Chapter Twelve
Cal returned to the
table. She had to tell him. If she didn't, she wouldn't know if he had changed,
or if it was all an act.
"Cal, I'm
pregnant." She held her breath, waiting.
"But that's
impossible! We never...Dawson! He's the father?"
She nodded.
He was silent for a
long moment. "This changes everything. You'll need work more than ever
now. Rose, my secretary just quit. Would you be interested? Pay's twenty
dollars a week."
"It's real
this time?"
"As real as Le
Coeur de la Mer."
She groaned.
"What am I going to do with that diamond?"
"Put it in my
safety deposit box. It will be safe there."
"Even from
"I may be many
things, but I am not a thief."
"Will you take
the job?
"Yes, I