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Sadie's been in the family for some time now.
We got her in 1991 when she was only 6 weeks
old. Our children were 6 and 9 when Sadie came
to live with us, now they're 19 and 23. Sadie
turned 14 today, March 20, 2005.

She's my sweet baby Sadie!

Happy Birthday Sadie!

Sadie in 2003. She's where my
computer's mouse should be....hmmmm.

I took this picture of Sadie
the day after Christmas '04.

Sadie doing what Sadie does best,
taking a nap.

She so pretty!

Sweet kitty Sadie.

Thank you for visiting Sadie's page.

Read Sadie's DreamBook!
Sign Sadie's DreamBook!

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