day, Cephiros and Moonshine could see their breath in front of them as they ran.  Centauri's helmet was blocking any kind of cold temperature he might feel.  Centauri's foot tripped for a moment, but he regained equilibrium a few seconds afterwards.  Inside of Centauri's helmet, holographic viewscreens were showing up in front of his eyes, displaying an array of power settings, sensor readings, health indicators for parts of his body, and even a list of what he had had for breakfast.


Centauri: I'm picking up her body heat about 60 meters to the East!


The group shifted direction, following the tracking system of Centauri's armor.  Coming out of the forest, they entered a large clearing, which a rock-like structure with a black hole in it.  The group stopped running at the hole.


Cephiros: The Den of Evil, I presume.


Centauri: Inside!  We can't let her get away!








Diablo: Let me get this straight: Three Sailor misfits.


Mephisto: Yes.


Baal: An Archangel.


Mephisto: Yes.


Diablo: And a sailor soldier.


Mephisto: Yes.


Baal: All defeated you with a combined strike?!!?


Mephisto: I underestimated their strength!


Diablo: Strength is irrelivant!  There were less of these "Titans" than there were Soldiers when we fought them in Tokyo.  Even their Planet attack was deflected off of us!


Baal: You are saying you alone are weak enough to be defeated by a small assemblage of them?


Mephisto: Not at all!  Diablo, you first hand know what one of them can do.  These Titans are stronger and more powerful than the Sailor Soldiers we have faced against, who are obviously falling already!


Baal: Speaking of which, why are you concerning yourself with those Titans in the first place?  I say we concentrate our aims at destroying Tokyo and those Sailor hessians!


Diablo: I must disagree!  Sailor Centauri must be destroyed first!


Baal: That Centauri is a personal vendetta for you.  We should destroy the Sailors in Tokyo and boosten our power against them!


Mephisto: You are incorrect, brother.  The Titans, being stronger than the Sailors of Tokyo, will boost the forces of good for the normal Soldiers, and destroy us!  We know the normal Sailors cannot defeat us.  But if we use the powers of darkness against the Titans, it will be more difficult!  By destroying the Titans, the Sailor Soldiers will have nothing to help them in our glorious conquest of this world!


Baal looked at his brothers with distain about all this.


Baal: Very well...







<We have to get her.> said Centauri in his mind.  His thoughts were always returning to his eventual meeting with Diablo.  Would he have the courage and spirit to go against him again?  How could he know he could destroy him again?

<For crying out loud, the guy was annihalated by my Force of the Planets attack, but even then, his soulstone shard remained, and that dark wanderer had to freaking shove it into his forehead to contain Diablo!>


Centauri looked at his companions, the Sailor Titans and Tyrael.  <I've never really thought about this before, but I've got the strangest life anyone's ever known.>


Centauri suddenly returned his attention to the holographic displays in his helmet.  They were flashing signs of warning that they were getting closer to Andariel.


Centauri: We're getting close, keep running!


Everyone was feeling tired by this point, except for Tyrael, of course.


They turned one last corner, and saw the demon Andariel facing a cave wall.


Centauri: You have no where to run, Andariel!  Surrender or be destroyed!


Andariel slowly turned around and began to laugh.


Andariel: Foolish humans.  ARISE, MY MINIONS!


Andariel raised her arms into the air.  The ground in front of her began to crack and crumble.  The Titans took a step back, in case the ground would crack towards them and suck them into the dark abyss.  The ground did not crack towards them, but it began to rise upwards in chunks, slowly as hands began to rise up.  The hands's skin looked either pale or pure bone.  For the ones that weren't bone, the skin was extremely pale, and sections of it were missing, revealing aweful looking muscle tissue in it's place.  Slowly, the hands became arms with hands attached.  Slowly, the hole were replaced by the figured of undead skeletons and what looked like a type of zombie.  The skeletons were as their name described: skeletons.  The zombies's bodies were different.  They were extremely pale, and wore loin cloth around the area where their legs met.  Their skin was brittle, cracking at some times.  Muscle tissue and even bone could be visible in some sections.


Andariel: Kill them.  KILL THEM ALL!


The zombies responded by slowly walking towards the Titans.  The skeletons suddenly had glowing objects appear in their hands.  As the glowing dimmed, the shapes of swords, scythes, military picks, and other assorted hand weapons appeared in their hands.  Moving faster than the zombies, the skeletons ran as fast as they could towards the Titans.


Centauri: GIGA BLADE!


Centauri's red beam blades shot out of his wrist armor.  Centauri charged at a group of three skeletons and began to slice away at them.


A group of zombies finally got close to Sailor Cephiros, and prepared to strike her with their fists.




Sailor Cephiros pointed her ring out at the zombies, and it emit a beam from it, shaping into a fire silhouette of a woman running at the zombies.  The valiant charge attack shot straight into the zombies, exploding one of them into a pile of blood and guts and skin, while the other began to burst into flames, exploding from the inside.  Cephiros suddenly was struck frmo behind her head by a skeleton's sword handle.  She fell to the ground in pain and surprise, and turned her body around.  She saw the skeleton prepare to strike down with the sword, and she rolled aside as the sword struck the ground she previously had been at.




Moonshine's staff fired a blue beam of energy at the skeleton, causing it to glow in a blue aura.  It didn't move after that. 




Moonshine's staff formed into a mirror, and she held it up high and aimed it at the skeleton.


Moonshine: Oh wait, that won't work.  the moonshine can't come down here...


Moonshine was suddenly tackled into a wall by a zombie.  The zombie began to beat her with its fists, and Moonshine struck the zombie's head with the end of her staff.  The zombie was dazed for a moment, but recovered quickly and continued to beat her.  Suddenly, a flaming white sword struck into the zombie's back.  The zombie stopped hitting Moonshine, and was pulled off her by the sword.  Tyrael kicked the zombie off his sword.


Tyrael: Are you alright?


Moonshine: I've felt better...


Tyrael: Sailor Centauri, we must retreat!


Centauri shot a giga missile into a skeleton, exploding it into a pile of flaming bones.


Centauri: No!  We can't let Andariel get away.


Suddenly, Centauri was punched in the face by a zombie.  Centauri regained his senses, and sliced the zombie in half, torso from legs, with his giga blade.


Andariel: Such resistance.  Destroy them!


The remaining groups of undead soldiers formed together into a large group of skeletons and Zombies.  They were about to attack when....






...A red rose shot down right in front of them.  The Sailor Titans and Tyrael all looked to see who had thrown the rose, and low and beholf, behind them stood Tuxedo Mask!  (Yeah, totally expected, I know.)


Centauri: Tux, where the hell have you been?!!?


Moonshine: He's dreamy...  Just like Tyrael...


Cephiros: Who is he?


Centauri: His name's Tuxedo Mask.  He throws roses and makes speeches.  'nuff said.


Moonshine: He's dreamy...


Tuxedo Mask: Your evil plans to destroy the Sailor Titans are spun in an evil web of yours, Andariel!  They are wrong and deserve to be destroyed by the forces of light!  You are now outnumbered and outgunned, Andariel.  Surrender now!


Andariel looked around to assess her situation.


Andariel: We shall meet again.


Andariel suddenly jumped into the wall behind her, disappearing.  The remaining skeletons and zombies suddenly collapsed into piles of motionless body parts and bones.





To Be Continued