Chapter Twenty

Elisabeth ran down the corridor, not very many people in sight. Her skirt and hair flew behind her, whipping in the breeze she made. She was exhausted, hurting, and freezing, but she couldn’t give up. Not now. She had promised she would get in a boat for Rose. And she was going to. Or try to, if there were any left. In her mind, she was doubtful that any would be left.

As she turned the corner to D-Deck, she ran smack into a man. He stumbled backwards at the collision, but Elisabeth fell to the ground. The man looked down at Elisabeth and his eyes grew wide. He held out his hand and Elisabeth took it, rubbing her head. "Elisabeth!" he cried.

Elisabeth looked up at the man—William Thackery. "William!" she cried, and pulled her hand away. He was wearing his tux, but his hair had come out of the pomade, flopping in his face. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you," he said softly.


"I had to know that you were safe. It was killing me, not knowing if you had made it to a boat. I asked my uncle, and he said you had come to talk to him. I’ve been looking for you ever since!"

Elisabeth was dumbfounded. "But Annabelle!"

William was quiet. "She won’t have me," he said. "She told her parents that she didn’t want to marry me, and she didn’t like the idea of an arranged marriage. She didn’t tell about…about us."

"She lied for us, basically?" William nodded.

"The engagement is off. But I’ve been worried about you, and I just want to know that you’re safe."

Elisabeth nodded and hugged William. He wrapped his arms around her and breathed in the scent of her—lilacs and lavender. "I need to get to the boat deck. I promised my sister that I’d get in one. But I’m completely lost," Elisabeth said when they parted.

"Of course." William nodded and took her hand. "Come on!" William ran in front of her, his hand firmly wrapped in Elisabeth’s. He led her up the Grand Staircase, D, C, B, until they reached the A-Deck foyer. Elisabeth’s hair was now damp, her lovely curls turned into little crimped ones. Her skin was ghostly white, matching the color of the coat she no longer wore. Her dress’ front skirt was ripped up to her knee, and the bandage around her arm was gone. The saltwater stung it, and now it had turned red again. Elisabeth leaned against a column and exhaled loudly.

"Tired?" William asked.

"Only a little." Elisabeth breathed slowly. "I don’t know how much more of this I can take." William nodded and pulled Elisabeth into a hug. She didn’t really know why he was doing this, but she felt safe in his protective arms. She was shivering uncontrollably. William looked down at her clothes. They were dirty and wet, yet were pretty and elegant. Elisabeth followed his gaze down and her cheeks turned red. "I should change," she said.

"No, Elisabeth," William said firmly. "There’s no time. We have to get you to a boat." Elisabeth nodded grimly and William took her hand again, leading her out to the starboard side of the ship.


Rose and Jack burst through the double doors leading out to the port side deck. Jack had gone mad and broken through a gate with the help of Tommy and Fabrizio. But now they were nowhere to be seen in the panicked crowd. Jack took Rose’s hand as they looked around. Rose was wrapped in a steerage blanket, her coat gone.

"The boats are gone!" Rose cried, looking at all of the empty davits. She saw Colonel Gracie, the tall bearded man who sat at her dinner table, and ran over to him. "Colonel! Are there any boats left?" she asked desperately, staring up at him.

The Colonel was having a hard time getting past her ragged state of dress. "Yes, miss. There are a couple of boats all the way forward. This way. I’ll lead you!" But Jack grabbed Rose’s hand and sped down the deck before the Colonel could move. She followed behind him, strength leaving her with every step. She gasped for air. She was so cold.

Jack ran up to Boat 2, where Officer Lightoller was putting women and children into the lifeboat. Jack wrapped his arms around Rose, but she was still shivering. Lightoller dragged two daughters and their mother into the boat. They were all crying, and the father was calling out comforting words. Rose looked up at Jack.

"Elisabeth had better be in a boat," she said softly. Jack kissed her forehead and reassured her that she was. He looked like he was fighting a war inside his mind.

"Get in the boat," he instructed Rose. She looked up at him.

"No, Jack," she said, shivering. Just then, Cal walked up to the railing, next to where Jack and Rose were, overhearing the conversation. He nodded.

"Yes, Rose, get in the boat," he said. He looked at Rose in shock at what she looked like and what had happened to her clothes. "Look at you. You look a fright!" he said. "Here." He took off the steerage blanket, throwing it to Jack, and wrapped Rose in his black overcoat. She didn’t protest, but enjoyed the warmth it provided. Jack looked at Cal, then took Rose over to the side, grasping her shoulders.

"Go on," he said demandingly. "I’ll get the next one!"

Rose stood her ground. "No!" she said forcefully through gritted teeth. "Not without you!" Jack looked down at her sadly. He was about to say something, but Cal interjected.

"Rose, I have an arrangement with an officer. Jack and I can get on a boat safely. Both of us," he said quietly. Jack looked grim. He tried to smile comfortingly at Rose.

"See?" he said. "I’ve got my own boat to catch."

Cal was getting impatient, but he tried to hide it with a false smile. "Get in…the boat’s almost full," he said, giving her a small push. Rose’s eyes darted from Cal to Jack. Suddenly, Lightoller grabbed Rose by the arm and pulled her into the boat. Rose reached out her hand and grabbed Jack’s. They tried to hold onto one another as long as possible, but when the boat started to lower, they were ripped apart. To Rose, it was all a big blur.

Cal had now turned back in to his normal self. "You’re a good liar," he said quietly, looking down at Rose, who was staring up at Jack.

"Almost as good as you," Jack replied in the same tone. "There’s…uh…there’s no arrangement, is there?"

Cal half-smiled to himself. "No, there is. Not that you’ll benefit much from it." Jack had never believed him in the first place. Cal looked at Jack and made Jack want to punch him. "I always win, Jack. One way or another."

Suddenly, somebody knocked into Jack. He turned around and saw that it was Elisabeth. She turned to apologize and her eyes grew wide when she saw it was him. "Elisabeth!" he cried. "You’re supposed to be in a boat!"

Elisabeth was out of breath and she moved to the railing next to him. William stood next to her. "We couldn’t find one. They were all gone!"


From the lifeboat, Rose looked around. Everything was in slow motion for her, everything so sad and haunting…Lightoller was commanding the boat to be lowered, the ropes were creaking down the ship, the mother and daughters were wailing and reaching for the father still on the ship. Hair falling in her face, she looked up and saw Cal, then Jack, then Elisabeth. Tears pricked at her eyes when she saw her sister, herself in the boat and she not. She had promised she would be safe, and yet she was standing on a sinking ship! Sweet, darling Elisabeth hadn’t made it. Her wonderful sister, who she confided in, laughed with, and cried with. Best friends…and Jack…her heart poured out to him, with his deep, icy blue eyes and beautiful blond hair. Rose had tears streaming down her face, but yet she wasn’t really crying. Just…longing. She looked around again. I can’t be here! Rose looked to the overhead promenade they were passing and decided to jump. She pushed past people in the lifeboat, and with all of her might, threw herself out and onto the side of the railing. She hung there and a couple men helped her over.


Back on the top deck, Jack couldn’t believe it, and neither could Elisabeth. "Rose!" they cried in unison. They looked up at each other for a brief moment, and Jack ran down the deck, hoping to catch up with her.

William grabbed Elisabeth’s arm and pulled her to the side. "What’s going on?" he demanded softly. "Elisabeth, you need to get to a boat!"

Elisabeth kept trying to look over William, trying to get a glimpse of Jack or Rose. "That was my idiot sister who jumped from safety!" Elisabeth cried. She grabbed William by both elbows. "William, that was the last boat!"

William shook his head. "I think I saw some collapsibles farther down," he remembered. Elisabeth nodded, and William took her hand, leading her down to the crowd.


Jack pushed through the double doors leading inside, sprinted down the stairs, and met up with Rose in the A-Deck foyer. They collided in an embrace, and Jack kissed her and cried, all the while saying, "Why’d you do that? You’re so stupid, Rose. Stupid!" They cried in each other’s arms. Then he broke away, holding the sides of her face. "Why’d you do that, huh?" he asked through tears.

Rose smiled. "You jump, I jump, right?" Jack kissed her and pulled her into an embrace again.


Chapter Twenty-One