Chapter Ten

Dinner continued smoothly, and when it ended, Colonel Gracie stood up. "Well, join me for a brandy, gentlemen?" he asked. All of the men stood up, including Jack. "Joining us, Dawson? You don’t want to stay out here with the women, do you?"

"No, thanks. I have to be heading back," Jack replied.

Cal walked up to him, and said, "Probably best. Talk of business and politics wouldn’t interest you." He turned to go, but then spun around and flipped Jack his matchbox back. Jack caught it swiftly. "Oh, and Dawson. Good of you to come." Jack watched the men exit, then walked over to Rose.

"Jack, must you go?" she asked him, her eyes begging him to stay.

"Time for my coach to turn back into a pumpkin," he joked, and took Rose’s hand. He kissed it, and while doing so, slipped a piece of paper into her hand. "Good night, Rose," he said, and turned away, leaving the dining saloon.

Rose glanced around her, making sure nobody noticed her, then hastily opened the piece of paper. In Jack’s messy, but somehow neat, handwriting, she read the note.

Make it count. Meet me at the clock.

The clock at the Grand Staircase. Rose excused herself, exited the dining saloon, and made her way into the B-Deck foyer in front of the Grand Staircase. She saw Jack, back facing her, at the top of the stairs. She sighed and made her way up the steps slowly. Jack turned and faced her as she reached him.

He smiled. "So…wanna go to a real party?"


Music filled the room. Laughter. Dancing. Drunk men and women, all from third class. Except for one girl, dressed in a lavish red dinner gown, obviously visiting from first class. Rose sat at a table, clapping and laughing with the music, watching as Jack twirled around with a five-year-old girl named Cora. When the song ended and a new one started up, Jack brought her over to the table.

"I’m going to dance with her, now, okay?" Jack said to Cora, indicating Rose. Cora only nodded.

"What? Jack, no!" Rose objected, but he pulled her to her feet.

"You’re still my best girl, Cora!" Jack cried, and Cora smiled. Jack led Rose to the dance floor. "We’re going to have to get a little closer." Jack pulled Rose closer to him, and he began to dance around.

"I don’t know the steps!" Rose cried, laughing.

"Neither do I! Just go with it! Don’t think!" They twirled around the platform, both laughing and smiling, getting into the rhythm of the music. Rose was actually enjoying herself for once in a long time, and was glad she could be free for one night, doing what she pleased, without her family and friends swamping around her.

Jack suddenly let go of her and began to do a detailed foot dance. He spun and kicked his heels with the music, hands in his pockets, and looked like he was having a great time.

Rose suddenly kicked off her heels and began to follow Jack. She was a little off at first, but then caught on. Jack watched her, amazed, then started dancing again. They swung their arms around each other and did a barn dance for a minute, switching every minute. Then Jack grabbed Rose by the hands and began to twirl.

"Jack…" Rose pleaded, smiling, but Jack only smiled and started whooping. Rose closed her eyes and screamed happily.

After dancing for a while, the couple retreated from the dance floor and headed back to the general room. Tommy Ryan, Jack’s friend, handed him and Rose glasses of beer. Jack took a sip, while Rose chugged hers down. When Jack looked at her, she replied, "What? You think a first class girl can’t drink?" Jack only smiled. Suddenly, a man knocked into Jack and he spilled his beer all over Rose. He pushed the man away, while Rose only laughed.

She put her beer glass down and grabbed Tommy’s cigarette, taking a puff. "You think you’re big tough men?" She gave Tommy back his cigarette. "Let’s see you do this. Hold this for me, Jack." She gave Jack the train of her dress. In no shoes, she got into ballet stance, and ever so slowly began to rise on her feet until all of her weight was on her toes. The men gaped at her, wondering how she could do that. Her face began to show pain, and then, with a cry, she fell into Jack’s arms. Everybody clapped, and Jack and Rose stared into each other’s deep eyes.

From not too far off, there was a door leading to an upper corridor. The door opened gently, and Spicer Lovejoy peered through. He caught Rose in Jack’s arms, smiling and laughing, and Jack staring down at the redhead with joy. Just as quickly as he had come, Lovejoy slipped back through the door discreetly, walking back up the stairs to tell Caledon Hockley.

Chapter Eleven