*Theme song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*





Reuisu Lovhaug walked off of the plane in Heathrow Airport in England.  He wore a trenchcoat and a hat, and wore black gloves.  He walked over to the baggage claim and got his suitcase.  He walked out of the airport and into his black car that had been waiting there ever since he made a call to a rental place, renting it before he arrived.  He brought along his tape recorder, and started recording.


Reuisu: It's February now, in the year 2001.  You know, I always thought that when a friend or a relative of mine would die, I could grieve so easily, so unpainfully that I would hardly even notice they were gone.


Reuisu began to have tears come into his eyes and he swallowed the saliva in his mouth.


Reuisu: But the bloody truth is that there is no such thing as an easy grieving!  Just yesterday, Sailor Moon, the best of us, was killed, and my mother burned to death in a terrorist fire.  Both died horribly, and now I'm back here in my birth town of London to attend my Mother's funeral.


Reuisu paused and fought the tears away as the anger in him boiled up.


Reuisu: And to bring justice back.  The terrorists in this city could care less if a Sailor came at them, but this time, I'm not going as Sailor Centauri to find them.


Reuisu stopped the tape, and put it down.  He drove the rental car for about half an hour until reaching his flat in London.  He parked the car in the nearby parking lot, and walked inside, eyeing the new attendant in the lobby of the apartment building.  He walked up a flight of stairs and came upon his flat.  He opened the door and walked inside, not even bothering to unpack.  He merely looked at the picture of his mother next to the bed.  He started recording on the tape again.


Reuisu: You know, even today, I read comic books.  I'm not talking about manga back in Japan, but American comics.  My favorite selection is from DC comics.  I hear that's where the Oracle I know got the inspiration to become the Oracle she is now.  My favorite group in the DC comics is known as the Titans.  Their history is far and vast, with many incarnations of their team, spawning back to a group known as the Teen Titans.  I guess it's just hero worship because of my Titans.  And I hope that I'll be able to stay with my Titans as much as the Titans in DC have.


Reuisu walked over to the suitcase and unbuckled it.


Reuisu: Another hero in the DC Universe who I was interested in came by the name of the Phantom Stranger.  Nothing is really known about him other than his powers.  No one knows his real name, where he comes from, or even how he became the Phantom Stranger.  But one thing is for certain: I can't go out looking as Sailor Centauri or Reuisu.  Sailor Centauri's place is with the Titans, and Reuisu is not strong enough.  Ever since I was seven years old, I wanted to be a hero.  That ability to be a hero came in the form of Sailor Centauri.  But while I'm in England, that ability is suspended.


Reuisu opened the suitcase.


Reuisu: From this point forward, I will not allow my Mother's killers to get away.  I will not let any injustice go without punishment, and to all the enemies of the side of light, seek not to bar my ways, for I shall win through, so swears the PHANTOM STRANGER.






Reuisu: Oracle gave me a list of names for the terrorists who set my Mom's house on fire.  I'm going to get each of them to confess their sins, and then I'll return home.  And here's number one.


Reuisu put the hat over his head, and he glowed for a moment, is unhuman powers surfacing up within him.  He stood upon a street lamp as he looked into a nearby junkyard, labeled "76 Totter's Lane."  The man in question was sitting in front of a fire, his hair skinned off.  Reuisu could see a tatoo on his shoulder, a swastika symbol.


Reuisu: And so it begins.


Reuisu lept down off of the lamp post and into the junkyard.  The man immediately lept up as he saw Reuisu, and he grabbed for a knife he had.  It was a switchblade, so the blade shot out when he grabbed it.


Man: Who the-


Reuisu: Are you Arnold Zelrin?


Man: Who the hell wants to know?


Reuisu: The Phantom Stranger.


Arnold: Well, shit-head, I think you'd better get out of here, or I might decide to introduce you to a little friend of mine!


Reuisu just stood there.  He crossed his arms.  The outfit he was wearing was mostly black.  He had a long cape behind him, but it didn't touch the ground.  He wore combat boots and leather gloves and a black semi-dublet in front of his chest, held up by two golden circles with chains attached to them.  The last piece of the outfit was his hat, which blocked most of his face.




Reuisu: Death is a concept this body has yet to grasp.


Arnold sent the knife into the air with straigh precision right at Reuisu's heart.  Reuisu, however, calmly grabbed it just before it reached it's target.  He then placed the knife in his hands, and crushed it with one hand as he made a fist.  He dropped the crumpled knife onto the ground, and crossed his arms again.


Arnold: Jesus-


Reuisu: Jesus?  That reminds me of a joke!  And just stop me if you've heard this one.  Jesus Christ walks into a hotel,


Arnold pulls out another knife and throws it at Reuisu, he used his hand to deflect it away as he starts to walk towards Arnold.


Reuisu: He gives the manager three nails and asks-


Arnold throws another knife at him, but Reuisu deflects it.


Arnold: Don't you ever just die?!


Reuisu: Can you put me up for the night?


Reuisu was suddenly in the air, and his hands glowed with blue energy.  Five energy daggers shot out of his hands and slammed into the edges of Arnold's shirt, pinning him to the ground.  Reuisu softly lands on top of him and grabs Arnold's head with his hand.


Reuisu: Now you are going to tell me a little bedtime story.  A woman, owning and living in a single apartment building.  A group of four terrorists set that place on fire.  Why?


Arnold: How the hell should I-


Reuisu: Mr. Zelrin, you're not listening.


Reuisu punched Arnold right in his nose.  Arnold groans in pain.


Reuisu: I REPEAT: A woman in an apartment that YOU set on fire!


Arnold: Yeah, yeah, I remember that.  She wasn't going along with our little tenant relocation program.  Who cares?!


Reuisu punched him in the face again.


Reuisu: At the tone, the time will be to confess your sins.


Reuisu punched him again.


Reuisu: BEEP.





Reuisu: That's one.  He's now in the station downtown.  He's also referred me to my next assailant.  He told me just before he lost consciousness.  I'm near an apartment building where the other terrorist is.  He apparently is a fire freak, so I'm guessing this is the guy who torched my old home.


Reuisu looked from the opposite street corner at the window across the street from him.  The next man had more hair than his previous man, cut into a semi-buzzcut across the middle of his head.  He had a lot of matches and flamethrowers hanging off the walls.  Pieces of tape with writing on them hung under them.  Reuisu could only guess that they were some type of crude souvenir from the fires he had started.  Reuisu pulled out a small rock, and attached a note to it.  He then sent the rock hurtling through his window.  The guy grabbed a blow torch, and he slowly picked up the rock.  He read the note, and it said, "Vengeance has found you."  He looked up, only to see Reuisu in the Phantom Stranger suit smash right through his window.


Man: Who the hell are you?!


Reuisu: I am the Phantom Stranger.  AND I AM JUSTICE.


Reuisu lept at the man at punched him right in his left jaw.  The guy went tumbling back right into his little souvenir wall and several matches and guns fell down.  Reuisu went over to him and grabbed him by the collar.  The guy struggled, so Reuisu slammed him into the wall again.


Reuisu: Tony Jimms, I presume?


Tony: Yeah, now let me go!  I didn't do nothin'!


Reuisu: Your little collection here says differently, also your friend Arnold.


Tony: Wha- Arnold?  What'd he tell you?


Reuisu: He told me you helped torch a little apartment building up town.  Now, you're gonna confess your little crimes to the authorities, or I'm gonna have to show you to a little friend of mine: The floor.


Reuisu slammed Tony down into the floor.


Reuisu: Mr. Floor is a nice person, if you get closer to him!


Reuisu lifted him up and slammed him down again.


Reuisu: Now, we are going for a little visit to the local precinct, where you are going to confess, or else-


Tony: Go to hell!


Reuisu: What was that?  You want to talk to Mr. Ceiling now?!


Reuisu lifted him up with ease and through the man into the ceiling.  He fell right back onto the ground.


Reuisu: Mr. Ceiling doesn't seem to be much of a conversationalist, now what about Mr. Floor again?!






Reuisu: That makes two.  Oracle found the third one easily.  Hi's name's Kyle Greven.  He's been living in a sub-standard warehouse for a few months.  I also found this one easily.  I also had the pleasure and opportunity to tie him to a chair.  According to my good friend who had a nice conversation with Mr. Floor, this one wanted to rape my mother, but the others thought that burning the place was enough.  So he just slapped my mother and stripped her naked and sent her into the fire.  According to Oracle, this one doesn't have any criminal records or evidence to link him to it, except for camera records that saw him running from the house.  And of course, there is his confession...


Kyle: A place up town?  Yeah, yeah, I remember it!  That bitch wouldn't move out when we told her to, said it belonged to her or something.  Who cares?!  Why won't you speak to me?!?!


Reuisu got out the gasoline can and dripped some around his chair.


Kyle: Wait a second, your face.  I can just make it out underneath that dumb hat of yours.  I know you, you were in those pictures next to her bed!  You're her son or somethin'.  That's my theory.


Reuisu grabbed the guy by the neck.


Reuisu: Let me introduce you to a new theory: SHUT UP AND DO EXACTLY WHAT I SAY.


Kyle: Who are you, man?


Reuisu: Me?  I am the Phantom Stranger.  I AM VENGEANCE UNLEASHED.  You wanted to rape my mother.  Big mistake, bucko.  Unlike the others, turning you in to the police would be a waste of time, and considering your history with my mother...


Reuisu lit a match up.


Kyle: Oh shit!  Oh shit oh shit oh-


Reuisu punched him in the face.


Reuisu: What did I say about shutting up?


Reuisu threw the match into the gasoline.  the guy's eyes widened as the gasoline cought onto the chair, and then onto him.  He screamed in pain and anguish as he felt his skin burning with fire, and Reuisu just walked off.





Reuisu: And then there was one.


Reuisu sat in the rafters of a large room, where, down below him the last assailant sat on a chair accompanied by many men with handguns and sub-machine guns at a large table.


Man: We just got word.  Arnold, Tony, and Kyle have had some...  Unexpected things happen to them.


Assailant: What?


Man: Arnold and Tony are in police custody, and Kyle just got turned into tomorrow's tea toast.


Assailant: Then you're gonna make sure the same thing doesn't happen to me.


Reuisu: Gentlemen!


Reuisu lept down from the rafters and in front of all of them.  They all raised their guns up at him.  Reuisu walked over to the table and stood in front of them.


Reuisu: Averin Darhk, I presume?


Averin: Ah, so you are the one who's destroyed by compatriots.  Good.  You saved me the trouble of doing it myself.


Reuisu: All I want is him.  The rest of you can leave without harm.


The others kept the guns up at him.


Averin: These guys are on my payroll.  They aren't gonna leave that easily.


Reuisu: You're all going to be having a bad case of death if you get in my way.


Averin: This guy's boring me.  Shoot the lousy mutha!


And with that command, all the guns shot out dozens of bullets straight into Reuisu's arms and chest.  After three seconds of the barrage, he fell backwards.  His hat slid away from him.


Averin: Now that that little fly is out of my way, by the way, get that sack of bones out of my place.


Two of the gunmen walked over to him and looked down.  Before they reached down to grab him, they both noticed the bullet holes in him.  Shining through, reflecting the light, was a silver metal.


Gunman: Hey, boss, this guy's got some kind of-


Reuisu shot up and grabbed the two's necks with his hands.  He threw the two into the nearest gunmen.  The other gunmen raised their guns up and pointed at him.




Reuisu put a frown and sad puppy face on his own face, and raised his arms up.  Then, holding back a smile, he danced to his left, obviously moving.  The other gunmen began shooting like mad into him, but it didn't matter to Reuisu.  His helmet armor began swimming onto his head like liquid, circling his head until finally forming the Sailor Centauri helmet.  The bullets continued to ricochet off of his armor as he pulled off his leather gloves, revealing armored hands.  He then pulled off the entire Phantom Stranger outfit and threw it away from him.  He raised his arms up and aimed at two gunmen.  Two missiles shot out of the ports on his wrists and into them, blowing a hole through one of them and completely eliminating the other.  In utter fear and terror, the others began to run away.  Averin Darhk was the only one who stayed.


Centauri: So, still want to hide behind others?


Averin: Who are you?


Centauri: I am Judgement from God.  He's not too happy with you.


Centauri ran at Averin and lept onto him and handcuffed him. 





Reuisu wore a trench coat and continued to look at his Mother's grave, and placed down a single rose at it.  The funeral services were over, but he stayed behind.


Voice: You know, I've been hearing a lot of things about you, Reuisu.


Reuisu raised his head up.  Behind him stood a figure wearing a black cape, a black hat, and practically everything he was wearing was black, except for the holders that kept his cape in place, which were gold.


Reuisu: I needed to be someone else for a time.  Sailor Centauri is for Japan.


Man: Sailor Centauri is a promise to the world, not just Japan.  It's a promise to your Titans.  You must return to them.


Reuisu: Why?


Man: Serena is alive.


Reuisu: I saw the stake driven through her.  I killed Beryl with my own hands.


Man: Then she's going to be resurrected.  Go back, Reuisu.  The Titans need you.  They all need you.  Your mother would not want you to be sorry.


The man walked away.


Reuisu: Thank you, Phantom Stranger.





To Be Continued...