Previously on Sailor Moon New T...


Argent: My name is Sailor Argent, and the last living being you are ever going to see.


Ayari: The name's Sailor Ayari.


Reuisu: In that case, Tara Silvers, welcome to the Family.


Tyrael: Sailor Ayari and Sailor Argent are one and the same.


Charsi: DIE, TITANS!!!


She then pressed the last functioning button, and the collars suddenly exploded.


Reuisu: Bloody hell...  Why is this happening?!  Why am I losing my family?!


Astra: You're not losing them.


Reuisu looked up at her.


Astra: They'll be back, Reuisu.  Brave heart, my love.  As you said when the Titans first decided to stay as a group, it's Titans Together for us.  Always has been, always will be.


"It is a Sailor transformation stick, but one unlike all others.  This is the transformation stick for Sailor Alpha Centauri.  The bearer of this will gain the armor, the technology that could crush even Neo-Queen Serenity herself."


"We must find a new host for the Sailor Centauri powers."


"DAVROS?!  You brought that madman back to become Sailor Centauri?!"


"I don't deserve power...  I deserve Punishment!"

"You believe you deserve punishment?  THEN FACE YOUR PENANCE!"


"Who are you?"

"My name is Osmoudon.  And I believe that we can help one another..."







*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu stepped into the elevator at Crystal Tower silently and alone.  His eyes were filled with sorrow and depression.  He ignored the ding of the elevator when the door closed.  He merely stood there; looking at the lights that indicated what floor he was on.  His depression had been brought on by the weight of the last three months.  The original four Titans that he had gone in search of so many years ago had gone their separate ways, some with noble causes in mind while others were searching for answers.  He missed them most of all because they were the first.  They were the first parts of the family that he had worked so hard to keep together, but now they were gone.  And even though Christine, Anna, and Astra were with him, he wanted so badly to be with his closest friends again.


Another ding of the elevator brought Reuisu back to reality.  He saw that the elevator had stopped on the fourteenth floor, and that someone else was obviously coming in.  When the doors opened, Reuisu's face stiffened, his eyes in a slight narrowing at the person before him.


It was Davros.


Davros had once been the enemy of the Titans, and the mortal enemy of Reuisu.  But several months ago, it was revealed that it had been a chaos shard that was imbedded within him that had made him turn evil.  Added onto that was the fact that no more than two weeks ago, Davros had acquired the Sailor Centauri abilities.  Davros said nothing as he entered the elevator and turned around, facing the front of it with Reuisu standing behind him.  They stayed like that for several seconds until the elevator closed again, and they continued their descent down to the first floor.


Davros gritted his teeth, tired of the silence between them.  He turned and faced Reuisu, who merely looked at Davros with cold eyes as he then put everything in his heart out in what he said next.


Davros: I'M SORRY!


Reuisu made no reaction.  He merely continued to stare at him.


Davros: I'm sorry for everything that I did.  I'm sorry for the atrocities I committed, the people who died, and I'm sorry for what I did to you and Rei!  I'M JUST SORRY!


Reuisu pushed the emergency stop button on the elevator when the two had reached the second level.  Reuisu stared at Davros with the same cold eyes, and reached over to Davros' waist, where the Centauri transformation stick was attached.  He took it off of Davros' waist and dug the pointed end into the palm of his right hand!


Davros gasped in disbelief as Reuisu cut an inch of his palm, and then held it up level with Davros' eyes.  Blood dripped down from it as Davros stared at it in disbelief.


Reuisu: Dead.


The blood continued to drop.


Reuisu: Dead.  Dead.  Dead.  Dead.  Dead.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD.  DEAD!


There was a little more silence as Davros tried to take in what was transpiring.


Reuisu: How do you apologize to them?


Davros: I- I can't.


Reuisu stiffened up again, and clenched his fist together, holding in any more blood that was trying to come out.  Reuisu pressed the reactivation button on the elevator, and it stopped at the first floor.  The door opened up.


Reuisu: Then I cannot forgive.


And with that, Reuisu turned and walked out of the elevator, leaving Davros to collapse inside the elevator and begin to cry as he thought of all the people he had killed when he had been under the sway of the Chaos shard.







Reuisu slipped on his reading glasses and turned several pages of the Sailor Wars book.  The Sailor Wars book was a prophecy that Nephlite's Angel had left for him that told of upcoming and previous battles for the side of Light.  The third volume wrote itself most of the time, and was now writing off what had happened in the past few months.


Reuisu: "Masked by a face of trust and love, the demon Sailor Argent infiltrated the Titans of love and justice.  She wore the crest of Ayari, and after some time, kidnapped five of the seven Titans.  The Archangel Tyrael and the Angel of Alpha Centauri managed to save the Titans from the turned blacksmith and the accomplice Argent."  Heh, that's what happened last year.  This book should really get with the times already.


Reuisu turned some more pages.


Reuisu: Let's see...  Crest of Alpha Centauri...  Demon invasion...  Fallen Angel reclaiming his goodness from Purgatory...  Don't know where that's from.  Ah!  Something's being written here!


Reuisu read the words carefully.


Reuisu: "Meanwhile, those who were less sought that which would make them Prime.  Woe be to those who failed to protect the power of the Eternals.  The demons of maggots and spiders would be resurrected by the lords of corruption and torture.  The separated Titans of love and justice would seek out the Eternals and stop the reformed Prime Evils."


Reuisu blinked, reading the last sentence over.  He then smiled, leapt into the air laughed with intense delight.  He danced in happiness briefly, and then ran over to his communications console.


Reuisu: This is Reuisu to all Titans in the area: head to the Void right away!  Computer, open a com-link to New York at the following coordinates...






Reuisu: It took me a moment to understand it's meaning, but I actually think the meaning is straightforward.  "The separated Titans of love and justice would seek out the Eternals and stop the reformed Prime Evils."  The original Titans group is separated throughout Europe and Asia.  That means that somehow, they're all going to begin fighting some reformed version of the Prime Evils.


Davros: Who were the Prime Evils?


Reuisu: The Prime Evils were three very powerful demons that originally forced me to locate the Titans.  They were our first enemy, and we managed to defeat them.


Christine: This is all well and good, Reuisu, but what does that have to do with us?  After all, they're separated, and we're not.


Reuisu smiled and leaned over.


Reuisu: The others don't know about the Prophecy.  I suggest that we begin a Titans Hunt, so to speak.  I've contacted Oracle, and she will be our guide in locating the Titans.


Anna: Reuisu, I'm not so sure about this.  I've never gone out so far on my own before...


Reuisu: Anna, if anything, you are the strongest of us.  If I ever trusted anyone to survive out there on their own, it would be you.


Anna smiled in pride.


Reuisu: I've spoken to her majesty, and she agrees with me about this as well.  We shall all go out and find each of the Titans.  Now, head back to your homes and begin packing.


The three nodded and began walking out the Void entrance.


Reuisu: Davros, wait a moment!


Davros stopped, gulped, and slowly turned around.  Reuisu walked over to him, leaning in very close.  His smile disappeared, and his eyes narrowed.


Reuisu: Her majesty has suggested that I send you to retrieve Lucy.  I do not agree with her on this, but it seems to be her will, so I obey.


Reuisu's breathing became more pronounced.


Reuisu: Over the past two years, Lucy has been beaten to a bloody pulp, actually killed, resurrected, endured strenuous mental and physical therapy, was raped, and had to face her worst nightmares and survive a below-zero climate without any kind of protection!  If you dare to do anything to make her the slightest, and I mean the SLIGHTEST bit uncomfortable, I shall claw your eyes out with my bare hands, cut your head off, and stick it on the Sailor Centauri transformation stick.  Do I make myself crystal, absolutely positively, clear?


Davros looked terrified of Reuisu, and nodded slightly.


Reuisu: Now get out of my sight and start packing.  NOW!


Davros yelped and ran out of the Void.  Reuisu sighed, and then walked over to the communications system.


Reuisu: Computer, send a work order request to the Jensonhyme Construction Company.  Tell them I've got a very special request for them to build...





To Be Continued...