Chapter Six

Too Soon?
Rated NC-17 for Content
March 25, 1913

John’s arms were still wrapped around Rose from behind when he felt her shift in his arms. She was finally awake. It was only six in the morning, but John had not been able to sleep. He was thinking of Rose too much.

He kissed the back of her neck softly. Rose liked the feeling of his moist lips on her body. It made her warm and tingly all over. "Mmm," she moaned softly.

John whispered quietly in her ear. "Did you sleep well?"



She turned over so she was facing him. "Hi," she said softly.

"Hi." Last night had been difficult for them both, though neither would admit it. They both felt the other’s body heat, and it was hard not to think impure thoughts.

John brushed a few strands of hair away from Rose’s eyes. Her eyes were the most hypnotizing, crystal blue that he had ever known. They shown with a brilliance that could only be compared to the stars.

Rose began to kiss his neck playfully. She brought her arm around him and caressed his back, moving down to his waist, moving lower still.

John groaned at the feel of Rose touching him in such places. She smiled at his moaning. He didn’t know where she was taking this, but he just decided to go along with it.

She traced her kisses from his neck up to his lips. The soft, gentle nature of the kisses turned into passion and lust.

John could hardly contain himself any longer. He wanted to make love to Rose, and it seemed as though she was inviting him to.

Rose rolled onto her back and John followed. He rolled on top of her as she welcomed his weight. Their tongues intertwined and their desire for the other’s body grew.

John was still unsure of how far Rose wanted to take this, so he waited for her to make the first move. When Rose removed her hands from his backside and started to unbutton his shirt, John pulled back. He realized what was happening and questioned her. "Rose...are you sure about this?"

That had been something she had thought a lot about the past night as he held her tight. She knew that she loved him and wanted him more than anything. "I’m sure." With that said, he pressed his lips back against hers, this time with more urgency.

Rose reverted her attention back to removing his shirt. When she had completely unbuttoned it, she pulled it off to reveal his bare chest.

Rose sat up enough so that John was able to reach the fastenings on her dress. As he pulled it off, he opened his eyes to take in the wonder he saw before him. She was so beautiful and amazing. He wondered what she saw in him.

As quickly as they both could, they finished unclothing each other and they pressed their naked bodies against each other.

John moved his kisses from Rose’s lips down to her neck, then to her bosom. He ran his mouth erotically all over her breasts, hardening her nipples. She caressed his hair as he did so.

He moved back up to her neck and nuzzled there for a while. He shifted his moist lips back up to her awaiting lips, where their tongues were joined again.

Without even realizing exactly what was happening, John pushed himself into Rose’s wet opening. Both inhaled deeply and gasped a bit. It had been so long since John had known the wondrous feeling of being inside of a woman.

He went in and out of Rose with slow, gentle strokes, allowing them both to linger in the heaven they were in.

They tried to cover up their moans of passion with kisses. God forbid that anyone in the house heard what was going on and walked in on them.

John built up speed, still retaining the gentleness they both desired. With each stroke John could feel himself getting harder, and the pressure inside of him grow greater.

As a result of his constant strokes, Rose erupted in lustful moans. John tried to quiet her with a kiss, but the moans still escaped through her nose. He enjoyed the fact that he was able to pleasure Rose as much as she was pleasuring him.

A few strokes later, the pressure inside of John exploded and his fluids rushed inside of Rose. A deep groan escaped them both.

Both John and Rose breathed deeply and closed their eyes to try and comprehend what had just happened. John laid his head on Rose’s chest as he tried to regain his normal breathing pattern.

Everything was happening so fast for both of them. They had only just declared their love for each other two days ago. And there they were, holding each other tight with John still deep inside of Rose. The one question that was on each of their minds was, Did we rush into things too fast?

John spoke first. "Did we just...?"


They both knew what the other was thinking, but said nothing. They just tried to tell themselves that it wouldn’t matter; it wouldn’t affect their relationship. But the question still remained. Was it too soon? Only time would tell if they had made the right choice.

Chapter Seven