*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Davros handed the cab driver twenty British pounds as payment for the ride.  The driver drove off away from him, leaving Davros in a black trench coat standing outside of Reuisu's apartment building in London, England.  He picks up the two bags he has in his hands and walks through the doorway of the building.  He carries them over to an elevator, and has a brief déjà vu from two days ago when

Reuisu had cut his own hand to show Davros that he did not forgive him for his crimes.  He then quickly shook off the thought, and entered the elevator.  He went up one floor before it stopped, and he stepped outside and walked to the end of the hallway.


Davros set down his bags as he placed a key in the apartment lock and opened the door.  He quickly picked up his bags and entered it, closing the door behind him.  He walked over to the nearby bedroom and set his bags down on the bed.  He looked around, a bit upset by the dustiness, but something else caught his eyes.


On a nightstand next to the bed there was a lamp, a clock that wasn't plugged in, and a picture frame.  Within the frame there was an image of a 17 year-old girl with raven black hair and a sort of fire in her eyes that would tell anyone looking at her that she was not someone to be messed with.


Davros recognized her as Rei Hino, AKA Sailor Mars.


Memories returned to him once more, these more chilling than the last ones. 

These were memories of him being in a gaseous state, still trying to keep himself together from rage and hatred for the Sailors, especially Reuisu, after he and his master Chimeramon had been defeated in the Clone Wars.  He had slipped into the Void and recognized it as Reuisu's home.  He infected the computers to make false sensor readings to indicate a Beryl plague, and he waited for the Sailors to arrive.  He remembered Reuisu's feelings for Rei, and infected her.


He stained her purity, made her evil.  Made her convince Reuisu to turn evil temporarily, and betray his friends and family.  He made Reuisu a curse to all those that he held dearly, especially Rei.  And he had taken joy that he had ruined the life of the one who had destroyed his Empire.  But then Reuisu found happiness yet again when the Titans forgave him, and he believed he had to deal with Reuisu again by striking down not only him, but also his friends and his world.


He merged briefly with the demon Baelrog, but that only made it possible for Reuisu's angel staff to be more than a match for him.  And so, he created a false rapture of the church of the God that Reuisu served.  He tried to take away everything that Reuisu cared about, and then was freed from the Chaos that controlled him.


And then he knew pain.


For the first time, Davros truly felt pain.  It was a pain that had been hidden from his conscience, a pain that revealed to him right and wrong, a pain that made him remember every wrong thing he had done in his life, and a pain that haunted him to this day.


Davros collapsed to the ground of the apartment, remembering it all once more. 

His eyes filled with tears and he pounded on the bed, gritting his teeth angrily before finally slowing down and getting a hold of himself.


Davros: I...  I've got to do my job.  I have a duty now to protect the world that has liberated me.


Davros reached into one of his bags, pulling out a laptop.  He switched it on, immediately beginning a satellite hookup to Oracle.  The red CGI head of Oracle appeared.


Oracle: Hello, Davros.  Have you arrived in London?


Davros: Yes.  I'm ready to start looking for Lucy.


Oracle: Looking isn't the hard part.  The hard part is convincing her to come back with you.  Thing is, it seems her parents are both in some kind of coma that no one can explain.  Her parents run a big-time medical supply company.


Davros: Give me the address.








Davros: Unhand me!


The two security guards said nothing to Davros as he struggled futilely through the corridors of the Apex Medical Supply Company.  When Davros had entered, two security guards had immediately seized him and dragged him up an elevator and down several hallways.  Davros struggled through it all, but could not escape from the brutes that had a hold of him.  Finally, they came upon a door that had a secretary in front of it, who opened the door.  The two guards threw Davros into the office, and he groaned after he had crashed to the ground.


He slowly looked up to see Lucy standing in front of him in casual clothes, her hand behind her back and a look of anger upon her face.


Davros: Thank God I've-


Lucy promptly slammed her foot into his face, causing him to arch his back a little.  He yelped from the pain and turned over.  Lucy pulled him up and punched him in the face twice before slamming him against a wall and putting a knife to his neck.  To say that Davros was shocked would be an understatement.  He had heard that Lucy was a cheerful, carefree, and fun-loving girl, not some psychotic who would beat you up and hold knives to your neck.


Lucy: I know you.  I saw you enter on the security camera and I couldn't really believe it.  After all, last time I saw you, you DIED.  So want to tell me what the hell you're doing here before I slice your throat?!


Davros: R- Re- Reuisu sent me...


Lucy: Likely story.


Davros: It's true!  Let me explain!


Lucy backed off a little, letting Davros collapse to the ground and hold his neck in pain.


Davros: Thank you...


Lucy: Talk.  Fast.


Davros: Do you remember a worldwide demonic invasion that occurred two or three weeks ago?


Lucy: Remember it?  Hell, I was fighting demons left and right when they got here!


Davros: Well, the cause of it was Baelrog-




Davros: Would you please let me finish?!


Lucy sighed and shut her mouth.


Davros: Anyway, Charsi and Baelrog were in Hell.  Charsi had located the Sailor Centauri transformation stick the last time she was here, and she carried it with her to the next life.  She gave it to Baelrog, and they literally froze Hell over.  That started the demonic invasion, and the Sailors in Crystal Tokyo decided they needed a new host for the Sailor Centauri powers.  They went into Purgatory, a land for souls whose fate was not yet chosen, and they picked me.


Lucy: But you're evil!




Davros slammed his fist on the table in a rage, and Lucy gritted her teeth.


Davros: It was a chaos shard...  IT WAS CHAOS!


Davros winced and collapsed to his knees, crying heavily.  Lucy put her knife on the table and walked over to him, holding him in her arms as he cried.  After he was done, Lucy activated a TV monitor on the opposite wall and pointed to it.


Lucy: Those are my parents.  They've been like this for a few weeks.


Davros was looking at a monitor image of two older people lying in hospital beds with life support equipment attached to them.


Davros: Are they in comas?


Lucy: Yep.  The Doctors have been unable to find the cause.


Davros: I'm sorry.  Why are you showing me this?


Lucy: Because I want to trust you.  If what you say is true, then it seems we must fight side by side, Davros.







Lucy yawned as he put her nightgown over herself.  It was a rainy night in London, and Lucy was in her apartment building.  It had been another hard day managing her parents' company, and she needed her rest for her early meeting in the morning.  Davros had explained to her earlier about the Titans Hunt and the prophecy, but Lucy had told him that until her parents awoke, she could not leave London.  Lucy sat down onto her bed, pulling the covers up as she slipped under them.  She closed her eyes to begin her sleep.


The sound of glass breaking and the rain's intensity suddenly got her awake.  She looked over to see a nearby window broken inwards, and a tall, slender, blue creature standing over the glass shards.  It took one look at Lucy and grinned, preparing to leap at the bed and attack her.  All of a sudden, the doors to Lucy's apartment slammed open, revealing Sailor Centauri.  He immediately ran inside and jumped at the demon, his giga blades flashing.


Centauri's blades slashed at the demon's arms, slicing them off.  It collapsed to the ground, crying in pain.  Lucy blinked.


Lucy: Thanks.  How'd you know this would happen?


Centauri: I went to your parents' hospital to examine them.  They were put into it from demonic energies, so I had to assume that they'd be after you, too.  I think I can get your parents to wake up, but it'll take time.  In the meantime...


Centauri stormed over to the demon and picked him up by the neck.


Centauri: You're responsible for it, aren't you?


The demon nodded.


Centauri: Who sent you?


The demon shook his head.


Demon: Eh, eh.  You might be scary, Sailor, but the guys I work for are a helluva lot scarier.


Centauri glared and threw the demon out the window.  He was about to speak, when he suddenly saw that his laptop was receiving a signal.  He de-transformed back into his civilian form and pulled his laptop from his backpack.  He opened it up, and a monitor showed the image of Anna on it.


Anna: Hiya, Davros!


Davros: Hello, Anna.  What news have you?


Anna: I've made contact with Miya.  She's very reluctant to come back, though...  But I think I can convince her!


Davros: Very good, Anna!  I'll inform Reuisu, and you get back onto getting Miya here.


Anna: Right.  Anna out!


The image disappeared, and Davros began typing into the laptop.  The screen fizzed for a moment, waiting for an acknowledgement of the signal.  Suddenly, Reuisu's image appeared on the screen.  He winced at the sight of Davros.


Davros: Ah, Reuisu, good!  I have news for you.


Reuisu narrowed his eyes.


Reuisu: Well, get on with it, then.


Davros: I've made contact with Lucy.


Reuisu: Will she be returning with you?


Davros: She's got some real problems over in London, Reuisu.  She and I will have to deal with them before we can meet up with everyone else.  However, we have also received word from Anna that she's met up with Miya.


Reuisu: Good!  Any word from Chris and Christine?


Davros: None.  I've asked Oracle to check in with Christine, but she still hasn't responded to any communications.


Reuisu: Well, I'm sure she's all right.  In the meantime, help Lucy with whatever problems she has, then get the hell out of London and meet up with us.  Reuisu out.


The image showed Reuisu reaching out for the top of the laptop, then the image going black.  Davros took in a deep breath, already knowing that Reuisu had dreaded that encounter.  He shook it off and turned to Lucy.


Davros: Right, now that that's taken care of, let's go wake up your parents, Lucy.






To Be Continued...