Scene opens to a shot of Reuisu sitting on a chair, facing his computer in his void.  He turns around and faces the screen.


Reuisu: Oh, hello there!  Allow me to introduce myself: I am Reuisu, former prince of Alpha Centauri, and the amazing and British Sailor Centauri.  I lead a group of Sailor Soldiers known as the Sailor Titans.  Here, I'll introduce them to you.


Scene changes to a shot of Michelle, using her time staff on some bees that were trying to sting her.  The bees quickly froze in mid air, frozen in time.


Reuisu: That's Michelle.  She's the first Titan I found.  She's smart, she's the secondary keeper of time, and she goes by the name of Sailor Moonshine.


Scene changes to Lucy making a cup of tea in a small kitchen with other people working in it.


Reuisu: That's Lucy.  She used to be a doctor, travelling around an area of Europe known as "The Sanctuary" or something.  She owns a coffee shop, is really cheery, and is also known as Sailor Cephiros.


Scene changes to Miya and Chris, watching a sunset together.


Reuisu: Those two lovebirds are Miya and Chris.  Miya was travelling between Lut Gholein and a Rogue Encampment in that Sanctuary thing before we found her.  As for Chris, he only discovered recently he was a Sailor Titan.  Mephisto had kidnapped him, forced him to transform, and chained him to an island.  Miya is Sailor Love and Chris is Sailor Asteroid.


Reuisu then transforms into Sailor Centauri.


Reusiu: Together, we Titans have fought evils that no humans could ever imagine!  Diablo, Mephisto, Baal, all of them have fallen to us!  The Titans are and always will be together.







*Theme Song: The Touch, by Stan Bush*






A giant banner hung over the square-shaped coffee house, in between and electronics store and a shoe store.  The banner read, "Titans Coffee.  Grand Opening."  Inside, Lucy was handling six customers at once, while the others were all sitting in booths next to one another.


Haruka: You have to admire her determination to make all this work.


Reuisu: Not to mention the fact that she's handling all those customers until she gets actual people working for her, instead of just the cooks.


Setsuna: The problem is noone will work for her except for cooking.  The others don't like dealing with customers.


The others nodded in agreement.  Lucy approached them and collapsed into a seat.


Lucy: Ugh...  I managed to get a cook to cover for me while I take a slight break.  *Sigh*, the business is harder than I thought...


Michiru: You can cope.


Michelle: So, what are our plans for Christmas?


Rei: Not just Christmas, it's also coming close to Reuisu's anniversary!


Usagi: Which anniversary?


Rei: The anniversary where he awoke from the coma Beryl put him in.


Reuisu: And then we faced that clone guy.  What was he called again?  Kimron?  Chimerafon?


Haruka: It doesn't matter.  So, what'll we be doing?


Makoto: We could meet over at Rei's temple and have a Christmas party.


Lucy: Okay, let's- oh crap, more customers.  Stupid hot chocolate season...


Lucy walked off.


Reuisu: Poor girl.  We really should help out.


Minako: We're not going to, are we?


Reuisu: Not unless she asks.


Everyone giggled slightly.





A shovel shot into the ground and dug up dry dirt out of the two-foot down hole.  The pile of dirt steadily increased at a fast pace as the shovel continued to pull dirt ouf to the ground.  A wooden cross lay on the ground next to the grave.  It wasn't a tombstone, it was a protectorate.  Suddenly, finally getting into the ground's foundations, the person digging up the grave found their ttarget: the skull.  The person pulled out the skull, and began to laugh maniacally.






Over Mamoru Chiba's apartment, slightly out of phase with the entire universe, was a void.  The entrance was practically invisible.  If you saw it, you'd probably think there was just something caught in your eye.  The void is the home of Reuisu, where he spends most of his free time.


Reuisu: Damn it!


And where he swears the most.


Reuisu: The stabilizers won't handle the change in color!  Listen, my little electronic friend: I NEED this place to look somewhat "holiday impressive" for when I have guests!  So you are going to do what I ask for OR I AM GOING TO RIP YOU APART, PROCESSOR FROM NETWORK CABLE!


Suddenly, the blackness of the void shimmered wavered, and was replaced by a glowing gold color, with paterns of red and green and blue all over it!


Reuisu: See, was that so hard?


The entrace to the void opened up, and the other four Titans entered the void.


Chris: Woah, nice upgrade!


Michelle: What did you do?


Reuisu: Made it more festive.  We're still thinking about Christmas plans, and this place has enough space to fit us all as any other.  It seems like a logical choice to have it here.


Miya: I actually think we should have it over at Usagi's house.  She's the first Sailor soldier, and it would be good to have some reunion in order.


Lucy: I must disafree.  We should have it at my coffee shop, after hours!


Reuisu: And I am dearly opposed to tha-


All of a sudden, the closed entrance to the void was torn open with a hole in it.  A sword was sticking straight through it.  Everyone gasped, especially Reuisu, and the sword ripped through more, making a larger hole.  The figure stepped through and into the void.  A figure with no head.












The whole pink glittery thingy appears with a silhouette of Reuisu.  Chest armor enveloped his torso as the symbol of spirit appeared on his forehead.  Leg armor came around his legs, with ankle armor and foot armor.  Behind the armor, only visible in spots where different peices of armor joined, was a black outfit.  Arm armor enveloped his arms, wrists, and hands.  His hand armor was seperated, only having finger armor and palm and backhand armoring.  A red blade emitted from his wrist armor.  A green grid in the shape of the helmet armor, except for the visor.  The red blade passed in front of the grid, and the head armor appeared.  The black visor formed directly afterwards.  He stood in a pose of his two red blades coming out as he kneeled down with the Greek symbol Alpha behind him.


A pink glittery silhoutte of Michelle appeared, with only her heart necklace showing.  Suddenly, crystal showered out of it, wrapping around her torso and forming the shirt and first bow of the outfit.  The crystal then shot out more crystals that wrapped around her arms and legs, forming the gloves and boots.  Another spray of crystal formed her skirt and back bow.  The skirt and bows were colored gold.  One last burst of crystal formed a tiara and ear rings.  The crystal then shot out a beam of energy, forming into a staff.  She grabbed the staff, and stood in a pose.



Out of her ring came energy bolts which wrapped around her torso, forming the front of the outfit.  Then the ring fired beams at both her arms, wrapping around them to form the white gloves.  The ring shout out another beam, which wrapped around her legs and formed the boots.  She then twirled around as did the beam from the ring, which wrapped around her hips and formed into the skirt.  Her tiara and earrings formed with one last blast from the ring.  She stood in a pose of her winking with her ring outstretched in front of her.


Out of Miya's heart brooch came three large hearts.  One heart descended down her body, and the other two onto her arms.  As the hearts passed over her skin, they formed the gloves of her Sailor outfit.  As the larger heart passed over her torso and slowly over her legs, forming the mini-skirt and the boots that extended up to her knees.  As the three hearts ended at her feet and hands, they shot up to her head and hit it, forming the tiara and earrings.  She stood in a pose with her making a smooching face.


A glittery silhouette of Chris appeared.  Asteroids shot around him, and several blasted into his chest, forming into the shirt and bow.  Asteroids then shot into his arms, exploding on contact, and forming into the sleeves.  Finally, the last asteroids shot into his legs, exploding on impact, and forming into the pants and boots.  The last asteroid shot into his face, forming into a halo.  He stood in a pose with an asteroid shooting at him from behind.






Michiru: I feel another wave coming.


Haruka: Just our luck.  Ever think that this planet just WANTS to be destroyed?


Setsuna: Ask me five minutes after I'm dead.


The four outer soldiers, Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna, and Hotaru were sitting in Lucy's coffee shop.  Haruka sipped some more tea and then slowly placed it down.  She was about to speak again, but all of a sudden, the glass window they were sitting next to shattered!  Twisting their heads around to see what had happened, they saw a figure on a horse that was leaping through the glass and out into the coffee shop.  The entire civilian assembly in the shop screamed and ran out of the doors as quickly as they could, as well as the people working there at the moment.  Everyone ran out.


Except the sailors.


The figure wore a black cape, and his black cloathing seemed to be aged and dead.  He had no head.













Astra: No, it's supposed to go like this, Luna!


Astra, the Titan's guardian cat, was with the inner soldiers at Rei's temple.  They were helping Rei decorate her temple for Christmas.  Every twenty seconds, Astra and Luna were getting into fights.


Luna: And I must say you are completely, absolutely incorrect!  It can't go that way, the angle is all wrong!


Astra: And how would you know, Luna?  What's so special about YOUR special skills in home decorating?!!?


Minako: Don't those two ever stop fighting?


Artemis: 'Fraid not.  It was much like this back in the Moon Kingdom.


Astra: Ha!  You're one to speak, Luna!


Makoto: What did she say?


Ami: I have no idea.  They're bickering so much I don't eve know what they're saying!


Minako: They're worse than Usagi and Rei.


Luna: Oh yeah?!


Astra: Yeah!


Luna: Oh yeah?!


Astra: Yeah!


Usagi: Hey, you two, chill out!  You're friends, you're-


Both cats: BUTT OUT, USAGI!


Usagi: Okay...


Suddenly, a sword rips into the temple wall, tearing it open.  The shocked expressions on their faces last only for a second, and immediately they pull out their transformation sticks.
















Centauri: GIGA CANNON!!!


Two cannons came out of the backplate of the armor and rested on Centauri's shoulders.  They fired out two yellow blasts of energy at the Headless man, but he quickly sliced them away with his burning sword.




Sailor Cephiros pointed her ring at the headless man, and a firey silhouette of a running woman came out of the ring and ran straight into the headless man, blasting him back.




Sailor Moonshine aimed her time staff, and a glass orb shot out of it and enveloped the headless man.  The headless man immediately sliced through the orb with his sword, and ran at full speed towards Sailor Centauri.




Panels, Compartments, and other areas opened up out of Centauri's armor.  As well as two cannons came onto his shoulder, and his missile ports on his armor opened.  All of a sudden, missiles, lasers, cannons, and other assorted weapons all fired out of the armor, blasting into the headless assailant, vaporizing him.









The blue ball of energy shot away from Sailor Neptune at the headless man, who sliced it in half with a flaming sword.  The headless man charged at Sailor Neptune, but Sailor Saturn ran behind him and stapped into the headless man with her glaive.  The headless man turned around and charged at Sailor Saturn and struck down with his sword, but Sailor Saturn immediately blocked with her silence glaive.






The yellow and purple blasts of energy shot out immediately, and vaporized the headless man on contact.








The flaming arrow shot out at the headless assailant, who evaded out of the way.  He then charged at Sailor Mars with his sword, preparing to strike down.




Green blasts of energy shot away from Sailor Jupiter and blasted into the headless man, not even flinching him.








All three attacks hit the headless man, blasting him away from Sailor Mars.


Luna: Sailors, use the planet attack!


The five nodded and held hands.  Five different colored auras began to surround them all.












Moon: Sailor Planet-


All: ATTACK!!!!!!


Five different colored beams shot out of the Sailors, launching an energy equalling that of the five planets, colliding with the headless man, annihalating him.






Reuisu: So we were all attacked by the same person?


Ami: Not exactly the same person.  It is reasonable to assume they were a type of creature all the same, but serving someone else.


Everyone was within Reuisu's void, discussing the headless attacker each group had encountered.


Astra: It's a strange coincedence we all encountered someone headless all at the same time.


Haruka: Their targets were obvious: Us.


Reuisu: Which unforuntately means the Sailor Soldiers and Sailor Titans!  Therefore, we must assume this enemy believes we are a heavy threat to their plans.  There's something else bothering me, however.  You say they were headless, looked like they had been dug up from a grave, and carried a sword?


Usagi: Yes...


Reuisu: Computer, library!


A section of the void withered and crumbled for a moment, then reappeared as a rather long and tall library.  Reuisu walked through the hallways until reaching a section marked, "Prophecies and Legends."  Walking in, he walked onto a ladder and slid it across the ground until reaching the end of the section.  He looked around for a moment, then grabbed two books.  One was labeled, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and the other, "The Headless Horseman."


Reuisu climbed down and looked through the headless horseman book.  He finall stopped at a page with a sketch of the headless horseman on it.


Reuisu: This is the one who attacked us.


He held it out to everyone there, and they all confirmed that was the one had attacked all of them.  Reuisu began to walk back towards the main room but continued to speak, anyway.


Reuisu: These two books give two seperate but similar legends regarding one person known as the Headless Horseman.  The first, from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, had the horseman as a mercenary who fought in the Revolutionary War of America to prevent the Americans from taking the colonies from the British.  He was merciless, and enjoyed cutting off people's heads.  Eventually, however, he was killed and had his head cut off.  He then returned as a ghost that cut off people's heads as revenge for what happened to him.


Reuisu sat down in his chair and began to bring up a profile of the Headless Horseman.


Reuisu: The other legend states that the man was a gentleman who was on his way to an appointment, but was late.  On the way, he was attacked by bandits and his head was cut off.  He then returned from the dead as a ghost, cutting off heads for the perfect one to replace the one stolen from him.


The others made disgusted faces.


Michiru: Well isn't that pleasant sounding...


Reuisu: Gruesome as it may sound, there are still a few things that don't make sense, like how there were multiple versions of him at the same time.


Rei: It could be some type of spell that made clones of him.


Reuisu: Likely, but let's not jump to conclusions.


Makoto: Haven't we already jumped to conclusions with assuming this guy IS the Headless Horseman?


Reuisu: Well, technically yes...  But we have some evidence that supports it.  Usagi, I want you to contact Mamoru and see if he or his American friends have a copy of that American movie "Sleepy Hollow."  It may give us some idea of what we're up against.


Minako: Could the horseman be controlled by someone?


Reuisu: With our luck?  Yes, yes, and yes.





Luna: Usagi, you don't seem to be taking the situation very seriously...


Usagi and Luna were walking home, while Usagi was scarfing down ice cream bars like mad.


Usagi: I have to keep up my strength, Luna!  If the Horseman attacks, I don't want to be-


Suddenly, the two turned around and saw the Horseman on a horse, galloping towards them.




Suddenly, Usagi was grabbed from behind by two strong-looking men, and her transformation brooch was thrown away.  The stuck her in a linen bag, and carried her away.


Luna: Usai!


Luna ran as fast as her little cat legs could, but the horse's feet kicked Luna away into a nearby tree, knockining her unconscious.





Reuisu: So, big, tall, brown hair, and a bad compection?


Luna: Yes, that's right.


Reuisu: I know exactly where to find this man.  Don't worry, I'll be alright.


Rei: But-


Reuisu: Stay here.


Haruka: Like he-


Reuisu: STAY HERE.


Reuisu grabbed a trench coat and hat and walked out of the entrance to the void.  After leaving Mamoru's apartment building, he proceeded to walk three blocks, then down an alley and through a door.  Before he could, however, a large man stood in the way, blocking the door.


Man: I'm sorry, sir, you're not allowed in there.


Reuisu: Not allowed?  Me?  I'm allowed everywhere!


The man was about to grab Reuisu when Reuisu suddenly punched him in the face twice and threw him into the opposite wall.  He then walked through the door.


He came into a bar filled with people laughing and chatting and drinking beer.  He saw3 a poker table where two of the kidnapper of Usagi sat and played poker.  Reuisu walked over and sat down.


Reuisu: Deal me in.


Man: I thought we had our agreements.  We get you your information, and you leave us alone.


Reuisu: But then you were hired to kidnap someone I care about.  So, you are going to tell me where I can find this friend of mine.


The people at the table laughed.


Reuisu: Or in five minutes, I will be the only one at this table standing.


They laughed some more.


Reuisu: And five minutes after that, I will be the only one in this bar standing. 


The people at the table stood up and surrounded Reuisu.






Rei: Okay, I used this equipment to track Reuisu...  He's in a bar three blocks down.  Astra, you go down there and see what he knows.


Astra: Right.


The tan cat jumped out of the exit of the void.





Reuisu: WHERE.  IS.  SHE?!!?!?!?!


The entire bar was a mess.  Beer and alcohol flooded out of broken glass and mixed with blood from cut and bruises from several bar patrons.  Tables and chairs were smashed up, leaving only Reuisu and the two kidnappers standing.


Kidnapper: I'm telling you, man, I don't know!


Reuisu: then you know smoebody, who knows somebody, WHO KNOWS SOMETHING!


The other kidnapper swung a bottle at Reuisu, who ducked and the bottle collided with a nearby wall, shattering.  Reuisu proceeded to punch and kick the two kidnappers, knocking them unconscious.  Reuisu looked around the room where everyone was unconscious.


Reuisu: BUGGER!  Now I have to wait for someone to wake up.


Voice: You really overdo things, Reuisu.


Reuisu turned around to see Astra approaching.  Reuisu kneeled down to her.


Reuisu: It gets the job done.  Usagi is our future queen, and I intend for it to stay that way.  After all, there's no real point of anything with no Sailor Moon.


Reuisu and Astra heard some moaning and groaning of pain coming from one of the kidnappers.


Reuisu: Excuse me a moment.


Reuisu walked over and picked up the kidnapper, who was still limp.


Reuisu: Well, wasn't that fun and all?  Waddya say we go for another 'round where you get a lot more than a headache?


Kidnapper: Look, give me a break!


Reuisu: Well, certainly!  What should we start with?  An arm?  A leg?  We're all out of prides, but we could start with the fingers and work our way up!


Kidnapper: Er, um, I may have some information for you...  A location!  Yeah, yeah, a location...


Reuisu smiled and looked at Astra.


Reuisu: See?  It's like I always say: you can achieve more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word.





Reuisu stood as Sailor Centauri in a grassy field.  It was beginning to rain, and the wind was throwing leaves around him like mad.


Centauri: I know you're out there!  Show yourself!


Out of the shadows of the trees, a woman walked out.  She wore a trench coat and looked she had been working out.  Centauri, however, recognized the face and gasped.


Centauri: Charsi?!!?


Charsi: Yes, Sailor Centauri, it is I.


Centauri: You were the one who sent the Headless Horseman to attack myself and my friends?


Charsi nodded.


Centauri: But why?!!?  We assisted you back in the Rogue Encampment!  We recovered the Horadric Malus for you!


Charsi: Indeed.  But since you killed Andariel, warriors stopped coming to the camp.  Warriors who needed their armors or weapons repaired or their armor or weapons imbuned.  My business has been ruined thanks to you Sailor misfits!


Centauri: Profit.  This whole thing was about your personal profit.


Charsi: Indeed.  I also forced Akara to bring me the skeleton of the horseman, where I dug up his grave and retrieved his skull.  I then made Akara place a gem inside the skull that would allow me to create as many horsemen as I wanted.  And now, my revenge will be complete.


The Headless Horseman came up next to Charsi with Usagi unconscious in his arms.


Centauri: Is she-


Charsi: Dead?  No.  Merely unconscious.  Which is going to be considerably less than what is going to happen to ou!  ARISE, MY HEADLESS HORSEMEN!!!


The ground around Charsi began to crack and crumble, and Headless Horsemen began to rise from the ground in the hundreds.




A flaming white sword flashed from nowhere and sliced through a line of headless horsemen.  Sailor Centauri turned around and saw Tyrael floating through the air.


Centauri: Great timing, angel boy.


Tyrael: I've brought some friends.


Tyrael pointed to the ground underneath him, and the Sailor Titans and the inner and outer soldiers were approaching.


Mars: Tyrael's been following you.


Centauri: Well, good thing he did.  HELP ME!




Sailor Moonshine's time staff changed into a mirror that reflected the light of the moon off into a beam that blasted into a group of Horsemen, knocking them away.  They were quickly replaced by another group.  Centauri ran over and grabbed Usagi who began to wake up.




Usagi: Wha-?


Centauri: TRANSFORM!


Usagi: Oh, okay.  MOON ETERNAL POWER!




A firey silhouette of a running woman shot out of Sailor Cephiros' ring and blasted into a nearby horseman group, almost vaporizing them.


Mercury: It's no use!  There are still too many!


Asteroid: May I suggest the planet and Titan attacks?


Centauri: Right!  Outer soldiers, protect us!


Saturn: Way ahead of you!  SILENCE WALL!!!


A black shield formed around the Sailor Soldiers and Titans.






Charsi ran at the shield with a sword and began to slash at it with all her might.






Tyrael slashed away and tore apart at every one of the horsemen that attacked him.










Tyrael was suddenly knocked away and the onslaught of horsemen began to bang and slash away at the silence wall.






The shield broke away.  The outer Soldiers gasped.


Moon: Sailor Planet-


Centauri: Sailor Titan-


All: ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!


Energy swirled around the Sailor soldiers and the Sailor Titans as the power of the inner planets and the powers of other forces combined into one large energy beam, which fired with enough intensity that could've scorched the sky as horseman after horseman was vaporized by the beam that finally stopped after ten seconds of life.  The Sailors collapsed.


Centauri: Man...  That really takes it out of you.


Love: Look!


Charsi was still standing, and the real Headless Horseman was next to her, collapsed and holding his sword for balance.




Suddenly, an arrow flew out of nowhere and knocked the skull out of Charsi's arms and onto the Horseman's neck.  Everyone turned their heads to see a group of Rogue Archers.  They were led by Hratli!


Hratli: Charsi!  Akara informed us of your treachery.  On behalf of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye, you are under arrest.


The Rogues grabbed Charsi and dragged her away.


Hratli: Thank you again, Titans.


She walked off.  The Sailors then saw the Headless Horseman walking off, except he wasn't as headless anymore...


Moon: Where's he going?


Centauri: Back to hell.  The direction he's heading in is to Tristram.







Usagi was handed the small present by Reuisu.


Reuisu: This one is from me, your highness.


Usagi: Ah, ya don't have to call me your highness until I'm Queen!


Reuisu: Oh, pish posh.  You know, this was the best idea I ever had: having Christmas in the Rogue Encampment.


Michelle: Excuse me, but I believe it was I who thought of the idea.  You were totally against it!


Reuisu: I believe not!  Go ahead, Usagi, open your present.


Usagi tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a white box.  She slowly opened it.  And as she did, a golden light shined out of it.  Usagi gaped as she pulled out the object.


Usagi: A shard of the purity chalice!


Everyone gasped, except for Reuisu.


Usagi: How..?


Reuisu: I was travelling near the ruins of Mugen school when I happened upon it.


Usagi: Why...?


Reuisu: Because, it's a symbol.  When you were facing Pharoah Ninety and Mistress Nine, everyone told you to fight and destroy Mistress Nine, even though they knew it was Hotaru.


Hotaru: To which I am still greatly appreciative to you.


Reuisu: Instead, you fought for your principles!  You said it was wrong, and you meant it!  It's a symbol of your purity, and your heart forever, Usagi.  Besides, everything else was too expensive.


Everyone laughed hard at his joke.


Rei: There's one question I still have for you, Reuisu.


Reuisu: What?


Rei: How did you know where to find the kidnappers?


Reuisu smiled.


Reuisu: Some of the scoundrels of the universe have the best information gathering abilties.  I originally went into that bar to find information about certain people who are now incarcerated.  Those two were hired to get that information, and that's how I remembered the description.  And, once again, I am the champion!


Reuisu stood up in a pose.  Rei proceeded to hit him with a pillow.  Soon, the entire group was engaged in throwing pillows and other assorted soft items.


As the camera panned back, Reuisu's voice overlapped.


Reuisu: My name is Reuisu Lovhaug.  I'm sort of a risk-taking guy, and the credit taker.  In reality, I'm an agent of love and justice.  The Titan of will and steel: Sailor Centauri.