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Why do babies have to die?
A baby is a precious gift from God
It takes two people and God to create a baby
And one doctor to preforms a legal induced abortion and take an innocent life
Why do people sometimes see a baby as a mistake?
I've never understood how people can throw a life away
It's not our place to decide when life ends
...Or begins
Our society is mixed up
If a person knowingly causes the death of an unborn baby
Our society calls it murder, which it is
But if you go to a hospital and a doctor does it, well somehow that's ok?
How tragic that some don't see value in the unborn
A baby is a chance to help God create a miracle
Please thank your mother that she didn't see you as an inconvenience
We were fortunate our mothers chose life
All life is precious!
Why do babies have to die?

by Susan

Diary of an Unborn Baby

Day 1:
Fertilization: all human chromosomes are present;
unique human life begins

Day 6:
Embryo begins implanting in the uterus

Day 22:
Heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood,
often a different type than the mother’s

Week 5:
Eyes, legs, hands begin to develop

Week 6:
Brain waves detectable; mouth, lips present;
fingernails forming

Week 7:
Eyelids, toes form; nose distinct,
baby kicking and swimming

Week 8:
Every organ in place; bones begin to replace
cartilage, fingerprints begin to form;

Weeks 9 and 10:
Teeth begin to form, fingernails develop;
baby can turn head, frown

Week 11:
Baby can grasp objects placed in hand;
all organ systems functioning;
the baby has fingerprints, a skeletal structure,
nerves, and circulation

Week 12:
The baby has all of the parts necessary
to experience pain, including the nerves,
spinal cord and thalamus; the baby is
nearing the end of the first trimester

Week 17:
Baby can have dream (REM) sleep

Week 20:
The earliest stage at which
partial birth abortions are performed

Information gathered from
National Right To Life

Informative links:
Pregnancy & Prenatal Care
Adoption Network
American Adoptions
National Adoption Center

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Anne Geddes Angels II
Anne Geddes Angels III
Anne Geddes Angels IV
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Why Do Babies Have To Die?
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