Chapter One

Decisions, Thoughts, and News

February 3, 1913

Dear Jack,

I can still hardly believe that the beautiful baby girl sleeping in the crib beside me is our daughter. She is perfect. I couldn’t ask for more.

As for me, I have just been adjusting to motherhood. Hope is very good, though. She does not cry much at night, only when she needs to be fed or changed. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having to wake up every two hours, though.

About three or four weeks before Hope’s birth, Molly threw a small baby shower for me. She invited some of her close friends, who were quite friendly, I must say, and of course I insisted the servants come. Over the past few months they have all become like family to me. It will be so hard leaving them all, but I must go. If I ever want to get on with my life I must move from here. All my life I have been pampered from head to toe. Now is no exception. I do appreciate Molly’s support and all, but I need to move on, experience life itself, make each day count. Right?

There is also good news to be found with Lynn. Her Jack finally sees Lynn as more than just a friend. I know Lynn is in love with him and I can see that he also loves her. It is just a matter of time before they openly admit it. I have met him on several occasions, and I must say, he is quite the charmer. Very handsome and polite. Not unlike yourself. He is very tall, thin, brown hair, and green eyes. I am very happy that Lynn has finally found someone to share her life with. I am fairly sure there will be a spring wedding soon.

Remember when we were on Titanic and I told you about my dreams of becoming an actress? Well, I think that is what I’ll do. It may not be Hollywood, but I hear San Francisco has got a nice little stage theater. It sounds like the perfect place for me to start--build up a reputation, at least. Hopefully not one of a bad nature.

Hope stirred in her sleep and began to whimper softly. Rose put down her pen and journal to tend to her daughter. It was time for her next feeding, so that was what Rose assumed she wanted. Rose picked her up from her crib and gently cradled her in her arms. She then pulled down her nightgown a bit and gave Hope her breast...she was indeed hungry.

After only a few minutes, Hope fell asleep while nursing. Rose stroked her daughter’s red hair. It was so delicately soft, it completed her angelic look.

Rose placed Hope back into her crib so that she could finish her journal entry. She could hold her in her arms forever, but she felt that she needed to have her thoughts down on paper this particular evening. Especially since it was so long since she had last written.

Our child sleeps once again. If only you knew how much she really means to me. I love her so much; she is the result of the wondrous love we shared together. When I first found out that I was having your…our baby, I was absolutely terrified and oh-so-confused. I now look into that same child’s eyes and know she is nothing but a blessing. She will never be a burden. Never. I thank God each and every day I met you, and for the love we shared. Without it I would not have been able to go on. You have given me the most precious gift of all—hope…and Hope, our dear child.

Love forever,

February 27, 1913

Dear Jack,

You’ll never guess what great news I have! Lynn just told me that Jack has asked her to marry him, and of course her answer was yes! She has loved him for so long. I’m so happy for her, and she will make such a beautiful bride. She has already asked me to be her maid of honor, and actually, I was quite flattered. I couldn’t refuse her pleading eyes, so I said yes. They plan to get married in June, so I will make my traveling plans for July. I will, of course, have to tell everyone soon, too. I don’t want to wait until the last minute and have it be a complete shock to everyone. That would be hard for them...and for me, too.

What Lynn did not tell me is that Jack is not at all the poor man. He has quite a nice amount of money stashed away. But he, like myself, was being forced into a marriage, so he left his home and family name. When he announced to his family that he and Lynn were going to get married, for some awkward reason, they told him he could have his money back. I don’t think even Lynn knew of this. Needless to say, both she and Jack were shocked by this. But they do not want to live the high class life that I used to live, and still do live, for that matter. They are going to live simply and keep that money for their children’s education, I would assume. Well, good for them.

Sorry to make this so short, but it has been such an eventful day, and I would still like to spend some time with Hope before I attempt to go to sleep.

Yours eternally,

Chapter Two