*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Reuisu drank his tea calmly, looking at the very old pictures that had been taken when he and Michelle had been there the last time.  He smiled, remembering the good old days over 1,000 years ago...


Oracle: Reuisu, are you listening to me?


Reuisu snapped out of his daze and returned his attention to his laptop screen, where the red CGI image of Oracle looked at him.


Reuisu: Sorry, just reminiscing.


Oracle: Reminisce later.  I've been doing some checking, and it's confirmed: Michelle is still in Paris.


Reuisu: Good.  I don't like wild goose chases.


Oracle: There's something else you should know.  Apparently the- ...-...-ided that......-


Reuisu: Oracle, your signal's breaking up!  From the looks of it outside, it's an electrical storm.  I'll contact you when I get on the ground.


Oracle: Wait!  You have-


The image turned completely to static.  Reuisu sighed and once again looked out the window.  The black clouds were menacing, adding to the overall depressing scene before him.  Reuisu also noticed that the plane was beginning its descent.  Reuisu panicked for a moment, believing possibly that the plane was crashing.  But he realized he would've heard a sound or an explosion.  The plane was moving down because the pilots had wanted it.


A stewardess passed by Reuisu's seat, and he stopped her for a moment.


Reuisu: Excuse me, miss, why are we going down here?


The stewardess blinked for a moment in confusion.


Stewardess: Sir, we're not allowed to enter airspace over Paris.


Reuisu: Why not?!


Stewardess: Because Paris is a No-man's land, sir.







Reuisu held onto the hat on his head as the wind blew around him on all sides from the plane's takeoff.  He glared at the plane, severely peeved from the sudden knowledge that Paris was off-limits to all civilians, and that any entry could get them a sentence of at least one year in prison.


Reuisu didn't care much for that kind of rule.


Before him was a large brick wall with barbed wire on top of it.  He closed his eyes and began focusing, and searched within himself the inhuman powers that he had acquired from the Sailor Centauri armor.  When he opened his eyes, they were glowing a bright yellow, and he leapt into the air and over the wall, landing safely.  He quickly shook himself around a little, breaking away from the powers that he dreaded so much.


He looked around, seeing torn up streets, garbage and asbestos everywhere, and half-destroyed buildings.  He cringed at this site, wondering what could've possibly happened to cause all this destruction.




Reuisu's ears perked up.  He could hear some sort of struggle nearby, and immediately ran off in the direction of the screams.  Unlike most times this sort of thing had happened, it had been in a dark alleyway, away from most prying eyes.  The real injustice was that he could see clearly that it was happening in one of the many broken and disjointed streets.  He saw three men holding a woman and tearing her clothes apart.


It was a sight that Reuisu saw all-too often.


And a sight he was sick of.


He roared, loud enough for them to hear him and turn their gaze over to him.  He was running at them, the sides of his trench coat waving from the wind resistance as his hands were balled up into fists.  The men pulled out handguns and aimed at Reuisu.  It was too late, though, for Reuisu had reached them and he jumped into the air, kicking one in the head and landing gracefully on the ground, and low kicked the second to the hard, rocky ground beneath them.  The third was a bit surprised and let off two shots of his gun, both missing Reuisu as he leapt into him and punched him hard in the gut.


The woman got up and let out a quick thank you before running off down the street.  The three were unconscious, and grogging in their light sleep.


Reuisu: I have to get a better understanding of what happened here...  Time for an aerial view!  HEAVENLY ANGEL POWER!!!


A silhouette of Reuisu appeared, he was holding out his transformation stick, which immediately turned into a long yellow staff.  Angel wings came out of his back, with a wingspan of eight feet.  The wings had feathers fly out, and the feathers merged into his torso, forming the shirt and gray bow of the outfit.  More feathers flew out and wrapped around his arms, forming the sleeves and gloves.  Yet again, more feathers flew out and wrapped around his legs and feet, forming white pants and boots.  A golden belt with an engraved cross in the center formed around his waste.  A coronet of gold formed around his head, which formed two sides on the sides of his head.  A jewel formed into a cross on the forehead of the coronet.  He stood in a pose of his angel wings extended outwards from his sides, and him aiming his staff outwards.


Sailor Angel's wings extended out, and he leapt into the air and flapped them as he took off into the sky.  From above, the city looked pretty much the same as it did on the streets, but on a larger scale.  There were giant fires, little or no light, collapsed buildings, haphazard environments, all of the things one would see in what was usually termed a post-apocalyptic city.


But there was one problem with that that Angel contemplated: What apocalypse had occurred to cause such a thing to happen?  He needed more information, so he swooped down near one of the few buildings that had light in it.  He peeked into one of the windows, and saw that it was a warehouse.  Inside of it, however, was something else.  There were machines that were mass-producing what appeared to be cocaine and crack.  A few machines were spewing out small bottles of heroin.  Angel cringed at the site of it, but then saw a site that made him smile deeply: Sailor Moonshine.


Moonshine was with Tyrael, and they were beating the crap out of several men and women working in the warehouse.  Angel landed on the ground and rushed through some doors that were there.  He ran at Tyrael and Moonshine, who had their backs to him.  Angel gasped as he saw one man raising a gun behind them, preparing to shoot his two allies.  Angel leapt at the man, tackling him and making a rather large slamming sound from it.


Moonshine and Tyrael had just finished knocking two men unconscious before they turned around and gasped at the sight of Sailor Angel standing before them, breathing deeply.  Their shocked expressions quickly turn to wide smiles.


Moonshine: Reuisu!  You're-


Angel: Rather disappointed.


The two's smiles faded into confused expressions, with Angel looking at them scornfully.


Angel: I would've thought by now you would've learned to watch your backs.


The two winced at him.  However, Angel immediately after it did a wide grin.


Angel: But also rather ecstatic!


Angel ran at them, and Moonshine ran to him, and the two embraced in a hug.  They held each other tightly, definitely having missed one another.







Michelle: Sorry about the condition of this place, it's the best I could do with limited funds...


Michelle and Tyrael led Reuisu into a dilapidated building, which had holes in the walls and water pipes with leaks in them.  Reuisu winced at the surroundings, a bit disgusted by the fact that this was where the married couple was staying.  Inside the main room were a few chairs and a broken up bed.  The three sat down in the chairs.


Reuisu: I'm not very surprised by the surroundings here comparing it to the rest of the city, but what I don't understand is how it got this way!


Michelle hung her head down a little.


Michelle: Did you ever hear anything about a terrorist attempt to fly an airplane into the Eiffel Tower?


Reuisu: Are you kidding?  We almost went there ourselves to ensure more security.


Michelle: Well, the Outer court of Serenity decided to handle things on their own without the consent of her majesty.  They decided that to keep the city under lock and key would be counterproductive, so they just ordered the marshal law in the city, which slowly turned it into a No Man's Land.  During that time, crime syndicates and mob bosses took over the town.  I got word from an anonymous tipster about it, and that's why I came here.


Reuisu: How did it get declared a No Man's Land without anyone knowing?  Surely something like this would be in the news!


Tyrael: The outer court is threatening any news agency that tries to print the information.  I doubt even her majesty Queen Serenity knows about this.


Reuisu: In that case, we must find a way to bring Paris back to its former glory!  And quickly, there's a reason why I've come to bring you back.


Michelle: I was thinking the same thing.  That attack on the drug lab was actually an information-gathering mission.  We've discovered that a Crime Boss named Erico controls most of Paris, and if we can take him down in the next day or two, we can try to regain control.


Tyrael: The problem is that us three will not be enough to regain control of an entire city.  We've wanted to contact Neo-Queen Serenity about it, but have been unable to get a line.


Reuisu: Leave that to me!  I shall contact the Queen, and we'll tell her about it.  If we can lift the No Man's Land, we can get military police to regain control of the city!


Michelle: Then let's get to it!


Reuisu reached inside the bag he was carrying, and pulled out a laptop.  He saw a blinking blue light on it, indicating a communications transmission.  He typed in a few commands, and the image of Davros appeared on the screen.  Reuisu winced for a moment.


Davros: Ah, Reuisu, good!  I have news for you.


Reuisu narrowed his eyes.


Reuisu: Well, get on with it, then.


Davros: I've made contact with Lucy.


Reuisu: Will she be returning with you?


Davros: She's got some real problems over in London, Reuisu.  She and I will have to deal with them before we can meet up with everyone else.  However, we have also received word from Anna that she's met up with Miya.


Reuisu: Good!  Any word from Chris and Christine?


Davros: None.  I've asked Oracle to check in with Christine, but she still hasn't responded to any communications.


Reuisu: Well, I'm sure she's all right.  In the meantime, help Lucy with whatever problems she has, then get the hell out of London and meet up with us.  Reuisu out.


Reuisu slammed down the laptop monitor and sighed.


Michelle: So what Tyrael told me was true: Davros really has become Sailor Centauri.


Reuisu: Unfortunately, yes.


Michelle: Well, as much as I'd like to reassure you right now that he's a good person now, we have more pressing concerns.


Reuisu nodded.


Reuisu: Indeed!  Computer: Get me a direct-link to Oracle; include a message that I need a secure line to Neo-Queen Serenity!  By God, Paris shall be retaken!






To Be Continued...