A gunshot.

A scream.

Curses and profanities.

All of these things occur in a matter of seconds in an apartment in North Crystal Tokyo.  The police come, but the murderers are not found.  For months, Neo-Queen Serenity and her Sailor Soldiers demand that the murdered in the apartment be avenged.  But the murderers are not found.  Finally, they give up.  The seven people murdered in that apartment are dead, and no one could change that.  They grieve and mourn for longer, and finally move on. 

The seven are dead.

The Titans are dead.

But one year later, their leader rises again.


*Ai No Senshi plays*


Astra Koneko walks down to the cemetery behind Crystal Tower, where seven gravestones mark the location of the seven dead Sailor Titans, and one large memorial has been set up.  Astra walks to the first gravestone, for Christine Finethy.  The gravestone has “Sailor Crystal-Dedicated Titan of Crystal Dreams” written on it.  Astra places down a red rose in front of the grave.

Astra walks to the next grave, which has is for Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku.  Written on this grave is “Sailor Moonshine-Now spending her time with her love in heaven.”  Astra begins to cry lightly remembering her best friend.  She places a white rose down on this grave.

Next, Astra walks to a grave with a stone hand coming out of the side, holding the stone hand coming from the other grave.  They are for Chris Allot and Miya Aino.  On the joint writing starting on one grave and ending on the other, it reads, “Sailors Asteroid and Love-Lovers who are now together forever.”  Astra places down two yellow roses for them.

Astra walks further, to the next grave.  It is for Lucy Yubiwa, whose gravestone reads, “Sailor Cephiros-Former Princess of the planet Cephiros, true friend of the world.”  Astra smiles and cries a little more as she places down a sunflower for Lucy.

Astra continues on, reaching the gravestone for Anna Ichimei.  Written on her tombstone was “Sailor Life-A brilliant life force whose power inspires those today.”  Astra places down a Forget-me-not in front of Anna’s grave.

Finally, Astra reaches the grave of the one she has been wishing would not be there.  It is the grave of her former love, Reuisu Lovhaug, the amazingly handsome and British Sailor Angel.  Written on the grave is “Sailor Angel-Leader of the Titans and now a true angel.”  Instead of placing down a flower, she falls down onto it and hugs it, sobbing desperately.

“Oh God, Reuisu!” she bawls.

After five minutes of crying, she finally lets go and looks at the main monument, which has a gold plaque, which says, “Dedicated to the Titans of Love and Justice-They shall never be forgotten.”  Astra finally stands up and walks away, not noticing the crow that lands on Reuisu’s grave.

“One year.  One year since they died.” Astra whispers to herself, walking back to Crystal Tower.


That night, the crow is still at the grave.  It looks down at the foundations of the tombstone, as the ground begins to bulge upwards.  Clouds in the sky begin to form, and thunder could be heard.  A small downpour began, followed by a large quantity of rain.  The ground rises upwards even more, and a hand comes out of it, pulling the body out of the grave.

The figure is confused, uncertain.  They do not know what is happening, and walk out of the cemetery behind Crystal Tower searching for answers.  Images flash in its mind.

A door bursting open.

Seven figures walking through.

The deaths of six people.

And then his own death.

The figure continues onwards, finally reaching an area of North Crystal Tokyo.  His breathing is fast and erratic.  He walks into an apartment building, dripping wet and covered with mud and dirt.  He walks upstairs and finds one apartment condemned.  He slams his hand through the wooden board keeping out people and walks inside.  Inside, it is a disaster area.

Broken vases, picture frames, and glass shards cover the floor.  Cabinets are opened and emptied, leaving bits of rotting food and a wet carpet.  The window is broken open, and the only thing that seems to have been left intact is a mirror.  The figure walks over to it, and sees his face.  It seems relatively clean, and bits of dust and dirt are in his gray hair.  He slips and touches a bloodstain on the ground.

As soon as he touches the stain, images flash into his head…


The door to the apartment bursts open, and seven small and large men walk in with guns raised.  Chris stands up to demand what is happening, only to be shot when he opens his mouth.  He is hit in the head and collapses back immediately.  Reuisu runs over to stop them but is shot in the leg.  Miya runs over to Chris and screams, and the other men run in and kick and punch the rest.  Anna futilely tries to stop them but is shot twice in the face.  One man picks up Miya and squeezes her breasts and puts his hand down her skirt and into her panties just before he shoots her twice in the back and once in the head.  Lucy slams her ringed hand into one of them, burning the area that the ring touches, but she is stabbed in the heart and then shot three times.  Michelle raises her time staff to freeze time, but her hand is shot and then she is shot twice in the head.  Christine doesn’t say anything; she is merely shot several times in the stomach.  Reuisu is shot once more in the stomach, and collapses back.  As blood rushes up from his throat and replaces his saliva, he sees the men ransack everything, taking everyone’s transformation items, their jewelry, the money, everything.


The figure screams in pain as he rolls over, holding his head in agony.  When he finally opens his eyes, he sees the crow perching on the windowsill of the broken window.  It squawks, and then the figure gets up.  He is Reuisu Lovhaug.

Reuisu walks over to what was Astra’s room.  He looks into her makeup drawers, pulling out several items, but none are what he is looking for.  All Reuisu can think of is a prophecy Ami, Sailor Mercury, once told him.

“People once believed that when a person dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead.  But sometimes, a terrible sadness is brought with it, and the soul cannot rest.  And sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring the person back to make the wrong things right.”

Reuisu finally finds what he is looking for.  It is a makeup compact of white makeup.  He places it on the counter and then searches for and finds black lipstick.  He digs his fingers into the white makeup and then applies it onto his entire face.  After his face is covered in white, he uses the lipstick to draw a black line from two inches above his eyes down through them and then ending the line just below his nose.  He then draws a line coming from two inches two the side of his mouth and then onto the lips and then another two-inch line on the other side.

Reuisu stands up to face the window.  He wants to see one thing, though.  He grabs a piece of glass shard from the ground and then stabs into his hand.  Surprisingly enough, when he pulls it out, the wound generated by it seals itself up as if nothing had happened.

Reuisu smiles devilishly.


Reuisu jumped from rooftop to rooftop, looking down on the still-raining Crystal Tokyo.  He collapses for a moment and holds his eyes in frustration as he realizes that he has more abilities than he thought.  He realizes he is seeing out of the eyes of the crow that was with him.  The crow is near a pawnshop at the corner of seventy-fifth and twelfth.  It sees one thing in the window Reuisu could never forget: Michelle’s time staff.  Reuisu jumped across three more rooftops onto a three-story building.  He jumps off the edge and lands face first into the ground.  It hurts for a moment, but he realizes nothing is broken and the pain has subsided afterwards.  He laughs with devilish delight as he jumps up and crosses the street towards the pawnshop.


Antonio Gideon counts the fifties and one hundreds on the glass countertop of the pawnshop.  He smokes a Cuban cigar as he noticed a figure approaching from outside the shop.  It knocks on the door.

“Piss off, we’re closed!” he shouts to the figure.

The figure ignored it, and continues to knock.  Antonio grabs a loaded handgun and walks out from behind the counter.

“I hate late night shoppers.” He growls.

The glass suddenly shatters inwards and Antonio, confused by it, stumbles backwards onto the ground.  Reuisu walks inside the door and pounds three times on a nearby desk.

“When someone is knocking at your door, it is polite to answer them.” He states.

Reuisu recognized Antonio immediately.  Images flashed inside of his mind, showing Lucy punching Antonio and burning his cheek with the mystical ring, but the short, chubby man then stabbed her in the heart with a knife and shot her three times.

“Guess what, shit for brains, I ain’t polite!” Antonio raises his gun up at Reuisu.

Reuisu looks down at it, and ignores its presence.  “I’m looking for a certain ring.  It’ll burn the skin of whoever’s wearing it.”

“You want retailers, paste-face.  Now go back to the hellhole you climbed out of!”

Antonio promptly shot Reuisu in the stomach.  Reuisu looks down at the bleeding hole in his chest.  However, the hole suddenly had the blood sucked up and the wound seals up.  Reuisu smiles with satanic pleasure.

“Oh shit.  Shit, shit, shit, shit-”

Reuisu slams his foot into Antonio’s face, knocking him back a few feet.  He jumps up and around to the back of the counter, grabbing an assault rifle.  He turns around only to have Reuisu’s crow fly at him and scratch with its talons down his face twice.  Antonio drops the rifle into Reuisu’s hands as he grabs his face in pain.  Reuisu raises the gun up to Antonio’s face.

“Mr. Gideon, you’re not paying attention.  That small staff in your window.  Where did you get it?” Reuisu asks calmly.

“Some bitch a year ago in an apartment, what does it matter?!”

Reuisu punched into the glass countertop that contained guns and knives within it.  He pulls out a jagged knife and stabs Antonio’s hand into a wood wall.  He screams in utter pain.

“THAT’S what matters.  You took something else, a ring from a girl.  When anyone attempted to put it on to buy it, it burned their hand with holy energy, seeping into their soul.” Reuisu says.

“Who are you?!” Antonio demands.

“Just an old friend who’s come by to say hello.”


Astra has prepared a bouquet of flowers to place next to Reuisu’s grave as one memorial, but when she reaches the graveyard, she merely stops and stares at the hole in the ground.


Reuisu pulled out cabinet and shelf of everything in Antonio’s back section.

“What are you doing!?” Antonio demands.

Reuisu kicks open a few more drawers, searching for something.  “Oh, I’m sorry, don’t you know this game?!”

“Er, em...  The rings!  The rings are in the fifth file cabinet, there’ll be a metal box in it!” Antonio informs.

Reuisu pulls open the locked file cabinet with his own strength and pulls out the box.  He sits on the ground as Antonio cries from the pain he is still experiencing from the knife through his hand.  Reuisu opens the box and closes his eyes.  He picks up one ring, and shakes his head.  He throws it to the side.  He picks up another, but nothing.  He does this for five more rings until holding one ring screams into his head, “Cephiros Titan Power!”

Reuisu picks up the box and places Sailor Cephiros’ ring on his hand.  He kicks through a flimsy wall in the shop as Antonio puts bandages around the hand, which is now free of the knife.  Reuisu picks up rings from the box, one at a time, and throws each one at Antonio.

“Each of these is a life.  A life YOU helped destroy.  There were six others, GIVE ME THEIR NAMES!” Reuisu shouts.

Reuisu kicks around more items, including a box containing the others’ transformation items, which he takes, and a couple of metal containers of gasoline.

“Eddy, Frank, ‘Skull’, ‘Vulture’, ‘Jet Lag’, and ‘Heavy Metal.’  They all usually hang out in this bar downtown, not even the Queen knows about it!  It’s called Skank, now for the love of God, leave me alone!” Antonio reports.

Reuisu raises the automatic rifle in his hand and raises it at Antonio.  “You have one chance to live.”


“Thank you.”

Reuisu throws the rifle to the side and walks over to a coat hanger.  He takes the black leather jacket from it and puts it on.  He then takes the time staff from the window display.  Reuisu walks back over to Antonio and puts a handgun up to his face.

“I’m letting you live as a message.  The message is that those guys’ angel of death is coming for them.” Reuisu says.

Reuisu calmly starts walking out of the shop, not ignoring the gasoline spilled over the floor.

“When you meet them, they’re gonna fricassee your ass!” Antonio shouts.

When Reuisu had stepped about five feet away from the shop door, he aims the ringed finger back inside the shop.  “I didn’t say a message had to be alive to be delivered.”

Antonio screams a profanity, but he is too late.


Reuisu fires the attack out of the ring, which comes in the form of a flaming running woman into the shop.  The fire immediately ignites the gasoline, exploding the shop into a giant fireball.  Reuisu looks at the crow which is now perched on his shoulder, and aims the ring at the ground.  An energy beam shoots from the ring onto the pavement.  He draws a burned picture into the cement.  It is the outline of a crow.

Reuisu looks back at the flaming store as the ceiling begins to cave in.  He smiles and murmurs, “One down.”  He turns around to see a woman in a raincoat is holding a handgun at him.

“Don’t move, crack head.” She says.

Reuisu raised an eyebrow, recognizing the voice.  It was the voice of Amara Tenou, Sailor Uranus.  Reuisu looked into the hood of the coat as rain splashed down on it.  Reuisu could see the tiara lightly gleaming from the streetlight shining down.  Reuisu figured Amara had been out on a patrol of the city and saw what Reuisu had done.

“I thought law enforcement-type people said ‘freeze.’” Reuisu joked.

“Yeah?  Well, I’m a sailor soldier, and I say don’t move; you move and you’re dead.” She growled.

Reuisu raised his arms up and smiled.  “And I say I’m dead, and I move.”  Reuisu walked forwards in front of the gun.

“Who do you think you are?  Walking into a loaded gun?  You really are a crack head, aren’t you, all painted up like some psycho.” She stated.

“Come now, Amara, you don’t remember the face of a dear old dead friend?” Reuisu asked.

Amara suddenly noticed the short, gray hair, arranged in a spike-like pattern of triangular groups of hair in multiple sections, like upside-down gray mountains, and one long crescent group of hair down the right side.  She turned her head down for a moment to think, and the brought it up.  “Reuisu?”

Reuisu was gone.  Amara looked around, trying to understand what had just transpired.  “Greeeaaaat work, Amara.  Guy shows up looking like a mime from hell and he just disappears on you.  Well, at least he didn’t do that whole ‘walking against the wind’ shit.  I hate that.”


Reuisu jumped across four more rooftops, still seeing out of the eyes of the crow.  The crow had reached club Skank, and looking inside, it saw one of the guys the late Antonio had been talking about.  Reuisu identified him as the one known as Skull by the large skull tattoo on his bald head.  Reuisu also recognized him by the visions he received from looking at him.  This had been the one who fondled Miya, coming close to downright raping her.  Reuisu gritted his teeth as the crow shifted position, showing two people, a mother and an eight year-old daughter tied up on the floor.  Most of their clothes had been ripped up, and Skull was heating up some rather jagged items, mostly fire pokers.  He was smiling with pure evil intent as he looked at the crying little girl and the scared woman.

“Look, take my kid, she’ll be a lot more fun than me.  Let me go, I’ll give you money, drugs, anything!  Just let me go and take her!” the woman said.

Reuisu sneered, still watching and hearing from the crow.  He was enraged that this woman would sacrifice her child’s life to save her own pointless existence.  Skull kept grinning and replied, “Sorry, you little whore.  You and your kid here are gonna learn to not mess around in Skull’s part of town.”  He readied two pokers to stick in their faces and other places they did not belong.

Reuisu suddenly lept through the window and rolled on the ground briefly before getting up.  The rain had not affected his makeup; he still had every piece of the black lipstick and white makeup on.  Skull threw the poker away from him and rose up a large, silver handgun.

“Who the fuck are you?!” he demanded.

“The corpse of a familiar face?” Reuisu suggested.

Skull pulled the trigger five times, and Reuisu fell back onto the ground, not moving.  “I got little whores running around playing in my turf, and freaks in Halloween makeup coming through my window, what’s the world coming to!?”

Reuisu jumped back up, smiling, much to the surprise of Skull, who gaped and stepped back.

“Jesus Christ...” he whispered.

“Jesus Christ?  Reminds me of a joke I told Arnold Zelrin.  Jesus Christ walks into a hotel,” Reuisu begins, walking forward.

Skull shoots another bullet into Reuisu, this time into his face, but the wound regenerates instantly.

“He hands the innkeeper three nails and he asks,”

Skull shoots Reuisu once again, this time in the shoulder.  “Don’t you ever fucking die?!”

“‘Can you put me up for the night?’”

And with that, Reuisu grabs the gun from Skull’s hand and shoots him in the leg.  Skull collapses onto the ground, and Reuisu shoots him in the other leg.  Skull passes out from the pain instantly.  Reuisu unties the woman and the child, and the woman begins to thank him, but Reuisu says, “You were going to sell out your daughter.”

“She’s just a pain in my ass-” the woman begins.

Reuisu grabs her head with his left hand the child’s head with the other.  Images of the child’s pain, humiliation, embarrassment, and sorrow flow into the woman’s brain.

“Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.  Do you understand?” Reuisu asks.

The woman tries to grasp what has just transpired, but she nods anyway.  “Leave now, and love your daughter, from now to eternity.”

The woman nods, and takes the crying little girl with her.  Reuisu turns around and looks down at Skull.  He grabs onto the shirt of him and pulls him into the bathroom.  Reuisu picks him up and shoves him into the bathtub.  He looks around, and then notices the toilet in the opposite corner.  He walks over to it, grabs onto the bottom of it, and pulls it right out of the floor.  Water spews from the broken pipes as Reuisu holds the toilet over him and over an unsuspecting Skull.  All Reuisu can think of is how this man murdered Miya.

“Crescent Heart Crush.” Reuisu says.


“And then he said, ‘And I say I’m dead, and I move.’  I’m telling you, this guy was nuts.” Amara states.

Amara was with all the other Sailors and Neo-Queen Serenity.  Astra was also with them, sitting on the far end of the long table.

“Face painted up and not affected by the rain?  This is really weird.  What was he doing there?” Rei asks.

“I saw him walking away from that pawn shop that burned down.  You know, the one we’ve been trying to get shut down?” Amara replies.

“Yeah, and it gets weirder.  Take a look at what I just got from the police.” Michelle says, passing around a photo.  The photo was of the pavement next to the pawnshop with the crow outline burned into it.

“We’ve got a wacko running around painting birds on sidewalks.  I want a full-wide police search to begin looking for this guy.” Serenity commands.

“There’s something else that might be of some interest.  Well, that guy, he sort of looked like Reuisu.” Amara states.

There was a silence across the table.

“Amara, I think you may have just been seeing things-” Lita begins.

“Actually,” Astra interrupts. “I just came up from Reuisu’s grave.  It looks as if something’s happened to his body.  You see, it’s not there.”

“Excuse me?” Serenity asks.

“I went down to give the grave a bouquet of flowers, but I found the grave dug up.  But it didn’t look like someone had dug into it, it was as if Reuisu had just climbed out of his own grave.” Astra says.

“But that’s impossible!” Rei exclaims.

“Actually, it may be possible.  Remember, Reuisu wasn’t human.  He may have just placed his body into a form of suspended animation that simulated death.” Ami explains.

“Then Reuisu could still be alive?” Serenity asks.

“No, that man I met knew he was dead.  He wasn’t afraid of the gun, and he wasn’t afraid of me.” Amara says.

“That sounds like Reuisu...” Mina comments.

“Begin a manhunt on this guy, I want him found.” Serenity orders.


Reuisu walks towards the window, preparing to leave.  He heard footsteps from outside the door of the room.

“Hey, Skull!  I got some brewskies for the-”

The guy opened the door and saw Reuisu smile at him and leap backwards out the window.  The guy, known as Jet Lag, gaped and slowly walked towards the bathroom.  He looks inside at the shower.  Very little is left of Skull that is intact.  There’s a foot, his face, and an arm.  In his blood and smashed bones on the wall, an outline of a crow is on the wall, with a heart around it.


Heavy Metal sat in his chair and read Edger Allen Poe’s ‘The Raven.’  He sat in a finely decorated library with a fireplace in the far corner.  Jet Lag came running through the door, screaming.  Heavy Metal did not say anything, he just looked at Jet Lag, and Jet Lag immediately calmed down somewhat.

“I- I’m sorry...  It’s just...  Have you heard about Antonio?” Jet Lag asks.

“Something about an act of God blowing up his shop.  I want to know what happened.  This is my city, and if someone’s blowing up my stuff without my consent...  Well, it creates a problem for business.” Heavy Metal says, continuing to read his book.

“It gets worse.  I just got back from Skank.  Skull just got smashed.  Literally.” Jet Lag reported.

Heavy Metal stopped reading.  He put the book down and stood up.  Jet Lag backed off in fear.  Heavy Metal walked over to a speakerphone.

“Eddy, get me my little informer in Crystal Tower.  Let’s just see how much ‘Her majesty’ has to do with this.”


It was now the next morning.  Rei had taken this morning to go back to her temple to tidy up before Chad returned from his business trip the next day.  She swept up leaves around the walkway, pushing them into bushes and garbage bags.

“You missed a spot.”

Rei recognized the voice instantly, and she could still hardly believe it.  She turned around and saw Reuisu, still with the makeup on, leaning against a tree.  She walked over to him.

“I don’t believe it.” She whispered.

“Believe in angels, Rei.” Reuisu said.

“You stopped calling me love.” Rei noticed.

“You and I both have different loves now.  Mine, however, has been twisted into burning hatred.”

“Against me?”

“No.  Against the ones who did what they did a year ago.”

“You killed two of them.”


Rei slapped Reuisu.  “How could you?!  How could you kill people and just shrug it off?!  You even left a sign, a fricking crow!  How could you kill another human being?!”

Reuisu narrowed his eyes, and placed his hands on her head.  Images of the Titans’ murders flowed into her head.  “They shot the Titans.  They stole everything we had, and they didn’t give a damn.  In my view of justice, they’re not human beings.”

Rei collapsed onto the ground, crying.  Reuisu knelt down and brushed her hair away from her face.  “I’m sorry.  But I’ve been given a second chance, a chance to right what those bastards did to the Titans.”

Rei looked up at him.  She said nothing at first, but then grinned.  “Make sure they burn in hell.”

Reuisu smiled and got back up.  He walked away from her.


It was now several hours later that night.  Jet Lag got into his red car, with a blue and silver jet painted on the hood of it.  The jet had a green snake wrapped around it.  Jet Lag put a cigarette into his mouth and lit it.  He drove away from the mansion where Heavy Metal stayed and drove on until he stopped at a railroad track, where the lights were blinking.  All of a sudden, the passenger side door opened and Reuisu got into the car.

Jet Lag immediately rose up a gun and shot Reuisu in the forehead.  The wound healed itself instantly.  Reuisu punched Jet Lag in the face and grabbed the gun, pointing it at his face.

“What the fuck are you?!” Jet Lag demanded.

“I am your passenger.  DRIVE.” Reuisu growled, cocking the gun.

Jet Lag complied, driving off down the empty street.  The crow flew overhead, with Reuisu watching through it with one eye and looking at Jet Lag through the other eye.  Reuisu kept gesturing to him for where Jet Lag would turn or where he would go.  Reuisu already knew exactly where he wanted Jet Lag to go, he had already laid it all out during the day.

“Listen, man.  Whatever it is, drugs, whores, I can get it for you!” Jet Lag pleaded.

Reuisu narrowed his eyes and remembered Chris standing up in protest to the breaking and entering of the men, only to have Jet Lag shoot him before he could speak.

“Shut up and drive, Jet Lag.” Reuisu commands.

Reuisu looks in the back seat and sees a full can of gasoline.  He reaches over and picks it up.  After finally arriving at the beginning of a street facing a construction site, Reuisu tells him to stop.  He pulls out some duct tape from his coat and wraps Jet Lag up in it, now attached to the seat.

“Wait a second, I know you!  I knew I knew you!  But Heavy Metal put a bullet in your face, man!  There ain’t not coming back!  THERE AIN’T NO COMING BACK!” Jet Lag screams. 

Reuisu pushes Jet Lag’s feet aside and pushes on the accelerator and duct-taping it to the ground.  The car continued to increase speed as it came towards its destination: a wall inside the construction site just below a flimsy crane holding a large quantity of dirt over it.

Reuisu smiled as the image of Sailor Asteroid appeared in his head.  “Rocket Blast.” He spoke; remembering Asteroid’s attack.  Reuisu grabbed the gasoline can and jumped out of the car as it sped into the wall, crushing the engine.  Jet Lag sighed in relief, but then noticed the dirt coming down from the crane, and he screamed.  The thirty tons of dirt slammed down onto the car.

Reuisu was placing the gasoline in a pattern on the ground, and he murmured another Sailor Asteroid, “Rock Crumble.”

He finally finished the pattern and threw the can to the side.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out some matches.  He lit one, and then lit the rest using that one.  Reuisu threw the pile of matches onto a piece of the gasoline, and it began to take a fiery form.  It formed a flaming image of a crow.

“Three down.” Reuisu said to himself.

Remembering that he was still looking through the eyes of the crow in one eye, he spotted someone watching him, aghast, from a nearby sidewalk.  Reuisu identified him as Sailor Crystal’s killer, Frank.  Reuisu turned around and began running as fast as he could at Frank.  Frank jumped back in surprise, but pulled out two handguns from his pockets.  He aimed them straight at a smiling Reuisu, who continued running at him.  Frank opened fire, sending several shots into Reuisu.

However, Reuisu barely felt them.

Reuisu finally got within ten feet of Frank when he started running away from Reuisu.  Reuisu didn’t mind; he loved a good chase.  Frank continually looked back at Reuisu, fear in his eyes.  The blood was draining from his face in fear.

“Just what the hell are you?!” he demanded, shouting back at Reuisu.

Reuisu smiled with satanic pleasure and replied, “I’M ALL YOUR NIGHTMARES ROLLED INTO ONE!”

Finally, Reuisu caught up with him and jumped onto him.  Frank fell onto the ground hard.  Reuisu got up and pulled Frank up and shoved him into the wall.  He fell down again and Reuisu grabbed onto his shirt.  He dragged Frank along as he looked for the place that would suit his needs to avenge Sailor Crystal.  Reuisu’s thoughts returned him back to when the seven had burst into his apartment, and Frank had shot her six times in the stomach for no reason.  Finally, he found the perfect place: a closed butchery.

Reuisu smiled and threw Frank through the main window.  Broken glass stabbed into a screaming Frank as he tumbled down through the window.  Reuisu looked around and saw a sink nearby.  He grabbed onto Frank by the shirt and threw him into the sink.  Frank screamed as a few of his bones broke from the impact.  The pipes in the wall broke, sending flowing water onto Frank.  He coughed up some blood, but Reuisu wasn’t finished yet.

Reuisu picked up Frank and dragged him into the back cooler room.  He threw a crying Frank down into a pile of cold meat.  Frank began to shiver from the cold as the water covering him began to freeze.  He sneezed out some blood, and Reuisu went over to a temperature controller.

“Listen man, I’m sorry!  Whatever I did, I’m sorry!  For God’s sakes, stop it!” Frank pleaded.

Reuisu turned his head from the temperature controller and over to Frank.  He slowly walked over to Frank.  Frank was crying as he sat on his knees, pleading for his life.  Reuisu looked up at the ceiling, and then down at Frank.

“God’s sakes?  God is not listening to the damned, Frank.  You lost your chance for redemption when you killed Christine Finethy.”

Frank’s tears were quickly turning into ice, like the rest of the water on his body.  Reuisu walked back over to the temperature control and turned it below zero.  The cold did not affect Reuisu, but it did affect Frank.  The water on his body was freezing more quickly.  The ice began to surround his body like finely woven crystal.  Frank screamed until his vocal cords iced over.

“Crystal Crusher Beam.” Reuisu quoted Sailor Crystal’s attack.

Frank was dead, but Reuisu had one more thing to do.  Reuisu picked up the frozen body and threw it against the wall, and the frozen body shattered into thousands of bloody ice shards.


“We’ve got a fucking vigilante running around killing the gang, man!  We’ve got Serenity breathing down our fucking necks, more than half of the posse is dead, man!  We’re being fucking plucked out by this fucking birdman!  I’m next, man, I’m next!” Eddy screamed as he paced back and forth from in front of Heavy Metal, who sat in his chair.

Heavy Metal was leaning his head against his arm and yawning.  “Maybe I should be taping this, play it back in slow motion to understand what you’re saying, Eddy.”

“What I’m saying, Heavy Metal, is that bird boy out there is fucking killing us all, one by one!  I’m next, Heavy Metal!  I’m next!” Eddy screamed right into Heavy Metal’s ears.

Heavy Metal slammed his other fist into Eddy’s face, knocking him into the ground.  Eddy breathed deeply, regaining what senses he had.  Heavy Metal picked up a nearby phone and dialed a number.

“I’m gonna call Vulture, get him over here before-”

Hello, Heavy Metal.” The phone answered.  Heavy Metal knew it wasn’t Vulture.

Do you know what they call a gathering of crows, Heavy Metal?  A murder.  A murder of crows.” Reuisu stated.  He hung up right afterwards.

“It seems Vulture will not be able to attend, Eddy.” Heavy Metal said, putting the phone back on the receiver.


Vulture had a green Mohawk across his baldhead, and he was tied to a chair with tight ropes.  He was wearing black leather pants and a black shirt and his mouth was gagged with a sock Reuisu had taken.  He and Reuisu were in a small room with a light fixture hanging down from the ceiling.  Reuisu was preparing a chemical he had retrieved from the void, and he was making the final parts of it and readying a syringe.

“You know, Vulture, you picked the wrong name for yourself.  A vulture is a being that circles dying creatures, waiting to feast off the carcasses of the beings when they die.  But you...”

Reuisu thought of when Vulture had come into the apartment and Anna Ichimei attempting to stop them, only to be shot twice in the face.

“You killed a child, while she was alive.  And God, was this girl alive.  She wasn’t exactly the brightest kid, but she had tremendous spirit.  And you ended that just so you and your damn clubhouse could steal a few items with little or no value.”

Vulture began to sweat heavily and breathe deeper.  Reuisu tapped the syringe and squeezed a little of the compound out of it.  He smiled.

“Now her attack was a little more difficult for me to procure.  You see, Sailor Life’s attack is called ‘Soul Life.’  She uses a small baton to fire an energy spirit that enters the body and destroys it from the inside out.  Such a painful and gruesome attack for one so innocent, wouldn’t you agree?”

Vulture began to scream from within the gag, banging around the chair in a futile attempt to escape.  Reuisu grabbed onto him and stabbed the syringe into Vulture’s neck.  He sent the fluid into him quickly.  Vulture’s eyes went behind his head as blood began to come out from his ears and his nose.  The skin around his ribs and arms began to bulge and break outwards and muscle and blood began to flow out from him.

“Soul Life.” Reuisu sneered.

Vulture’s head went limp after blood flowed out from his eyes.


It was the next night.  Crystal Tower seemed more depressing than it ever had, with everyone in a gloomy mood after learning of three more deaths, and the meeting that night was to discuss it.

Serenity looked at three photographs from the crime scenes.  The first one was of the flaming crow at the construction site.  The second was of a piece of hanging meat that had a crow painted in it’s own blood on it.  The final was of the mutilated and nearly unrecognizable body of Vulture, with several syringes sticking out of his stomach, arranged into the crow symbol.

“He’s killed three more.” Jupiter stated.

“Yes, he has.” Serenity said, pushing the photos away, realizing she was going to be sick from looking at the pictures.

“I don’t get it, why does he have to kill them like this?  Why couldn’t he just let the law take care of them?” Venus asks.

“‘But sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can put the wrong things right.’” Mercury replied, looking at a nearby computer screen.

“What are you talking about?” Saturn asked, walking over to Mercury.

“Remember when Serena died all those years ago and we were looking for ways to revive her?  One of the things I found was of the legend concerning a man returning from the dead by means of-”

“A crow.” A voice interrupted Mercury.

Everyone turned their heads to see the crow land on the table, and Reuisu walking into the room, still with the makeup on.

“Hello, everyone.  It’s nice to see you again.” He said.

He calmly walked over to a chair and sat down.  “I may be seated?” he asked with a smile on his face.

“Damn you, Reuisu.  You murdered them!” Neptune shouted.

“And they murdered the Titans, Ms. ‘I’m holier than thou because I betrayed the team to Galaxia while you killed someone.’” Reuisu stood up.

“What are you doing here, Reuisu?” Serenity asked.

“I’ve come to tell you to not get in my way.  There are two people left.  I’ve found their location by using your computers, which means you people know where they are as well.  Don’t stand in my way of the justice that must be served.” Reuisu states, and begins to walk off.

“And what will you do when that justice is finished, Reuisu?”

Reuisu had not even noticed that Astra had walked in.  Reuisu merely blinked at her, and then swallowed.

“Hello, my little kitten.” He said.

“Hello yourself, Reuisu.  Answer me.  What will you do when you’re done?”

“I...  I don’t know.  I believe that I’ll return to my grave.”

“And what if I wanted you to stay here, with me?”

Reuisu paused and looked down at the ground.  “Astra, I love you more than the heavens and the earth.  But...  I don’t belong here.  The dead should stay dead.”

“You didn’t say that when Serena was killed.  You toiled for days trying to find a way to bring her back.”

“She wanted to come back.  Astra, I want to be with the Titans.  Please, let me be at rest.”

Astra turned away.  Reuisu put his hand on her shoulder.  “I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.”

Astra was lightly crying.  “I know.  Make them pay for what they did.”

“Gladly, my little kitten.”


Heavy Metal sat in his chair while Eddy paced back and forth.  Heavy Metal was reading a book calmly, easily, whereas Eddy was on the brink of near emotional collapse.  He nearly lost it when he heard gunfire and grunts from outside the doors.

“It seems the angel of death has come for us, Eddy.” Heavy Metal said calmly.

Outside, in the brightly lit hallway, Reuisu was walking towards the room where Heavy Metal and Eddy were.  Each guard was unloading clips into Reuisu, but it did not stop him.  All it did was tear apart the leather jacket that he was wearing, so he calmly flung it to the side.  Whenever a guard came to close, he would snap their neck or do something to kill them or knock them out.  The crow was perched on his shoulder.  Finally, Reuisu killed the last guard and slammed his foot into the doorway, knocking the door off of its hinges and into the room.

Heavy Metal still sat calmly, reading.  Eddy screamed and ran to a wall, cowering before Reuisu.  Reuisu recognized him immediately as the one who had shot Michelle in the hand and then twice in the head.  He walked over to him and dragged him kicking and screaming over to a cabinet with a large mirror next to it.  He slammed Eddy’s head into the mirror, creating several shards of it that fell onto the ground.  Reuisu threw Eddy to the side and picked up a large triangular shard.  He pulled out his duct tape and Michelle’s time staff.  He taped the shard onto the staff, and picked up Eddy.

“Moonshine Mirror.” Reuisu said, quoting Michelle’s attack.

Reuisu slammed the staff straight through Eddy’s rib cage, splattering blood from both sides.  Eddy stopped breathing and fell limp.  Reuisu threw his body to the side.  He stood up straight and looked at Heavy Metal.  The crow flew over to the cabinet and stood on it.

“You’re the only one left, Heavy Metal.  I saved you for last for a distinctive reason: The other Titans died before me.  They deserved to be avenged first.” Reuisu stated.

Heavy Metal got up and walked over to a mini bar, pulling out a bottle of wine.  He poured himself a glass and drank it quickly.  “You know, you’ve been a real bitch to my organization.  You’ve taken out more than half of the people that work for me.  This is not something I’m happy about, you know.”

“In case you haven’t learned already, there isn’t much you can do about it.  I seem to have this big problem with dying.”

“Well of course you do, you’re already dead!  It’s sort of hard to kill the undead!”

“Oh, I don’t know.  I’ve accomplished it a couple of times in my life.”

“Yes, I learned of that, too.  We got a little panicky when we learned you and your friends were Sailors.  If we had known that before, we never would’ve tried to rob your place.  I’m real sorry about your friends, but you know, life’s just a dream on the way to death.”

“What’s going to happen to you will not be a dream, Heavy Metal.”

“Oh, I’m sure, I’m sure.  By the way, did you know that I’ve studied this phenomenon before?  With that crow and all?”


Heavy Metal slowly picked up a handgun.  “I think we’re way past that, Heavy Metal.” Reuisu rolls his eyes.

However, instead of shooting Reuisu, Heavy Metal shoots the crow.  It flaps in pain for a moment, but then falls down onto the ground, dead.

“You shot my bird!” Reuisu shouts.

“Not the only thing.” Heavy Metal says.  He promptly shoots Reuisu in the stomach.

Reuisu smiles, expecting it to regenerate instantly.  However, a pain seeps through his body and he realizes the wound is not regenerating.

“Oh Bloody Hell...” he mutters before collapsing onto the ground.

Heavy Metal smiles and begins to laugh a little.  “Well, well, well, we seem to have had a major change in our life, haven’t we!?” he laughs.

Heavy Metal kicks Reuisu in the gut and states, “That little bird of yours was your connection to the land of the dead.  Without it, you’re pretty much another Joe average human being.”

Reuisu realized that the makeup on his face was beginning to smear.  He did not want to go down like this, killed by the same man twice.


Reuisu’s eyes lit up to the words.  He heard a scream of pain from a guard afterwards.  Heavy Metal swore and then took off, running up a stairway into the attic of the mansion.

The inner and outer soldiers ran into the room, weapons and abilities charged.  They gasped as they saw Reuisu lying on the ground.  They quickly placed him upright against a wall.  They saw the blood.

“I thought you were invincible.” Mercury said.

“I was.  I’m not anymore.” Reuisu replied.

“You sit tight here, we’ll take care of him, Reuisu.” Uranus said.

“Oh no you don’t!  He’s mine.  He’s the last one.  I have to do this myself!” Reuisu shouted.

“You’re in no condition to-”

Reuisu stood up.  They all saw the wound regenerating.  Slowly, but it was regenerating.  A yellow glow was around it.

“Your inhuman powers?” Mars asked.

“Bingo.” Reuisu said, getting up.  He ran up the stairs after Heavy Metal.


As soon as he entered the attic, Reuisu was shot in the belly by a shotgun.  Its holder was Heavy Metal.

“Man, you just won’t die, will you?” he asked.

Reuisu’s eyes glowed a bright yellow, and the shotgun wound regenerated, much to Heavy Metal’s surprise.  Reuisu was burning with fury now.  His inhuman powers were the only thing keeping him alive.  Reuisu was thinking of each Titan, each agent of love and justice who had been part of his family.

He held up his index finger at Heavy Metal and said, “One Crow: Sorrow.”

An image of Sailor Cephiros flashed in his mind.

Reuisu ran over to Heavy Metal and punched him in the face.  “Two Crows: Die!”

An image of Sailor Love flashed in his mind.

Reuisu grabbed the shotgun away from Heavy Metal and aimed it at his face.  He said, “Three Crows: Another!”

As Reuisu got off of Heavy Metal and shot the shotgun into the roof, an image of Sailor Crystal appeared in his mind.

Reuisu threw the shotgun to the side and punched Heavy Metal.  He grabbed him by the collar and said, “Four Crows: A Boy.”

An image of Sailor Asteroid appeared in his mind.

Reuisu slammed Heavy Metal into a glass casing, and then into the ground.  Reuisu grabbed the shotgun from the ground again and said, “Five Crows: Silver.”

An image of Sailor Life appeared in his mind.

“Six Crows: Gold!” Reuisu shouted as he slammed the shotgun onto Heavy Metal’s face.  An image of Sailor Moonshine appeared in his head.

Reuisu picked up Heavy Metal once more.  “Seven Crows: A Secret That is Never to Be Told!”

As an image of Sailor Angel appeared in his head, Reuisu slammed Heavy Metal into a nearby wall.  He picked him up one more time.  “You killed my family, Heavy Metal!  You destroyed the only light left in my soul!”

“And I gave you immortality!  When you got brought back, you became immortal, invincible!  I gave you the ultimate gift!”

“Yeah?  Well I have something to give you.  I don’t want it anymore.”

Reuisu let go of his collar and slammed his hands onto Heavy Metal’s head.  Every moment of Reuisu’s life flooded into Heavy Metal’s mind.


Heavy Metal gagged and choked as he looked at every single piece of Reuisu’s life at once.  Every pain, every emotion, every single feeling of doubt and chagrin was now Heavy Metal’s.  He screamed at it all, and shoved himself away from Reuisu.  He ran to the nearby window and threw himself out of it, still screaming until he hit the ground.  It was now raining, and Reuisu’s makeup was practically gone now.


Reuisu breathed heavily as he walked towards his grave.  He was nearly fainting from all the pain he was feeling as the rain beat down on him.  He finally arrived at his grave sight, where all the Titans were waiting for him.

“I’m telling you, he killed my killer the best!” Cephiros said.

“Nope, crushing a guy with a toilet is sooo much better than blowing them up.” Love said.

“And it was sort of ironic, Lucy, you having been killed once by an explosion.” Asteroid said.

“Ooh, that’s totally correct there, ring girl.” Christine says.

Reuisu smiled and collapsed onto his gravestone.  The Titans disappeared, and his body as well, and the ground looked untouched.  Astra watched from a short distance and said a voice over.  She said, “I once thought that nothing is truly forever.  Buildings burn, people die.  But real love, real friendship, is forever.”






Reuisu breathed heavily as he walked towards his grave.  He was nearly fainting from all the pain he was feeling as the rain beat down on him.  He finally arrived at his grave sight, but stopped and stared at it in disbelief.  Each of the graves had been dug up.

“Reuisu, you have the weirdest taste in Halloween makeup.”

Reuisu couldn’t believe his ears.  He slowly turned around and saw Michelle Tsuki-Kagayaku holding an umbrella over his head.

“My God...  Is it really possible?” he asked.

“Yes.  They used a modified technique of the one we used on Serena when she died.  It took them a little bit of time, but they perfected it.  And frankly, now I know how you feel, Reuisu.” She said.

“They’re all alive?” Reuisu asked.

“Yep.  Anna’s a little shaken up, but it’s to be expected with a girl at her age.  Come on, let’s get out of the rain.” She said, offering him her hand.

They both got up, and Reuisu handed Michelle’s transformation necklace over to her.  They slowly walked back towards Crystal Tower.

“You know, Michelle, there are worlds out there, where the skies are burning.  Where the seas sleep, and the rivers dream.  Hills made of smoke and mountains made of song.  Somewhere there’s danger.  Somewhere there’s injustice.  Somewhere else, the tea’s getting cold.  Come on, Moon-face, we have work to do!” Reuisu shouted, running towards Crystal Tower.