*Theme song: Never Surrender, by Stan Bush*






Oracle: Are you all right?


Christine: In all honesty, no.  I've been travelling for three days now and I still don't know where Chris is.  Why did Reuisu even assign me to this?!  I'm no good at finding things...


Oracle: He assigned you with the hardest task of all, he obviously trusts you.


Christine: His trust is misplaced.  Everyone else had much easier jobs considering all of the other original Titans we knew where they were!  But all we knew with Chris was that he left and he didn't have any intention of coming back.


Oracle: Well, don't look at me, nobody keeps me informed of events within the Titans unless Reuisu needs something out of me.


Christine: All right, all right.  I'll do it, anything to get the Titans back together again...







Christine walked along a dirt path with her backpack hanging off her back.  Her face was not on the road in front of her, but instead on the map she held in her hands.  However, it offered little assistance to her predicament.


Christine: Erg...  I hate maps!  Why couldn't I have found a much nicer profession...  'Move to America and become a lawyer,' your mother said, but nooooo, I had to stay in Japan and earn my own living...  And what happened?  I get attacked by a youma and become a Sailor Titan...


Christine was so encompassed in the map that she did not see the five men approaching her.  They looked like gypsies of some kind, their clothes raggedy and dirty, and scars and tattoos hung on most part of their bodies.


Gypsy: Hey, baby, what's your hurry?


Christine: Maybe if I took the next right and then a left along this path, I could end up-


Gypsy: Hey, I'm talking to you!


The Gypsy put his hand on her shoulder, hoping to turn her around to face him, only to have Christine twist around and kick the Gypsy squarely in the stomach, knocking him back to the ground hard.  Immediately she began to walk away from the fallen Gypsy.  The other Gypsies looked at one another and quickly ran at Christine.  This drew her attention away from the map, and she prepared to defend herself against them.  However, they were quicker than she anticipated, and they quickly grabbed her and restrained her.


Christine: Let me go, you thugs!


Sick of her talking, one of the gypsies pulled a hard stick from nearby and slammed it against the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.







Christine slowly awoke, trying to regain her bearings.  Her head felt woozy from the assault earlier, her mind in a confused state.  She slowly looked around, realizing she was on top of some sort of table.  The other thing she noticed was that most of her clothes were gone, leaving her only in her underwear.  She slowly stood up and looked down, seeing the five gypsies from before looking up at her.


Gypsy: Dance for us, woman!


Christine raised an eyebrow.


Christine: I beg your pardon?


Gypsy 2: We haven't seen a girl in weeks.  Especially not one as pretty as you.  Now dance!


Christine crossed her arms, standing firm and tall.


Gypsy 3: DO IT!


Christine continued to stand before them, refusing silently to do as they ordered.  Immediately, one of the gypsy's slammed his fist against her legs, knocking Christine to her back.  One of the gypsies jumped onto her and began fiddling with his pants to get them off.  Immediately assuming that he was going to rape her, Christine struggled to get away.  However, the other gypsies held her down strong, and Christine winced and breathed heavily.


Christine was amazed to see an orange streak flash across the air over her, the streak blasting away the gypsy on top of her.  The same streak flashed across the ground, punching the gypsies away, who looked around in confusion.  The streak stopped on top of the table, revealing who it was.  He stood just as tall as Christine, glaring down at the gypsies with his arms crossed.


Sailor Asteroid had saved her.


Asteroid: Leave right now if you hope to live.


The frightened gypsies nodded and immediately ran away from them.  Asteroid sighed and relaxed, blushing slightly as he turned away from Christine.


Asteroid: You might want to get some clothes on, you know...


Christine blushed and looked around, seeing her clothes lying in a nearby pile.  She quickly grabbed at them and slipped them on.


Christine: I'm thankful that I found you, Chris!  I've come to bring you home!


Asteroid turned over to her and smiled, shaking his head at her.


Asteroid: Christine, I appreciate all the effort you put into this, but I can't go back yet.  I'm not done yet.


Christine narrowed her eyes and sighed.


Christine: Chris, there's a new Prime Evils forming up.  We need all the Titans back together again to fight the evil!  You have to do your duty!


Asteroid shook his head and sat down, looking over at the sunset.


Asteroid: I have to finish what I started, Christine.


Christine: But why?


Asteroid: I always start and finish things, Christine.  That's probably the one character trait you can find about me among all the other things you know about me.  I've always finished the things I've started.  I fell in love with another woman, and I need to figure out why.  This walkabout is my way of finding myself and the answers I seek.


Asteroid got down from the table and walked a little bit ahead of her, still gazing at the sunset.


Asteroid: You see, Christine, it's important to stick things out through to the very end.  You can't just give up on something and hope it all works out without you, because it usually doesn't work that way. 


Christine: I know that, but-


Chris: If we had given up during out first fight with Baal because of how we were losing, we'd all be dead right now.  And you know what?  I'm going to stick with this walkabout, too.  Because I stick to things!  I...  I...  I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!


Asteroid fell to his knees and grabbed his head.  Christine was taken aback, her eyes widening at the sudden outcry by Sailor Asteroid.


Asteroid: Who am I kidding myself, I HATE this!  I've never liked the outdoors or nature!  I'm not exactly a big fan of walking, either!  I drive a car because I like it!


Christine raised an eyebrow and walked over to him.


Christine: Wait a second, what was that whole song and dance you just gave me about sticking it out and keeping on the goal?


Asteroid: I've been trying to convince myself it was the right thing, but the truth is I CAN'T STAND THIS!  I miss practicing law, I miss TV, I miss greasy food from a burger joint!  I miss civilization!  I miss cigarettes!


Christine: You don't even smoke!


Asteroid: Yeah, but after all this, I've been thinking about taking it up!


Christine rolled her eyes, barely able to withstand this entire revelation.


Asteroid: I haven't had a shower in three weeks!  DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE NOT TO BATHE FOR THREE WHOLE WEEKS?!?!


Christine chuckled softly to herself at Asteroid's agony.


Asteroid: Take me back with you!  For the love of all things sacred, let me go with you!


Christine: What about Miya?


Asteroid: I love her with my heart and soul, and now I believe that Tara was a slut and a prostitute.  That sound good?


Christine: Very.  Now, I'll just contact Reuisu and the others and-


Christine looked around, realizing she didn't know where the laptop was.  She searched around a little as Asteroid got up and began to look as well.  Suddenly, she stopped and slapped her own head.









To Be Continued...