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Here are some more recent pictures of
our grandkids Brittney, Daryke, Dylan,
and their cousin to be born in Spring 2005!

In this pic is Brittney's Kindergarten
picture and more recent pictures of
Daryke and Dylan too.

This picture is so cool. An ultrasound of
Cody and Laura's baby due in April. Making
a peace sign in the womb! This is going to
be one cool kid.The person doing the
ultrasound said it looks like it's a girl!

Some pictures I took of Dylan when he spent
the night on New Year's Eve. He slept
through the ringing in of 2005.

Could he be cuter? I only wish the
picture was better. He is such a sweet
little man!

Brittney and Daryke posing for grandma!

You can also visit Sadie's Page.

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