Anna Ichimei sat in a fetal position on the floor of her room.  She could hear the footsteps outside her closed door and feel her heart begin to pound louder and faster.  She breathed quietly, but very quickly to try to match with her heart speed.  However, the footsteps passed her door.  She calmed down a little, but continued to watch the door.

All of a sudden, the door opened, and her drunken father walked into the room.  Anna gritted her teeth in fear and stepped back.  The camera pans back from the suburban home as screams could be heard from Anna.


For her entire life, Anna Ichimei has spent her life in the custody of her father.  She has no idea of the destiny ahead of her; she only knows that she lives in a nightmare.  Every day her father beats her either out of rage or in a drunken stupor.  After this latest beating, she sits in her room and cries.

“This can’t go on...  I can’t stay here,” she whispered to herself over and over again.

She looked outside her window, and tried to think of an escape plan.  Her window sat just above a small part of the roof she could climb onto.  After that, she’d have to climb down the water pipe that ran outside the house.  She sighed, thinking her plan would be too hard, or she could trip or fall.  But then, Anna’s memories of every time her father beat her or raped her for no reason.  She was weak already, if she attempted to try it later, she would be too weak from her injuries to attempt it.

She slowly opened her window and climbed out.  She almost slipped on a leaf that was on the roof, but grabbed hold of the windowsill, making sure she didn’t fall.  She slowly climbed down the water pipe and onto the ground.  She prayed her father wasn’t nearby in the Kitchen, where he could hear everything that she was doing.  Grasping the moment, she ran outside the metal fence and down the street.  She almost tripped once, but regained equilibrium.

She continued running for three minutes until her weakened limbs gave out on her.  She collapsed in front of Crystal Tower.  Her breathing was erratic.  The last thing she saw before she fell unconscious were two arms being wrapped around her and picking her up.


Anna awoke more refreshed than she did falling asleep.  She looked around herself and noticed she was in a hospital.  A figure sat next to her bed.  It was a figure she knew, despite her father’s attempts to limit her knowledge, and she was quite surprised to see this figure here.

It was Neo-Queen Serenity.

“Good, you’re awake.  Please lay still.” She spoke with a gentle voice.

Anna stared at her, trying to understand how it is she got where she was.  She remembered falling into someone’s arms, but anything after that was a complete blank.

“Where am I?” she asked weakly.

“Crystal Tokyo General Hospital.  You were pretty beaten up, but the Doctors think you’re going to be okay.  Now, if you could tell us who your parents are-”

“NO!  I’m not going back to him!”

Anna put her head down underneath the bed sheets.  Serenity blinked at the little girl, and then sat down on the bed with her.

“It’s alright, if you don’t want to go back, I can’t make you go back.  Now, what’s the problem with him?” Serenity asks.

Anna uncovered herself and looked into Serenity’s face with frightened eyes that were slowly becoming calmer.  She closed her eyes and began to explain to the Queen about the wretched man that was her father.

“My Daddy hits me.  Not just that, he hit my Mommy before she died.  And now he does things to me...  Things that make me hurt down... there.  And he says I’m just a little ho for the amusement of guys.”

Serenity’s happy face had turned into a straight face that showed none of what she was thinking.

“He also says that all women are just bitches to serve at the whim of men.  I don’t know what that means exactly, but I don’t think it’s nice.”

Serenity breathed calmly, taking all of this in.

“Please, please Queen New Selenity, don’t send me back to him!”

Serenity smiled down at her and hugged her, despite the fact that she mispronounced her name.  She closed her eyes, thinking for a moment on how to proceed.  She knew this child had to have been sincere, and if that was true, that this man must pay for his crimes.

“Don’t worry, little one.  I shall not let harm come to you any more while you are in my city.  What’s your name?” Serenity asks.

“Anna.  Anna Ichimei.” She replied.

“Okay, Ms. Ichimei.  I’m going to help you.  Do you think other daddies do this to their kids?”

“No.  I’ve looked out my window and seen Mommies and Daddies never doing anything like the things my Daddy’s done.  I hate him!  I hate my Daddy!” She screams.

“Hate is a terrible thing, young Ms. Ichimei, but your Daddy has done some bad things.  We shouldn’t hate him for what he’s done, but he is a bad man, and I’m going to do something about it.  Okay?” Serenity says, smiling.

“Thank you!” Anna says, hugging Serenity tightly.

“I’ve got to go now, but I’ll be back soon enough, okay?” She says to her.

Anna nods, and lies back in her bed as Neo-Queen Serenity walks out of the hospital room.  Sailor Uranus is standing outside, waiting.

“Your majesty, I feel for this child and what she’s been through, but this shouldn’t be at the top of your priorities-”

“I didn’t fight as an Agent of Love and Justice for years to only face evils that weren’t human, Amara!  The fact of the matter is, that little girl in there has been raped and abused by her own father, and we’re going to do something about it!” she shouts at her.

Uranus blinks for a moment, and then nods.

“She said her last name was Ichimei.  See how many Ichimeis there are in the police records for an Ichimei living in a general six-mile radius of Crystal Tower.  If you don’t find him, expand to a twelve-mile radius.  And when you to find him, I want a SWAT team to bring him down.  See what we can dig up on him for charges.  The primary charge is child abuse, and see if you can get any medical evidence for child molestation.”

Uranus nods, but then adds with a smile, “You know, if it’s a direct order from you, a Sailor or two should probably accompany the SWAT team.”

Serenity smiles back at her.  “Good thinking, Uranus.  I’d like you and Lita to take care of it.  Give her the low down, and especially tell her the past deeds of this man.”

“With pleasure.”



The house was a basic two story, and a small one at that.  There were a dozen heavily armored men with riot gear shields and assault rifles in their hands with Sailors Uranus and Jupiter on the front doorstep of the home of Mr. Ichimei.  Hearing no response whatsoever, the two front officers kicked in the door.  The door fell to the ground with a slam, and the man inside aimed the pistol in his hand at the door and began opening fire.  A few bullets hit and imbedded themselves within the shield, so the fourteen people took to the sides of the house.

“Okay, I’ll shock him and then we move in, alright?” Jupiter asked, explaining the plan to the people there.  They nodded in acknowledgement.


The antennae came out of her tiara and began to sparkle.


Jupiter quickly brought her head in front of the door, and thousands of electrical bolts shot out of the antennae and slammed into Mr. Ichimei before he could aim his gun at Jupiter.  He screamed from the pain of it, and Uranus leapt into the room, her Talisman sword up and kicked the guy to the ground.  Jupiter stopped running the electricity and ran in along with the SWAT team.

“STAY DOWN!” one of the officers yelled as the others turned him around and began placing handcuffs on him.

“Bad enough I got to get arrested for believing what I want, but now they send in the Queen’s little sex bitches!” he shouts.

And for that comment, Sailor Jupiter kicks him hard in the stomach.


Anna danced around the large hall within Crystal Tower, ignoring all the people that were watching her and making sure no harm came to her while she was within the Tower.  The people watching her were mainly Serenity and her inner court, which was consisted of her most trusted friends and allies.

“She is cute.  Reminds me of when my kids were little.” Rei says.

“Yeah, but your kids weren’t abused horribly.  Even through all that trauma, she seems to be doing rather well.” Serenity says.

“Is she going to be staying here or are you going to try to find foster parents for her?” Michelle asks.

“She would distract you from Rini, your highness.” Trista states.

“Only a little.  Rini’s old enough for me not to watch over her day and night.  I told her about this, and she says she’s happy to have a little girl in the Palace.” Serenity explains.

“Now comes the hard part: Convicting her father.” Lita states.

“Oh, I don’t think it’ll be too hard.”

The group turned around to see a man with black hair in a business suit taking off his hat and laying his briefcase down on a nearby table.

“I mean, with this list of charges and evidence, I’ll easily get a minimum of thirty years, and if I do as good a job as I hear I can, life imprisonment.” He says.

“I’m glad you could come for this, Chris.”

Neo-Queen Serenity and Chris Allot briefly hugged, both smiling and happy to see one another after so many years.

“It’s been a long time.” Chris says.

“Too long.  How are the Titans?” Serenity inquires.

“Technically, there are no more Titans.  Ever since the... unpleasantness with Reuisu, the group officially disbanded.  However, we’ve been keeping tabs on Reuisu for a while.  He’s a solitary, depressed man these days.  All he does is eat, sleep, and stay in that worn out old house near the Mimmin Shoe Store.  Cries a lot, too.” Chris said with slight sadness in his voice.

“You should reveal yourselves to him.” Mina says.

“You remember what happened just like we do.  Not until he says he’s sorry.  Either to us or to himself, he needs to say it.  Then we’ll reveal ourselves.” Chris says.

The others nod.

“Now, let’s get onto this case.  This is going to be an easy conviction with the evidence we have, but we’re still going to need Anna’s testimony to get him on the abuse charges.” Chris says.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll want to help in any way she can, Chris.” Serenity replies.

“Good, now let’s head over to the court house and get this show on the road.”


“Docket number 4137: People of Crystal Tokyo vs. Daren Ichimei!” The Bailiff shouted.

It was the arraignment hearing for Anna’s father.  In the background of the courtroom, people rushed back and forth, talking out loud.  The Judge looked at the case file in front of him.

“How does the Defense plea?” he asked to the court.

“Not guilt by reason of mental defect, your Honor.” Daren’s attorney, Jared Natuki, said.

Chris was taken aback by this plea.  However, he immediately responded with, “Your Honor, this man has been interviewed by psychologists, and it is already a proven statement that, despite his racist, sexist, and fascist views, he is quite sane.”

“It is the defense’s case that sexism and racism are in fact mental disorders.” Jared replied.

“Racism and sexism are not recognized under the Planetary Medical Association’s list of mental defects and disorders!” Chris stated.

“I have an expert witness who will state that it more than possible that they are, in fact, mental disorders, your Honor.” Jared countered.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Natuki, all it is right now is a possibility.  Until such time as they are considered mental disorders, your defense plea as not guilty due to mental disorder is denied.” The Judge ruled.

“Very well, then we simply make a defense plea of not guilty, and for him to be set at a bail of $100,000 dollars.” Jared said.

“The People request remand without possibility of bail, your Honor.” Chris states.

“Your Honor, to do so would put my client under duress and immense stress and therefore make him unfit for the prime witness in my case.” Jared counters.

“Your Honor, it should be noted that the Senate has now passed a law that officially declares racism, sexism, and ageism crimes against her Majesty Queen Serenity, and therefore crimes that prohibit their right to go freely from bail and have the opportunity to escape trial and punishment.” Chris states.

“Indeed.  Because of the passing of the law, bail is denied and defendant is remanded to custody.” The Judge orders, and hits his gavel down, indicating that this arraignment is over and for the next to begin.


“You did great, Chris.” Mina says.

Chris sighed.  He was once again at Crystal Tower, and he loosened his tie a little.  The other Sailors were with him, congratulating him on the success of the arraignment.

“This was the easy part.  Despite minor links to the Murder two charges, the only major witness we have against the child abuse and child molestation charges is Anna.” Chris states.

“What about the charges of racism and sexism?” Rei asks.

“Not only did he pretty much wave his Miranda rights by continually talking, even after they were read to him, about how women and minority groups are undermining society, and that they’re all just a slave class to the white male, we’ve also found evidence of him being a big member in the Ku Klux Klan, a now illegal organization thanks to her Majesty’s wonderful job of passing the anti-racism, sexism, and ageism law through the Senate.” Chris explained with a smile.

“Good.  Then I think it’ll be an easy life sentence for that bastard.” Serenity says.

“Only if we can convince Anna to take the stand.  Have you asked her about it yet?” Chris asks.

“Not yet, I’ve been putting it off...” Serenity says, turning to the side.

“I’ll ask her, if you’d like.” Chris says.

“Would you?  Thank you, Chris.”

“It’s no problem.  If you’ll excuse me for a moment...” Chris said, slipping away from the group and over to Anna.

Anna was sitting on the ground, playing with Rini’s old dolls that she didn’t play with anymore.  She was having a fun time braiding their hair and making them walk around.  Chris kneeled down and watched her.  Finally, she turned to him and said hello.

“Hello, young lady.  Do you know who I am?” he asked her.

“Yeah.  You’re the guy who’s going to put my daddy in jail.” Anna replied.

“Do you think that’s a good thing or a bad thing?” he asks.

“My daddy was mean and horrible.  Please keep him in that place a very long time.” She states.

“Well, to do that, I’m going to need you to tell some people exactly what he did to you.  Okay?” Chris asks.

Anna contemplated these words.  “Yes.”


“Now that opening statements have concluded, the prosecution may now call its first witness.” The Judge stated.

“Your honor, we call to the stand Anna Ichimei.” Chris said, standing up.

The Judge nodded and Anna came in through a side door.  She looked a little nervous as she approached the witness box.  She stopped in front of it, the bailiff getting onto his knees so Anna could put her hand on the bible.  She put her hand on it, raising the other.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” the bailiff asked her.

“Yes, sir.” She said weakly.

The bailiff nodded, and Anna stepped up onto the stand.  Chris walked up to her and stood in front of her.

“Could you please state your name for the records?” Chris requests.

“Anna Ichimei, sir.” She replied.

“You don’t have to call me sir, Anna.”


“Now, Anna, you’re the defendant’s daughter?”


“How does he treat you, Anna?”

“He hits me a lot.”


“I don’t know.  He says it’s because I’m a dirty little bitch that needs to be shown my place.”

“Does he do anything else?”

“Yeah...  He touches me in my private place...”

Anna began to cry a little.

“It’s okay, Anna.” Chris says.  “No more questions, your honor.”

Chris walked back to his chair.  The defense attorney blinked and then stood up.

“No questions for this witness, your honor.” He said.

The Judge nodded.


“We went through all the witnesses today, I can’t believe it.” Chris says to the others outside the courtroom.

“What happens now?” asks Lita.

“Well, now the jury has to decide whether he’s guilty or innocent.  I frankly think your testimony helped a lot, Lita.  As did Anna’s testimony.  And now we wait.  If the jury comes back quickly, that’s good.  If it takes awhile...  Well, let’s hope for a speedy decision.” Chris explains.

Suddenly, the bailiff walks up to Chris and says, “The jury’s done deliberating.”


“On the first count of the indictment, child abuse in the first degree, how does the jury find?” The Judge asks.

“We find the defendant guilty.” The jury spokesperson replies.

“On the second count of the indictment, child molestation in the first degree, how does the jury find?” The Judge asks.

“We find the defendant guilty.” The jury spokesperson replies.

“On the third count of the indictment, racism in the second degree, how does the jury find?”

“We find the defendant guilty.”

“On the fourth count of the indictment, sexism in the first degree, how does the jury find?”

“We find the defendant guilty.”

“On the fifth count of the indictment, murder in the second degree, how does the jury find?”

“We find the defendant not guilty.”

“On the sixth count of the indictment, illegal possession of firearm, how does the jury find?”

“We find the defendant guilty.”

“Daren Ichimei, it is the judgment of this court that you shall spend a period of no less than 25 years in a correctional facility outside of the boundaries of Crystal Tokyo.  If in 25 years you have not been rehabilitated, you shall remain in the facility for the rest of your natural-”

“WHAT?!  This is damn absurd!” Daren shouts, obviously peeved by the decision.

“Daren, be-” The defense attorney tried to calm him down, but was interrupted.

“Mr. Ichimei, if you do not silence yourself, I shall hold you in contempt!” The Judge shouts.

“But I am a damn white male!  I shouldn’t be given 25 years for my beliefs!  I deserve special treatment!” he shouts.

The Judge blinked and then smiled.  “Very well, special treatment you shall get.  A period of no less than THIRTY years in a correctional facility.  Court is now adjourned.”


Anna stood outside the courtroom, playing with a doll while Sailor Mars was not looking at her and talking to Chris.  She suddenly realized that the light over her had disappeared.  She looked up and saw a man with gray hair and a strange black cape around him and a black hat stood over her.  He kneeled down to her.

“Hello there.” He said.

“Hi there.  Who are you?” Anna asks.

“Me?  I’m just a phantom stranger.  You’re Anna, right?  I’ve heard a lot about you from the newspapers.”

“Yep, that’s me!”

“So you’re going to be living with Neo Queen Serenity now, eh?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You don’t have to call me sir, Anna.  Like I said, I’m just a phantom stranger.”


“Now listen carefully, Anna: If there is anyone in this world, this universe, that you should trust in and believe in, it’s Neo Queen Serenity.  Never forget that.”

Anna turned away briefly, thinking that Sailor Mars had called for her, but was mistaken.  When she looked back at the man, he was gone.  She shrugged and returned to playing with her doll.

Thus begins the story of Anna Ichimei, AKA Sailor Life.