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There is a legend
that at the time of the
crucifixion the dogwood
had been the size
of the oak
and other forest trees.
So firm and strong was the tree
that it was chosen
as the timber of the cross.
To be used thus for
such a cruel purpose
greatly distressed the tree,
and Jesus, nailed upon it,
sensed this, and in His gentle pity
for all sorrow and suffering
said to it,
Because of your regret and pity
for My suffering, never again shall
the dogwood grow large enough
to be used as a cross.
Henceforth it shall be slender
and bent and twisted,
and its blossoms shall
be in the form of a cross...
two long and short petals.
And in the center of the
outer edge of each petal
there will be nail prints,
brown with rust and
stained with red,
and in the center of the flower
will be a crown of thorns,
and all who see it will remember.

And God Said
Angels Whisper Softly
Anne Geddes Angels
Anne Geddes Angels II
Anne Geddes Angels III
Anne Geddes Angels IV
Catholic Links
Children Learn What They Live
Don't Laugh At Me
First Grandchild
Guardian Angel
If Jesus Came To Your House
Inspirational Quotes
Legend Of The Dogwood
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Letter From God To All Women
My Child
Our Reality
Rainbow Bridge
Remember To Be Thankful
Sharing Pain With Teddybear
The Ten Commandments
To All Parents
What If She's An Angel?
When I Must Leave You
Why Do Babies Have To Die?
You Raise Me Up