Chapter Fourteen

Elisabeth had returned to her spot in the reading-writing room below decks. She sat back down in her chair and began to read, her mind traveling elsewhere. She knew Rose had made the right decision, and was only hoping that she would keep to it. Although she held up her book as if she was reading it, she was staring off into space, her face holding no emotion.

Suddenly, hands covered her eyes, and as she let out a yelp, William’s face came into view. "William!" she exclaimed, and put a hand on her upper chest. "You scared me!"

"Sorry," Will said, and pulled up a chair next to her. "Annabelle is ill."

Elisabeth looked at him. "That’s nothing to be happy about."

"I’m not. But it’s the only time I get to do what I want to do."

"Oh, William, you really do dread her, don’t you?"

"Take a walk with me," he said softly. Elisabeth nodded, and shut her book with a thud. He offered her his arm, she took it, and they strolled out of the room and onto the deck. The sun was almost gone, turning the sky shades of every color imaginable.

"It’s beautiful!" Elisabeth breathed, and leaned against the railing near the bow. She looked at the spot where Rose and Jack had been, but they were no longer there. "It takes my breath away."

"Yes, it does have its charm, doesn’t it?" William wasn’t staring at the sky, however. He was gazing down at Elisabeth. She looked back up at him, their eyes meeting. He began to lean down to kiss her.

Elisabeth was unsure. "William," she said softly and slowly in protest. "Don’t…"

But he didn’t listen, and he kissed her. Elisabeth was unsure of what to do. At first, she didn’t kiss him back, but his kiss stuck her feet right onto the deck. She couldn’t move, couldn’t pull away, until—

"William Bryce Thackery!" A shrill scream came from behind them. Elisabeth broke away, turned around, and saw Annabelle Johansson there, a look of pure hatred and hurt on her face, too shocked for words. William’s arms were no longer around her.

William headed towards his fiancée. "Anna—"

"Don’t you come near me!" Annabelle cried, stepping back. "Do not call me Anna, for you do not know me!"

"Annabelle, please, I do know you!" William protested. "I—"

"What were you doing? Is that your friend? I knew she was more than that!" Annabelle sobbed.

William was panicking. "Annabelle, I was—"

"You were what?" she asked furiously. "Just kissing another girl while you’re engaged? William, what were you thinking? What are you thinking?"

William sighed, his eyes filling with hurt. "Annabelle, please, listen—"

"No, William, you listen," Annabelle said. "How could you do something like that behind my back?" She was crying openly now. "How? Why?" When William looked down at the deck, Annabelle took her ring off. "You know, Mr. Thackery, I don’t think I need this anymore." She twirled the expensive diamond ring in her hand. Then, as hard as she could, she tossed the ring overboard, and it sunk in to the deep waters of the ocean. Elisabeth’s mouth opened in shock at what she had caused. Will’s eyes followed the diamond as it sank down, then looked up at Annabelle. Elisabeth thought it was time to interfere.

"Miss Johansson, please! It was my fault!" she cried. Annabelle glared a look of daggers at her and reached up to slap her, but Elisabeth caught her hand in midair as it traveled to her face. "Excuse me!" she growled angrily as she grasped her hand.

Annabelle snatched her hand away. "What do you want?" she spat.

Elisabeth thought quickly. "I was pushing him to kiss me, and when I did, he tried to push me away, but I wouldn’t let him go."

"Liar!" Annabelle accused, crying. "I stood there as he leaned down to kiss you!" She looked at William. "William, how could you do this to me?" Her voice was breaking. Then she added softly, "Do you not love me?"

Their eyes met for a moment. Then Annabelle turned and fled down the deck, her hair flying madly behind her. She pushed people out of her way and turned the corner fast. Will sighed heavily and turned around to face Elisabeth. She was pale, her eyes hollow, her mouth open in shock at what she had just done. Her blood red hair blew around her face, the sun right behind her, giving her skin a warm glow in the darkening day.

Slowly, Elisabeth raised her hand to cover her mouth. "Look what I’ve done!" she sobbed. William tried to embrace her, but she backed away. "I’ve ruined your relationship! I can’t believe I did that!" She protested against Will’s hug. "William, stop! Go after her!"

"Everything will be fine."

"No, it won’t. Your uncle will be informed, and it will be written all over the newspapers, and your place in society—"

"What about them?" Will said softly, interrupting Elisabeth. "As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter to me what they say." Elisabeth shook her head and didn’t say anything. "Elisabeth, do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked.

"No," Elisabeth replied harshly.

William tilted Elisabeth’s chin up so their eyes met. "I do." William leaned down to kiss Elisabeth, but she backed away, freeing herself from his arms.

"William, no, you don’t," she stammered. "You don’t love me. You love the idea of me. How can you brush off Annabelle, when everything you hold dear is in danger of being taken away? Are you that selfish?"

William was shocked. "I want to be with you!"

"William, you can’t. Annabelle will probably tell everyone what you were doing, and now both of our reputations in society are ruined. Do you know what just happened? And you are blowing it by like it wasn’t a big loss! Do you not care?" Elisabeth was getting madder, her curls blowing in the wind. William looked hurt.

"Elisabeth, what—"

"William, go to Annabelle! Tell her that I kissed you, and that you were fighting me! Just save your engagement!"


"Stop saying my name!" Elisabeth was crying now. "Look what I would have done to you, William. We cannot see each other. We can’t. I’m sorry!" Before William could say anything, Elisabeth was running down the decks, trying to run away from everything that had just happened.

Chapter Fifteen